public static Universe Build(Tinker.Xyz xyz, Tinker.Prm prm, Pdb pdb , double?tolCoordPdbXyz // 0.002 for default distance // (0.001 * sqrt(3) = 0.0017321, which is the largest tolerance between pdb and xyz) // null for not ordering by distance; ) { Universe univ = new Universe(); Dictionary <int, Prm.Atom> prm_id2atom = prm.atoms.ToIdDictionary(); Dictionary <int, Prm.Vdw> prm_cls2vdw = prm.vdws.ToClassDictionary(); Dictionary <int, Prm.Vdw14> prm_cls2vdw14 = prm.vdw14s.ToClassDictionary(); Dictionary <Tuple <int, int>, Prm.Bond> prm_cls2bond = prm.bonds.ToClassDictionary(); Dictionary <Tuple <int, int, int>, Prm.Angle> prm_cls2angle = prm.angles.ToClassDictionary(); Dictionary <Tuple <int, int, int>, Prm.Ureybrad> prm_cls2ureybrad = prm.ureybrads.ToClassDictionary(); Dictionary <Tuple <int, int, int, int>, Prm.Improper> prm_cls2improper = prm.impropers.ToClassDictionary(); Dictionary <Tuple <int, int, int, int>, Prm.Torsion> prm_cls2torsion = prm.torsions.ToClassDictionary(); Dictionary <int, Prm.Charge> prm_id2charge = prm.charges.ToIdDictionary(); Prm.Biotype[] prm_biotypes = prm.biotypes; Xyz.Atom[] xyz_atoms = xyz.atoms; Pdb.Atom[] pdb_atoms = (pdb != null) ? pdb.atoms : null; Dictionary <int, Xyz.Atom> xyz_id2atom = xyz_atoms.ToIdDictionary(); KDTree.KDTree <Tuple <int, Pdb.Atom> > coord2pdbatom = null; { if (pdb_atoms != null) { coord2pdbatom = new KDTree.KDTree <Tuple <int, Pdb.Atom> >(3); for (int ia = 0; ia < pdb_atoms.Length; ia++) { Pdb.Atom pdb_atom = pdb_atoms[ia]; Vector coord = pdb_atom.coord; coord2pdbatom.insert(coord.ToArray(), new Tuple <int, Pdb.Atom>(ia, pdb_atom)); } } } Atoms atoms = new Atoms(univ); /// Debug.Assert(pdb.atoms.Length == top_atoms.Count); for (int i = 0; i < xyz_atoms.Length; i++) { Xyz.Atom xyz_atom = xyz_atoms[i]; Pdb.Atom pdb_atom = null; // = (pdb_atoms != null) ? (pdb_atoms[i]) : null; if (coord2pdbatom != null) { Vector xyz_coord = xyz_atom.Coord; Tuple <int, Pdb.Atom> ia_atom = coord2pdbatom.nearest(xyz_coord); Vector pdb_coord = ia_atom.Item2.coord; if (tolCoordPdbXyz == null) { pdb_atom = pdb_atoms[i]; } else { if ((xyz_coord - pdb_coord).Dist < tolCoordPdbXyz) { pdb_atom = ia_atom.Item2; } else { //HDebug.Assert(false); pdb_atom = null; } } } if (pdb_atom != null) { string pdb_atom_type = pdb_atom.element.Trim(); string xyz_atom_type = xyz_atom.AtomType.Trim(); if (HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached && pdb_atom_type.Length > 0) // sometimes element is blank: " " { HDebug.AssertIf(pdb_atom_type[0] == xyz_atom_type[0]); } if (tolCoordPdbXyz != null) { HDebug.AssertTolerance(tolCoordPdbXyz.Value, xyz_atom.Coord - pdb_atom.coord); } } //if(pdb_atom != null) Debug.Assert(xyz_atom.Id == pdb_atom.serial); HDebug.Assert(i + 1 == xyz_atom.Id); Prm.Atom prm_atom = prm_id2atom [xyz_atom.AtomId]; Prm.Charge prm_charge = prm_id2charge[xyz_atom.AtomId]; Prm.Vdw prm_vdw = null; Prm.Vdw14 prm_vdw14 = null; if (prm_cls2vdw.ContainsKey(prm_atom.Class)) { prm_vdw = prm_cls2vdw [prm_atom.Class]; } if (prm_cls2vdw14.ContainsKey(prm_atom.Class)) { prm_vdw14 = prm_cls2vdw14[prm_atom.Class]; } if (pdb_atom != null) { if (pdb_atom.element.Trim() != "") { if (pdb_atom.element.Trim() != prm_atom.AtomElem) { throw new Exception(); } } } Atom uatom = new Atom(AtomId: xyz_atom.Id , AtomName: ((pdb_atom != null) ? ( : ("?" + prm_atom.Type)) /// fix later , AtomType: prm_atom.Type , AtomElem: prm_atom.AtomElem , ResidueId: ((pdb_atom != null) ? (pdb_atom.resSeq) : (-1)) /// fix later , ResidueName: ((pdb_atom != null) ? (pdb_atom.resName.Trim()) : ("?res")) /// fix later , Charge: prm_charge.pch , Mass: prm_atom.Mass , epsilon: ((prm_vdw != null) ? prm_vdw.Epsilon : 0) , Rmin2: ((prm_vdw != null) ? prm_vdw.Rmin2 : 0) , eps_14: ((prm_vdw14 != null) ? prm_vdw14.Eps_14 : double.NaN) , Rmin2_14: ((prm_vdw14 != null) ? prm_vdw14.Rmin2_14 : double.NaN) , sources: new object[] { xyz_atom, pdb_atom, prm_atom, prm_charge } ); uatom.Coord = xyz_atom.Coord; atoms.Add(uatom); } // bonds Bonds bonds; { Dictionary <Tuple <Atom, Atom>, Bond> lbonds = new Dictionary <Tuple <Atom, Atom>, Bond>(); for (int i = 0; i < xyz_atoms.Length; i++) { int id0 = xyz_atoms[i].Id; HDebug.Assert(id0 == i + 1); int atm0 = xyz_atoms[i].AtomId; int cls0 = prm_id2atom[atm0].Class; Atom atom0 = atoms[id0 - 1]; HDebug.Assert(atom0.AtomId == id0); Tuple <int, int> cls; foreach (int id1 in xyz_atoms[i].BondedIds) { int atm1 = xyz_id2atom[id1].AtomId; int cls1 = prm_id2atom[atm1].Class; Atom atom1 = atoms[id1 - 1]; HDebug.Assert(atom1.AtomId == id1); HashSet <Prm.Bond> bondtypes = new HashSet <Prm.Bond>(); Atom[] iatom = null; cls = new Tuple <int, int>(cls0, cls1); if (prm_cls2bond.ContainsKey(cls)) { bondtypes.Add(prm_cls2bond[cls]); iatom = new Atom[] { atom0, atom1 }; } cls = new Tuple <int, int>(cls1, cls0); if (prm_cls2bond.ContainsKey(cls)) { bondtypes.Add(prm_cls2bond[cls]); iatom = new Atom[] { atom1, atom0 }; } HDebug.Assert(bondtypes.Count == 1); if (bondtypes.Count >= 1) { Prm.Bond bondtype = bondtypes.Last(); HDebug.Assert(bondtype != null); // sort atom id, in order to avoid duplication of bonds such that (0,1) and (1,0) if (iatom.First().ID > iatom.Last().ID) { iatom = iatom.Reverse().ToArray(); } var key = new Tuple <Atom, Atom>(iatom[0], iatom[1]); Bond bond = new Bond(iatom[0], iatom[1], bondtype.Kb, bondtype.b0, bondtype); if (lbonds.ContainsKey(key) == false) { lbonds.Add(key, bond); } else { HDebug.Assert(bond.Kb == lbonds[key].Kb); HDebug.Assert(bond.b0 == lbonds[key].b0); } } } } bonds = new Bonds(); foreach (Bond bond in lbonds.Values) { HDebug.Assert(bond.atoms.Length == 2); HDebug.Assert(bond.atoms[0].ID < bond.atoms[1].ID); bonds.Add(bond); Atom atom0 = bond.atoms[0]; Atom atom1 = bond.atoms[1]; atom0.Bonds.Add(bond); atom0.Inter123.Add(atom1); atom0.Inter12.Add(atom1); atom1.Bonds.Add(bond); atom1.Inter123.Add(atom0); atom1.Inter12.Add(atom0); } } HashSet <Atom>[] inter12 = new HashSet <Atom> [xyz_atoms.Length]; HashSet <Tuple <Atom, Atom> >[] inter123 = new HashSet <Tuple <Atom, Atom> > [xyz_atoms.Length]; HashSet <Tuple <Atom, Atom, Atom> >[] inter1234 = new HashSet <Tuple <Atom, Atom, Atom> > [xyz_atoms.Length]; { HDebug.Assert(xyz_atoms.Length == atoms.Count); foreach (Atom atom in atoms) { inter12 [atom.ID] = new HashSet <Atom>(atom.Inter12); inter123 [atom.ID] = new HashSet <Tuple <Atom, Atom> >(); inter1234[atom.ID] = new HashSet <Tuple <Atom, Atom, Atom> >(); } // build inter123 and inter1234 for (int i = 0; i < xyz_atoms.Length; i++) { Atom atom0 = atoms[i]; HDebug.Assert(atom0.ID == i); foreach (Atom atom1 in inter12[atom0.ID]) { HDebug.Assert(atom0 != atom1); foreach (Atom atom2 in inter12[atom1.ID]) { HDebug.Assert(atom1 != atom2); if (atom0 == atom2) { continue; } inter123[atom0.ID].Add(new Tuple <Atom, Atom>(atom1, atom2)); foreach (Atom atom3 in inter12[atom2.ID]) { HDebug.Assert(atom2 != atom3); if (atom0 == atom2) { continue; } if (atom0 == atom3) { continue; } if (atom1 == atom3) { continue; } inter1234[atom0.ID].Add(new Tuple <Atom, Atom, Atom>(atom1, atom2, atom3)); } } } } } // angles Angles angles; { Dictionary <Tuple <Atom, Atom, Atom>, Angle> langles = new Dictionary <Tuple <Atom, Atom, Atom>, Angle>(); foreach (Atom atom0 in atoms) { int id0 = xyz_atoms[atom0.ID].Id; HDebug.Assert(id0 == atom0.ID + 1); int atm0 = xyz_atoms[atom0.ID].AtomId; int cls0 = prm_id2atom[atm0].Class; foreach (var atom123 in inter123[atom0.ID]) { Atom atom1 = atom123.Item1; int atm1 = xyz_atoms[atom1.ID].AtomId; int cls1 = prm_id2atom[atm1].Class; Atom atom2 = atom123.Item2; int atm2 = xyz_atoms[atom2.ID].AtomId; int cls2 = prm_id2atom[atm2].Class; Tuple <int, int, int> cls; Atom[] iatom = null; HashSet <Prm.Angle> angs = new HashSet <Prm.Angle>(); HashSet <Prm.Ureybrad> urbs = new HashSet <Prm.Ureybrad>(); cls = new Tuple <int, int, int>(cls0, cls1, cls2); if (prm_cls2angle.ContainsKey(cls)) { angs.Add(prm_cls2angle[cls]); iatom = new Atom[] { atom0, atom1, atom2 }; } if (prm_cls2ureybrad.ContainsKey(cls)) { urbs.Add(prm_cls2ureybrad[cls]); } cls = new Tuple <int, int, int>(cls2, cls1, cls0); if (prm_cls2angle.ContainsKey(cls)) { angs.Add(prm_cls2angle[cls]); iatom = new Atom[] { atom2, atom1, atom0 }; } if (prm_cls2ureybrad.ContainsKey(cls)) { urbs.Add(prm_cls2ureybrad[cls]); } HDebug.Assert(angs.Count == 1); HDebug.Assert(urbs.Count <= angs.Count); if (angs.Count >= 1) { Prm.Angle ang = angs.Last(); HDebug.Assert(ang != null); Prm.Ureybrad urb = null; if (urbs.Count >= 1) { urb = urbs.Last(); } // sort atom id, in order to avoid duplication of bonds such that (0,1) and (1,0) if (iatom.First().ID > iatom.Last().ID) { iatom = iatom.Reverse().ToArray(); } var key = new Tuple <Atom, Atom, Atom>(iatom[0], iatom[1], iatom[2]); Angle angle = new Angle(iatom[0], iatom[1], iatom[2] , Ktheta: ang.Ktheta , Theta0: ang.Theta0 , Kub: ((urb != null) ? urb.Kub : 0) , S0: ((urb != null) ? urb.S0 : 0) , sources: new object[] { ang, urb } ); if (langles.ContainsKey(key) == false) { langles.Add(key, angle); } else { HDebug.Assert(langles[key].Ktheta == angle.Ktheta , langles[key].Theta0 == angle.Theta0 , langles[key].Kub == angle.Kub , langles[key].S0 == angle.S0 ); } } } } angles = new Angles(); foreach (Angle angle in langles.Values) { HDebug.Assert(angle.atoms.Length == 3); HDebug.Assert(angle.atoms[0].ID < angle.atoms[2].ID); angles.Add(angle); Atom atom0 = angle.atoms[0]; Atom atom1 = angle.atoms[1]; Atom atom2 = angle.atoms[2]; atom0.Angles.Add(angle); atom0.Inter123.Add(atom1); atom0.Inter123.Add(atom2); atom1.Angles.Add(angle); atom1.Inter123.Add(atom2); atom1.Inter123.Add(atom0); atom2.Angles.Add(angle); atom2.Inter123.Add(atom0); atom2.Inter123.Add(atom1); } } // dihedrals Dihedrals dihedrals; { Dictionary <Tuple <Atom, Atom, Atom, Atom>, List <Dihedral> > ldihedrals = new Dictionary <Tuple <Atom, Atom, Atom, Atom>, List <Dihedral> >(); foreach (Atom atom0 in atoms) { int id0 = xyz_atoms[atom0.ID].Id; HDebug.Assert(id0 == atom0.ID + 1); int atm0 = xyz_atoms[atom0.ID].AtomId; int cls0 = prm_id2atom[atm0].Class; Tuple <int, int, int, int> cls; foreach (var atom1234 in inter1234[atom0.ID]) { Atom atom1 = atom1234.Item1; int atm1 = xyz_atoms[atom1.ID].AtomId; int cls1 = prm_id2atom[atm1].Class; Atom atom2 = atom1234.Item2; int atm2 = xyz_atoms[atom2.ID].AtomId; int cls2 = prm_id2atom[atm2].Class; Atom atom3 = atom1234.Item3; int atm3 = xyz_atoms[atom3.ID].AtomId; int cls3 = prm_id2atom[atm3].Class; HashSet <Prm.Torsion> tors = new HashSet <Prm.Torsion>(); Atom[] iatom = null; cls = new Tuple <int, int, int, int>(cls0, cls1, cls2, cls3); if (prm_cls2torsion.ContainsKey(cls)) { tors.Add(prm_cls2torsion[cls]); iatom = new Atom[] { atom0, atom1, atom2, atom3 }; } cls = new Tuple <int, int, int, int>(cls3, cls2, cls1, cls0); if (prm_cls2torsion.ContainsKey(cls)) { tors.Add(prm_cls2torsion[cls]); iatom = new Atom[] { atom3, atom2, atom1, atom0 }; } HDebug.Assert(tors.Count == 1); if (tors.Count >= 1) { // sort atom id, in order to avoid duplication of bonds such that (0,1) and (1,0) if (iatom.First().ID > iatom.Last().ID) { iatom = iatom.Reverse().ToArray(); } var key = new Tuple <Atom, Atom, Atom, Atom>(iatom[0], iatom[1], iatom[2], iatom[3]); if (ldihedrals.ContainsKey(key) == false) { ldihedrals.Add(key, new List <Dihedral>()); Prm.Torsion tor = tors.Last(); foreach (var tordat in tor.GetListData()) { Dihedral dihedral = new Dihedral(iatom[0], iatom[1], iatom[2], iatom[3] , Kchi: tordat.Kchi , n: tordat.n , delta: , sources: new object[] { tor } ); ldihedrals[key].Add(dihedral); HDebug.Assert(dihedral.n != 0); } } else { // do not check its contents because ... } } } } dihedrals = new Dihedrals(); foreach (var ldihedral in ldihedrals.Values) { foreach (Dihedral dihedral in ldihedral) { HDebug.Assert(dihedral.atoms.Length == 4); HDebug.Assert(dihedral.atoms[0].ID < dihedral.atoms[3].ID); dihedrals.Add(dihedral); dihedral.atoms[0].Dihedrals.Add(dihedral); dihedral.atoms[1].Dihedrals.Add(dihedral); dihedral.atoms[2].Dihedrals.Add(dihedral); dihedral.atoms[3].Dihedrals.Add(dihedral); } } } // impropers Impropers impropers = new Impropers(); { Dictionary <Tuple <Atom, Atom, Atom, Atom>, Improper> limpropers = new Dictionary <Tuple <Atom, Atom, Atom, Atom>, Improper>(); foreach (Atom atom0 in atoms) { /// #################################### /// ## ## /// ## Improper Dihedral Parameters ## /// ## ## /// #################################### /// /// ################################################################## /// ## ## /// ## Following CHARMM style, the improper for a trigonal atom ## /// ## D bonded to atoms A, B and C could be input as improper ## /// ## dihedral angle D-A-B-C. The actual angle computed by the ## /// ## program is then literally the dihedral D-A-B-C, which will ## /// ## always have as its ideal value zero degrees. In general ## /// ## D-A-B-C is different from D-B-A-C; the order of the three ## /// ## peripheral atoms matters. In the original CHARMM parameter ## /// ## files, the trigonal atom is often listed last; ie, as ## /// ## C-B-A-D instead of D-A-B-C. ## /// ## ## /// ## Some of the improper angles are "double counted" in the ## /// ## CHARMM protein parameter set. Since TINKER uses only one ## /// ## improper parameter per site, we have doubled these force ## /// ## constants in the TINKER version of the CHARMM parameters. ## /// ## Symmetric parameters, which are the origin of the "double ## /// ## counted" CHARMM values, are handled in the TINKER package ## /// ## by assigning all symmetric states and using the TINKER ## /// ## force constant divided by the symmetry number. ## /// ## ## /// ## ... ## /// ################################################################## int id0 = xyz_atoms[atom0.ID].Id; HDebug.Assert(id0 == atom0.ID + 1); int atm0 = xyz_atoms[atom0.ID].AtomId; int cls0 = prm_id2atom[atm0].Class; bool bAtom0InImpropers = false; foreach (var cls in prm_cls2improper.Keys) { if (cls.Item1 == cls0) { bAtom0InImpropers = true; } } if (bAtom0InImpropers == false) { continue; } Atom[] bondeds0 = inter12[atom0.ID].ToArray(); if (bondeds0.Length < 3) { continue; } for (int i = 0; i < bondeds0.Length - 2; i++) { Atom atom1 = bondeds0[i]; int atm1 = xyz_atoms[atom1.ID].AtomId; int cls1 = prm_id2atom[atm1].Class; for (int j = i + 1; j < bondeds0.Length - 1; j++) { Atom atom2 = bondeds0[j]; int atm2 = xyz_atoms[atom2.ID].AtomId; int cls2 = prm_id2atom[atm2].Class; for (int k = j + 1; k < bondeds0.Length; k++) { Atom atom3 = bondeds0[k]; int atm3 = xyz_atoms[atom3.ID].AtomId; int cls3 = prm_id2atom[atm3].Class; Tuple <int, int, int, int> cls; HashSet <Prm.Improper> imps = new HashSet <Prm.Improper>(); Atom[] iatom = null; cls = new Tuple <int, int, int, int>(cls0, cls1, cls2, cls3); if (prm_cls2improper.ContainsKey(cls)) { imps.Add(prm_cls2improper[cls]); iatom = new Atom[] { atom0, atom1, atom2, atom3 }; } cls = new Tuple <int, int, int, int>(cls3, cls2, cls1, cls0); if (prm_cls2improper.ContainsKey(cls)) { imps.Add(prm_cls2improper[cls]); iatom = new Atom[] { atom3, atom2, atom1, atom0 }; } cls = new Tuple <int, int, int, int>(cls0, cls1, cls3, cls2); if (prm_cls2improper.ContainsKey(cls)) { imps.Add(prm_cls2improper[cls]); iatom = new Atom[] { atom0, atom1, atom3, atom2 }; } cls = new Tuple <int, int, int, int>(cls2, cls3, cls1, cls0); if (prm_cls2improper.ContainsKey(cls)) { imps.Add(prm_cls2improper[cls]); iatom = new Atom[] { atom2, atom3, atom1, atom0 }; } cls = new Tuple <int, int, int, int>(cls0, cls2, cls1, cls3); if (prm_cls2improper.ContainsKey(cls)) { imps.Add(prm_cls2improper[cls]); iatom = new Atom[] { atom0, atom2, atom1, atom3 }; } cls = new Tuple <int, int, int, int>(cls3, cls1, cls2, cls0); if (prm_cls2improper.ContainsKey(cls)) { imps.Add(prm_cls2improper[cls]); iatom = new Atom[] { atom3, atom1, atom2, atom0 }; } cls = new Tuple <int, int, int, int>(cls0, cls2, cls3, cls1); if (prm_cls2improper.ContainsKey(cls)) { imps.Add(prm_cls2improper[cls]); iatom = new Atom[] { atom0, atom2, atom3, atom1 }; } cls = new Tuple <int, int, int, int>(cls1, cls3, cls2, cls0); if (prm_cls2improper.ContainsKey(cls)) { imps.Add(prm_cls2improper[cls]); iatom = new Atom[] { atom1, atom3, atom2, atom0 }; } cls = new Tuple <int, int, int, int>(cls0, cls3, cls1, cls2); if (prm_cls2improper.ContainsKey(cls)) { imps.Add(prm_cls2improper[cls]); iatom = new Atom[] { atom0, atom3, atom1, atom2 }; } cls = new Tuple <int, int, int, int>(cls2, cls1, cls3, cls0); if (prm_cls2improper.ContainsKey(cls)) { imps.Add(prm_cls2improper[cls]); iatom = new Atom[] { atom2, atom1, atom3, atom0 }; } cls = new Tuple <int, int, int, int>(cls0, cls3, cls2, cls1); if (prm_cls2improper.ContainsKey(cls)) { imps.Add(prm_cls2improper[cls]); iatom = new Atom[] { atom0, atom3, atom2, atom1 }; } cls = new Tuple <int, int, int, int>(cls1, cls2, cls3, cls0); if (prm_cls2improper.ContainsKey(cls)) { imps.Add(prm_cls2improper[cls]); iatom = new Atom[] { atom1, atom2, atom3, atom0 }; } HDebug.Assert(imps.Count <= 1); // for example, H-C-HHH has C-HHH connectivity but it is not improper... // so imps.count <= 1 if (imps.Count >= 1) { Prm.Improper imp = imps.Last(); // because iatoms contains the last case only. