/// <summary> /// Displays a notification (in the app's notification thingy). /// </summary> /// <param name="pMessage">Text to display.</param> /// <param name="pImportance">The level of importance.</param> /// <param name="pTag">Custom action. By default, it just closes the notification.</param> internal void AddNotification(string pMessage, Importance pImportance, Action pTag) { ToolStripMenuItem tsmi = new ToolStripMenuItem(); tsmi.Text = pMessage; tsmi.Font = new Font("Segoe UI", 9, FontStyle.Regular); tsmi.Tag = pTag; switch (pImportance) { case Importance.Low: tsmi.Image = _imageList.Images["NotificationLow.png"]; break; case Importance.Normal: tsmi.Image = _imageList.Images["Dot.png"]; break; case Importance.High: tsmi.Image = _imageList.Images["NotificationHigh.png"]; break; case Importance.Crucial: tsmi.Image = _imageList.Images["NotificationCrucial.png"]; break; } tsmi.Click += Notification_Click; _toolStrip.DropDownItems.Add(tsmi); UpdateNotificationArea(); }
internal DialogResult ShowDialog(out Classification classification, out Importance importance, out bool infobox, out bool attention, out bool needsPhoto, string title) { Text += ": " + title; var ret = ShowDialog(); if (ClassCheckedListBox.SelectedIndices.Count == 0) { classification = Classification.Unassessed; } else { classification = (Classification) ClassCheckedListBox.SelectedIndex; } if (ImportanceCheckedListBox.SelectedIndices.Count == 0) { importance = Importance.Unassessed; } else { importance = (Importance) ImportanceCheckedListBox.SelectedIndex; } infobox = (SettingsCheckedListBox.GetItemCheckState(0) == CheckState.Checked); attention = (SettingsCheckedListBox.GetItemCheckState(1) == CheckState.Checked); needsPhoto = (SettingsCheckedListBox.GetItemCheckState(2) == CheckState.Checked); return ret; }
protected internal bool ProcessTalkPage(Article A, Classification Classification, Importance Importance, bool ForceNeedsInfobox, bool ForceNeedsAttention, bool RemoveAutoStub, ProcessTalkPageMode ProcessTalkPageMode, bool AddReqPhotoParm) { bool BadTemplate = false; bool res = false; article = A; if (SkipIfContains()) { A.PluginIHaveFinished(SkipResults.SkipRegex, PluginShortName); } else { // MAIN string OriginalArticleText = A.AlteredArticleText; Template = new Templating(); A.AlteredArticleText = MainRegex.Replace(A.AlteredArticleText, MatchEvaluator); if (Template.BadTemplate) { BadTemplate = true; } else if (Template.FoundTemplate) { // Even if we've found a good template bizarrely the page could still contain a bad template too if (SecondChanceRegex.IsMatch(A.AlteredArticleText) || TemplateFound()) { BadTemplate = true; } } else { if (SecondChanceRegex.IsMatch(OriginalArticleText)) { BadTemplate = true; } else if (ForceAddition) { TemplateNotFound(); } } // OK, we're in business: res = true; if (HasReqPhotoParam && AddReqPhotoParm) { ReqPhoto(); } ProcessArticleFinish(); if (ProcessTalkPageMode != ProcessTalkPageMode.Normal) { ProcessArticleFinishNonStandardMode(Classification, Importance, ForceNeedsInfobox, ForceNeedsAttention, RemoveAutoStub, ProcessTalkPageMode); } if (article.ProcessIt) { TemplateWritingAndPlacement(); } else { A.AlteredArticleText = OriginalArticleText; A.PluginIHaveFinished(SkipResults.SkipNoChange, PluginShortName); } } if (BadTemplate) { A.PluginIHaveFinished(SkipResults.SkipBadTag, PluginShortName); // TODO: We could get the template placeholder here } article = null; return res; }
public Occurrence() { title = string.Empty; category = Category.Blue; importance = Importance.Normal; startDate = DateTime.MinValue; endDate = DateTime.MaxValue; allDayEvent = false; }
public IList<TodoTask> GetUnfinishedTasks(Importance importance) { if (!_filled) { _taskRepo.Fill(); _filled = true; } return _taskRepo.GetUnfinishedTasks(importance); }
public EditorAction( string displayName, HierarchicalPath resourceKey, Action<BlockCommandContext> action, Importance importance = Importance.Normal) { DisplayName = displayName; Importance = importance; ResourceKey = resourceKey; Action = action; }
public EconomicRelease(string name, string country, string currency, DateTime dateTime, Importance importance, double? expected, double? previous, double? actual) { Name = name; Country = country; Currency = currency; DateTime = dateTime; Importance = importance; Expected = expected; Previous = previous; Actual = actual; }
public static void Log(Importance importance, string message) { string debugMessage = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss:fff:") + " ProcessHacker (T" + System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId + "): (" + importance.ToString() + ") " + message + "\r\n\r\n" + Environment.StackTrace; Debugger.Log(0, "DEBUG", debugMessage); if (Logged != null) Logged(debugMessage); }
public IList<TodoTask> GetCompletedAndUnfinishedTasks(Importance importance, IEnumerable<TodoTask> taskList) { IList<TodoTask> filteredTasks = new List<TodoTask>(); foreach (TodoTask todoTask in taskList) { if (((todoTask.Importance & importance) == todoTask.Importance)) { filteredTasks.Add(todoTask); } } return filteredTasks; }
/// <summary> /// Outputs message to UI output console /// </summary> /// <param name="level">Level of imortance - Error, Info, etc...</param> /// <param name="msg">Message to input, could be used like string.Format()</param> /// <param name="args"></param> protected void Debug(Importance level, string msg, params object[] args) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if(level != Importance.No) { sb.AppendFormat("[{0}] ", level.ToString().ToUpper()); } sb.AppendFormat(msg, args); sb.AppendLine(); this.AddText("txtOutput", sb.ToString()); txtOutput.SelectionStart = int.MaxValue; txtOutput.ScrollToCaret(); }
public static TaskSyncDataPriority ConvertToTaskPriority(Importance importance) { if (importance == Importance.High) { return TaskSyncDataPriority.Today; } else if (importance == Importance.Normal) { return TaskSyncDataPriority.Upcoming; } else if (importance == Importance.Low) { return TaskSyncDataPriority.Later; } return TaskSyncDataPriority.Today; }
internal DialogResult ShowDialog(ref Classification Clss, ref Importance Imp, ref bool Infobox, ref bool Attention, ref bool NeedsPhoto, string Title) { Text += ": " + Title; var ret = ShowDialog(); if (ClassCheckedListBox.SelectedIndices.Count == 0) { Clss = Classification.Unassessed; } else { Clss = (Classification)ClassCheckedListBox.SelectedIndex; } if (ImportanceCheckedListBox.SelectedIndices.Count == 0) { Imp = Importance.Unassessed; } else { Imp = (Importance)ImportanceCheckedListBox.SelectedIndex; } Infobox = (SettingsCheckedListBox.GetItemCheckState(0) == CheckState.Checked); Attention = (SettingsCheckedListBox.GetItemCheckState(1) == CheckState.Checked); NeedsPhoto = (SettingsCheckedListBox.GetItemCheckState(2) == CheckState.Checked); return ret; }
