static private async Task<Images> download(string domain, string path, string pattern) { var result = new Images(); var client = new RestClient(domain); var restTasks = new List<Task<IRestResponse>>(); var response = client.Get(new RestRequest(path, Method.GET)); foreach (Match match in Regex.Matches(response.Content, pattern)) { string fileName = match.Captures[0].Value.Replace(">", ""); result.Add(fileName, 0); if (!File.Exists(baseDir(path) + "\\" + fileName)) { var img = new RestRequest(path + fileName, Method.GET); img.AddParameter("fileName", fileName); restTasks.Add(client.ExecuteTaskAsync(img)); } } foreach (var restTask in restTasks) { response = await restTask; string fileName = response.Request.Parameters[0].Value.ToString(); result[fileName] = (int)response.StatusCode; if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK) { var fs = File.Create(baseDir(path) + "\\" + fileName); await fs.WriteAsync(response.RawBytes, 0, response.RawBytes.Length); fs.Close(); } } return result; }
public void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { imageBasePage = (Page as Images); ImageProfile = imageBasePage.ImageProfile; Image = imageBasePage.Image; if (ImageProfile == null) { osx_profile.Visible = false; linux_profile.Visible = false; winpe_profile.Visible = false; return; } if (Image == null) Response.Redirect("~/", true); divProfiles.Visible = false; if (Image.Environment == "macOS") { osx_profile.Visible = true; linux_profile.Visible = false; winpe_profile.Visible = false; } else if(Image.Environment == "linux" || Image.Environment == "") { osx_profile.Visible = false; linux_profile.Visible = true; winpe_profile.Visible = false; } else if (Image.Environment == "winpe") { osx_profile.Visible = false; linux_profile.Visible = false; winpe_profile.Visible = true; } }
public ActionResult AddGroupPicture(UserGroup model, int id, HttpPostedFileBase file) { UserGroup group = db.UserGroups.Find(model.ID); if (group == null) { return HttpNotFound(); } else { if (file != null) { string random = Helpers.DateHelper.GetTimeStamp(); Images product_img = new Images(); product_img.TID = model.ID; product_img.ImageType = ImageType.UserGroup; product_img.ContentType = file.ContentType; product_img.Time = DateTime.Now; string root = "~/GroupFile/" + group.GroupName + "/"; var phicyPath = HostingEnvironment.MapPath(root); Directory.CreateDirectory(phicyPath); file.SaveAs(phicyPath + random + file.FileName); product_img.Path = "/GroupFile/" + group.GroupName + "/" + random + file.FileName; db.Images.Add(product_img); db.SaveChanges(); return Redirect("/UserGroup/GroupPictureShow/" + group.ID); } else { ModelState.AddModelError("", "图片信息有问题,请重新上传"); return Redirect("/UserGroup/GroupPictureShow/" + group.ID); } } }
public SearchResultViewModel( SearchResult searchResult, Images.ImageCacheService imageCacheService) { _searchResult = searchResult; _imageCacheService = imageCacheService; }
bool ImageButton(float xpos, float ypos, Images image){ Texture2D imageData = GetImage(image); if (GUI.Button(xpos,ypos,imageData.width,imageData.height)) { return true; }else{ return false; } }
public Image(uint id, string fullsizePath, string previewPath, Images images) : base(id) { _images = images; _fullsizeImage = MemoryImage.Create(Inventory,fullsizePath); _previewImage = MemoryImage.Create(Inventory,previewPath); _previewImage.Load(); }
/** * Constructor */ public XmlBuilder(Form ownerForm, Images images) { this.Items = new ArrayList(); this.Menus = new ArrayList(); this.Buttons = new ArrayList(); this.CheckBoxes = new ArrayList(); this.ComboBoxes = new ArrayList(); this.Shortcuts = new ArrayList(); this.OwnerForm = ownerForm; this.Images = images; }
