private static Task UpdateCursor(ImportCursor cursor) => File.WriteAllTextAsync(CursorPath, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(cursor));
public static async Task ImportChannelsFromRoomsAsync(ImportContext importContext, bool checkTeams = true) { var configuration = importContext.Configuration; var graphApi = importContext.GraphApi; if (!File.Exists(CursorPath)) { await UpdateCursor(new ImportCursor()); } var cursor = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ImportCursor>(await File.ReadAllTextAsync(CursorPath)); if (cursor == null) { cursor = new ImportCursor(); } var rooms = JsonConvert .DeserializeObject <RoomContainer[]>(await File.ReadAllTextAsync(Path.Combine(configuration.ExportFolderPath, "rooms.json"))) .Select(roomContainer => roomContainer.Room) .Skip(cursor.SkipRooms); var teams = (await graphApi.GetMyTeamsAsync()).Items.ToDictionary(team => team.DisplayName); if (checkTeams) { // Creating teams in advance so there's less waiting on the provisioning of the corresponding SharePoint // sites. Console.WriteLine("======================"); TimestampedConsole.WriteLine("Creating teams that don't exist."); var teamNamesToUse = configuration.HipChatRoomsToTeams.Values; foreach (var teamName in teamNamesToUse.Distinct()) { if (!teams.ContainsKey(teamName)) { TimestampedConsole.WriteLine($"The team \"{teamName}\" doesn't exist, so attempting to create it."); using (var response = await graphApi.CreateTeamAsync(new Team { DisplayName = teamName })) { if (!response.Headers.TryGetValues("Location", out var locations) || locations.Count() != 1) { throw new Exception($"Attempted to create the \"{teamName}\" team but the operation didn't return correctly. Try to create the team manually."); } var location = locations.Single(); var operation = await graphApi.GetAsyncOperation(location); var tries = 0; while (operation.Status != "succeeded") { if (tries > 10) { throw new Exception($"Attempted to create the \"{teamName}\" team but the operation didn't succeed after plenty of time. Try to create the team manually."); } // // says to wait >30s. await Task.Delay(31000); operation = await graphApi.GetAsyncOperation(location); tries++; } teams[teamName] = new Team { Id = operation.TargetResourceId, DisplayName = teamName }; } TimestampedConsole.WriteLine($"Created the \"{teamName}\" team."); } } TimestampedConsole.WriteLine("Created all new teams."); Console.WriteLine("======================"); } foreach (var room in rooms) { if (!configuration.HipChatRoomsToTeams.TryGetValue(room.Name, out string teamNameToImportInto)) { if (room.IsArchived && configuration.HipChatRoomsToTeams.ContainsKey("$Archived default")) { teamNameToImportInto = configuration.HipChatRoomsToTeams["$Archived default"]; } else if (configuration.HipChatRoomsToTeams.ContainsKey("$Default")) { teamNameToImportInto = configuration.HipChatRoomsToTeams["$Default"]; } } var teamToImportInto = teams[teamNameToImportInto]; try { if (!configuration.HipChatRoomsToChannels.TryGetValue(room.Name, out string channelName)) { channelName = room.Name; } // This can be used to test a single room again and again, without having to delete anything. //channelName += new Random().Next(); //room.Id = 4726816; Console.WriteLine("======================"); TimestampedConsole.WriteLine($"Starting processing the \"{room.Name}\" room."); if (_unsupportedChannelNameCharacters.Any(character => channelName.Contains(character))) { channelName = string.Join("", channelName.Split(_unsupportedChannelNameCharacters, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)); TimestampedConsole.WriteLine( $"* The \"{room.Name}\" room's name contains at least one character not allowed in channel names " + $"({_unsupportedChannelNameCharactersString})). Offending characters were removed: \"{channelName}\"."); } Channel channel = (await graphApi.GetChannelsAsync(teamToImportInto.Id)) .Items .FirstOrDefault(c => c.DisplayName == channelName); if (channel == null) { channel = await graphApi.CreateChannelAsync( teamToImportInto.Id, new Channel { DisplayName = channelName, Description = room.Topic }); TimestampedConsole.WriteLine($"Created the \"{channelName}\" channel. Starting importing messages."); } else { TimestampedConsole.WriteLine($"Starting importing messages into the existing \"{channelName}\" channel."); } var roomFolderPath = Path.Combine(configuration.ExportFolderPath, "rooms", room.Id.ToString()); var historyFilePath = Path.Combine(roomFolderPath, "history.json"); var messages = JsonConvert .DeserializeObject <Message[]>(await File.ReadAllTextAsync(historyFilePath), new MessageJsonConverter()) .Where(message => message != null && !(message is ArchiveRoomMessage)) // To preserve the original order at least we need to reverse the data set. This wouldn't be // needed if the created message's timestamp would actually take effect, see: // .Reverse() .Skip(cursor.SkipMessages); var batchSize = configuration.NumberOfHipChatMessagesToImportIntoTeamsMessage; if (importContext.MessageBatchSizeOverride > 0) { batchSize = importContext.MessageBatchSizeOverride; } while (messages.Any()) { var messageBatch = messages.Take(batchSize); var chatMessage = new ChatMessage { Body = new ItemBody { ContentType = "1" }, CreatedDateTime = messageBatch.First().Timestamp }; var attachments = new List <ChatMessageAttachment>(); var batchedMessageBody = string.Empty; foreach (var message in messageBatch) { var messageBody = message.Body; if (importContext.ShortenNextMessage) { messageBody = messageBody.Substring(0, configuration.ShortenLongMessagesToCharacterCount) + "..."; } if (message is