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This bug was raised by Jae-Kyun Song at 2016-04-01 // // In 1AAC, (1501,C)-(1503,NC2)-(1502,NC2)-(1500,NC2) is reordered // // as (1500,NC2)-(1502,NC2)-(1503,NC2)-(1501,C) // // This bug was originally copied from dihedral code that is added to prevent adding // // duplicated interactions such as 1-2-3-4 and 4-3-2-1. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// old code // // sort atom id, in order to avoid duplication of bonds such that (0,1) and (1,0) // if(iatom.First().ID > iatom.Last().ID) // iatom = iatom.Reverse().ToArray(); // var key = new Tuple<Atom, Atom, Atom, Atom>(iatom[0], iatom[1], iatom[2], iatom[3]); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// new code Tuple <Atom, Atom, Atom, Atom> key; { Atom key0 = iatom[0]; Atom[] key123 = (new Atom[] { iatom[1], iatom[2], iatom[3] }).SortByIDs(); key = new Tuple <Atom, Atom, Atom, Atom>(key0, key123[0], key123[1], key123[2]); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Improper improper = new Improper(iatom[0], iatom[1], iatom[2], iatom[3] , Kpsi: imp.Kpsi , psi0: imp.psi0 , sources: new object[] { imp } ); if (limpropers.ContainsKey(key) == false) { limpropers.Add(key, improper); } else { HDebug.Assert(limpropers[key].Kpsi == improper.Kpsi , limpropers[key].psi0 == improper.psi0 ); } } } } } } foreach (var improper in limpropers.Values) { HDebug.Assert(improper.atoms.Length == 4); //HDebug.Assert(improper.atoms[0].ID < improper.atoms[3].ID); impropers.Add(improper); improper.atoms[0].Impropers.Add(improper); improper.atoms[1].Impropers.Add(improper); improper.atoms[2].Impropers.Add(improper); improper.atoms[3].Impropers.Add(improper); } } // 1-4 interactions for (int i = 0; i < atoms.Count; i++) { HashSet <Atom> Inter14 = new HashSet <Atom>(); BuildInter1toN(atoms[i], 4, Inter14); // find all atoms for 1-4 interaction Inter14.Remove(atoms[i]); // remove self foreach (Atom atom in atoms[i].Inter123) { Inter14.Remove(atom); // remove all 1-2, 1-3 interactions } atoms[i].Inter14 = Inter14; } Nonbonded14s nonbonded14s = new Nonbonded14s(); nonbonded14s.Build(atoms); //// nonbondeds //// do not make this list in advance, because it depends on the atom positions //Nonbondeds nonbondeds = new Nonbondeds(); //nonbondeds.Build(atoms); //Universe univ = new Universe(); univ.pdb = pdb; univ.refs.Add("xyz", xyz); univ.refs.Add("prm", prm); univ.refs.Add("pdb", pdb); univ.atoms = atoms; univ.bonds = bonds; univ.angles = angles; univ.dihedrals = dihedrals; univ.impropers = impropers; //univ.nonbondeds = nonbondeds ; // do not make this list in advance, because it depends on the atom positions univ.nonbonded14s = nonbonded14s; HDebug.Assert(univ.Verify()); if (HDebug.False) { List <Tuple <double, string, Bond> > lbnds = new List <Tuple <double, string, Bond> >(); foreach (Bond bnd in bonds) { lbnds.Add(new Tuple <double, string, Bond>(bnd.Kb , bnd.atoms[0].AtomType + "-" + bnd.atoms[1].AtomType , bnd)); } lbnds = lbnds.HSelectByIndex(lbnds.HListItem1().HIdxSorted().Reverse().ToArray()).ToList(); double avgKb = lbnds.HListItem1().Average(); List <Tuple <double, string, Angle> > langs = new List <Tuple <double, string, Angle> >(); List <Tuple <double, string, Angle> > langubs = new List <Tuple <double, string, Angle> >(); foreach (Angle ang in angles) { langs.Add(new Tuple <double, string, Angle>(ang.Ktheta , ang.atoms[0].AtomType + "-" + ang.atoms[1].AtomType + "-" + ang.atoms[2].AtomType , ang)); if (ang.Kub != 0) { langubs.Add(new Tuple <double, string, Angle>(ang.Kub , ang.atoms[0].AtomType + "-" + ang.atoms[1].AtomType + "-" + ang.atoms[2].AtomType , ang)); } } langs = langs.HSelectByIndex(langs.HListItem1().HIdxSorted().Reverse().ToArray()).ToList(); langubs = langubs.HSelectByIndex(langubs.HListItem1().HIdxSorted().Reverse().ToArray()).ToList(); double avgKtheta = langs.HListItem1().Average(); double avgKub = langubs.HListItem1().Average(); List <Tuple <double, string, Improper> > limps = new List <Tuple <double, string, Improper> >(); foreach (Improper imp in impropers) { limps.Add(new Tuple <double, string, Improper>(imp.Kpsi , imp.atoms[0].AtomType + "-" + imp.atoms[1].AtomType + "-" + imp.atoms[2].AtomType + "-" + imp.atoms[3].AtomType , imp)); } limps = limps.HSelectByIndex(limps.HListItem1().HIdxSorted().Reverse().ToArray()).ToList(); double avgKpsi = limps.HListItem1().Average(); List <Tuple <double, string, Dihedral> > ldihs = new List <Tuple <double, string, Dihedral> >(); foreach (Dihedral dih in dihedrals) { ldihs.Add(new Tuple <double, string, Dihedral>(dih.Kchi , dih.atoms[0].AtomType + "-" + dih.atoms[1].AtomType + "-" + dih.atoms[2].AtomType + "-" + dih.atoms[3].AtomType , dih)); } ldihs = ldihs.HSelectByIndex(ldihs.HListItem1().HIdxSorted().Reverse().ToArray()).ToList(); double avgKchi = ldihs.HListItem1().Average(); } return(univ); }
