Esempio n. 1
        public override bool GetMessage()
            bool Result = false;

            if (MessagesWaiting() > 0)
                    //WriteDebug(string.Format("getmessage - Connected={0}", clientSocket.Connected));
                    CurrentMsg = new CommunicationMessage();
                    CurrentMsg = InMsgQueue[0];

                    // Is it an action message?

                    Result = true;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    AddError(904, ex.Message, ".GETMESSAGE", "Failed to retrieve message from inbound queue");

Esempio n. 2
         * Pop the message at the top of the FIFO stack
        public override bool GetMessage()
            CurrentMsg = new CommunicationMessage();

            if (InMsgQueue.Count > 0)
                CurrentMsg = InMsgQueue[0];
                CurrentMsg.ErrorCode = 0;
                CurrentMsg.ID        = string.Empty;

            return(CurrentMsg.Message.Length > 0);
Esempio n. 3
 // Process the incoming messsage
 private void msg()
         WriteDebug(string.Format("Msg - Connected={0}", clientSocket.Connected));
         CommunicationMessage Msg = new CommunicationMessage();
         Msg.Message = readData;
         readData = null;
     catch (Exception ex)
         AddError(702, ex.Message, "GETMESSAGE");
Esempio n. 4
         * When a message comes in, put it into the inbound message queue
         * which is why it's continuously looping in a thread
         * TODO: Add automation to handle various things and to allow ease of
         *       making a simple bot to bounce flooders and other such common
         *       issues for an IRC channel
        void readChat(IrcClient irc)
            string message = null;

            inThread = true;

            if (DebugLevel > 8)
                WriteDebug("readChat has started");

            while (chatThreadStop == false)
                // Are you connected?
                    Connected      = irc.Connected();
                    chatThreadStop = (!Connected);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    AddError(50, ex.Message, GetType().Name + ".READCHAT", "Failure checking connection");

                // Get the next message
                    if (DebugLevel > 8)
                        WriteDebug("ComIRC.readChat - Waiting for message");
                    message = irc.readMessage();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    AddError(50, ex.Message, GetType().Name + ".READCHAT", "readMessage() failure");

                // Is there a message?
                if (message != null)
                        // Is it a ping?
                        if (message.Contains("PING "))
                            if (DebugLevel > 5)
                                WriteDebug(string.Format("{0}", message));

                            irc.sendIrcMessage(message.Replace("PING", "PONG"));
                            // parse the message
                            CommunicationMessage msg = new CommunicationMessage();

                            if (message.IndexOf(':') == 0)
                                // This is a message from someone or something
                                int prv   = message.IndexOf(" PRIVMSG ");
                                int xpt   = message.IndexOf('!');
                                int xpt2  = message.IndexOf('!', xpt + 1);
                                int spc   = message.IndexOf(' ');
                                int cln2  = message.IndexOf(':', 1);
                                int nk    = message.IndexOf(" " + UserNick + " ");
                                int nkmsg = message.IndexOf(" " + UserNick + " :");

                                if (xpt > 0 && xpt < spc)
                                    // there's a nick/name combo such as
                                    //    :JWVFPDev1!JWVFPDev1@localhost
                                    //       or
                                    //    :JWVFPDev1!~JWVFPDev1@localhost
                                    msg.Sender.NickName = message.Substring(1, xpt - 1);
                                    msg.Sender.Name     = message.Substring(xpt + 1, spc - xpt).Replace("~", "").Trim();
                                    // must be an address like
                                    // 372 JWVFPDev4
                                    msg.Sender.Address = message.Substring(1, spc).Trim();

                                if (prv > 0)
                                    // Actual PRIVMSG from someone
                                    // Example-> :JWVFPDev1!JWVFPDev1@localhost PRIVMSG #Test1234 :hello
                                    //            ^Nick^^^^ ^Name@host^^^^^^^^^         ^Channel^  ^Msg^
                                    msg.Sender.Address = (message.IndexOf(':', prv) > 0 ? message.Substring(prv + 7, message.IndexOf(':', prv) - prv + 7) : "").Trim(); // Channel
                                    message            = (message.IndexOf(':', prv) > 0 ? message.Substring(message.IndexOf(':', prv) + 1) : "");                       // message