public MyCommuteViewModel( Subscriptions.SubscriptionService subscriptions, Search.SearchService search, Images.ImageCacheService imageCacheService, CommuterApplication application, Media.MediaCacheService mediaCacheService) { _subscriptions = subscriptions; _search = search; _imageCacheService = imageCacheService; _application = application; _mediaCacheService = mediaCacheService; }
//------------------------------------------------------------ // Common //------------------------------------------------------------ public Item(uint id, Items items) : base(id) { Items = items; Images = new Images(this); Tags = new ItemTags(this); Tags.CollectionChanged += OnTagsChanged; Images.CollectionChanged += OnImagesChanged; Images.PropertyChanged += OnImagesChanged; PropertyChanged += OnUpdateCache; // needs to be called manually since the delegate // wasn't set when the id was changed. UpdateCache(); }
public static Image Get(Images img) { Image result = null; Type objectType = (from asm in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() from type in asm.GetTypes() where type.IsClass && type.Name == "Printer" // identify by printer class because printer.cs is in this dll select type).Single(); using (Stream stream = objectType.Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("FHoner.Kasse.Frontend.Controller.Resources.Images." + img.ToString() + ".png")) { result = Image.FromStream(stream); } return result; }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string name = textName.Text.Trim(); string number = textNumber.Text.Trim(); string jf = textJf.Text.Trim(); if (name == string.Empty) { Response.Write("<script>alert(\"名称不能为空\");</script>"); textName.Focus(); return; } try { Convert.ToInt32(number); } catch { Response.Write("<script>alert(\"数量输入错误\");</script>"); textNumber.Text = ""; textNumber.Focus(); return; } try { Convert .ToInt32(jf); } catch { Response.Write("<script>alert(\"积分输入错误\");</script>"); textJf.Text=""; textJf .Focus(); return; } moyu.Images myImg = new Images(); string image = myImg.upLoadForExchange(FileUpload1.PostedFile, Server.MapPath("~")); moyu.Ecard.Living myLiving=new Ecard.Living(); if(myLiving.exchangeAdd(name,Convert .ToInt32(number),Convert .ToInt32(jf),image)) { Response.Write("<script>alert(\"添加陈功\");</script>"); textJf.Text = ""; textName.Text=""; textNumber.Text=""; } else { Response.Write("<script>alert(\"添加失败\");</script>"); } }
public async void ReadMyXML(string albumid) { Images = new Images(); AllImages = new Images(); Progress<int> progress = new Progress<int>((p) => { ProgressPercent = p; }); BasicFileDownloader bidl = new BasicFileDownloader(ToAbsoluteUri("xmlonealbum.aspx?ah=" + albumid)); IRandomAccessStream s = await bidl.DownloadAsync(progress); XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings(); settings.ConformanceLevel = ConformanceLevel.Fragment; settings.IgnoreWhitespace = true; settings.IgnoreComments = true; settings.Async = true; XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(s.AsStream(), settings); reader.ReadStartElement("Model"); reader.ReadStartElement("PhotoList"); Count = 0; string albumtitle = ""; while (reader.IsStartElement()) { string main = reader[3]; albumtitle = reader[2]; string phototitle = reader[1]; string str = reader[0]; str = str.Replace(".jpg", ""); OneImage oi = new OneImage(phototitle, str, Count); AllImages.Add(oi); if (char.ToUpper(main[0]) == 'Y') { MainImage = oi; } else { Images.Add(oi); } //var donotuse = oi.MediumSizeStream; // Access it here - so that the download for it kicks off Count++; await reader.ReadAsync(); } AlbumTitle = albumtitle; }
public ActionResult Save() { foreach (string name in Request.Files) { HttpPostedFileBase file = Request.Files[name]; string fileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(file.FileName); Image image = new Image(fileName, Request["description"]); Images model = new Images(); model.Add(image, file); } return RedirectToAction("index"); }
