Esempio n. 1
        // parses the properties file format
        private static PropertySet parse(ImmutableList <string> lines)
            // cannot use ArrayListMultiMap as it does not retain the order of the keys
            // whereas ImmutableListMultimap does retain the order of the keys
            ImmutableListMultimap.Builder <string, string> parsed = ImmutableListMultimap.builder();
            int lineNum = 0;

            foreach (string line in lines)
                line = line.Trim();
                if (line.Length == 0 || line.StartsWith("#", StringComparison.Ordinal) || line.StartsWith(";", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                int equalsPosition = line.IndexOf(" = ", StringComparison.Ordinal);
                equalsPosition = equalsPosition < 0 ? line.IndexOf('=') : equalsPosition + 1;
                string key   = (equalsPosition < 0 ? line.Trim() : line.Substring(0, equalsPosition).Trim());
                string value = (equalsPosition < 0 ? "" : line.Substring(equalsPosition + 1).Trim());
                if (key.Length == 0)
                    throw new System.ArgumentException("Invalid properties file, empty key, line " + lineNum);
                parsed.put(key, value);
 /// <summary>
 /// Overrides this property set with another.
 /// <para>
 /// The specified property set takes precedence.
 /// The order of any existing keys will be retained, with the value replaced.
 /// Any order of any additional keys will be retained, with those keys located after the base set of keys.
 /// </para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="other">  the other property set </param>
 /// <returns> the combined property set </returns>
 public PropertySet overrideWith(PropertySet other)
     ArgChecker.notNull(other, "other");
     if (other.Empty)
     if (Empty)
     // cannot use ArrayListMultiMap as it does not retain the order of the keys
     // whereas ImmutableListMultimap does retain the order of the keys
     ImmutableListMultimap.Builder <string, string> map = ImmutableListMultimap.builder();
     foreach (string key in this.keyValueMap.Keys)
         if (other.contains(key))
             map.putAll(key, other.valueList(key));
             map.putAll(key, this.valueList(key));
     foreach (string key in other.keyValueMap.Keys)
         if (!this.contains(key))
             map.putAll(key, other.valueList(key));
     return(new PropertySet(;
        public virtual void test_ofChained_chainToNowhere()
            IniFile test = ResourceConfig.combinedIniFile("TestChain3.ini");
            Multimap <string, string> keyValues1 = ImmutableListMultimap.of("a", "x", "b", "y");

            assertEquals(test.asMap(), ImmutableMap.of("one", PropertySet.of(keyValues1)));
        public virtual void test_ofChained_autoChain()
            IniFile test = ResourceConfig.combinedIniFile("TestChain4.ini");
            Multimap <string, string> keyValues1 = ImmutableListMultimap.of("a", "z", "b", "y");
            Multimap <string, string> keyValues2 = ImmutableListMultimap.of("m", "n");

            assertEquals(test.asMap(), ImmutableMap.of("one", PropertySet.of(keyValues1), "two", PropertySet.of(keyValues2)));
        public virtual void toListMultimap()
            IDictionary <string, int>  map      = ImmutableMap.of("a", 1, "aa", 2, "b", 10, "bb", 20, "c", 1);
            ListMultimap <string, int> expected = ImmutableListMultimap.of("a", 1, "a", 2, "b", 10, "b", 20, "c", 1);
            ListMultimap <string, int> result   = MapStream.of(map).mapKeys(s => s.substring(0, 1)).toListMultimap();

        public virtual void test_combinedWith()
            PropertySet @base    = PropertySet.of(ImmutableListMultimap.of("a", "x", "a", "y", "c", "z"));
            PropertySet other    = PropertySet.of(ImmutableListMultimap.of("a", "aa", "b", "bb", "d", "dd"));
            PropertySet expected = PropertySet.of(ImmutableListMultimap.of("a", "x", "a", "y", "c", "z", "b", "bb", "d", "dd"));

