} // ctor

        private void FormImportEclaim_DBF_TXT_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)                // OK5-ROUGH
            if (registerManager != null)
                registerManager.IsWaitClose = true;                             // mai: to pause RegisterManager-Importing-Process.

                if (!isByPassConfirmClosingDialog)                              // mai: check if Bypass this ConfirmClosingDialog when finished all jobs.
                    // mai: ask user to confirm for closing this form, in this case if user click on btn-NO to NOT-Closing this form.
                    DialogResult dialogResult = FormMyMessageBox.Show("╥Хр╧╣Им╖║рцб║Юет║║рц╧сЮ╒Ир╒ИмаыеЦ╙ХкцвмДаХ", MyConst.APP_NAME, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); // mai	// OK // Ok
                    if (dialogResult == DialogResult.No)                                                                                                        // mai	// WK
                        e.Cancel = true;                                                                                                                        // mai: Cancel the Closing-Event from closing the form.

                        registerManager.IsWaitClose = false;                                                                                                    // reset		// mai: to continue RegisterManager-Importing-Process.
                    }                                                                                                                                           // if (dialogResult == DialogResult.No)
                }                                                                                                                                               // if (!isByPassConfirmClosingDialog)

                registerManager.IsClose = true;
            }             // if (registerManager != null)

            ImportLog.deleteImportLog();                         // mai added
            this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;                 // mai added why why
        }                                                        // FormImportEclaim_DBF_TXT_FormClosing
        } // btnxBrowseFolder_Click

        private void btnxImport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)               // OK5
            if (!IsImporting)                   // mai: OK
// mai: Start "registerManager.ImportDBF_Phase1()/ImportTXT_Phase1()":


                bool updatePendingApprovedTransaction = false;                  // mai: init with "false"
                if (RegisterManager.chkPendingApprovedTransaction())            // OK
                    using (FormAlertUpdatePendingApprovedTransaction formAlertUpdatePendingApprovedTransaction = new FormAlertUpdatePendingApprovedTransaction())
                        DialogResult dialogResult = formAlertUpdatePendingApprovedTransaction.ShowDialog();
                        if (dialogResult == DialogResult.OK)
                            updatePendingApprovedTransaction = formAlertUpdatePendingApprovedTransaction.UpdatePendingApprovedTransaction;                              // mai: values preserved after close!
                }                 // if (RegisterManager.chkPendingApprovedTransaction())
                if (updatePendingApprovedTransaction)
                    IsImporting = false; // mai: reset
                    this.Close();        // will calling "FormClosing()"

                if (fileTypes == Import_Const.FileTypes.DBF)
                    lblxMsg.Text = $@"║сея╖╢сЮ╧т╧║рц╧сЮ╒Ир╒Имаые╗р║Д©еЛ DBF";
                else if (fileTypes == Import_Const.FileTypes.TXT)
                    lblxMsg.Text = $@"║сея╖╢сЮ╧т╧║рц╧сЮ╒Ир╒Имаые╗р║Д©еЛ TXT";

                pgbImport.Value = 0;
                picBxLoading.Visible = true;
                btnxBrowseFolder.Enabled = false;
                btnxImport.Text    = $@"б║Юет║";
                btnxImport.Enabled = true;
                btnxClose.Enabled = true;
                btnxExportLog.Enabled = false;

                IsImporting = true; // mai: telling that going to do "registerManager.ImportDBF()/ImportText()" and telling that thread is running for importing and use to stop thread when press import-btn again, before start thread set this to true!!!

// mai: share with "registerManager.ImportDBF_Phase1()/ImportTXT_Phase1()--btnxImport_Click()" and "_frmImportSummary.RegisterManager--importFinished()"
                registerManager = new RegisterManager(); // Clear old value		// org	// mai: reset by create new instance.	// mai: OK
                registerManager.CallBackForm = this;     // mai: use to call member of this Form from other Form, e.g. _frmImportEclaim.Import!!!
                registerManager.FolderPath   = txtBxxBrowseFolder.Text;

                if (fileTypes == Import_Const.FileTypes.DBF)
                    new Thread(new ThreadStart(registerManager.importDBF_Phase1)).Start();
                else if (fileTypes == Import_Const.FileTypes.TXT)
                    new Thread(new ThreadStart(registerManager.importTXT_Phase1)).Start();
            }             // if (!IsImporting)
// mai: Cancel thread "registerManager.ImportDBF_Phase1()/ImportTXT_Phase1()" with "IsImporting = false":

                // mai: added:
                //DialogResult dialogResult = FormMyMessageBox.Show("╥Хр╧╣Им╖║рцб║Юет║║рц╧сЮ╒Ир╒ИмаыеЦ╙ХкцвмДаХ", MyConst.APP_NAME, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
                //if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes)
                    lblxMsg.Text = $@"║сея╖б║Юет║║рц╧сЮ╒Ир╒Имаые";
                    //pgbImport.Value = 0;
                    picBxLoading.Visible = true;
                    btnxBrowseFolder.Enabled = false;
                    btnxImport.Text    = $@"╧сЮ╒Ир╒Имаые";
                    btnxImport.Enabled = false;
                    btnxClose.Enabled = false;
                    btnxExportLog.Enabled = false;

                    IsImporting = false;                             // mai: reset, and also use this var to stop thread of "registerManager.ImportDBF_Phase1()/ImportTXT_Phase1()".
                }                                                    // if--dialogResult-confirm-cancel
            }                                                        // else // if (!IsImporting)
        }                                                            // btnxImport_Click