public static Universe Build(Pdb pdb, Gromacs.Top top, ITextLogger logger) { Universe univ = new Universe(); // atoms List <Top.Atom> top_atoms = top.elements.SelectSourceExtTop().ListAtom().SelectMatchToPdb(pdb.atoms); List <Top.Bond> top_bonds = top.elements.SelectSourceExtTop().ListType <Top.Bond>(); List <Top.Pair> top_pairs = top.elements.SelectSourceExtTop().ListType <Top.Pair>(); ///Debug.ToDo("handle pairtype <= nbnd 1-4"); List <Top.Angle> top_angles = top.elements.SelectSourceExtTop().ListType <Top.Angle>(); List <Top.Dihedral> top_dihedral = top.elements.SelectSourceExtTop().ListType <Top.Dihedral>(); List <Top.Atomtypes> top_atomtypes = top.elements.ListAtomtypes(); List <Top.Bondtypes> top_bondtypes = top.elements.ListType <Top.Bondtypes>(); List <Top.Angletypes> top_angletypes = top.elements.ListType <Top.Angletypes>(); List <Top.Dihedraltypes> top_dihedraltypes = top.elements.ListType <Top.Dihedraltypes>(); List <Top.Pairtypes> top_pairtypes = top.elements.ListType <Top.Pairtypes>(); ///Debug.ToDo("handle pairtype <= nbnd 1-4"); { ///Debug.ToDo("handle here"); List <Top.LineElement> elems = new List <Top.LineElement>(top.elements); foreach (var elem in top_atoms) { HDebug.Verify(elems.Remove(elem)); } foreach (var elem in top_bonds) { HDebug.Verify(elems.Remove(elem)); } foreach (var elem in top_pairs) { HDebug.Verify(elems.Remove(elem)); } foreach (var elem in top_angles) { HDebug.Verify(elems.Remove(elem)); } foreach (var elem in top_dihedral) { HDebug.Verify(elems.Remove(elem)); } foreach (var elem in top_atomtypes) { HDebug.Verify(elems.Remove(elem)); } foreach (var elem in top_bondtypes) { HDebug.Verify(elems.Remove(elem)); } foreach (var elem in top_angletypes) { HDebug.Verify(elems.Remove(elem)); } foreach (var elem in top_dihedraltypes) { HDebug.Verify(elems.Remove(elem)); } foreach (var elem in top_pairtypes) { HDebug.Verify(elems.Remove(elem)); } List <Top.LineElement> srcitp = new List <Top.LineElement>(); List <Top.LineElement> srctop = new List <Top.LineElement>(); for (int i = 0; i < elems.Count; i++) { if ((elems[i].source as string).EndsWith(".itp")) { srcitp.Add(elems[i]); elems[i] = null; continue; } if ((elems[i].source as string).EndsWith(".top")) { srctop.Add(elems[i]); elems[i] = null; continue; } } elems = elems.HRemoveAllNull().ToList(); HDebug.Assert(elems.Count == 0); } Atoms atoms = new Atoms(univ); HDebug.Assert(pdb.atoms.Length == top_atoms.Count); for (int i = 0; i < top_atoms.Count; i++) { //Debug.Assert(psf.atoms[i].AtomId == pdb.atoms[i].serial); //string type0 = psf.atoms[i].AtomType; //Atom atom = new Atom(psf.atoms[i], prm.FindNonbonded(type0, logger), pdb.atoms[i]); //atom.Coord = pdb.atoms[i].coord; //atoms.Add(atom); Gromacs.Top.Atom atom = top_atoms[i]; HDebug.Assert(i + 1 == atom.cgnr); HDebug.Assert(atom.cgnr == pdb.atoms[i].serial); //Gromacs.Top.Atomtypes atomtype = top_atomtypes[atom.type]; List <Gromacs.Top.Atomtypes> atomtypes = FindTypes(top_atomtypes, atom.type); HDebug.Assert(atomtypes.Count == 1); Gromacs.Top.Atomtypes atomtype = atomtypes.Last(); //Debug.Assert(atom.charge == atomtype.charge); //Debug.Assert(atom.mass == atomtype.mass ); Atom uatom = new Atom(atom.cgnr, atom.atom, atom.type, pdb.atoms[i].element.Trim() , atom.resnr, atom.residu , atom.charge, atom.mass , atomtype.epsilon, atomtype.sigma , double.NaN, double.NaN , atom, atomtype ); uatom.Coord = pdb.atoms[i].coord; atoms.Add(uatom); } // bonds Bonds bonds = new Bonds(); for (int i = 0; i < top_bonds.Count; i++) { int idx0 = top_bonds[i].ai - 1; Atom atom0 = atoms[idx0]; string type0 = atom0.AtomType; int idx1 = top_bonds[i].aj - 1; Atom atom1 = atoms[idx1]; string type1 = atom1.AtomType; List <Gromacs.Top.Bondtypes> bondtypes = FindTypes(top_bondtypes, type0, type1); //Debug.Assert(bondtypes.Count == 1); Gromacs.Top.Bondtypes bondtype = bondtypes.Last(); //Gromacs.Top.Bondtypes bondtype = top_bondtypes[Gromacs.Top.Bondtypes.GetStringKey(type0,type1)]; Bond bond = new Bond(atom0, atom1, bondtype.kb, bondtype.b0, bondtype); bonds.Add(bond); atom0.Bonds.Add(bond); atom0.Inter123.Add(atom1); atom0.Inter12.Add(atom1); atom1.Bonds.Add(bond); atom1.Inter123.Add(atom0); atom1.Inter12.Add(atom0); } // angles Angles angles = new Angles(); for (int i = 0; i < top_angles.Count; i++) { int idx0 = top_angles[i].ai - 1; Atom atom0 = atoms[idx0]; string type0 = atom0.AtomType; int idx1 = top_angles[i].aj - 1; Atom atom1 = atoms[idx1]; string type1 = atom1.AtomType; int idx2 = top_angles[i].ak - 1; Atom atom2 = atoms[idx2]; string type2 = atom2.AtomType; List <Gromacs.Top.Angletypes> angletypes = FindTypes(top_angletypes, type0, type1, type2); //Debug.Assert(angletypes.Count == 1); Gromacs.Top.Angletypes angletype = angletypes.Last(); //Gromacs.Top.Angletypes angletype = top_angletypes[Gromacs.Top.Bondtypes.GetStringKey(type0, type1, type2)]; Angle angle = new Angle(atom0, atom1, atom2 , angletype.cth, angletype.th0, angletype.cub, angletype.ub0 , angletype ); angles.Add(angle); atom0.Angles.Add(angle); atom0.Inter123.Add(atom1); atom0.Inter123.Add(atom2); atom1.Angles.Add(angle); atom1.Inter123.Add(atom2); atom1.Inter123.Add(atom0); atom2.Angles.Add(angle); atom2.Inter123.Add(atom0); atom2.Inter123.Add(atom1); } // dihedrals