            assertEquals(@base.combinedWith(other), expected);
        public virtual void test_overrideWith()
            PropertySet @base    = PropertySet.of(ImmutableListMultimap.of("a", "x", "a", "y", "b", "y", "c", "z"));
            PropertySet other    = PropertySet.of(ImmutableListMultimap.of("a", "aa", "c", "cc", "d", "dd", "e", "ee"));
            PropertySet expected = PropertySet.of(ImmutableListMultimap.of("a", "aa", "b", "y", "c", "cc", "d", "dd", "e", "ee"));

            assertEquals(@base.overrideWith(other), expected);
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an instance, based on the specified element.
 /// <para>
 /// The map of references is used to link one part of the XML to another.
 /// For example, if one part of the XML has {@code <foo id="fooId">}, the references
 /// map will contain an entry mapping "fooId" to the parsed element {@code <foo>}.
 /// </para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fpmlRootEl">  the source of the FpML XML document </param>
 /// <param name="references">  the map of id/href to referenced element </param>
 /// <param name="ourPartySelector">  the selector used to find "our" party within the set of parties in the FpML document </param>
 /// <param name="tradeInfoParser">  the trade info parser </param>
 /// <param name="refData">  the reference data to use </param>
 public FpmlDocument(XmlElement fpmlRootEl, IDictionary <string, XmlElement> references, FpmlPartySelector ourPartySelector, FpmlTradeInfoParserPlugin tradeInfoParser, ReferenceData refData)
     this.fpmlRoot        = fpmlRootEl;
     this.references      = ImmutableMap.copyOf(references);
     this.parties         = parseParties(fpmlRootEl);
     this.ourPartyHrefIds = findOurParty(ourPartySelector);
     this.tradeInfoParser = tradeInfoParser;
     this.refData         = refData;
        public virtual void test_toImmutableListMultimap_keyValue()
            IList <string> list = Arrays.asList("a", "ab", "b", "bb", "c", "a");
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java stream collectors are not converted by Java to C# Converter:
            ImmutableListMultimap <int, string>    test     = list.collect(Guavate.toImmutableListMultimap(s => s.length(), s => "!" + s));
            ImmutableListMultimap <object, object> expected = ImmutableListMultimap.builder().put(1, "!a").put(2, "!ab").put(1, "!b").put(2, "!bb").put(1, "!c").put(1, "!a").build();

            assertEquals(test, expected);
 /// <summary>
 /// Obtains an instance from a map.
 /// <para>
 /// The returned instance will have one value for each key.
 /// </para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="keyValues">  the key-values to create the instance with </param>
 /// <returns> the property set </returns>
 public static PropertySet of(IDictionary <string, string> keyValues)
     ArgChecker.notNull(keyValues, "keyValues");
     ImmutableListMultimap.Builder <string, string> builder = ImmutableListMultimap.builder();
     foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> entry in keyValues.SetOfKeyValuePairs())
     return(new PropertySet(;
Esempio n. 11
        public virtual void test_load()
            ImmutableListMultimap <LocalDate, LegalEntityCurveGroup> allCurves = LegalEntityRatesCurvesCsvLoader.loadAllDates(ResourceLocator.of(GROUPS), ResourceLocator.of(SETTINGS), ImmutableList.of(ResourceLocator.of(CURVES_1), ResourceLocator.of(CURVES_2)));

            foreach (LocalDate date in ALL_DATES)
                ImmutableList <LegalEntityCurveGroup> oneDayCurves = LegalEntityRatesCurvesCsvLoader.load(date, ResourceLocator.of(GROUPS), ResourceLocator.of(SETTINGS), ImmutableList.of(ResourceLocator.of(CURVES_1), ResourceLocator.of(CURVES_2)));
                assertEquals(oneDayCurves, allCurves.get(date));
        // parse all the root-level party elements
        private static ImmutableListMultimap <string, string> parseParties(XmlElement root)
            ListMultimap <string, string> parties = ArrayListMultimap.create();