/// <summary>Compares two <c>Importance</c> objects.</summary> /// <param name="x">The first object to compare.</param> /// <param name="y">The second object to compare.</param> /// <returns>Value Condition Less than zero <paramref name="x" /> is less than <paramref name="y" />. Zero /// <paramref name="x" /> equals <paramref name="y" />. Greater than zero <paramref name="x" /> is greater /// than <paramref name="y" />.</returns> internal static int CompareImportance(Importance x, Importance y) { int firstRank = 0; switch (x) { case Importance.Important: firstRank = 0; break; case Importance.Recommended: firstRank = 1; break; case Importance.Optional: firstRank = 2; break; case Importance.Locale: firstRank = 3; break; } int secondRank = 0; switch (y) { case Importance.Important: secondRank = 0; break; case Importance.Recommended: secondRank = 1; break; case Importance.Optional: secondRank = 2; break; case Importance.Locale: secondRank = 3; break; } return firstRank > secondRank ? 1 : (firstRank == secondRank ? 0 : -1); }
protected virtual void ImportanceParameter(Importance importance) { }
public void Send(MessageType type, Importance imp, string msg) { if (Passive) return; if (!AllowMessage(type)) return; m_twitch.SendMessage(imp, msg); LastMessageSent = DateTime.Now; }
protected void RenderColumn(TextWriter writer, ColumnId columnId, int itemIndex, bool isBold, bool openForCompose) { if (writer == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("writer"); } if (itemIndex < 0 || itemIndex >= this.dataSource.RangeCount) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("itemIndex", itemIndex.ToString()); } Column column = ListViewColumns.GetColumn(columnId); switch (columnId) { case ColumnId.MailIcon: if (!this.RenderIcon(writer, itemIndex)) { goto IL_857; } goto IL_857; case ColumnId.From: case ColumnId.To: { string itemPropertyString = this.dataSource.GetItemPropertyString(itemIndex, column[0]); if (itemPropertyString.Length != 0) { Utilities.CropAndRenderText(writer, itemPropertyString, 16); goto IL_857; } goto IL_857; } case ColumnId.Subject: { writer.Write("<h1"); if (isBold) { writer.Write(" class=\"bld\""); } writer.Write(">"); writer.Write("<a href=\"#\""); this.RenderFolderNameTooltip(writer, itemIndex); writer.Write(" onClick=\"onClkRdMsg(this, '"); string s = this.dataSource.GetItemProperty(itemIndex, StoreObjectSchema.ItemClass) as string; Utilities.HtmlEncode(Utilities.JavascriptEncode(s), writer); writer.Write("', {0}, {1});\">", itemIndex, openForCompose ? 1 : 0); string itemPropertyString2 = this.dataSource.GetItemPropertyString(itemIndex, column[0]); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemPropertyString2.Trim())) { writer.Write(LocalizedStrings.GetHtmlEncoded(730745110)); } else { Utilities.CropAndRenderText(writer, itemPropertyString2, 32); } writer.Write("</a></h1>"); goto IL_857; } case ColumnId.Department: case ColumnId.ContactIcon: case ColumnId.BusinessPhone: case ColumnId.BusinessFax: case ColumnId.MobilePhone: case ColumnId.HomePhone: goto IL_74A; case ColumnId.HasAttachment: { bool hasAttachments = false; object itemProperty = this.dataSource.GetItemProperty(itemIndex, ItemSchema.HasAttachment); if (itemProperty is bool) { hasAttachments = (bool)itemProperty; } if (!ListViewContentsRenderingUtilities.RenderHasAttachments(writer, this.userContext, hasAttachments)) { goto IL_857; } goto IL_857; } case ColumnId.Importance: { Importance importance = Importance.Normal; object itemProperty2 = this.dataSource.GetItemProperty(itemIndex, ItemSchema.Importance); if (itemProperty2 is Importance || itemProperty2 is int) { importance = (Importance)itemProperty2; } if (!ListViewContentsRenderingUtilities.RenderImportance(writer, this.UserContext, importance)) { goto IL_857; } goto IL_857; } case ColumnId.DeliveryTime: { ExDateTime itemPropertyExDateTime = this.dataSource.GetItemPropertyExDateTime(itemIndex, ItemSchema.ReceivedTime); if (!this.RenderDate(writer, itemPropertyExDateTime)) { goto IL_857; } goto IL_857; } case ColumnId.SentTime: { ExDateTime itemPropertyExDateTime2 = this.dataSource.GetItemPropertyExDateTime(itemIndex, ItemSchema.SentTime); if (!this.RenderDate(writer, itemPropertyExDateTime2)) { goto IL_857; } goto IL_857; } case ColumnId.Size: { int num = 0; object itemProperty3 = this.dataSource.GetItemProperty(itemIndex, ItemSchema.Size); if (itemProperty3 is int) { num = (int)itemProperty3; } Utilities.RenderSizeWithUnits(writer, (long)num, true); goto IL_857; } case ColumnId.FileAs: break; case ColumnId.Title: case ColumnId.CompanyName: goto IL_5B5; case ColumnId.PhoneNumbers: if (!this.RenderPhoneNumberColumn(writer, itemIndex)) { goto IL_857; } goto IL_857; case ColumnId.EmailAddresses: { Participant[] array = new Participant[3]; bool flag = false; array[0] = (this.dataSource.GetItemProperty(itemIndex, ContactSchema.Email1) as Participant); array[1] = (this.dataSource.GetItemProperty(itemIndex, ContactSchema.Email2) as Participant); array[2] = (this.dataSource.GetItemProperty(itemIndex, ContactSchema.Email3) as Participant); foreach (Participant participant in array) { if (participant != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(participant.EmailAddress)) { string text = null; string text2 = null; ContactUtilities.GetParticipantEmailAddress(participant, out text, out text2); Utilities.CropAndRenderText(writer, text, 24); flag = true; break; } } if (!flag) { goto IL_857; } goto IL_857; } default: { switch (columnId) { case ColumnId.CheckBox: { VersionedId itemPropertyVersionedId = this.dataSource.GetItemPropertyVersionedId(itemIndex, ItemSchema.Id); ListViewContentsRenderingUtilities.RenderCheckBox(writer, itemPropertyVersionedId.ObjectId.ToBase64String()); string itemClass = this.dataSource.GetItemProperty(itemIndex, StoreObjectSchema.ItemClass) as string; if (ObjectClass.IsMeetingRequest(itemClass) || ObjectClass.IsMeetingCancellation(itemClass)) { if (this.meetingMessageIdStringBuilder.Length > 0) { this.meetingMessageIdStringBuilder.Append(","); } this.meetingMessageIdStringBuilder.Append(itemPropertyVersionedId.ObjectId.ToBase64String()); goto IL_857; } goto IL_857; } case ColumnId.CheckBoxContact: case ColumnId.CheckBoxAD: { string arg; if (columnId == ColumnId.CheckBoxAD) { arg = Utilities.GetBase64StringFromGuid((Guid)this.dataSource.GetItemProperty(itemIndex, ADObjectSchema.Guid)); } else { VersionedId itemPropertyVersionedId2 = this.dataSource.GetItemPropertyVersionedId(itemIndex, ItemSchema.Id); arg = itemPropertyVersionedId2.ObjectId.ToBase64String(); } writer.Write("<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"chkRcpt\" value=\"{0}\"", arg); writer.Write(" onClick=\"onClkRChkBx(this);\">"); goto IL_857; } case ColumnId.ADIcon: case ColumnId.BusinessFaxAD: case ColumnId.BusinessPhoneAD: case ColumnId.DepartmentAD: goto IL_74A; case ColumnId.AliasAD: break; case ColumnId.CompanyAD: goto IL_5B5; case ColumnId.DisplayNameAD: goto IL_383; default: switch (columnId) { case ColumnId.PhoneAD: break; case ColumnId.TitleAD: goto IL_5B5; default: goto IL_74A; } break; } string text3 = this.dataSource.GetItemProperty(itemIndex, column[0]) as string; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text3)) { Utilities.CropAndRenderText(writer, text3, 24); goto IL_857; } goto IL_857; } } IL_383: StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); object obj; int num2; if (columnId == ColumnId.DisplayNameAD) { string value = this.dataSource.GetItemProperty(itemIndex, ADRecipientSchema.DisplayName) as string; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) { stringBuilder.Append(value); } obj = Utilities.GetBase64StringFromGuid((Guid)this.dataSource.GetItemProperty(itemIndex, ADObjectSchema.Guid)); num2 = (isBold ? 2 : 1); } else { string value = this.dataSource.GetItemProperty(itemIndex, ContactBaseSchema.FileAs) as string; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) { stringBuilder.Append(value); } bool flag2 = (columnId == ColumnId.DisplayNameAD) ? this.userContext.IsPhoneticNamesEnabled : Utilities.IsJapanese; if (flag2) { string value2 = this.dataSource.GetItemProperty(itemIndex, ContactSchema.YomiFirstName) as string; string value3 = this.dataSource.GetItemProperty(itemIndex, ContactSchema.YomiLastName) as string; bool flag3 = false; if (stringBuilder.Length > 0 && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value3) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(value2))) { stringBuilder.Append(" ("); flag3 = true; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value3)) { stringBuilder.Append(value3); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value2)) { stringBuilder.Append(" "); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value2)) { stringBuilder.Append(value2); } if (flag3) { stringBuilder.Append(")"); } } VersionedId itemPropertyVersionedId3 = this.dataSource.GetItemPropertyVersionedId(itemIndex, ItemSchema.Id); obj = itemPropertyVersionedId3.ObjectId.ToBase64String(); num2 = (isBold ? 4 : 3); } if (Utilities.WhiteSpaceOnlyOrNullEmpty(stringBuilder.ToString())) { stringBuilder.Append(LocalizedStrings.GetNonEncoded(-808148510)); } writer.Write("<h1"); if (isBold) { writer.Write(" class=\"bld\""); } writer.Write("><a href=\"#\" id=\"{0}\"", obj.ToString()); if (isBold) { writer.Write(" class=\"lvwdl\""); } this.RenderFolderNameTooltip(writer, itemIndex); writer.Write(" onClick=\"return onClkRcpt(this, {0});\">", num2); if (isBold) { ListViewContentsRenderingUtilities.RenderItemIcon(writer, this.userContext, "IPM.DistList"); } Utilities.CropAndRenderText(writer, stringBuilder.ToString(), 32); writer.Write("</a></h1>"); goto IL_857; IL_5B5: string text4 = this.dataSource.GetItemProperty(itemIndex, column[0]) as string; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text4)) { Utilities.CropAndRenderText(writer, text4, 16); goto IL_857; } goto IL_857; IL_74A: object itemProperty4 = this.dataSource.GetItemProperty(itemIndex, column[0]); string text5 = itemProperty4 as string; if (itemProperty4 is ExDateTime) { writer.Write(((ExDateTime)itemProperty4).ToString()); } else if (itemProperty4 is DateTime) { ExDateTime exDateTime = new ExDateTime(this.userContext.TimeZone, (DateTime)itemProperty4); writer.Write(exDateTime.ToString()); } else if (text5 != null) { if (text5.Length != 0) { Utilities.HtmlEncode(text5, writer); } } else if (itemProperty4 is int) { Utilities.HtmlEncode(((int)itemProperty4).ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat), writer); } else if (itemProperty4 is Unlimited <int> ) { Unlimited <int> unlimited = (Unlimited <int>)itemProperty4; if (!unlimited.IsUnlimited) { Utilities.HtmlEncode(unlimited.Value.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat), writer); } } else if (!(itemProperty4 is PropertyError)) { } IL_857: writer.Write(" "); }
public async Task <EmailSendResult> SendEmailAsync( string toEmailCsv, string fromEmail, string subject, string plainTextMessage, string htmlMessage, string replyToEmail = null, Importance importance = Importance.Normal, bool isTransactional = true, string fromName = null, string replyToName = null, string toAliasCsv = null, string ccEmailCsv = null, string ccAliasCsv = null, string bccEmailCsv = null, string bccAliasCsv = null, List <EmailAttachment> attachments = null, string charsetBodyHtml = null, string charsetBodyText = null, string configLookupKey = null ) { var isConfigured = await IsConfigured(configLookupKey); if (!isConfigured) { var message = $"failed to send email with subject {subject} because elasticemail api key is empty or not configured"; _log.LogError(message); return(new EmailSendResult(false, message)); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(toEmailCsv)) { throw new ArgumentException("no to addresses provided"); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fromEmail) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.DefaultEmailFromAddress)) { throw new ArgumentException("no from address provided"); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(subject)) { throw new ArgumentException("no subject provided"); } var hasPlainText = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(plainTextMessage); var hasHtml = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(htmlMessage); if (!hasPlainText && !hasHtml) { throw new ArgumentException("no message provided"); } #pragma warning disable IDE0028 // Simplify collection initialization var keyValues = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >(); #pragma warning restore IDE0028 // Simplify collection initialization keyValues.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("apikey", options.ApiKey)); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fromEmail)) { keyValues.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("from", fromEmail)); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fromName)) { keyValues.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("fromName", fromName)); } } else { keyValues.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("from", options.DefaultEmailFromAddress)); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.DefaultEmailFromAlias)) { keyValues.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("fromName", options.DefaultEmailFromAlias)); } } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(replyToEmail)) { keyValues.