Esempio n. 1
        private async Task <ObservableCollection <ImportCommitment> > CreateImportCommitmentsAsync()
            ObservableCollection <ImportCommitment> commitments = new ObservableCollection <ImportCommitment>();

            var hqtCommitments = await investorAccess.GetHqtCommitmentsAsync();

            foreach (InvestorCommitment commitment in hqtCommitments)
                ImportCommitment import = new ImportCommitment()
                    AsOfDate             = DateTime.MinValue,
                    Commitment           = commitment.CommitmentAmount,
                    ErrorInformation     = string.Empty,
                    FoundInPsPlus        = false,
                    InvestorCommitmentId = commitment.Id,
                    InvestorCurrency     = commitment.PeFund.Currency.CurrencyShortName,
                    InvestorCurrencyId   = (int)commitment.PeFund.CurrencyId,
                    InvestorId           = (int)commitment.InvestorId,
                    InvestorNumber       = commitment.Investor.InvestorHqTrustAccount,
                    PeFundCurrency       = commitment.PeFund.Currency.CurrencyShortName,
                    PeFundCurrencyId     = (int)commitment.PeFund.CurrencyId,
                    PeFundName           = commitment.PeFund.FundName,
                    PeFundId             = commitment.PeFundId,
                    PeFundNumber         = commitment.PeFund.FundHqTrustNumber

        /// <summary>
        /// GetNavRow reads the excel sheet and returns ExcelNav.
        /// It returns null if either fund, investor or commitment is missing
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="row"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private ExcelNav GetNavRow(int row)
            ExcelNav nav = new ExcelNav();

                nav.NavAmount = sheetFunctions.GetAmount(row, 3);
            catch (Exception)
                nav.NavAmount = 0;
            nav.NavDate        = sheetFunctions.GetDate(row, 2);
            nav.InvestorNumber = sheetFunctions.GetText(row, 1);
            nav.FundWkn        = sheetFunctions.GetText(row, 0);

            if (commitment == null || currentInvestorNumber != nav.InvestorNumber || currentFundWkn != nav.FundWkn)
                currentInvestorNumber = nav.InvestorNumber;
                currentFundWkn        = nav.FundWkn;
                commitment            = iCommitments.FirstOrDefault(c => c.InvestorNumber.Equals(nav.InvestorNumber) && c.PeFundNumber.Equals(nav.FundWkn));
                if (commitment == null)
                    eventAggregator.GetEvent <ImportEvent>()
                    .Publish($"Ein Commitment für den Investor {currentInvestorNumber} und die Beteiligungsnummer {currentFundWkn} wurde nicht gefunden.");

            nav.InvestorId           = commitment.InvestorId;
            nav.PeFundId             = commitment.PeFundId;
            nav.InvestorCommitmentId = commitment.InvestorCommitmentId;

Esempio n. 3
        private bool MissingFundsFilter(object obj)
            ImportCommitment c = obj as ImportCommitment;

            if (c.PeFundId == 0)
Esempio n. 4
 private void OnShowDifferentCommitments()
     ImportCommitments.Filter = null;
     ImportCommitments.Filter = item =>
         ImportCommitment c = item as ImportCommitment;
         return(c.HqpeCommitment != 0);
     // Clear GroupDescriptors
Esempio n. 5
 private void OnShowAddedCommitments()
     ImportCommitments.Filter = null;
     ImportCommitments.Filter = item =>
         ImportCommitment c = item as ImportCommitment;
         return(c.CommitmentsAdded == true);
     // Clear GroupDescriptors
Esempio n. 6
 private void OnShowMissingInvestors()
     ImportCommitments.Filter = null;
     ImportCommitments.Filter = item =>
         ImportCommitment c = item as ImportCommitment;
         return(c.InvestorId == 0);
     // Clear GroupDescriptors and add group by investor
     ImportCommitments.GroupDescriptions.Add(new PropertyGroupDescription("InvestorNumber"));
Esempio n. 7
 public void InsertImportCommitment(ImportCommitment import)
     using (HqTrustData dbContext = new HqTrustData())
         catch (Exception ex)
             throw new Exception($"Fehler beim Einfügen eines PS Plus Commitments {ex.Message}");
Esempio n. 8
        private void GetCommitmentRow(int row)
            ImportCommitment commitment = new ImportCommitment();

            commitment.PeFundNumber       = sheetFunctions.GetText(row, 0);
            commitment.PeFundCurrency     = sheetFunctions.GetText(row, 1);
            commitment.PeFundCurrencyId   = FindCurrencyId(commitment.PeFundCurrency);
            commitment.PeFundName         = sheetFunctions.GetText(row, 2);
            commitment.InvestorNumber     = sheetFunctions.GetText(row, 3);
            commitment.InvestorCurrency   = sheetFunctions.GetText(row, 4);
            commitment.InvestorCurrencyId = FindCurrencyId(commitment.InvestorCurrency);
            commitment.AsOfDate           = sheetFunctions.GetDate(row, 5);
                commitment.Commitment = sheetFunctions.GetAmount(row, 6);
            catch (Exception)
                commitment.Commitment = 0;

            if (!int.TryParse(commitment.InvestorNumber.Substring(0, 3), out int test))
                // lines with other content than 3 numerical digits will ignored
                // these lines are for institutional investors