            foreach (XmlElement child in root.getChildren("party"))
                parties.putAll(child.getAttribute(ID), findPartyIds(child));
Esempio n. 13
        public virtual void test_loadAllDates()
            LocalDate sampleDate = ALL_DATES[3];     // 2017-04-21
            ImmutableList <LocalDate> expDates  = ImmutableList.of(LocalDate.of(2017, 0x7, 21), LocalDate.of(2017, 10, 0x7), LocalDate.of(2018, 4, 13), LocalDate.of(2019, 4, 12), LocalDate.of(2020, 3, 20), LocalDate.of(2021, 3, 19), LocalDate.of(2022, 3, 19), LocalDate.of(2023, 3, 17), LocalDate.of(2024, 6, 17), LocalDate.of(2025, 3, 18), LocalDate.of(2026, 3, 20), LocalDate.of(2027, 3, 20), LocalDate.of(2031, 12, 19), LocalDate.of(2037, 3, 17), LocalDate.of(2047, 3, 17), LocalDate.of(2056, 3, 17));
            ImmutableList <string>    expTenors = ImmutableList.of("3M", "6M", "1Y", "2Y", "3Y", "4Y", "5Y", "6Y", "7Y", "8Y", "9Y", "10Y", "15Y", "20Y", "30Y", "40Y");
            RepoGroup   repoGroup      = RepoGroup.of("JP-REPO");
            DoubleArray expRepoXValues = DoubleArray.of(3, n => ACT_365F.relativeYearFraction(sampleDate, expDates.get(n)));
            DoubleArray expRepoYValues = DoubleArray.of(-0.0019521, -0.0016021, -0.0022521);
            ImmutableList <LabelDateParameterMetadata> expRepoMetadata = IntStream.range(0, 3).mapToObj(n => LabelDateParameterMetadata.of(expDates.get(n), expTenors.get(n))).collect(Guavate.toImmutableList());
            LegalEntityGroup legalEntityGroup = LegalEntityGroup.of("JP-GOVT");
            DoubleArray      expIssuerXValues = DoubleArray.of(expDates.size(), n => ACT_365F.relativeYearFraction(sampleDate, expDates.get(n)));
            DoubleArray      expIssuerYValues = DoubleArray.of(-0.0019511690511744527, -0.001497422302092893, -0.0021798583657932176, -0.002215700360912938, -0.0021722324679574866, -0.001922059591219172, -0.0015461646763548528, -0.0014835851245462084, -0.001118669580570464, -5.476767138782941E-4, -2.2155596172855965E-4, 2.0333291172821893E-5, 0.00284500423293463, 0.005876533417933958, 0.007957581583531789, 0.009134630405512047);
            ImmutableList <LabelDateParameterMetadata> expIssuerMetadata = IntStream.range(0, expDates.size()).mapToObj(n => LabelDateParameterMetadata.of(expDates.get(n), expTenors.get(n))).collect(Guavate.toImmutableList());

            ImmutableListMultimap <LocalDate, LegalEntityCurveGroup> allCurves = LegalEntityRatesCurvesCsvLoader.loadAllDates(ResourceLocator.of(GROUPS), ResourceLocator.of(SETTINGS), ImmutableList.of(ResourceLocator.of(CURVES_1), ResourceLocator.of(CURVES_2)));

//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: There is no .NET equivalent to the java.util.Collection 'containsAll' method:
            ImmutableList <LegalEntityCurveGroup> groups = allCurves.get(sampleDate);

            assertEquals(groups.size(), 2);
            // group 0
            LegalEntityCurveGroup group0 = groups.get(0);

            assertEquals(group0.Name, CurveGroupName.of("Default1"));
            // repo
            assertEquals(group0.RepoCurves.size(), 1);
            Curve repoCurve = group0.RepoCurves.get(Pair.of(repoGroup, JPY));
            InterpolatedNodalCurve expectedRepoCurve = InterpolatedNodalCurve.of(Curves.zeroRates(CurveName.of("JP-REPO-1"), ACT_365F, expRepoMetadata), expRepoXValues, expRepoYValues, CurveInterpolators.LINEAR, CurveExtrapolators.FLAT, CurveExtrapolators.FLAT);