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("replyTo", replyToEmail)); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(replyToName)) { keyValues.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("replyToName", replyToName)); } keyValues.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("subject", subject)); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(htmlMessage)) { keyValues.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("bodyHtml", htmlMessage)); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(plainTextMessage)) { keyValues.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("bodyText", plainTextMessage)); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(charsetBodyHtml)) { keyValues.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("charsetBodyHtml", charsetBodyHtml)); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(charsetBodyText)) { keyValues.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("charsetBodyText", charsetBodyText)); } keyValues.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("isTransactional", isTransactional.ToString().ToLower())); keyValues.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("msgTo", toEmailCsv)); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ccEmailCsv)) { keyValues.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("msgCC", ccEmailCsv)); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(bccEmailCsv)) { keyValues.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("msgBcc", bccEmailCsv)); } if (attachments == null || attachments.Count == 0) { return(await SendWithoutAttachments(keyValues, options, subject)); } else { return(await SendWithAttachments(keyValues, options, subject, attachments)); } }
/// <summary> /// Send a message /// <para> Permission Scope: (Send mail as user)</para> /// </summary> /// <param name="cancellationToken">The <see cref="CancellationToken"/> for the request.</param> /// <param name="subject">The subject of the message.</param> /// <param name="content">The text or HTML content.</param> /// <param name="contentType">The content type: Text = 0, HTML = 1</param> /// <param name="to">The To recipients for the message.</param> /// <param name="cc">The Cc recipients for the message.</param> /// <param name="importance">The importance of the message: Low = 0, Normal = 1, High = 2.</param> /// <returns><see cref="Task"/> representing the asynchronous operation.</returns> public Task SendEmailAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken, string subject, string content, BodyType contentType, string[] to, string[] cc = null, Importance importance = Importance.Normal) { if (_currentUser == null) { throw new ServiceException(new Error { Message = "No user connected", Code = "NoUserConnected", ThrowSite = "UWP Community Toolkit" }); } List <Recipient> ccRecipients = null; if (to == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(to)); } ItemBody body = new ItemBody { Content = content, ContentType = contentType }; List <Recipient> toRecipients = new List <Recipient>(); to.CopyTo(toRecipients); if (cc != null) { ccRecipients = new List <Recipient>(); cc.CopyTo(ccRecipients); } Message coreMessage = new Message { Subject = subject, Body = body, Importance = importance, ToRecipients = toRecipients, CcRecipients = ccRecipients, BccRecipients = null, IsDeliveryReceiptRequested = false, }; var userBuilder = _graphProvider.Users[_currentUser.Id]; return(userBuilder.SendMail(coreMessage, false).Request().PostAsync(cancellationToken)); }
protected override void ImportanceParameter(Importance Importance) { // WPMILHIST doesn't do importance }
private static int UpdateImportance(Importance importance) { return(UpdateBusinessEntity(importance, ImportanceAdapter, ImportanceMapper.ConvertToDALEntity)); }
internal static void PlaySound(int SoundBufferIndex, World.Vector3D Position, Importance Important, bool Looped) { int a = -1; PlaySound(ref a, false, SoundBufferIndex, null, -1, Position, Important, Looped, 1.0, 1.0); }
public Note() { this.Text = string.Empty; this.Author = string.Empty; Importance = Importance.Low; }
public Note(string Text, string Author, int Importance) { this.Text = Text; this.Author = Author; this.Importance = (Importance)Importance; }
public void SetImportance(int Importance) { this.Importance = (Importance)Importance; }
protected internal bool ProcessTalkPage(Article A, Classification Classification, Importance Importance, bool ForceNeedsInfobox, bool ForceNeedsAttention, bool RemoveAutoStub, ProcessTalkPageMode ProcessTalkPageMode, bool AddReqPhotoParm) { bool BadTemplate = false; bool res = false; article = A; if (SkipIfContains()) { A.PluginIHaveFinished(SkipResults.SkipRegex, PluginShortName); } else { // MAIN string OriginalArticleText = A.AlteredArticleText; Template = new Templating(); A.AlteredArticleText = MainRegex.Replace(A.AlteredArticleText, MatchEvaluator); if (Template.BadTemplate) { BadTemplate = true; } else if (Template.FoundTemplate) { // Even if we've found a good template bizarrely the page could still contain a bad template too if (SecondChanceRegex.IsMatch(A.AlteredArticleText) || TemplateFound()) { BadTemplate = true; } } else { if (SecondChanceRegex.IsMatch(OriginalArticleText)) { BadTemplate = true; } else if (ForceAddition) { TemplateNotFound(); } } // OK, we're in business: res = true; if (HasReqPhotoParam && AddReqPhotoParm) { ReqPhoto(); } ProcessArticleFinish(); if (ProcessTalkPageMode != ProcessTalkPageMode.Normal) { ProcessArticleFinishNonStandardMode(Classification, Importance, ForceNeedsInfobox, ForceNeedsAttention, RemoveAutoStub, ProcessTalkPageMode); } if (article.ProcessIt) { TemplateWritingAndPlacement(); } else { A.AlteredArticleText = OriginalArticleText; A.PluginIHaveFinished(SkipResults.SkipNoChange, PluginShortName); } } if (BadTemplate) { A.PluginIHaveFinished(SkipResults.SkipBadTag, PluginShortName); // TODO: We could get the template placeholder here } article = null; return(res); }
/// <summary> /// Send an message /// <para> Permission Scope: (Send mail as user)</para> /// </summary> /// <param name="subject">The subject of the message.</param> /// <param name="content">The text or HTML content.</param> /// <param name="contentType">The content type: Text = 0, HTML = 1</param> /// <param name="to">The To recipients for the message.</param> /// <param name="cc">The Cc recipients for the message.</param> /// <param name="importance">The importance of the message: Low = 0, Normal = 1, High = 2.</param> /// <returns><see cref="Task"/> representing the asynchronous operation.</returns> public Task SendEmailAsync(string subject, string content, BodyType contentType, string[] to, string[] cc = null, Importance importance = Importance.Normal) { return(SendEmailAsync(CancellationToken.None, subject, content, contentType, to, cc, importance)); }
