//private buy private void Start() { if (_instance != null && _instance != this) { Destroy(this.gameObject); return; } _instance = this; Main.onSceneChange.AddListener(SceneChanging); InAppBilling.onProBuy.AddListener(ProBought); if (!InAppBilling.ProIsOwned()) { Debug.Log("is not owned"); animator.SetTrigger("fadeBuy"); } else { Debug.Log("is owned"); animator.SetTrigger("fadeOwned"); } // check if the item is bought or not and then fade the correct ui in // else: animator.SetTrigger("fadeThanks"); }
public static void LoadProgressData() { ProgressData progressLoading; string savePath; #if UNITY_ANDROID && !UNITY_EDITOR savePath = SavePathAndroid; #else savePath = SavePath; #endif if (File.Exists(savePath)) { try { progressLoading = JsonUtility.FromJson <ProgressData>(File.ReadAllText(savePath, Encoding.UTF8)); // check object integrity - aka were objects added or removed - not effected by object attribute changes string loadedChecksum = progressLoading.checksum; string generatedChecksum = progressLoading.GenerateChecksum(); Debug.Log("loadedChecksum " + loadedChecksum); Debug.Log("generatedChecksum " + generatedChecksum); //if (loadedChecksum == generatedChecksum) //{ Debug.Log("Progress checksums are the same, have fun!"); progress = progressLoading; progress.proVersion = InAppBilling.ProIsOwned(); //} //else // { Debug.LogError("Progress checksums mismatching. Someone tried to mess with the it!"); // SaveProgressData(); //} } catch (SerializationException e) { Debug.LogError("[LevelLoader]: Failed to deserialize progress. Reason: " + e.Message); throw; } IsLoaded = true; } else { SaveProgressData(); } }