            assertEquals(repoCurve, expectedRepoCurve);
            // issuer
            assertEquals(group0.IssuerCurves.size(), 2);
            Curve issuerCurve = group0.IssuerCurves.get(Pair.of(legalEntityGroup, JPY));
            InterpolatedNodalCurve expectedIssuerCurve = InterpolatedNodalCurve.of(Curves.zeroRates(CurveName.of("JP-GOVT-1"), ACT_365F, expIssuerMetadata), expIssuerXValues, expIssuerYValues, CurveInterpolators.LINEAR, CurveExtrapolators.FLAT, CurveExtrapolators.FLAT);

            assertEquals(issuerCurve, expectedIssuerCurve);
            Curve usIssuerCurve = group0.IssuerCurves.get(Pair.of(LegalEntityGroup.of("US-GOVT"), USD));

            expectedIssuerCurve = InterpolatedNodalCurve.of(Curves.zeroRates(CurveName.of("US-GOVT"), ACT_360, expIssuerMetadata), DoubleArray.of(expDates.size(), n => ACT_360.relativeYearFraction(sampleDate, expDates.get(n))), expIssuerYValues, CurveInterpolators.NATURAL_SPLINE, CurveExtrapolators.FLAT, CurveExtrapolators.FLAT);
            assertEquals(usIssuerCurve, expectedIssuerCurve);
            // group 1
            LegalEntityCurveGroup group1 = groups.get(1);

            assertEquals(group1.Name, CurveGroupName.of("Default2"));
            // repo
            repoCurve         = group1.RepoCurves.get(Pair.of(repoGroup, JPY));
            expectedRepoCurve = InterpolatedNodalCurve.of(Curves.zeroRates(CurveName.of("JP-REPO-2"), ACT_365F, expRepoMetadata), expRepoXValues, expRepoYValues, CurveInterpolators.DOUBLE_QUADRATIC, CurveExtrapolators.LINEAR, CurveExtrapolators.LINEAR);
            assertEquals(repoCurve, expectedRepoCurve);
            // issuer
            assertEquals(group1.IssuerCurves.size(), 1);
            issuerCurve         = group1.IssuerCurves.get(Pair.of(legalEntityGroup, JPY));
            expectedIssuerCurve = InterpolatedNodalCurve.of(Curves.zeroRates(CurveName.of("JP-GOVT-2"), ACT_365F, expIssuerMetadata), expIssuerXValues, expIssuerYValues, CurveInterpolators.DOUBLE_QUADRATIC, CurveExtrapolators.LINEAR, CurveExtrapolators.LINEAR);
            assertEquals(issuerCurve, expectedIssuerCurve);
Esempio n. 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses one or more CSV format position files, returning sensitivities.
        /// <para>
        /// The standard way to write sensitivities files is for each file to contain one sensitivity instance.
        /// The file format can handle multiple instances per file, where each instance has a separate identifier.
        /// Most files will not have the identifier columns, thus the identifier will be the empty string.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// The returned multimap is keyed by identifier. The value will contain one entry for each instance.
        /// If desired, the results can be reduced using <seealso cref="CurveSensitivities#mergedWith(CurveSensitivities)"/>
        /// to merge those with the same identifier.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// CSV files sometimes contain a Unicode Byte Order Mark.
        /// Callers are responsible for handling this, such as by using <seealso cref="UnicodeBom"/>.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="charSources">  the CSV character sources </param>
        /// <returns> the loaded sensitivities, parsing errors are captured in the result </returns>
        public ValueWithFailures <ListMultimap <string, CurveSensitivities> > parse(ICollection <CharSource> charSources)
            ListMultimap <string, CurveSensitivities> parsed = ArrayListMultimap.create();
            IList <FailureItem> failures = new List <FailureItem>();