public void SendMessage(Importance imp, string msg) { Send(MessageType.Message, imp, msg); }
/// <summary> /// Create a new diagnosis message. /// </summary> /// <param name="i">Message importance.</param> /// <param name="message">Message attached.</param> /// <param name="details">Additional details about the message.</param> public DiagnosisMessage(Importance i, string message, string details) { this.MessageImportance = i; this.Message = message; this.Details = details; }
public void SendResponse(Importance imp, string msg, params object[] param) { Send(MessageType.Response, imp, string.Format(msg, param)); }
public IList<TodoTask> GetHistory(Importance importance) { return _taskRepo.GetCompletedTasks(importance); }
internal static void PlaySound(ref int SoundSourceIndex, int SoundBufferIndex, TrainManager.Train Train, int CarIndex, World.Vector3D Position, Importance Important, bool Looped, double Pitch, double Gain) { PlaySound(ref SoundSourceIndex, true, SoundBufferIndex, Train, CarIndex, Position, Important, Looped, Pitch, Gain); }
public async Task SendEmailAsync( SmtpOptions smtpOptions, string to, string from, string subject, string plainTextMessage, string htmlMessage, string replyTo = null, Importance importance = Importance.Normal ) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(to)) { throw new ArgumentException("no to address provided"); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(from)) { throw new ArgumentException("no from address provided"); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(subject)) { throw new ArgumentException("no subject provided"); } var hasPlainText = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(plainTextMessage); var hasHtml = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(htmlMessage); if (!hasPlainText && !hasHtml) { throw new ArgumentException("no message provided"); } var m = new MimeMessage(); m.From.Add(new MailboxAddress("", from)); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(replyTo)) { m.ReplyTo.Add(new MailboxAddress("", replyTo)); } m.To.Add(new MailboxAddress("", to)); m.Subject = subject; m.Importance = GetMessageImportance(importance); //Header h = new Header(HeaderId.Precedence, "Bulk"); //m.Headers.Add() BodyBuilder bodyBuilder = new BodyBuilder(); if (hasPlainText) { bodyBuilder.TextBody = plainTextMessage; } if (hasHtml) { bodyBuilder.HtmlBody = htmlMessage; } m.Body = bodyBuilder.ToMessageBody(); try { using (var client = new SmtpClient()) { await client.ConnectAsync( smtpOptions.Server, smtpOptions.Port, smtpOptions.UseSsl) .ConfigureAwait(false); // Note: since we don't have an OAuth2 token, disable // the XOAUTH2 authentication mechanism. client.AuthenticationMechanisms.Remove("XOAUTH2"); // Note: only needed if the SMTP server requires authentication if (smtpOptions.RequiresAuthentication) { await client.AuthenticateAsync(smtpOptions.User, smtpOptions.Password) .ConfigureAwait(false); } await client.SendAsync(m).ConfigureAwait(false); await client.DisconnectAsync(true).ConfigureAwait(false); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
protected override void ImportanceParameter(Importance Importance) { Template.NewOrReplaceTemplateParm("importance", Importance.ToString(), article, false, false); }
public void LogMessage(Importance importance, Segment segment, string message, params object[] messageArgs) { }
public async Task SendMultipleEmailAsync( SmtpOptions smtpOptions, string toCsv, string from, string subject, string plainTextMessage, string htmlMessage, string replyTo = null, Importance importance = Importance.Normal ) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(toCsv)) { throw new ArgumentException("no to addresses provided"); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(from)) { throw new ArgumentException("no from address provided"); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(subject)) { throw new ArgumentException("no subject provided"); } var hasPlainText = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(plainTextMessage); var hasHtml = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(htmlMessage); if (!hasPlainText && !hasHtml) { throw new ArgumentException("no message provided"); } var m = new MimeMessage(); m.From.Add(new MailboxAddress("", from)); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(replyTo)) { m.ReplyTo.Add(new MailboxAddress("", replyTo)); } if (toCsv.Contains(",")) { string[] adrs = toCsv.Split(','); foreach (string item in adrs) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item)) { m.To.Add(new MailboxAddress("", item)); } } } else { m.To.Add(new MailboxAddress("", toCsv)); } m.Subject = subject; m.Importance = GetMessageImportance(importance); BodyBuilder bodyBuilder = new BodyBuilder(); if (hasPlainText) { bodyBuilder.TextBody = plainTextMessage; } if (hasHtml) { bodyBuilder.HtmlBody = htmlMessage; } m.Body = bodyBuilder.ToMessageBody(); using (var client = new SmtpClient()) { await client.ConnectAsync( smtpOptions.Server, smtpOptions.Port, smtpOptions.UseSsl).ConfigureAwait(false); // Note: since we don't have an OAuth2 token, disable // the XOAUTH2 authentication mechanism. client.AuthenticationMechanisms.Remove("XOAUTH2"); // Note: only needed if the SMTP server requires authentication if (smtpOptions.RequiresAuthentication) { await client.AuthenticateAsync( smtpOptions.User, smtpOptions.Password).ConfigureAwait(false); } await client.SendAsync(m).ConfigureAwait(false); await client.DisconnectAsync(true).ConfigureAwait(false); } }
protected void ProcessArticleFinishNonStandardMode(Classification classification, Importance Importance, bool ForceNeedsInfobox, bool ForceNeedsAttention, bool RemoveAutoStub, ProcessTalkPageMode ProcessTalkPageMode) { if (article.Namespace == Namespace.Talk && classification == Classification.Unassessed) { Template.NewOrReplaceTemplateParm("class", classification.ToString(), article, false, false); } ImportanceParameter(Importance); if (ForceNeedsInfobox) { AddAndLogNewParamWithAYesValue("needs-infobox"); } if (ForceNeedsAttention) { AddAndLogNewParamWithAYesValue("attention"); } if (RemoveAutoStub) { var _with3 = article; if (Template.Parameters.ContainsKey("auto")) { Template.Parameters.Remove("auto"); _with3.ArticleHasAMajorChange(); } } }
public TodoItemEditFields(int todoListId, string todoListTitle, int todoItemId, string title, bool isDone, string responsiblePartyId, Importance importance) { TodoListId = todoListId; TodoListTitle = todoListTitle; TodoItemId = todoItemId; Title = title; IsDone = isDone; ResponsiblePartyId = responsiblePartyId; Importance = importance; }