                                    if (DebugLevel > 8)
                                        WriteDebug(string.Format("Code 1 msg - '{0}", message));

                                        // Encryption tie-in
                                        if (message.Length > 8 && message.Substring(0, 8).Equals("[CRYPTOR"))
                                            if (DebugLevel > 8)
                                                WriteDebug(string.Format("Decryption of '{0}'", message));
                                            message = cryptText(message);
                                            if (DebugLevel > 8)
                                                WriteDebug(string.Format("   returns '{0}'", message));
                                    catch (Exception ex)
                                        AddError(61, ex.Message, GetType().Name + ".READCHAT", string.Format("Failed with message {0}", message));

                                    msg.Message = message;
                                    msg.Code    = 1;

                                    // TODO: Keep track of users on the channel - is there a way to see when people leave?
                                    if (message.Substring(0, UserNick.Length + 1).Equals(":" + UserNick))
                                        // Expecting a user control message like
                                        //     :JWVFPDev1 MODE JWVFPDev1 :+iw
                                        //     :[email protected] JOIN :#Test1234
                                        msg.Subject = message.Substring(message.IndexOf(' ')).Trim();

                                        // expect a : but have a backup plan
                                        if (msg.Subject.Contains(":"))
                                            msg.Message = msg.Subject.Substring(msg.Subject.IndexOf(':') + 1).Trim();
                                            msg.Message = msg.Subject.Substring(msg.Subject.IndexOf(' ') + 1).Trim();

                                        msg.Subject = msg.Subject.Substring(0, msg.Subject.IndexOf(' ')).Trim();
                                        msg.Code    = 2;
                                    if (nkmsg > spc)
                                        //            "Nick :" is just like PRIVMSG
                                        //   372 JWVFPDev4 :- * We reserve the right to deny access to this server without *
                                        //            :^Address^^^^^^^^^^^^^     ^Nick^^^^  ^Message^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
                                        msg.Message = (message.IndexOf(':', nkmsg) > 0 ? message.Substring(message.IndexOf(':', nkmsg) + 1) : ""); // message
                                        msg.Code    = 3;
                                        if (nk > spc)
                                            // _Nick_ after first space in raw message
                                            // Example-> 005 JWVFPDev2 CASEMAPPING=ascii WATCH=128 SILENCE=10 ELIST=cmntu EXCEPTS INVEX CHANMODES=beI,k,jl,ciPAmMnOprRsSt
                                            msg.Subject = message.Substring(nk).Trim(); // command
                                            msg.Code    = 4;
                                            // TODO Break command and misc out from message
                                            // Message from system
                                            // Examples-> :[email protected] JOIN :#Test1234
                                            //             ^Nick^^^^ ^Name@host^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^CMD  ^Channel^
                                            if (cln2 > 0 && cln2 > spc)
                                                msg.Subject = message.Substring(spc + 1, cln2 - spc - 1).Trim();
                                                msg.Message = message.Substring(cln2 + 1).Trim();
                                                msg.Code    = 5;
                                                // it's a command
                                                msg.Message = message.Substring(spc + 1).Trim();
                                                msg.Code    = 6;
                                // Weird message
                                msg.Code    = 99;
                                msg.Message = message;

                            if (DebugLevel > 5)
                                WriteDebug(string.Format("<-{0}\r\n           Nick: {1}\r\n           Name: {2}\r\n           Address: {3}\r\n           Subject: {4}\r\n           Code: {5}\r\n           Message: {6}\r\n", message, msg.Sender.NickName, msg.Sender.Name, msg.Sender.Address, msg.Subject, msg.Code, msg.Message));

                            // Code 4 - User commands from Server
                            if (msg.Code == 2)
                                // Possible command
                                if (msg.Subject.Equals("JOIN") && UserHost.Length == 0)
                                    if (msg.Sender.Name.Contains("@"))
                                        UserHost = msg.Sender.Name.Substring(msg.Sender.Name.IndexOf("@") + 1);