            foreach (CharSource charSource in charSources)
                parse(charSource, parsed, failures);
            return(ValueWithFailures.of(ImmutableListMultimap.copyOf(parsed), failures));
Esempio n. 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses one or more CSV format curve files for all available dates.
        /// <para>
        /// A predicate is specified that is used to filter the dates that are returned.
        /// This could match a single date, a set of dates or all dates.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// If the files contain a duplicate entry an exception will be thrown.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="datePredicate">  the predicate used to select the dates </param>
        /// <param name="groupsCharSource">  the curve groups CSV character source </param>
        /// <param name="settingsCharSource">  the curve settings CSV character source </param>
        /// <param name="curveValueCharSources">  the CSV character sources for curves </param>
        /// <returns> the loaded curves, mapped by date and identifier </returns>
        /// <exception cref="IllegalArgumentException"> if the files contain a duplicate entry </exception>
        public static ImmutableListMultimap <LocalDate, RatesCurveGroup> parse(System.Predicate <LocalDate> datePredicate, CharSource groupsCharSource, CharSource settingsCharSource, ICollection <CharSource> curveValueCharSources)
            IList <RatesCurveGroupDefinition> curveGroups = RatesCurveGroupDefinitionCsvLoader.parseCurveGroupDefinitions(groupsCharSource);
            IDictionary <LocalDate, IDictionary <CurveName, Curve> > curves = parseCurves(datePredicate, settingsCharSource, curveValueCharSources);

            ImmutableListMultimap.Builder <LocalDate, RatesCurveGroup> builder = ImmutableListMultimap.builder();

            foreach (RatesCurveGroupDefinition groupDefinition in curveGroups)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <LocalDate, IDictionary <CurveName, Curve> > entry in curves.SetOfKeyValuePairs())
                    RatesCurveGroup curveGroup = RatesCurveGroup.ofCurves(groupDefinition, entry.Value.values());
                    builder.put(entry.Key, curveGroup);
Esempio n. 16
        // parses the INI file format
        private static ImmutableMap <string, ImmutableListMultimap <string, string> > parse(ImmutableList <string> lines)
            // cannot use ArrayListMultiMap as it does not retain the order of the keys
            // whereas ImmutableListMultimap does retain the order of the keys
            IDictionary <string, ImmutableListMultimap.Builder <string, string> > ini = new LinkedHashMap <string, ImmutableListMultimap.Builder <string, string> >();

            ImmutableListMultimap.Builder <string, string> currentSection = null;
            int lineNum = 0;

            foreach (string line in lines)
                line = line.Trim();
                if (line.Length == 0 || line.StartsWith("#", StringComparison.Ordinal) || line.StartsWith(";", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                if (line.StartsWith("[", StringComparison.Ordinal) && line.EndsWith("]", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    string sectionName = line.Substring(1, (line.Length - 1) - 1).Trim();
                    if (ini.ContainsKey(sectionName))
                        throw new System.ArgumentException("Invalid INI file, duplicate section not allowed, line " + lineNum);
                    currentSection   = ImmutableListMultimap.builder();
                    ini[sectionName] = currentSection;
                else if (currentSection == null)
                    throw new System.ArgumentException("Invalid INI file, properties must be within a [section], line " + lineNum);
                    int equalsPosition = line.IndexOf(" = ", StringComparison.Ordinal);
                    equalsPosition = equalsPosition < 0 ? line.IndexOf('=') : equalsPosition + 1;
                    string key   = (equalsPosition < 0 ? line.Trim() : line.Substring(0, equalsPosition).Trim());
                    string value = (equalsPosition < 0 ? "" : line.Substring(equalsPosition + 1).Trim());
                    if (key.Length == 0)
                        throw new System.ArgumentException("Invalid INI file, empty key, line " + lineNum);
                    currentSection.put(key, value);
            return(MapStream.of(ini).mapValues(b =>;
        public virtual void test_of_multimap()
            Multimap <string, string> keyValues = ImmutableMultimap.of("a", "x", "a", "y", "b", "z");
            PropertySet test = PropertySet.of(keyValues);