public static bool RenderImportance(TextWriter writer, UserContext userContext, Importance importance) { switch (importance) { case Importance.Low: userContext.RenderThemeImage(writer, ThemeFileId.ImportanceLow, "imp", new object[0]); goto IL_4A; case Importance.High: userContext.RenderThemeImage(writer, ThemeFileId.ImportanceHigh, "imp", new object[0]); goto IL_4A; } return(false); IL_4A: userContext.RenderThemeImage(writer, ThemeFileId.Clear1x1, "impMg", new object[0]); return(true); }
// Token: 0x06002106 RID: 8454 RVA: 0x000BE09A File Offset: 0x000BC29A internal EditSharingMessageToolbar(Importance importance, Markup currentMarkup, bool isPublishing) : base(importance, currentMarkup) { base.IsComplianceButtonAllowedInForm = false; this.isPublishing = isPublishing; }
public async Task <EmailSendResult> SendEmailAsync( string toEmailCsv, string fromEmail, string subject, string plainTextMessage, string htmlMessage, string replyToEmail = null, Importance importance = Importance.Normal, bool isTransactional = true, string fromName = null, string replyToName = null, string toAliasCsv = null, string ccEmailCsv = null, string ccAliasCsv = null, string bccEmailCsv = null, string bccAliasCsv = null, List <EmailAttachment> attachments = null, string charsetBodyHtml = null, string charsetBodyText = null, string configLookupKey = null ) { var isConfigured = await IsConfigured(configLookupKey); if (!isConfigured) { var message = $"failed to send email with subject {subject} because sendgrid api key is empty or not configured"; _log.LogError(message); return(new EmailSendResult(false, message)); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(toEmailCsv)) { throw new ArgumentException("no to addresses provided"); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fromEmail) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.DefaultEmailFromAddress)) { throw new ArgumentException("no from address provided"); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(subject)) { throw new ArgumentException("no subject provided"); } var hasPlainText = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(plainTextMessage); var hasHtml = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(htmlMessage); if (!hasPlainText && !hasHtml) { throw new ArgumentException("no message provided"); } var m = new SendGridMessage(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fromEmail)) { m.From = new EmailAddress(fromEmail, fromName); } else { m.From = new EmailAddress(options.DefaultEmailFromAddress, options.DefaultEmailFromAlias); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(replyToEmail)) { m.ReplyTo = new EmailAddress(replyToEmail, replyToName); } m.Subject = subject; m.HtmlContent = htmlMessage; m.PlainTextContent = plainTextMessage; if (toEmailCsv.Contains(",")) { var useToAliases = false; string[] adrs = toEmailCsv.Split(','); string[] toAliases = new string[0]; if (toAliasCsv != null && toAliasCsv.Contains(",")) { toAliases = toAliasCsv.Split(','); if (toAliases.Length > 0 && toAliases.Length == adrs.Length) { useToAliases = true; } } if (useToAliases) { for (int i = 0; i < adrs.Length; i++) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(adrs[i])) { m.AddTo(new EmailAddress(adrs[i].Trim(), toAliases[i].Trim())); } } } else { foreach (string item in adrs) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item)) { m.AddTo(new EmailAddress(item.Trim(), "")); } } } } else { //not really a csv m.AddTo(new EmailAddress(toEmailCsv, toAliasCsv)); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ccEmailCsv)) { if (ccEmailCsv.Contains(",")) { var useAliases = false; string[] adrs = ccEmailCsv.Split(','); string[] aliases = new string[0]; if (ccAliasCsv != null && ccAliasCsv.Contains(",")) { aliases = ccAliasCsv.Split(','); if (aliases.Length > 0 && aliases.Length == adrs.Length) { useAliases = true; } } if (useAliases) { for (int i = 0; i < adrs.Length; i++) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(adrs[i])) { m.AddCc(new EmailAddress(adrs[i].Trim(), aliases[i].Trim())); } } } else { foreach (string item in adrs) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item)) { m.AddCc(new EmailAddress(item.Trim(), "")); } } } } else { m.AddCc(new EmailAddress(ccEmailCsv, ccAliasCsv)); } } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(bccEmailCsv)) { if (bccEmailCsv.Contains(",")) { var useAliases = false; string[] adrs = bccEmailCsv.Split(','); string[] aliases = new string[0]; if (bccAliasCsv != null && bccAliasCsv.Contains(",")) { aliases = bccAliasCsv.Split(','); if (aliases.Length > 0 && aliases.Length == adrs.Length) { useAliases = true; } } if (useAliases) { for (int i = 0; i < adrs.Length; i++) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(adrs[i])) { m.AddBcc(new EmailAddress(adrs[i].Trim(), aliases[i].Trim())); } } } else { foreach (string item in adrs) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item)) { m.AddBcc(new EmailAddress(item.Trim(), "")); } } } } else { m.AddBcc(new EmailAddress(bccEmailCsv, bccAliasCsv)); } } m.AddHeader("Importance", GetMessageImportance(importance)); if (!isTransactional) { m.AddHeader("Precedence", "bulk"); } if (attachments != null && attachments.Count > 0) { foreach (var attachment in attachments) { using (attachment.Stream) { try { var bytes = attachment.Stream.ToByteArray(); var content = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes); m.AddAttachment(Path.GetFileName(attachment.FileName), content); } catch (Exception ex) { _log.LogError($"failed to add attachment with path {attachment.FileName}, error was {ex.Message} : {ex.StackTrace}"); } } } } var client = new SendGridClient(options.ApiKey); try { var response = await client.SendEmailAsync(m); if (response.StatusCode != System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Accepted && response.StatusCode != System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK) { var message = $"did not get expected 200 status code from SendGrid, response was {response.StatusCode} {response.Body.ToString()} "; _log.LogError(message); return(new EmailSendResult(false, message)); } } catch (Exception ex) { var message = $"failed to send email with subject {subject} error was {ex.Message} : {ex.StackTrace}"; _log.LogError(message); return(new EmailSendResult(false, message)); } return(new EmailSendResult(true)); }
public VocVM(string text, string answer, string definition, string ptBr, Importance importance, bool isActive) : base(text, importance, isActive, Model.Voc) { SetProperties(answer); }