Dihedrals dihedrals = new Dihedrals(); Impropers impropers = new Impropers(); for (int i = 0; i < top_dihedral.Count; i++) { int idx0 = top_dihedral[i].ai - 1; Atom atom0 = atoms[idx0]; string type0 = atom0.AtomType; int idx1 = top_dihedral[i].aj - 1; Atom atom1 = atoms[idx1]; string type1 = atom1.AtomType; int idx2 = top_dihedral[i].ak - 1; Atom atom2 = atoms[idx2]; string type2 = atom2.AtomType; int idx3 = top_dihedral[i].al - 1; Atom atom3 = atoms[idx3]; string type3 = atom3.AtomType; int funct = top_dihedral[i].funct; List <Gromacs.Top.Dihedraltypes> dihedraltypes = FindTypes(top_dihedraltypes, type0, type1, type2, type3); { List <Gromacs.Top.Dihedraltypes> ldihedraltypes = new List <Top.Dihedraltypes>(dihedraltypes); // select funct matching to its query for (int j = 0; j < ldihedraltypes.Count;) { if (ldihedraltypes[j].func == funct) { j++; } else { ldihedraltypes.RemoveAt(j); } } // if there are no matching query but improper, select the improper if ((ldihedraltypes.Count == 0) && (dihedraltypes[0].func == 2)) { ldihedraltypes.Add(dihedraltypes[0]); } dihedraltypes = new List <Top.Dihedraltypes>(ldihedraltypes); } //{ // // if dihedral(func==9) and improper(func==2) are mixed // // select only improper // bool has_func_2 = false; // for(int j=0; j<dihedraltypes.Count; j++) // if(dihedraltypes[j].func == 2) // has_func_2 = true; // if(has_func_2) // { // for(int j=0; j<dihedraltypes.Count; ) // { // if(dihedraltypes[j].func == 2) // j++; // else // dihedraltypes.RemoveAt(j); // } // } //} if (dihedraltypes[0].func == 9) { // dihedral for (int j = 1; j < dihedraltypes.Count; j++) { HDebug.Assert(dihedraltypes[0].func == dihedraltypes[j].func); HDebug.Assert(dihedraltypes[0].i.Trim() == dihedraltypes[j].i.Trim()); HDebug.Assert(dihedraltypes[0].j.Trim() == dihedraltypes[j].j.Trim()); HDebug.Assert(dihedraltypes[0].k.Trim() == dihedraltypes[j].k.Trim()); HDebug.Assert(dihedraltypes[0].l.Trim() == dihedraltypes[j].l.Trim()); } Gromacs.Top.Dihedraltypes dihedraltype = dihedraltypes.Last(); Dihedral dihedral = new Dihedral(atom0, atom1, atom2, atom3 , dihedraltype.cp, dihedraltype.mult, dihedraltype.phi0 , dihedraltype ); dihedrals.Add(dihedral); atom0.Dihedrals.Add(dihedral); //atom0.Inter123.Add(atom1); atom0.Inter123.Add(atom2); atom0.Inter123.Add(atom3); atom1.Dihedrals.Add(dihedral); //atom1.Inter123.Add(atom2); atom1.Inter123.Add(atom3); atom1.Inter123.Add(atom0); atom2.Dihedrals.Add(dihedral); //atom2.Inter123.Add(atom3); atom2.Inter123.Add(atom0); atom2.Inter123.Add(atom1); atom3.Dihedrals.Add(dihedral); //atom3.Inter123.Add(atom0); atom3.Inter123.Add(atom1); atom3.Inter123.Add(atom2); continue; } if (dihedraltypes[0].func == 2) { // improper for (int j = 1; j < dihedraltypes.Count; j++) { HDebug.Assert(dihedraltypes[0].func == dihedraltypes[j].func); HDebug.Assert(dihedraltypes[0].i.Trim() == dihedraltypes[j].i.Trim()); HDebug.Assert(dihedraltypes[0].j.Trim() == dihedraltypes[j].j.Trim()); HDebug.Assert(dihedraltypes[0].k.Trim() == dihedraltypes[j].k.Trim()); HDebug.Assert(dihedraltypes[0].l.Trim() == dihedraltypes[j].l.Trim()); } Gromacs.Top.Dihedraltypes impropertype = dihedraltypes.Last(); Improper improper = new Improper(atom0, atom1, atom2, atom3 , impropertype.cp, impropertype.phi0 , impropertype ); impropers.Add(improper); atom0.Impropers.Add(improper); //atom0.Inter123.Add(atom1); atom0.Inter123.Add(atom2); atom0.Inter123.Add(atom3); atom1.Impropers.Add(improper); //atom1.Inter123.Add(atom2); atom1.Inter123.Add(atom3); atom1.Inter123.Add(atom0); atom2.Impropers.Add(improper); //atom2.Inter123.Add(atom3); atom2.Inter123.Add(atom0); atom2.Inter123.Add(atom1); atom3.Impropers.Add(improper); //atom3.Inter123.Add(atom0); atom3.Inter123.Add(atom1); atom3.Inter123.Add(atom2); continue; } HDebug.Assert(false); //Debug.Assert(dihedraltypes.Count == 1); // //for(int j=0; j<dihedraltypes.Count; j++) // if(dihedraltypes[j].func != 2) // dihedraltype = dihedraltypes[j]; //Debug.Assert(dihedraltype != null); //List<Gromacs.Top.Dihedraltypes> dihedraltypes = top_dihedraltypes[Gromacs.Top.Dihedraltypes.GetStringKey(type0, type1, type2, type3)]; } // 1-4 interactions for (int i = 0; i < atoms.Count; i++) { HashSet <Atom> Inter14 = new HashSet <Atom>(); BuildInter1toN(atoms[i], 4, Inter14); // find all atoms for 1-4 interaction Inter14.Remove(atoms[i]); // remove self foreach (Atom atom in atoms[i].Inter123) { Inter14.Remove(atom); // remove all 1-2, 1-3 interactions } atoms[i].Inter14 = Inter14; } Nonbonded14s nonbonded14s = new Nonbonded14s(); nonbonded14s.Build(atoms); //// nonbondeds //// do not make this list in advance, because it depends on the atom positions //Nonbondeds nonbondeds = new Nonbondeds(); //nonbondeds.Build(atoms); //Universe univ = new Universe(); univ.pdb = pdb; univ.refs.Add("top", top); univ.atoms = atoms; univ.bonds = bonds; univ.angles = angles; univ.dihedrals = dihedrals; univ.impropers = impropers; //univ.nonbondeds = nonbondeds ; // do not make this list in advance, because it depends on the atom positions univ.nonbonded14s = nonbonded14s; HDebug.Assert(univ.Verify()); return(univ); }
