public void PosTest5()
                int[] iArray     = { 1, 9, 3, 6, -1, 8, 7, 1, 2, 4 };
                var   listObject = ImmutableSortedTreeList.Create(iArray);

                Assert.Same(listObject, listObject.GetRange(0, listObject.Count));
            public void NegTest3()
                char[] iArray     = { '#', ' ', '&', 'c', '1', '_', 'A' };
                var    listObject = ImmutableSortedTreeList.Create(iArray);

                Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => listObject.GetRange(4, 4));
        public void TestMultipleElementList()
            var values = new[] { Generator.GetInt32(), Generator.GetInt32(), Generator.GetInt32() };

            // Construction using ImmutableSortedTreeList.Create
            var list = ImmutableSortedTreeList.Create(values);

            Assert.Equal(values.OrderBy(x => x), list);

            list = ImmutableSortedTreeList.Create <int>(comparer: null, values);
            Assert.Same(Comparer <int> .Default, list.Comparer);
            Assert.Equal(values.OrderBy(x => x), list);

            list = ImmutableSortedTreeList.Create(ReverseComparer <int> .Default, values);
            Assert.Same(ReverseComparer <int> .Default, list.Comparer);
            Assert.Equal(values.OrderByDescending(x => x), list);

            // Construction using ImmutableSortedTreeList.ToImmutableSortedTreeList
            list = values.ToImmutableSortedTreeList();
            Assert.Same(Comparer <int> .Default, list.Comparer);
            Assert.Equal(values.OrderBy(x => x), list);

            list = values.ToImmutableSortedTreeList(comparer: null);
            Assert.Same(Comparer <int> .Default, list.Comparer);
            Assert.Equal(values.OrderBy(x => x), list);

            list = values.ToImmutableSortedTreeList(ReverseComparer <int> .Default);
            Assert.Same(ReverseComparer <int> .Default, list.Comparer);
            Assert.Equal(values.OrderByDescending(x => x), list);
            public void NegTest2()
                int[] iArray     = { 1, 9, 3, 6, -1, 8, 7, 1, 2, 4 };
                var   listObject = ImmutableSortedTreeList.Create(iArray);

                Assert.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => listObject.GetRange(6, -4));
        public void TestEmptyImmutableSortedTreeList()
            var list = ImmutableSortedTreeList.Create <int>();

            Assert.Same(ImmutableSortedTreeList <int> .Empty, list);
            public void NegTest1()
                int[]        iArray     = { 1, 9, 3, 6, -1, 8, 7, 1, 2, 4 };
                var          listObject = ImmutableSortedTreeList.Create(iArray);
                Action <int>?action     = null;

                Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => listObject.ForEach(action !));
            public void PosTest4()
                int[] iArray     = { 1, 9, 3, 6, -1, 8, 7, 1, 2, 4 };
                var   listObject = ImmutableSortedTreeList.Create(iArray);
                ImmutableSortedTreeList <int> listResult = listObject.GetRange(5, 0);

            public void PosTest1()
                int[] iArray     = { 1, 9, 3, 6, -1, 8, 7, 1, 2, 4 };
                var   listObject = ImmutableSortedTreeList.Create(iArray);
                var   myClass    = new MyClass();
                var   action     = new Action <int>(myClass.SumCalc);

                Assert.Equal(40, myClass.Sum);
            public void PosTest2()
                string[] strArray   = { "Hello", "wor", "l", "d" };
                var      listObject = ImmutableSortedTreeList.Create(new ComparisonComparer <string>((x, y) => 0), strArray);
                var      myClass    = new MyClass();
                var      action     = new Action <string>(myClass.JoinStr);

                Assert.Equal("Helloworld", myClass.Result);
Esempio n. 10
        public void TestICollectionInterface()
            TestICollectionInterfaceImpl(ImmutableSortedTreeList.Create <int>(600, 601).ToBuilder(), supportsNullValues: false);
            TestICollectionInterfaceImpl(ImmutableSortedTreeList.Create <int?>(600, 601).ToBuilder(), supportsNullValues: true);
            TestICollectionInterfaceImpl(ImmutableSortedTreeList.Create <object>(600, 601).ToBuilder(), supportsNullValues: true);