            ImportCommitment found = ICommitments.
                                     Where(c => c.PeFundNumber == commitment.PeFundNumber && c.InvestorNumber == commitment.InvestorNumber).FirstOrDefault();

            if (found != null)
                found.FoundInPsPlus = true;
                if (found.Commitment == commitment.Commitment)
                found.ErrorInformation      = $"Abweichende Kapitalzusage zwischen PsPlus ({commitment.Commitment:N0}) und HQT Private Equity ({found.Commitment:N0}) ";
                found.HqpeCommitment        = found.Commitment;
                CanShowDifferentCommitments = true;

            // there is a commitment in PS-Plus with no matching commitment in HQPE
            // add a new importCommitment to the importCommitmentCollection
            // add a InvestorCommitment to the database if PeFund and Investor are found

            ImportCommitment import = new ImportCommitment()
                AsOfDate           = commitment.AsOfDate,
                PeFundName         = commitment.PeFundName,
                PeFundNumber       = commitment.PeFundNumber,
                InvestorNumber     = commitment.InvestorNumber,
                InvestorCurrency   = commitment.InvestorCurrency,
                InvestorCurrencyId = commitment.InvestorCurrencyId,
                PeFundCurrency     = commitment.PeFundCurrency,
                PeFundCurrencyId   = commitment.PeFundCurrencyId,
                Commitment         = commitment.Commitment,
                FoundInPsPlus      = true,
                ErrorInformation   = "Es wurde kein Commitment in HQT Private Equity gefunden;"

            // try to find Investor using InvestorNumber; set InvestorId if found
            // try to find PEFund using Beteiligungsnumber; set PeFundId if found

            Investor investor = investorAccess.GetInvestorByHqTrustNumber(import.InvestorNumber);

            if (investor == null)
                import.ErrorInformation += " kein Investor gefunden;";
                import.InvestorId        = 0;
                CanShowMissingInvestors  = true;
                CanAddMissingItems       = true;
            if (investor != null)
                import.InvestorId = investor.Id;

            PeFund peFund = PefundAccess.GetPeFundByBeteiligungsnummer(import.PeFundNumber);

            if (peFund == null)
                import.ErrorInformation += " kein Fund gefunden;";
                import.PeFundId          = 0;
                CanShowMissingFunds      = true;
                CanAddMissingItems       = true;
            if (peFund != null)
                import.PeFundId = peFund.Id;

            // if investor and fund are found insert investorcommitment

            if (import.PeFundId > 0 && import.InvestorId > 0)
                // Find Commitment using FundId and InvestorId
                // if found set InvestorCommitmentId  and add ImportCommitment
                // if not add InvestorCommitment

                InvestorCommitment newCommitment = new InvestorCommitment()
                    CommitmentAmount = import.Commitment,
                    InvestorId       = import.InvestorId,
                    PeFundId         = import.PeFundId

                    newCommitment               = investorAccess.UpdateInvestorCommitments(newCommitment);
                    import.ErrorInformation     = "Das Commitment wurde in die Datenbank eingefügt.";
                    import.InvestorCommitmentId = newCommitment.Id;
                    import.CommitmentsAdded     = true;
                    CanShowAddedCommitments     = true;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    NotificationRequest.Raise(new Notification()
                        Title   = ApplicationNames.NotificationTitle,
                        Content = ex.Message
Esempio n. 9
        private void InsertCashFlowsAsync()
            //the first item of cashFlows is read
            //select all cashFlows with the same porfolionumber and investornumber
            //remove all selected records from cashFlows
            //  try to find commitment in commitments
            //  if found:
            //  read all InvestorCashFlows from the Database
            int counter         = 0;
            int previousCounter = 0;

            while (cashFlows.Count > 0)
                ImportCashFlow        cf = cashFlows.ElementAt(0);
                List <ImportCashFlow> specificCashFlows = cashFlows.Where(c => c.InvestorNumber == cf.InvestorNumber && c.PeFundNumber == cf.PeFundNumber).ToList();
                DateTime lastCashFlowDate  = specificCashFlows.Max(c => c.CashFlowDate);
                DateTime firstCashFlowDate = specificCashFlows.Min(c => c.CashFlowDate);

                for (int i = 0; i < specificCashFlows.Count; i++)
                counter += specificCashFlows.Count;
                if (counter - previousCounter > 100)
                    CurrentNumberOfRecords = $"Es wurden {counter:n0} Datensätze verarbeitet.";
                    previousCounter        = counter;

                eventAggregator.GetEvent <ImportInformationEvent>().Publish(new ImportInformation()
                    ImportName  = "Cashflows",
                    Information = $"Der Import der Cashflows ist gestartet"