UserMessage userMessage) { // Users are not fetched yet and this doesn't work, so using a hack to show // the user's name in the message body for now. //chatMessage.From = new IdentitySet //{ // User = new User // { // DisplayName = userMessage.Sender.Name // } //}; if (messageBody.StartsWith("/code ")) { messageBody = $"<pre><code>{messageBody.Substring(6)}</code></pre>"; } if (messageBody.StartsWith("/quote ")) { messageBody = $"<blockquote>{messageBody.Substring(7)}</blockquote>"; } messageBody = $"{userMessage.Sender.Name}:<br>{messageBody}"; if (configuration.UploadAttachments && userMessage.Attachment != null) { var attachmentPathSegments = userMessage.Attachment.Path.Split(new[] { '/' }); var attachmentPath = Path.Combine(roomFolderPath, "files", attachmentPathSegments[0], attachmentPathSegments[1]); // Attachments can't be embedded into messages (because they won't get attached to // them for some reason) but the files can be linked to. if (File.Exists(attachmentPath)) { var fileUrl = await AttachmentUploader.UploadFile(attachmentPath, teamToImportInto, channel, importContext); var extension = Path.GetExtension(attachmentPath); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(extension)) { var contentType = MimeTypeMap.List.MimeTypeMap .GetMimeType(extension) .FirstOrDefault(); if (contentType.StartsWith("image/")) { messageBody += $"<br><img src=\"{fileUrl}\">"; } else { messageBody += $"<br><a href=\"{fileUrl}\">Attachment</a>"; } } else { messageBody += $"<br><a href=\"{fileUrl}\">Attachment</a>"; } attachments.Add(new ChatMessageAttachment { ContentUrl = fileUrl, ContentType = "reference", Name = Path.GetFileName(fileUrl) }); } } } else { // This doesn't work. //chatMessage.From = new From //{ // Guest = new User // { // DisplayName = ((NotificationMessage)message).Sender // } //}; messageBody = $"{((NotificationMessage)message).Sender}:<br>{messageBody}"; } messageBody = message.Timestamp.ToString() + " UTC " + messageBody; if (batchSize != 1) { messageBody += "<hr>"; } batchedMessageBody += messageBody; importContext.ShortenNextMessage = false; } chatMessage.Body.Content = batchedMessageBody; chatMessage.Attachments = attachments; await graphApi.CreateThreadAsync( teamToImportInto.Id, channel.Id, new ChatThread { RootMessage = chatMessage }); cursor.SkipMessages += batchSize; await UpdateCursor(cursor); _throttlingCooldownMinutes = DefaultThrottlingCooldownMinutes; // Waiting a bit to avoid API throttling. await Task.Delay(500); if (cursor.SkipMessages % 50 == 0) { TimestampedConsole.WriteLine($"{cursor.SkipMessages} messages imported into the channel."); } messages = messages.Skip(batchSize); batchSize = configuration.NumberOfHipChatMessagesToImportIntoTeamsMessage; importContext.MessageBatchSizeOverride = batchSize; } cursor.SkipRooms++; cursor.SkipMessages = 0; await UpdateCursor(cursor); TimestampedConsole.WriteLine($"Messages imported into the \"{channel.DisplayName}\" channel."); Console.WriteLine("======================"); } catch (ApiException ex) when(ex.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.TooManyRequests) { TimestampedConsole.WriteLine($"API requests are being throttled. Waiting for {_throttlingCooldownMinutes} minutes, then retrying. If this happens again and again then close the app and wait some time (more than an hour, or sometimes even a day) before starting it again."); // While some APIs return a Retry-After header to indicate when you should retry a throttled // request (see: the Teams endpoints don't. // Also, all endpoints seem to have their own limits, because after the message creation is // throttled e.g. the user APIs still work. So we need to use such hacks. await Task.Delay(_throttlingCooldownMinutes * 60000); _throttlingCooldownMinutes *= 2; await ImportChannelsFromRoomsAsync(importContext); return; } catch (ApiException ex) when(ex.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable || ex.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError) { var waitSeconds = 10; TimestampedConsole.WriteLine($"A request failed with the error Service Unavailable. Waiting {waitSeconds}s, then retrying."); await Task.Delay(waitSeconds * 1000); await ImportChannelsFromRoomsAsync(importContext); return; } catch (ApiException ex) when(ex.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.RequestEntityTooLarge) { if (importContext.MessageBatchSizeOverride == configuration.NumberOfHipChatMessagesToImportIntoTeamsMessage && importContext.MessageBatchSizeOverride > 5) { importContext.MessageBatchSizeOverride = 5; } else if (importContext.MessageBatchSizeOverride != 1) { importContext.MessageBatchSizeOverride = 1; } else { if (configuration.ShortenLongMessagesToCharacterCount > 0) { importContext.ShortenNextMessage = true; await ImportChannelsFromRoomsAsync(importContext, false); return; } else { throw new Exception($"The next message to import from the \"{room.Name}\" room is too large. You need to manually shorten it in the corresponding JSON file in the HipChat export package."); } } TimestampedConsole.WriteLine($"Importing {configuration.NumberOfHipChatMessagesToImportIntoTeamsMessage} HipChat messages into a Teams message resulted in a message too large. Retrying with just {importContext.MessageBatchSizeOverride} messages."); await ImportChannelsFromRoomsAsync(importContext, false); return; } catch (ApiException ex) when(ex.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) { throw; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception($"Importing the room \"{room.Name}\" with the description \"{room.Topic}\" failed. This error can't be retried.", ex); } } }