public Form1(Images myimglist, Form2 Splash) { formSplash = Splash; InitializeComponent(); ControlExtensions.DoubleBuffering(lstvw_Display, true);//Enable double buffering for Display listview to reduce flickering picbx_MasterDLs.AllowDrop = true; picbx_Trash.AllowDrop = true; picbx_Newhdd.AllowDrop = true; picbx_Laptop.AllowDrop = true; LastLocation[0] = "Newest Shows"; tskLoadImgs = Task.Run(() => { myImgs = myimglist; if (myImgs.LoadedImageList != null & myImgs.LoadedImageList.Images.Count > 0) lstvw_Display.LargeImageList = myImgs.LoadedImageList; }); tskShowlist = Task.Run(() => LoadShowlist(), ctsShowlist.Token); tskShowlist.ContinueWith(_ => sl.UpdateShowlist(), ctsShowlist.Token); progbarNewestShows.Visible = true; }
public ActionResult AddBusinessPicture(Business model, HttpPostedFileBase file) { Business business = db.Businesses.Find(model.ID); if (business != null) { if (file != null) { try { string random = DateHelper.GetTimeStamp(); Images product_img = new Images(); product_img.TID = model.ID; product_img.ImageType = ImageType.Business; product_img.ContentType = file.ContentType; product_img.Time = DateTime.Now; string root = "~/BusinessFile/" + business.BusinessName + "/"; var phicyPath = HostingEnvironment.MapPath(root); Directory.CreateDirectory(phicyPath); file.SaveAs(phicyPath + random + file.FileName); product_img.Path = "/BusinessFile/" + business.BusinessName + "/" + random + file.FileName; db.Images.Add(product_img); db.SaveChanges(); return Redirect("/Business/BusinessPictureShow/" + business.ID); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(new LogContent("商户宣传图片增加出错", HttpHelper.GetIPAddress()), ex); return Redirect("/Business/AddBusinessPicture/"+model.ID); } } else { return Redirect("/Business/BusinessPictureShow/" + business.ID); } } else { return Redirect("/Shared/Info?msg=该商户不存在,请不要不合理操作"); } }
public void Train() { model.Train(Images.Select(i => i.MNISTData)); }
internal static Microsoft.SPOT.Bitmap GetBitmap(Images.BitmapResources id) { return ((Microsoft.SPOT.Bitmap)(Microsoft.SPOT.ResourceUtility.GetObject(ResourceManager, id))); }
public void UpdateVm(VM vm) { Vm = vm; cellImage.Value = Images.GetImage16For(vm); cellVm.Value = vm.Name(); }
private void generatePoolHABox(Pool pool) { if (!pool.ha_enabled) { restartHBInitializationTimer = true; return; } if (restartHBInitializationTimer) { restartHBInitializationTimer = false; SetNetworkHBInitDelay(); } // 'High Availability' heading CustomListRow header = CreateHeader(Messages.HA_CONFIGURATION_TITLE); customListPanel.AddRow(header); AddRow(header, GetFriendlyName("pool.ha_enabled"), pool, getPoolHAStatus, false); { // ntol row. May be red and bold. bool redBold = pool.ha_host_failures_to_tolerate == 0; CustomListRow newChild = CreateNewRow(Messages.HA_CONFIGURED_CAPACITY, new ToStringWrapper <Pool>(pool, getNtol), redBold); header.AddChild(newChild); if (redBold) { newChild.Items[1].ForeColor = Color.Red; ToolStripMenuItem editHa = new ToolStripMenuItem(Messages.CONFIGURE_HA_ELLIPSIS); editHa.Click += delegate { EditHA(pool); }; newChild.MenuItems.Add(editHa); newChild.DefaultMenuItem = editHa; } else { newChild.Items[1].ForeColor = BaseTabPage.ItemValueForeColor; } } { // plan_exists_for row needs some special work: the text may be red and bold bool redBold = haStatusRed(pool); CustomListRow newChild = CreateNewRow(Messages.HA_CURRENT_CAPACITY, new ToStringWrapper <Pool>(pool, getPlanExistsFor), redBold); header.AddChild(newChild); if (redBold) { newChild.Items[1].ForeColor = Color.Red; ToolStripMenuItem editHa = new ToolStripMenuItem(Messages.CONFIGURE_HA_ELLIPSIS); editHa.Click += delegate { EditHA(pool); }; newChild.MenuItems.Add(editHa); newChild.DefaultMenuItem = editHa; } else { newChild.Items[1].ForeColor = BaseTabPage.ItemValueForeColor; } } AddBottomSpacing(header); // 'Heartbeating status' heading header = CreateHeader(Messages.HEARTBEATING_STATUS); customListPanel.AddRow(header); // Now build the heartbeat