            assertEquals(test.Empty, false);
            assertEquals(test.contains("a"), true);
            assertThrowsIllegalArg(() => test.value("a"));
            assertEquals(test.valueList("a"), ImmutableList.of("x", "y"));
            assertEquals(test.contains("b"), true);
            assertEquals(test.value("b"), "z");
            assertEquals(test.valueList("b"), ImmutableList.of("z"));
            assertEquals(test.contains("c"), false);
            assertEquals(test.keys(), ImmutableSet.of("a", "b"));
            assertEquals(test.asMultimap(), ImmutableListMultimap.of("a", "x", "a", "y", "b", "z"));
            assertEquals(test.valueList("unknown"), ImmutableSet.of());

            assertThrowsIllegalArg(() => test.asMap());
            assertThrowsIllegalArg(() => test.value("unknown"));
            assertEquals(test.ToString(), "{a=[x, y], b=[z]}");
Esempio n. 18
 /// <summary>Return a manifest of what finalized edit logs are available.</summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Return a manifest of what finalized edit logs are available. All available
 /// edit logs are returned starting from the transaction id passed. If
 /// 'fromTxId' falls in the middle of a log, that log is returned as well.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="fromTxId">Starting transaction id to read the logs.</param>
 /// <returns>RemoteEditLogManifest object.</returns>
 public virtual RemoteEditLogManifest GetEditLogManifest(long fromTxId)
     lock (this)
         // Collect RemoteEditLogs available from each FileJournalManager
         IList <RemoteEditLog> allLogs = Lists.NewArrayList();
         foreach (JournalSet.JournalAndStream j in journals)
             if (j.GetManager() is FileJournalManager)
                 FileJournalManager fjm = (FileJournalManager)j.GetManager();
                     Sharpen.Collections.AddAll(allLogs, fjm.GetRemoteEditLogs(fromTxId, false));
                 catch (Exception t)
                     Log.Warn("Cannot list edit logs in " + fjm, t);
         // Group logs by their starting txid
         ImmutableListMultimap <long, RemoteEditLog> logsByStartTxId = Multimaps.Index(allLogs
                                                                                       , RemoteEditLog.GetStartTxid);
         long curStartTxId          = fromTxId;
         IList <RemoteEditLog> logs = Lists.NewArrayList();
         while (true)
             ImmutableList <RemoteEditLog> logGroup = ((ImmutableList <RemoteEditLog>)logsByStartTxId
             if (logGroup.IsEmpty())
                 // we have a gap in logs - for example because we recovered some old
                 // storage directory with ancient logs. Clear out any logs we've
                 // accumulated so far, and then skip to the next segment of logs
                 // after the gap.
                 ICollection <long> startTxIds = Sets.NewTreeSet(logsByStartTxId.KeySet());
                 startTxIds = startTxIds.TailSet(curStartTxId);
                 if (startTxIds.IsEmpty())
                     if (Log.IsDebugEnabled())
                         Log.Debug("Found gap in logs at " + curStartTxId + ": " + "not returning previous logs in manifest."
                     curStartTxId = startTxIds.First();
             // Find the one that extends the farthest forward
             RemoteEditLog bestLog = Sharpen.Collections.Max(logGroup);
             // And then start looking from after that point
             curStartTxId = bestLog.GetEndTxId() + 1;
         RemoteEditLogManifest ret = new RemoteEditLogManifest(logs);
         if (Log.IsDebugEnabled())
             Log.Debug("Generated manifest for logs since " + fromTxId + ":" + ret);
        public virtual void test_overrideWith_emptyOther()
            PropertySet @base = PropertySet.of(ImmutableListMultimap.of("a", "x", "a", "y", "b", "y", "c", "z"));