            // Run the same set of tests on ImmutableTreeList<T> to ensure consistent behavior
            TestICollectionInterfaceImpl(ImmutableTreeList.Create <int>(600, 601).ToBuilder(), supportsNullValues: false);
            TestICollectionInterfaceImpl(ImmutableTreeList.Create <int?>(600, 601).ToBuilder(), supportsNullValues: true);
            TestICollectionInterfaceImpl(ImmutableTreeList.Create <object>(600, 601).ToBuilder(), supportsNullValues: true);
            public void PosTest2()
                string[] strArray   = { "apple", "banana", "chocolate", "dog", "food" };
                var      listObject = ImmutableSortedTreeList.Create(strArray);
                int      startIdx   = Generator.GetInt32(0, 4);        // The starting index of the section to make a shallow copy
                int      endIdx     = Generator.GetInt32(startIdx, 5); // The end index of the section to make a shallow copy
                int      count      = endIdx - startIdx + 1;
                ImmutableSortedTreeList <string> listResult = listObject.GetRange(startIdx, count);

                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    Assert.Equal(strArray[i + startIdx], listResult[i]);
            public void PosTest1()
                int[] iArray     = { 1, 9, 3, 6, -1, 8, 7, 1, 2, 4 };
                var   listObject = ImmutableSortedTreeList.Create(new ComparisonComparer <int>((x, y) => 0), iArray);
                int   startIdx   = Generator.GetInt32(0, 9);         // The starting index of the section to make a shallow copy
                int   endIdx     = Generator.GetInt32(startIdx, 10); // The end index of the section to make a shallow copy
                int   count      = endIdx - startIdx + 1;
                ImmutableSortedTreeList <int> listResult = listObject.GetRange(startIdx, count);

                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    Assert.Equal(iArray[i + startIdx], listResult[i]);
        public void TestSingleElementList()
            var value = Generator.GetInt32();
            var list  = ImmutableSortedTreeList.Create(value);

            Assert.Equal(new[] { value }, list);

            list = ImmutableSortedTreeList.Create(comparer: null, value);
            Assert.Same(Comparer <int> .Default, list.Comparer);
            Assert.Equal(new[] { value }, list);

            list = ImmutableSortedTreeList.Create(ReverseComparer <int> .Default, value);
            Assert.Same(ReverseComparer <int> .Default, list.Comparer);
            Assert.Equal(new[] { value }, list);
            public void PosTest3()
                var myclass1 = new MyClass2('h');
                var myclass2 = new MyClass2('=');
                var myclass3 = new MyClass2('&');
                var mc       = new MyClass2[3] {
                    myclass1, myclass2, myclass3
                var listObject = ImmutableSortedTreeList.Create(new ComparisonComparer <MyClass2>((x, y) => 0), mc);
                var myClass    = new MyClass();
                var action     = new Action <MyClass2>(myClass.DeleteValue);

                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            public void PosTest3()
                var myclass1 = new MyClass();
                var myclass2 = new MyClass();
                var myclass3 = new MyClass();
                var mc       = new MyClass[3] {
                    myclass1, myclass2, myclass3
                var listObject = ImmutableSortedTreeList.Create(new ComparisonComparer <MyClass>((x, y) => 0), mc);
                int startIdx   = Generator.GetInt32(0, 2);        // The starting index of the section to make a shallow copy
                int endIdx     = Generator.GetInt32(startIdx, 3); // The end index of the section to make a shallow copy
                int count      = endIdx - startIdx + 1;
                ImmutableSortedTreeList <MyClass> listResult = listObject.GetRange(startIdx, count);

                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    Assert.Equal(mc[i + startIdx], listResult[i]);
 public void TestImmutableSortedTreeListCreateValidation()
     Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>("items", () => ImmutableSortedTreeList.Create(default(int[]) !));
     Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>("items", () => ImmutableSortedTreeList.Create(Comparer <int> .Default, default(int[]) !));
Esempio n. 17
 public void TestIListInterface()
     TestIListInterfaceImpl(ImmutableSortedTreeList.Create <int>(600, 601).ToBuilder(), supportsNullValues: false);
     TestIListInterfaceImpl(ImmutableSortedTreeList.Create <int?>(600, 601).ToBuilder(), supportsNullValues: true);
     TestIListInterfaceImpl(ImmutableSortedTreeList.Create <ValueType>(600, 601).ToBuilder(), supportsNullValues: true);