target health table List <SR> heartbeatSRs = pool.GetHAHeartbeatSRs(); // Sort heartbeat SRs using NaturalCompare heartbeatSRs.Sort((Comparison <SR>) delegate(SR a, SR b) { return(StringUtility.NaturalCompare(a.Name, b.Name)); }); List <Host> members = new List <Host>(pool.Connection.Cache.Hosts); // Sort pool members using NaturalCompare members.Sort((Comparison <Host>) delegate(Host a, Host b) { return(StringUtility.NaturalCompare(a.Name, b.Name)); }); int numCols = 1 + 2 + (2 * heartbeatSRs.Count); // Hostnames col, then 2 each for each HB target (network + SRs) int numRows = 1 + members.Count; // Create rows and cols tableLatencies.SuspendLayout(); tableLatencies.ColumnCount = numCols; tableLatencies.ColumnStyles.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < numCols; i++) { tableLatencies.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.AutoSize)); } tableLatencies.RowCount = numRows; tableLatencies.RowStyles.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) { tableLatencies.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.AutoSize)); } { // Network icon PictureBox p = new PictureBox(); p.Image = Images.GetImage16For(Icons.Network); p.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.AutoSize; p.Padding = new Padding(0); tableLatencies.Controls.Add(p); tableLatencies.SetCellPosition(p, new TableLayoutPanelCellPosition(1, 0)); // Network text Label l = new Label(); l.Padding = new Padding(0, 5, 5, 5); l.Font = BaseTabPage.ItemLabelFont; l.ForeColor = BaseTabPage.ItemLabelForeColor; l.AutoSize = true; l.Text = Messages.NETWORK; tableLatencies.Controls.Add(l); tableLatencies.SetCellPosition(l, new TableLayoutPanelCellPosition(2, 0)); } for (int i = 0; i < heartbeatSRs.Count; i++) { // SR icon PictureBox p = new PictureBox(); p.Image = Images.GetImage16For(heartbeatSRs[i].GetIcon); p.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.AutoSize; p.Padding = new Padding(0); tableLatencies.Controls.Add(p); tableLatencies.SetCellPosition(p, new TableLayoutPanelCellPosition((2 * i) + 3, 0)); // SR name Label l = new Label(); l.Padding = new Padding(0, 5, 5, 5); l.Font = BaseTabPage.ItemLabelFont; l.ForeColor = BaseTabPage.ItemLabelForeColor; l.AutoSize = false; l.Size = new Size(200, 25); l.AutoEllipsis = true; l.Text = heartbeatSRs[i].Name; tableLatencies.Controls.Add(l); tableLatencies.SetCellPosition(l, new TableLayoutPanelCellPosition((2 * i) + 4, 0)); } for (int i = 0; i < members.Count; i++) { // Server name label Label l = new Label(); l.Padding = new Padding(5); l.Font = BaseTabPage.ItemLabelFont; l.ForeColor = BaseTabPage.ItemLabelForeColor; l.AutoSize = true; l.Text = members[i].Name.Ellipsise(30); tableLatencies.Controls.Add(l); tableLatencies.SetCellPosition(l, new TableLayoutPanelCellPosition(0, i + 1)); // Network HB status l = new Label(); l.Padding = new Padding(0, 5, 0, 5); l.Font = BaseTabPage.ItemValueFont; l.AutoSize = true; l.ForeColor = (members[i].ha_network_peers.Length == members.Count && initializationDelayElapsed) ? Color.Green : BaseTabPage.ItemValueForeColor; if (initializationDelayElapsed) { if (members[i].ha_network_peers.Length == 0) { l.Text = Messages.HA_HEARTBEAT_UNHEALTHY; } else if (members[i].ha_network_peers.Length == members.Count) { l.Text = Messages.HA_HEARTBEAT_HEALTHY; } else { l.Text = String.Format(Messages.HA_HEARTBEAT_SERVERS, members[i].ha_network_peers.Length, members.Count); } } else { l.Text = Messages.HA_HEARTBEAT_SERVERS_INITIALISING; } tableLatencies.Controls.Add(l); tableLatencies.SetCellPosition(l, new TableLayoutPanelCellPosition(1, i + 1)); tableLatencies.SetColumnSpan(l, 2); // For each heartbeat SR, show health from this host's perspective for (int j = 0; j < heartbeatSRs.Count; j++) { l = new Label(); l.Padding = new Padding(0, 5, 0, 5); l.Font = BaseTabPage.ItemValueFont; l.ForeColor = BaseTabPage.ItemValueForeColor; l.AutoSize = true; l.Text = Messages.HA_HEARTBEAT_UNHEALTHY; foreach (string opaqueRef in members[i].ha_statefiles) { XenRef <VDI> vdiRef = new XenRef <VDI>(opaqueRef); VDI vdi = pool.Connection.Resolve(vdiRef); if (vdi == null) { continue; } SR sr = pool.Connection.Resolve(vdi.SR); if (sr == null) { continue; } if (sr == heartbeatSRs[j]) { l.ForeColor = Color.Green; l.Text = Messages.HA_HEARTBEAT_HEALTHY; break; } } tableLatencies.Controls.Add(l); tableLatencies.SetCellPosition(l, new TableLayoutPanelCellPosition((2 * j) + 2, i + 1)); tableLatencies.SetColumnSpan(l, 2); } } tableLatencies.ResumeLayout(); tableLatencies.PerformLayout(); }
public ActionResult AddProduct(bool Condition, string Description, string Name, decimal Price, string SubCategories_Categories_Name, string SubCategories, string image) { Service1Client client = new Service1Client(); Guid g = Guid.NewGuid(); Images ima = new Images() { User = (BuyNet.User)Session["User"], img = "~/pics/" + g, UserId = int.Parse((string)Session["LogUserId"]) }; client.AddImage(ima); Product product = new Product() { Condition = Condition, Description = Description, Name = Name, Price = Price, }; client.AddProduct(product); return View("index", client.GetCategories()); }
public ActionResult SellNewProduct(string productName, int categoryId, int? subCategoryId, bool? itemCondiation, decimal price, string productDescription, HttpPostedFileBase[] files) { Product p = new Product() { CategoryId = subCategoryId, Condition = itemCondiation ?? true, Price = price, Description = productDescription, Category = client.SubCategory(subCategoryId ?? 1) }; client.AddProduct(p); if (Request.Files.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < Request.Files.Count; i++) { var file = Request.Files[i]; if (file != null && file.ContentLength > 0) { var fileName = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName); Guid g = Guid.NewGuid(); var path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/pics/"), g.ToString() + fileName); string directory = @"/pics/" + g.ToString() + fileName; Images ima = new Images() { img = directory, ProductId = client.GetProducts().FirstOrDefault(pr => pr == p).Id }; client.AddImage(ima); file.SaveAs(path); } } } foreach (var photovar in Request.Files) { if (photovar is HttpPostedFileBase) { HttpPostedFileBase photo = (HttpPostedFileBase)photovar; if (photo != null && photo.ContentLength > 0) { Guid g = Guid.NewGuid(); string directory = @"~/pics/" + g; Images ima = new Images() { img = directory, ProductId = client.GetProducts().FirstOrDefault(pr => pr == p).Id }; if (photo.ContentLength > 10240) { ModelState.AddModelError("photo", "The size of the file should not exceed 10 KB"); return View(); } var supportedTypes = new[] { "jpg", "jpeg", "png" }; var fileExt = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(photo.FileName).Substring(1); if (!supportedTypes.Contains(fileExt)) { ModelState.AddModelError("photo", "Invalid type. Only the following types (jpg, jpeg, png) are supported."); return View(); } var fileName = Path.GetFileName(photo.FileName); photo.SaveAs(Path.Combine(directory, fileName)); } } } return View(); }
public static void Seed(AppDBContext db) { List <Images> images = new List <Images>(); if (db.Images.Count() == 0) { Images image1 = new Images() { ImagePath = "~/Images/1.jpg" }; images.Add(image1); Images image2 = new Images() { ImagePath = "~/Images/2.jpg" }; images.Add(image2); Images image3 = new Images() { ImagePath = "~/Images/3.jpg" }; images.Add(image3); Images image4 = new Images() { ImagePath = "~/Images/4.jpg" }; images.Add(image4); Images image5 = new Images() { ImagePath = "~/Images/5.jpg" }; images.Add(image5); Images image6 = new Images() { ImagePath = "~/Images/6.jpg" }; images.Add(image6); Images WhiteSpace = new Images() { ImagePath = "~/Images/WhiteSpace.jpg" }; images.Add(WhiteSpace); foreach (var img in images) { db.Add(img); } db.SaveChanges(); } ICollection <CardModel> Cards = new List <CardModel>(); ICollection <EmailModel> seedEmails = new List <EmailModel>(); ICollection <EmailModel> TempEmails = new List <EmailModel>(); if (db.Emails.