            assertEquals(PropertySet.empty().overrideWith(@base), @base);
        public virtual void test_combinedWith_emptyBase()
            PropertySet @base = PropertySet.of(ImmutableListMultimap.of("a", "x", "a", "y", "b", "y", "c", "z"));

            assertEquals(@base.combinedWith(PropertySet.empty()), @base);
 /// <summary>
 /// Restricted constructor.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="keyValues">  the key-value pairs </param>
 private PropertySet(ImmutableListMultimap <string, string> keyValues)
     this.keyValueMap = keyValues;
 /// <summary>
 /// Obtains an instance from a map allowing for multiple values for each key.
 /// <para>
 /// The returned instance may have more than one value for each key.
 /// </para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="keyValues">  the key-values to create the instance with </param>
 /// <returns> the property set </returns>
 public static PropertySet of(Multimap <string, string> keyValues)
     ArgChecker.notNull(keyValues, "keyValues");
     return(new PropertySet(ImmutableListMultimap.copyOf(keyValues)));
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses one or more CSV format curve files for all available dates.
        /// <para>
        /// A predicate is specified that is used to filter the dates that are returned.
        /// This could match a single date, a set of dates or all dates.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// If the files contain a duplicate entry an exception will be thrown.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="datePredicate">  the predicate used to select the dates </param>
        /// <param name="groupsCharSource">  the curve groups CSV character source </param>
        /// <param name="settingsCharSource">  the curve settings CSV character source </param>
        /// <param name="curveValueCharSources">  the CSV character sources for curves </param>
        /// <returns> the loaded curves, mapped by date and identifier </returns>
        /// <exception cref="IllegalArgumentException"> if the files contain a duplicate entry </exception>
        public static ImmutableListMultimap <LocalDate, LegalEntityCurveGroup> parse(System.Predicate <LocalDate> datePredicate, CharSource groupsCharSource, CharSource settingsCharSource, ICollection <CharSource> curveValueCharSources)
            IDictionary <CurveGroupName, IDictionary <Pair <RepoGroup, Currency>, CurveName> >        repoGroups        = new LinkedHashMap <CurveGroupName, IDictionary <Pair <RepoGroup, Currency>, CurveName> >();
            IDictionary <CurveGroupName, IDictionary <Pair <LegalEntityGroup, Currency>, CurveName> > legalEntityGroups = new LinkedHashMap <CurveGroupName, IDictionary <Pair <LegalEntityGroup, Currency>, CurveName> >();

            parseCurveMaps(groupsCharSource, repoGroups, legalEntityGroups);
            IDictionary <LocalDate, IDictionary <CurveName, Curve> > allCurves = parseCurves(datePredicate, settingsCharSource, curveValueCharSources);

            ImmutableListMultimap.Builder <LocalDate, LegalEntityCurveGroup> builder = ImmutableListMultimap.builder();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <LocalDate, IDictionary <CurveName, Curve> > curveEntry in allCurves.SetOfKeyValuePairs())
                LocalDate date = curveEntry.Key;
                IDictionary <CurveName, Curve> curves = curveEntry.Value;
                foreach (KeyValuePair <CurveGroupName, IDictionary <Pair <RepoGroup, Currency>, CurveName> > repoEntry in repoGroups.SetOfKeyValuePairs())
                    CurveGroupName groupName = repoEntry.Key;
                    IDictionary <Pair <RepoGroup, Currency>, Curve>        repoCurves   = MapStream.of(repoEntry.Value).mapValues(name => queryCurve(name, curves, date, groupName, "Repo")).toMap();
                    IDictionary <Pair <LegalEntityGroup, Currency>, Curve> issuerCurves = MapStream.of(legalEntityGroups[groupName]).mapValues(name => queryCurve(name, curves, date, groupName, "Issuer")).toMap();
                    builder.put(date, LegalEntityCurveGroup.of(groupName, repoCurves, issuerCurves));