                                        //if (DebugLevel > 3) WriteDebug("Setting UserHost to " + UserHost);

                    catch (Exception ex)
                        AddError(51, ex.Message, GetType().Name + ".READCHAT");

            inThread = false;
Esempio n. 5
         * Receiving a message
        private void MessageCallBack(IAsyncResult aResult)
            if (DebugLevel > 8)
                WriteDebug("In MessageCallBack");

                int size = sck.EndReceiveFrom(aResult, ref epRemote);

                // check if theres actually information if (size > 0) { // used to help us on getting the data
                byte[] receivedData = new byte[1464];

                // getting the message data
                receivedData = (byte[])aResult.AsyncState;

                // converts message data byte array to string
                ASCIIEncoding eEncoding       = new ASCIIEncoding();
                string        receivedMessage = eEncoding.GetString(receivedData);
                receivedMessage = receivedMessage.Replace("\0", string.Empty).Trim();

                if (DebugLevel > 5)
                    WriteDebug("<-" + receivedMessage);

                // Save the message to the InMsgQueue list
                CommunicationMessage msg = new CommunicationMessage();
                if (receivedMessage.IndexOf("#") > 0)
                    if (DebugLevel > 8)
                        WriteDebug("Breaking out name");

                    string[] nameInfo = receivedMessage.Substring(0, receivedMessage.IndexOf("#")).Split('|');
                    msg.Sender.NickName = nameInfo[0];

                    if (nameInfo.Length > 1)
                        msg.Sender.Name = nameInfo[1];
                    if (nameInfo.Length > 2)
                        msg.Sender.IP4Address = nameInfo[2];
                    if (nameInfo.Length > 3)
                        msg.Sender.MachineID = nameInfo[3];

                        // add to contacts list if not already

                    if (nameInfo.Length > 5)
                        // private message
                        string recipient = nameInfo[4].Replace("[", "").Replace("]", "");

                        // datetime it was sent
                        DateTime dtm;
                        if (DateTime.TryParse(nameInfo[5].Replace("{", "").Replace("}", ""), out dtm) == false)
                            dtm = DateTime.Now;

                        msg.MessageTime = dtm;

                        if (recipient.Length > 0)
                            if (recipient.ToUpper().Equals(UserName.ToUpper()) == false)
                                // Received a server message, so trash it
                                AddError(805, "Received private message", GetType().Name + ".MESSAGECALLBACK", "Received message meant for " + (recipient.Equals("?") ? "Chat Server" : recipient));
                                msg = null;
                        // This goes to a debug file no matter what
                        int dbl = DebugLevel;
                        DebugLevel = 1;
                        WriteDebug(string.Format(">>>> BAD MESSAGE FORMAT <<<<\r\n    {0}\r\n\r\n", receivedMessage));
                        DebugLevel = dbl;

                    if (msg != null)
                        string m = receivedMessage.Substring(receivedMessage.IndexOf("#") + 1).Trim();

                        // handle any received cryptor messages
                        if (m.Substring(0, 8).Equals("[CRYPTOR"))
                            if (DebugLevel > 5)
                                WriteDebug(string.Format("Calling Cryptor with {0}", m));

                            m = cryptText(m);

                        msg.Message = m;
                    msg.Message = receivedMessage;

                // was the message tossed (is null) or do we save it to the queue?
                if (msg != null)
                    if (DebugLevel > 5)
                        WriteDebug(string.Format("<-{0}\r\n     Nick: {1}\r\n     Name: {2}\r\n     Address: {3}\r\n     Machine: {4}\r\n     Message: {5}\r\n",
                                                 receivedMessage, msg.Sender.NickName, msg.Sender.Name, msg.Sender.Address, msg.Sender.MachineID, msg.Message));


                if (DebugLevel > 5)

                // starts listening to the socket again
                buffer = new byte[1500];
                sck.BeginReceiveFrom(buffer, 0, buffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, ref epRemote, new AsyncCallback(MessageCallBack), buffer);
            catch (Exception ex)
                AddError(803, ex.Message, GetType().Name + ".MESSAGECALLBACK");