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Email == "*****@*****.**") == null) { EmailModel mail1 = new EmailModel() { Email = "*****@*****.**", FirstName = "Rowan", LastName = "Brouwer" }; seedEmails.Add(mail1); foreach (var mail in seedEmails) { db.Add(mail); TempEmails.Add(mail); } db.SaveChanges(); if (db.Cards.Count() == 0) { CardModel card1 = new CardModel() { FontType = FontType.IOnlyKnow2FontTypes, Message = "Hello from the organised side", Emails = TempEmails, Image = db.Images.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Id == 2), }; Cards.Add(card1); foreach (var card in Cards) { db.Add(card); } } } db.SaveChanges(); }
public static async void RegisterToCosmosdb([ActivityTrigger] IDurableActivityContext context, ILogger log) { var feedOptions = new FeedOptions { MaxItemCount = 1, EnableCrossPartitionQuery = true }; var input = context.GetInput <(string user_id, string url, string score, string image_id)>(); var httpClient = HttpStart.GetInstance(); var userInfo = await httpClient.GetAsync($"{input.user_id}"); var data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <LineUserInfoInterface>(userInfo); TimeZoneInfo tst = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Tokyo Standard Time"); var item = new DocumentInterface() { ImageId = input.image_id, User = data.Name, UserIcon = data.PictureUrl, PictureUrl = input.url.Replace(AppSettings.Instance.BLOB_URL, AppSettings.Instance.PROXY_URL), Score = double.Parse(input.score), GoodCnt = 0, CreatedDatatime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime(), tst), UpdatedDatatime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime(), tst) }; var ducumentClient = HttpStart.GetDocumentInstance(); await ducumentClient.CreateDatabaseIfNotExistsAsync(new Database { Id = AppSettings.Instance.DATABASE_ID }); PartitionKeyDefinition pkDefn = new PartitionKeyDefinition() { Paths = new Collection <string>() { "/image_id" } }; await ducumentClient.CreateDocumentCollectionIfNotExistsAsync( UriFactory.CreateDatabaseUri(AppSettings.Instance.DATABASE_ID), new DocumentCollection { Id = AppSettings.Instance.COLLECTION_ID, PartitionKey = pkDefn }, new RequestOptions { OfferThroughput = 400, PartitionKey = new PartitionKey("/image_id") }); await ducumentClient.CreateDocumentAsync(UriFactory.CreateDocumentCollectionUri(AppSettings.Instance.DATABASE_ID, AppSettings.Instance.COLLECTION_ID), item); var documentQuery = ducumentClient.CreateDocumentQuery <DocumentInterface>(UriFactory.CreateDocumentCollectionUri(AppSettings.Instance.DATABASE_ID, AppSettings.Instance.COLLECTION_ID), feedOptions) .OrderByDescending(x => x.Score) .ToList(); var rank = new RankResponseInterface(); rank.Images = new List <Images>(); var count = 0; foreach (var res in documentQuery) { var image = new Images { ImageId = res.ImageId, User = res.User, UserIcon = res.UserIcon, PictureUrl = res.PictureUrl, Score = res.Score, GoodCnt = res.GoodCnt, Rank = count += 1 }; rank.Images.Add(image); } await httpClient.PostJsonAsync <RankResponseInterface>(AppSettings.Instance.SIGNALR_URL, rank); }