private static void SendMessageItemWithoutSave(MailboxSession mailboxSession, string messageClass, Participant from, Participant to, string subject, string body, bool htmlContent, Importance importance) { if (mailboxSession == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("mailboxSession"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(messageClass)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("mailboxSession"); } if (null == from) { throw new ArgumentNullException("from"); } if (null == to) { throw new ArgumentNullException("to"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(body)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("body"); } StoreObjectId defaultFolderId = mailboxSession.GetDefaultFolderId(DefaultFolderType.Configuration); using (MessageItem messageItem = MessageItem.Create(mailboxSession, defaultFolderId)) { messageItem.ClassName = messageClass; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(subject)) { messageItem.Subject = subject; } using (TextWriter textWriter = messageItem.Body.OpenTextWriter(new BodyWriteConfiguration(htmlContent ? BodyFormat.TextHtml : BodyFormat.TextPlain, Charset.Unicode.Name))) { textWriter.Write(body); } messageItem.From = from; messageItem.Recipients.Add(to, RecipientItemType.To); messageItem.Importance = importance; messageItem.SendWithoutSavingMessage(); } }
protected void ProcessArticleFinishNonStandardMode(Classification classification, Importance importance, bool forceNeedsInfobox, bool forceNeedsAttention, bool removeAutoStub) { if (TheArticle.Namespace == Namespace.Talk && classification != Classification.Unassessed) { Template.NewOrReplaceTemplateParm("class", classification.ToString(), TheArticle, false, false); } ImportanceParameter(importance); if (forceNeedsInfobox) { AddAndLogNewParamWithAYesValue("needs-infobox"); } if (forceNeedsAttention) { AddAndLogNewParamWithAYesValue("attention"); } if (removeAutoStub && Template.Parameters.ContainsKey("auto")) { Template.Parameters.Remove("auto"); TheArticle.ArticleHasAMajorChange(); } }
/// <summary> /// Associates a <see cref="Framework.Importance" /> with the test component annotated by this attribute. /// </summary> /// <param name="importance">The importance to associate.</param> public ImportanceAttribute(Importance importance) { this.importance = importance; }
public void Send(MessageType type, Importance imp, string fmt, params object[] param) { Send(type, imp, string.Format(fmt, param)); }
public Hacklet(Dimension d, Importance i, Entity e, List <FunctionalInterface> interfaces) : this(d, i, e) { _interfaces = interfaces; }
public void SendResponse(Importance imp, string msg) { Send(MessageType.Response, imp, msg); }
public Message(uint NID, IPMItem item, PSTFile pst) { this._IPMItem = item; this.Data = BlockBO.GetNodeData(NID, pst); this.NID = NID; //this.MessagePC = new PropertyContext(this.Data); foreach (var subNode in this.Data.SubNodeData) { var temp = new NID(subNode.Key); switch (temp.Type) { case NDB.NID.NodeType.ATTACHMENT_TABLE: this.AttachmentTable = new TableContext(subNode.Value); break; case NDB.NID.NodeType.ATTACHMENT_PC: this.AttachmentPC = new PropertyContext(subNode.Value); this.Attachments = new List <Attachment>(); foreach (var row in this.AttachmentTable.RowMatrix.Rows) { this.Attachments.Add(new Attachment(row)); } break; case NDB.NID.NodeType.RECIPIENT_TABLE: this.RecipientTable = new TableContext(subNode.Value); foreach (var row in this.RecipientTable.RowMatrix.Rows) { var recipient = new Recipient(row); switch (recipient.Type) { case Recipient.RecipientType.TO: this.To.Add(recipient); break; case Recipient.RecipientType.FROM: this.From.Add(recipient); break; case Recipient.RecipientType.CC: this.CC.Add(recipient); break; case Recipient.RecipientType.BCC: this.BCC.Add(recipient); break; } } break; } } foreach (var prop in this._IPMItem.PC.Properties) { if (prop.Value.Data == null) { continue; } switch (prop.Key) { case 0x17: this.Imporance = (Importance)BitConverter.ToInt16(prop.Value.Data, 0); break; case 0x36: this.Sensitivity = (Sensitivity)BitConverter.ToInt16(prop.Value.Data, 0); break; case 0x37: this.Subject = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(prop.Value.Data); if (this.Subject.Length > 0) { var chars = this.Subject.ToCharArray(); if (chars[0] == 0x001) { var length = (int)chars[1]; int i = 0; if (length > 1) { i++; } this.SubjectPrefix = this.Subject.Substring(2, length - 1); this.Subject = this.Subject.Substring(2 + length - 1); } } break; case 0x39: this.ClientSubmitTime = DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(BitConverter.ToInt64(prop.Value.Data, 0)); break; case 0x42: this.SentRepresentingName = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(prop.Value.Data); break; case 0x70: this.ConversationTopic = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(prop.Value.Data); break; case 0x1a: this.MessageClass = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(prop.Value.Data); break; case 0xc1a: this.SenderName = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(prop.Value.Data); break; case 0xe06: this.MessageDeliveryTime = DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(BitConverter.ToInt64(prop.Value.Data, 0)); break; case 0xe07: this.MessageFlags = BitConverter.ToUInt32(prop.Value.Data, 0); this.Read = (this.MessageFlags & 0x1) != 0; this.Unsent = (this.MessageFlags & 0x8) != 0; this.Unmodified = (this.MessageFlags & 0x2) != 0; this.HasAttachments = (this.MessageFlags & 0x10) != 0; this.FromMe = (this.MessageFlags & 0x20) != 0; this.IsFAI = (this.MessageFlags & 0x40) != 0; this.NotifyReadRequested = (this.MessageFlags & 0x100) != 0; this.NotifyUnreadRequested = (this.MessageFlags & 0x200) != 0; this.EverRead = (this.MessageFlags & 0x400) != 0; break; case 0xe08: this.MessageSize = BitConverter.ToUInt32(prop.Value.Data, 0); break; case 0xe23: this.InternetArticalNumber = BitConverter.ToUInt32(prop.Value.Data, 0); break; case 0xe27: //unknown break; case 0xe29: //nextSentAccount, ignore this, string break; case 0xe62: //unknown break; case 0xe79: //trusted sender break; case 0x1000: this.BodyPlainText = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(prop.Value.Data); break; case 0x1009: this.BodyCompressedRTF = prop.Value.Data.RangeSubset(4, prop.Value.Data.Length - 4); break; case 0x1035: this.InternetMessageID = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(prop.Value.Data); break; case 0x10F3: this.UrlCompositeName = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(prop.Value.Data); break; case 0x10F4: this.AttributeHidden = prop.Value.Data[0] == 0x01; break; case 0x10F5: //unknown break; case 0x10F6: this.ReadOnly = prop.Value.Data[0] == 0x01; break; case 0x3007: this.CreationTime = DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(BitConverter.ToInt64(prop.Value.Data, 0)); break; case 0x3008: this.LastModificationTime = DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(BitConverter.ToInt64(prop.Value.Data, 0)); break; case 0x300B: //seach key break; case 0x3fDE: this.CodePage = BitConverter.ToUInt32(prop.Value.Data, 0); break; case 0x3ff1: //localeID break; case 0x3ff8: this.CreatorName = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(prop.Value.Data); break; case 0x3ff9: //creator entryid break; case 0x3ffa: //last modifier name break; case 0x3ffb: //last modifier entryid break; case 0x3ffd: this.NonUnicodeCodePage = BitConverter.ToUInt32(prop.Value.Data, 0); break; case 0x4019: //unknown break; case 0x401a: //sentrepresentingflags break; case 0x619: //userentryid break; default: break; } } }