static Universe BuildUnion(Universe univ1, Universe univ2) { Universe univ = new Universe(); Atoms atoms = new Atoms(univ); //int maxresi = int.MinValue; //foreach(var atom in univ1.atoms) //{ // if(atom._ResidueId != null) // maxresi = Math.Max(maxresi, atom._ResidueId.Value); // atoms.Add(atom); //} //foreach(var atom in univ2.atoms) //{ // if(atom._ResidueId != null) // atom._ResidueId = (atom._ResidueId + maxresi + 100); // atoms.Add(atom); //} foreach (var atom in univ1.atoms) { atoms.Add(atom); } foreach (var atom in univ2.atoms) { atoms.Add(atom); } Bonds bonds = new Bonds(); foreach (var bond in univ1.bonds) { bonds.Add(bond); Atom atom0 = bond.atoms[0]; Atom atom1 = bond.atoms[1]; HDebug.Assert(atom0.Bonds.Contains(bond)); HDebug.Assert(atom0.Inter123.Contains(atom1)); HDebug.Assert(atom0.Inter12.Contains(atom1)); HDebug.Assert(atom1.Bonds.Contains(bond)); HDebug.Assert(atom1.Inter123.Contains(atom0)); HDebug.Assert(atom1.Inter12.Contains(atom0)); } foreach (var bond in univ2.bonds) { bonds.Add(bond); Atom atom0 = bond.atoms[0]; Atom atom1 = bond.atoms[1]; HDebug.Assert(atom0.Bonds.Contains(bond)); HDebug.Assert(atom0.Inter123.Contains(atom1)); HDebug.Assert(atom0.Inter12.Contains(atom1)); HDebug.Assert(atom1.Bonds.Contains(bond)); HDebug.Assert(atom1.Inter123.Contains(atom0)); HDebug.Assert(atom1.Inter12.Contains(atom0)); } Angles angles = new Angles(); foreach (Angle angle in univ1.angles) { angles.Add(angle); Atom atom0 = angle.atoms[0]; Atom atom1 = angle.atoms[1]; Atom atom2 = angle.atoms[2]; HDebug.Assert(atom0.Angles.Contains(angle)); HDebug.Assert(atom0.Inter123.Contains(atom1)); HDebug.Assert(atom0.Inter123.Contains(atom2)); HDebug.Assert(atom1.Angles.Contains(angle)); HDebug.Assert(atom1.Inter123.Contains(atom2)); HDebug.Assert(atom1.Inter123.Contains(atom0)); HDebug.Assert(atom2.Angles.Contains(angle)); HDebug.Assert(atom2.Inter123.Contains(atom0)); HDebug.Assert(atom2.Inter123.Contains(atom1)); } foreach (Angle angle in univ2.angles) { angles.Add(angle); Atom atom0 = angle.atoms[0]; Atom atom1 = angle.atoms[1]; Atom atom2 = angle.atoms[2]; HDebug.Assert(atom0.Angles.Contains(angle)); HDebug.Assert(atom0.Inter123.Contains(atom1)); HDebug.Assert(atom0.Inter123.Contains(atom2)); HDebug.Assert(atom1.Angles.Contains(angle)); HDebug.Assert(atom1.Inter123.Contains(atom2)); HDebug.Assert(atom1.Inter123.Contains(atom0)); HDebug.Assert(atom2.Angles.Contains(angle)); HDebug.Assert(atom2.Inter123.Contains(atom0)); HDebug.Assert(atom2.Inter123.Contains(atom1)); } Dihedrals dihedrals = new Dihedrals(); foreach (Dihedral dihedral in univ1.dihedrals) { dihedrals.Add(dihedral); HDebug.Assert(dihedral.atoms[0].Dihedrals.Contains(dihedral)); HDebug.Assert(dihedral.atoms[1].Dihedrals.Contains(dihedral)); HDebug.Assert(dihedral.atoms[2].Dihedrals.Contains(dihedral)); HDebug.Assert(dihedral.atoms[3].Dihedrals.Contains(dihedral)); } foreach (Dihedral dihedral in univ2.dihedrals) { dihedrals.Add(dihedral); HDebug.Assert(dihedral.atoms[0].Dihedrals.Contains(dihedral)); HDebug.Assert(dihedral.atoms[1].Dihedrals.Contains(dihedral)); HDebug.Assert(dihedral.atoms[2].Dihedrals.Contains(dihedral)); HDebug.Assert(dihedral.atoms[3].Dihedrals.Contains(dihedral)); } Impropers impropers = new Impropers(); foreach (var improper in univ1.impropers) { impropers.Add(improper); HDebug.Assert(improper.atoms[0].Impropers.Contains(improper)); HDebug.Assert(improper.atoms[1].Impropers.Contains(improper)); HDebug.Assert(improper.atoms[2].Impropers.Contains(improper)); HDebug.Assert(improper.atoms[3].Impropers.Contains(improper)); } foreach (var improper in univ2.impropers) { impropers.Add(improper); HDebug.Assert(improper.atoms[0].Impropers.Contains(improper)); HDebug.Assert(improper.atoms[1].Impropers.Contains(improper)); HDebug.Assert(improper.atoms[2].Impropers.Contains(improper)); HDebug.Assert(improper.atoms[3].Impropers.Contains(improper)); } Nonbonded14s nonbonded14s = new Nonbonded14s(); nonbonded14s.Build(atoms); Pdb pdb; { List <Pdb.Element> elements = new List <Pdb.Element>(); elements.AddRange(univ1.pdb.atoms); elements.AddRange(univ2.pdb.atoms); pdb = new Pdb(elements); } //Universe univ = new Universe(); univ.pdb = pdb; univ.refs.Add("pdb", pdb); univ.atoms = atoms; univ.bonds = bonds; univ.angles = angles; univ.dihedrals = dihedrals; univ.impropers = impropers; //univ.nonbondeds = nonbondeds ; // do not make this list in advance, because it depends on the atom positions univ.nonbonded14s = nonbonded14s; return(univ); }
public static Universe Build(Namd.Psf psf, Namd.Prm prm, Pdb pdb, bool?ignore_neg_occupancy, ITextLogger logger) { Universe univ = new Universe(); // atoms Atoms atoms = new Atoms(univ); Dictionary <int, Atom> id_atom = new Dictionary <int, Atom>(); Pdb.Atom[] pdb_atoms = pdb.atoms; HDebug.Assert(psf.atoms.Length == pdb_atoms.Length); for (int i = 0; i < psf.atoms.Length; i++) { HDebug.Assert(pdb_atoms[i].try_serial == null || psf.atoms[i].AtomId == pdb_atoms[i].serial); // when num atoms in pdb is too large (>99999), it is marked as ***** string type0 = psf.atoms[i].AtomType; Atom atom = new Atom(psf.atoms[i], prm.FindNonbonded(type0, logger), pdb_atoms[i]); atom.Coord = pdb_atoms[i].coord; { if (ignore_neg_occupancy == null) { if (pdb_atoms[i].occupancy < 0) { throw new HException("unhandled negative occupancy during building universe"); } } else { if (ignore_neg_occupancy.Value && pdb_atoms[i].occupancy < 0) { continue; } } } atoms.Add(atom); id_atom.Add(psf.atoms[i].AtomId, atom); } // bonds Bonds bonds = new Bonds(); for (int i = 0; i < psf.bonds.GetLength(0); i++) { int id0 = psf.bonds[i, 0]; if (id_atom.ContainsKey(id0) == false) { continue; } Atom atom0 = id_atom[id0]; string type0 = atom0.AtomType; int id1 = psf.bonds[i, 1]; if (id_atom.ContainsKey(id1) == false) { continue; } Atom atom1 = id_atom[id1]; string type1 = atom1.AtomType; Bond bond = new Bond(atom0, atom1, prm.FindBond(type0, type1, logger)); bonds.Add(bond); atom0.Bonds.Add(bond); atom0.Inter123.Add(atom1); atom0.Inter12.Add(atom1); atom1.Bonds.Add(bond); atom1.Inter123.Add(atom0); atom1.Inter12.Add(atom0); } // angles Angles angles = new Angles(); for (int i = 0; i < psf.angles.GetLength(0); i++) { int id0 = psf.angles[i, 0]; if (id_atom.ContainsKey(id0) == false) { continue; } Atom atom0 = id_atom[id0]; string type0 = atom0.AtomType; int id1 = psf.angles[i, 1]; if (id_atom.ContainsKey(id1) == false) { continue; } Atom atom1 = id_atom[id1]; string type1 = atom1.AtomType; int id2 = psf.angles[i, 2]; if (id_atom.ContainsKey(id2) == false) { continue; } Atom atom2 = id_atom[id2]; string type2 = atom2.AtomType; var prm_angle = prm.FindAngle(type0, type1, type2, logger); if (prm_angle == null) { HDebug.Assert(false); logger.Log(string.Format ("try to add non-existing angle (({0}, prm {1})-({2}, prm {3})-({4}, prm {5})) in prm" , atom0, type0, atom1, type1, atom2, type2 )); continue; } Angle angle = new Angle(atom0, atom1, atom2, prm_angle); angles.Add(angle); atom0.Angles.Add(angle); atom0.Inter123.Add(atom1); atom0.Inter123.Add(atom2); atom1.Angles.Add(angle); atom1.Inter123.Add(atom2); atom1.Inter123.Add(atom0); atom2.Angles.Add(angle); atom2.Inter123.Add(atom0); atom2.Inter123.Add(atom1); } // dihedrals Dihedrals dihedrals = new Dihedrals(); for (int i = 0; i < psf.dihedrals.GetLength(0); i++) { int id0 = psf.dihedrals[i, 0]; if (id_atom.ContainsKey(id0) == false) { continue; } Atom atom0 = id_atom[id0]; string type0 = atom0.AtomType; int id1 = psf.dihedrals[i, 1]; if (id_atom.ContainsKey(id1) == false) { continue; } Atom atom1 = id_atom[id1]; string type1 = atom1.AtomType; int id2 = psf.dihedrals[i, 2]; if (id_atom.ContainsKey(id2) == false) { continue; } Atom atom2 = id_atom[id2]; string type2 = atom2.AtomType; int id3 = psf.dihedrals[i, 3]; if (id_atom.ContainsKey(id3) == false) { continue; } Atom atom3 = id_atom[id3]; string type3 = atom3.AtomType; var prm_dihedrals = prm.FindDihedral(type0, type1, type2, type3, logger); if (prm_dihedrals.Length == 0) { HDebug.Assert(false); logger.Log(string.Format ("try to add non-existing dihedral (({0}, prm {1})-({2}, prm {3})-({4}, prm {5})-({6}, prm {7})) in prm" , atom0, type0, atom1, type1, atom2, type2, atom3, type3 )); continue; } foreach (var prm_dihedral in prm_dihedrals) { Dihedral dihedral; if (atom0.ID < atom3.ID) { dihedral = new Dihedral(atom0, atom1, atom2, atom3, prm_dihedral); } else { dihedral = new Dihedral(atom3, atom2, atom1, atom0, prm_dihedral); } dihedrals.Add(dihedral); atom0.Dihedrals.Add(dihedral); //atom0.Inter123.Add(atom1); atom0.Inter123.Add(atom2); atom0.Inter123.Add(atom3); atom1.Dihedrals.Add(dihedral); //atom1.Inter123.Add(atom2); atom1.Inter123.Add(atom3); atom1.Inter123.Add(atom0); atom2.Dihedrals.Add(dihedral); //atom2.Inter123.Add(atom3); atom2.Inter123.Add(atom0); atom2.Inter123.Add(atom1); atom3.Dihedrals.Add(dihedral); //atom3.Inter123.Add(atom0); atom3.Inter123.Add(atom1); atom3.Inter123.Add(atom2); } } // impropers Impropers impropers = new Impropers(); for (int i = 0; i < psf.impropers.GetLength(0); i++) { int id0 = psf.impropers[i, 0]; if (id_atom.ContainsKey(id0) == false) { continue; } Atom atom0 = id_atom[id0]; string type0 = atom0.AtomType; int id1 = psf.impropers[i, 1]; if (id_atom.ContainsKey(id1) == false) { continue; } Atom atom1 = id_atom[id1]; string type1 = atom1.AtomType; int id2 = psf.impropers[i, 2]; if (id_atom.ContainsKey(id2) == false) { continue; } Atom atom2 = id_atom[id2]; string type2 = atom2.AtomType; int id3 = psf.impropers[i, 3]; if (id_atom.ContainsKey(id3) == false) { continue; } Atom atom3 = id_atom[id3]; string type3 = atom3.AtomType; Improper improper = new Improper(atom0, atom1, atom2, atom3, prm.FindImproper(type0, type1, type2, type3, logger)); impropers.Add(improper); atom0.Impropers.Add(improper); //atom0.Inter123.Add(atom1); atom0.Inter123.Add(atom2); atom0.Inter123.Add(atom3); atom1.Impropers.Add(improper); //atom1.Inter123.Add(atom2); atom1.Inter123.Add(atom3); atom1.Inter123.Add(atom0); atom2.Impropers.Add(improper); //atom2.Inter123.Add(atom3); atom2.Inter123.Add(atom0); atom2.Inter123.Add(atom1); atom3.Impropers.Add(improper); //atom3.Inter123.Add(atom0); atom3.Inter123.Add(atom1); atom3.Inter123.Add(atom2); } // 1-4 interactions for (int i = 0; i < atoms.Count; i++) { HashSet <Atom> Inter14 = new HashSet <Atom>(); BuildInter1toN(atoms[i], 4, Inter14); // find all atoms for 1-4 interaction Inter14.Remove(atoms[i]); // remove self foreach (Atom atom in atoms[i].Inter123) { Inter14.Remove(atom); // remove all 1-2, 1-3 interactions } atoms[i].Inter14 = Inter14; } Nonbonded14s nonbonded14s = new Nonbonded14s(); nonbonded14s.Build(atoms); //// nonbondeds //// do not make this list in advance, because it depends on the atom positions //Nonbondeds nonbondeds = new Nonbondeds(); //nonbondeds.Build(atoms); //Universe univ = new Universe(); univ.pdb = pdb; univ.refs.Add("psf", psf); univ.refs.Add("prm", prm); univ.atoms = atoms; univ.bonds = bonds; univ.angles = angles; univ.dihedrals = dihedrals; univ.impropers = impropers; //univ.nonbondeds = nonbondeds ; // do not make this list in advance, because it depends on the atom positions univ.nonbonded14s = nonbonded14s; HDebug.Assert(univ.Verify()); return(univ); }