                List <InvestorCashFlow> dbCashFlows = new List <InvestorCashFlow>();
                ImportCommitment        commitment  = commitments.FirstOrDefault(c => c.InvestorNumber == cf.InvestorNumber && c.PeFundNumber == cf.PeFundNumber);
                if (commitment != null)
                    if (commitment.InvestorCommitmentId == 0)
                        continue;                                           // InvestorCommitmentId =0 if commitment is not in the database
                    // => no CashFlows are inserted
                    dbCashFlows = investorAccess.GetCashFlowsForCommitment(commitment.InvestorCommitmentId);
                    continue;       // if commitment is not found leave database unchanged
                foreach (ImportCashFlow import in specificCashFlows)
                    if (import.PsPlusId == 0)
                        import.PsPlusId = 1;                        // there is no PSPlusId for transaction before client starts with HQTrust; default Id =1
                    InvestorCashFlow foundCf = dbCashFlows.FirstOrDefault(c => c.PsPlusId == import.PsPlusId);

                    //if a cashflow with a corresponding PsPlusId is found ==> read next Cashflow
                    if (foundCf != null)

                    // if not found try to find a cashFlow with the same Date (+- 3 days)
                    InvestorCashFlow selectedCashFlow = null;
                    foreach (InvestorCashFlow icf in dbCashFlows)
                        TimeSpan span = icf.EffectiveDate.Subtract(import.CashFlowDate);
                        if (Math.Abs(span.Days) > 3)
                        if (icf.CashFlowAmount == import.AmountPeFundCurrency)
                            icf.PsPlusId     = import.PsPlusId;
                            selectedCashFlow = icf;
                    if (selectedCashFlow != null)
                        //update CashFlow
                        // remove CashFlow from dbCashFlows
                        selectedCashFlow.PsPlusId       = import.PsPlusId;
                        selectedCashFlow.CapitalGain    = import.CapitalGain;
                        selectedCashFlow.CashFlowAmount = import.AmountPeFundCurrency;
                        selectedCashFlow.CashFlowAmountInInvestorCurrency = import.AmountInvestorCurrency;
                        selectedCashFlow.Dividends           = import.Dividends;
                        selectedCashFlow.EffectiveDate       = import.CashFlowDate;
                        selectedCashFlow.PartnershipExpenses = import.PartnershipExpenses;
                        selectedCashFlow.RecallableAmount    = import.RecallableAmount;
                        selectedCashFlow.ReturnOfCapital     = import.ReturnOfCapital;
                        selectedCashFlow.WithholdingTax      = import.WithholdingTax;

                        catch (Exception ex)
                            eventAggregator.GetEvent <ImportEvent>().Publish($"Fehler beim Ändern eines CashFlows: {ex.Message}");
                        //in der Datenbank wurde kein CashFlow gefunden => neuen CashFlow eintragen
                        selectedCashFlow = new InvestorCashFlow();
                        selectedCashFlow.InvestorCommitmentId             = commitment.InvestorCommitmentId;
                        selectedCashFlow.CommitmentAmount                 = commitment.Commitment;
                        selectedCashFlow.PsPlusId                         = import.PsPlusId;
                        selectedCashFlow.CapitalGain                      = import.CapitalGain;
                        selectedCashFlow.CashFlowAmount                   = import.AmountPeFundCurrency;
                        selectedCashFlow.CashFlowAmountInInvestorCurrency = import.AmountInvestorCurrency;
                        selectedCashFlow.Dividends                        = import.Dividends;
                        selectedCashFlow.EffectiveDate                    = import.CashFlowDate;
                        selectedCashFlow.PartnershipExpenses              = import.PartnershipExpenses;
                        selectedCashFlow.RecallableAmount                 = import.RecallableAmount;
                        selectedCashFlow.ReturnOfCapital                  = import.ReturnOfCapital;
                        selectedCashFlow.WithholdingTax                   = import.WithholdingTax;
                        if (selectedCashFlow.CashFlowAmount < 0)
                            selectedCashFlow.CashFlowDescription = "Capital Call";
                            selectedCashFlow.CashFlowDescription = "Distribution";
                        if (selectedCashFlow.CashFlowAmount < 0)
                            selectedCashFlow.CashFlowType = "Capital Call";
                            selectedCashFlow.CashFlowType = "Distribution";

                        catch (Exception ex)
                            eventAggregator.GetEvent <ImportEvent>().Publish($"Fehler beim Einfügen eines CashFlows: {ex.Message}");

                // the remaining InvestorCashFlows in dbCashFlows are either after maxDate or need to be removed
                foreach (InvestorCashFlow icf in dbCashFlows)
                    if (icf.EffectiveDate > lastCashFlowDate)
                    // remove CashFlow from database
                eventAggregator.GetEvent <ImportInformationEvent>().Publish(new ImportInformation()
                    ImportName  = "CashFlows",
                    Information = $"Es sind noch {cashFlows.Count.ToString()} Cashflows zu verarbeiten"
            CurrentNumberOfRecords = $"Es wurden alle Datensätze verarbeitet.";