internal static void PlaySound(ref int SoundSourceIndex, int SoundBufferIndex, World.Vector3D Position, Importance Important, bool Looped) { PlaySound(ref SoundSourceIndex, true, SoundBufferIndex, null, -1, Position, Important, Looped, 1.0, 1.0); }
protected abstract void ImportanceParameter(Importance Importance);
internal static void PlaySound(int SoundBufferIndex, TrainManager.Train Train, int CarIndex, World.Vector3D Position, Importance Important, bool Looped) { int a = -1; PlaySound(ref a, false, SoundBufferIndex, Train, CarIndex, Position, Important, Looped, 1.0, 1.0); }
public SpellVM(int id, string text, Importance importance, bool isActive) : base(id, text, importance, isActive, Model.Spell) { }
private static void PlaySound(ref int SoundSourceIndex, bool ReturnHandle, int SoundBufferIndex, TrainManager.Train Train, int CarIndex, World.Vector3D Position, Importance Important, bool Looped, double Pitch, double Gain) { if (OpenAlContext != IntPtr.Zero) { if (Game.MinimalisticSimulation & Important == Importance.DontCare | SoundBufferIndex == -1) { return; } if (SoundSourceIndex >= 0) { StopSound(ref SoundSourceIndex); } int i; for (i = 0; i < SoundSources.Length; i++) { if (SoundSources[i] == null) break; } if (i >= SoundSources.Length) { Array.Resize<SoundSource>(ref SoundSources, SoundSources.Length << 1); } SoundSources[i] = new SoundSource(); SoundSources[i].Position = Position; SoundSources[i].OpenAlPosition = new float[] { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; SoundSources[i].OpenAlVelocity = new float[] { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; SoundSources[i].SoundBufferIndex = SoundBufferIndex; SoundSources[i].Radius = SoundBuffers[SoundBufferIndex].Radius; SoundSources[i].Pitch = (float)Pitch; SoundSources[i].Gain = (float)Gain; SoundSources[i].Looped = Looped; SoundSources[i].Suppressed = true; SoundSources[i].FinishedPlaying = false; SoundSources[i].Train = Train; SoundSources[i].CarIndex = CarIndex; SoundSources[i].OpenAlSourceIndex = new OpenAlIndex(0, false); SoundSources[i].HasHandle = ReturnHandle; SoundSourceIndex = i; } }
/// This allows you to create a custom channel for different kinds of notifications. /// Channels are required on Android Oreo and above. If you don't call this method, a channel will be created for you with the configuration you give to SendNotification. public static void CreateChannel(string identifier, string name, string description, Color32 lightColor, bool enableLights = true, string soundName = null, Importance importance = Importance.Default, bool vibrate = true, long[] vibrationPattern = null) { #if UNITY_ANDROID && !UNITY_EDITOR AndroidJavaClass pluginClass = new AndroidJavaClass(fullClassName); if (pluginClass != null) { pluginClass.CallStatic("CreateChannel", identifier, name, description, (int)importance, soundName, enableLights ? 1 : 0, ToInt(lightColor), vibrate ? 1 : 0, vibrationPattern, bundleIdentifier); } #endif }
public static void Log(Importance logLevel, string msg, params object[] Args) { DirectoryInfo dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(Dir); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder strMsg = new StringBuilder(); string filename = ""; StreamWriter streamW = null; if(!dirInfo.Exists) { try { dirInfo.Create(); } catch(Exception) { System.Console.WriteLine("Error creating '{0}' directory!", Dir); return; } } // END IF try { sb.AppendFormat(FileName, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd")); filename = dirInfo.FullName; // Ensures that ends w/ '\' if(!filename.EndsWith("\\")) filename += "\\"; filename += sb.ToString(); // System.Console.WriteLine( "Log file name: " + filename ); } catch(Exception) { System.Console.WriteLine("Bad log file name '{0}'!", FileName); } if(TimeFmt.Length > 0) strMsg.Append(DateTime.Now.ToString(TimeFmt)).Append(" "); if(logLevel != Importance.No) { if(logLevel == Importance.HideThis) { strMsg.Append("[*** ").Append(logLevel.ToString().ToUpper()).Append(" ***] "); } else { strMsg.Append("[").Append(logLevel.ToString().ToUpper()).Append("] "); } } //strMsg += " " + msg + Environment.NewLine; strMsg.AppendFormat(msg, Args).Append(Environment.NewLine); if(OutputToConsole) System.Console.Write(strMsg.ToString()); try { lock(m_monitor) { streamW = new StreamWriter(filename, true); streamW.AutoFlush = true; streamW.Write(strMsg); } } catch(Exception ex) { System.Console.WriteLine("Error writing to '{0}' file!", filename); System.Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } if(streamW != null) streamW.Close(); }
public DebugInstance() { filter = (Importance)15; }
protected override void ImportanceParameter(Importance Importance) { }
/// <summary> /// Create a new message in the current folder /// </summary> /// <param name="mapi">NetMAPI session with an open folder</param> /// <param name="nImportance">priority of the message</param> /// <returns>true on success</returns> public bool Create(NetMAPI mapi, Importance nImportance) { return(MessageCreate(mapi.MAPI, out pObject, (int)nImportance, true, IntPtr.Zero)); }
protected override void ImportanceParameter(Importance importance) { Template.NewOrReplaceTemplateParm("importance", importance.ToString(), TheArticle, false, false); }
/// <summary> /// Create a new message in the current folder /// </summary> /// <param name="mapi">NetMAPI session with an open folder</param> /// <param name="nImportance">priority of the message</param> /// <param name="bSaveToSentFolder">save in sent or delete after sending</param> /// <param name="pFolder">folder to create in</param> /// <returns>true on success</returns> public bool Create(NetMAPI mapi, Importance nImportance, bool bSaveToSentFolder, IntPtr pFolder) { return(MessageCreate(mapi.MAPI, out pObject, (int)nImportance, bSaveToSentFolder, pFolder)); }