public void Draw(Graphics g, Font font, Color foreColor) { Battle battle; User founder; if (!GetBattleAndFounder(out battle, out founder)) { return; } var x = 1; // margin var y = 3; g.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic; Action newLine = () => { x = 1; y += 16; }; Action <string> drawString = text => { TextRenderer.DrawText(g, text, font, new Point(x, y), foreColor); x += (int)Math.Ceiling((double)TextRenderer.MeasureText(g, text, font).Width); }; Action <Image, int, int> drawImage = (image, w, h) => { g.DrawImage(image, x, y, w, h); x += w + 3; }; founder = battle.Founder; drawString("Founder: " + battle.Founder); newLine(); drawString("Map: " + battle.MapName); newLine(); drawString("Players: " + battle.NonSpectatorCount); drawString("Spectators: " + battle.SpectatorCount); drawString("Friends: " + battle.Users.Count(u => Program.FriendManager.Friends.Contains(u.Name))); newLine(); if (battle.Rank > 0) { drawImage(Images.GetRank(battle.Rank), 16, 16); var rankText = battle.Rank == 0 ? "Beginner" : string.Format(" > {0} hours", User.RankLimits[battle.Rank]); drawString("Minimum Rank: " + rankText); newLine(); } if (founder.IsInGame) { drawImage(ZklResources.boom, 16, 16); var timeString = DateTime.Now.Subtract(founder.InGameSince.Value).PrintTimeRemaining(); drawString("The battle has been going on for at least " + timeString + "."); newLine(); } if (battle.IsPassworded) { drawImage(ZklResources._lock, 16, 16); drawString("Joining requires a password."); newLine(); } if (battle.IsReplay) { drawImage(ZklResources.replay, 16, 16); drawString("Battle is replay."); newLine(); } if (battle.IsLocked) { drawImage(ZklResources.redlight, 16, 16); drawString("Battle is locked."); newLine(); } newLine(); foreach (var player in battle.Users) { var user = Program.TasClient.ExistingUsers[player.Name]; var icon = TextImage.GetUserImage(user.Name); drawImage(icon, 16, 16); Image flag; y += 3; if (Images.CountryFlags.TryGetValue(user.Country, out flag) && flag != null) { drawImage(flag, flag.Width, flag.Height); } else { x += 19; } y -= 3; if (!user.IsBot) { drawImage(Images.GetRank(user.Level), 16, 16); var clan = ServerImagesHandler.GetClanOrFactionImage(user); if (clan.Item1 != null) { drawImage(clan.Item1, 16, 16); } } /* * if (user.IsZkLobbyUser) * { * drawImage(Resources.ZK_logo_square, 16, 16); * }*/ drawString(player.Name); var top10 = Program.SpringieServer.GetTop10Rank(user.Name); if (top10 > 0) { var oldx = x; drawImage(ZklResources.cup, 16, 16); x -= 17; drawString(top10.ToString()); x = oldx + 16; } if (!user.IsBot) { if (user.IsAway) { drawImage(ZklResources.away, 16, 16); } if (user.IsInGame) { drawImage(ZklResources.ingame, 16, 16); } } newLine(); } if (Program.TasClient.MyBattle != null && battle.BattleID == Program.TasClient.MyBattle.BattleID && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(Program.ModStore.ChangedOptions)) { newLine(); drawString("Game Options:"); newLine(); foreach (var line in Program.ModStore.ChangedOptions.Lines().Where(z => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(z))) { drawString(" " + line); newLine(); } } }
public static object GetIcon(IEvent @event) { return(Images.GetIcon(MemberIcon.Event, MethodTreeNode.GetOverlayIcon(@event.Accessibility), @event.IsStatic)); }
private static IEnumerable <InlineQueryResultArticle> ConvertImagesToInlineQueryResultPhoto(Images images) { if (images == null) { return(new List <InlineQueryResultArticle>()); } var imagesValues = images.Value; var result = imagesValues.Select(i => new InlineQueryResultArticle() { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Title = i.Name, Url = i.ContentUrl, Description = i.Name, ThumbUrl = i.ThumbnailUrl, InputMessageContent = new InputTextMessageContent { MessageText = i.ContentUrl } }); return(result.ToArray()); }
protected virtual void SetImage() { Image = Images.GetImage16For(TheSR); }
public static Images CreateImages(int imageID) { Images images = new Images(); images.ImageID = imageID; return images; }
/// <summary> /// Fetches the images. /// </summary> /// <param name="person">The person.</param> /// <param name="searchResult">The search result.</param> /// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param> /// <returns>Task.</returns> private async Task FetchImages(Person person, Images searchResult, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { if (searchResult != null && searchResult.profiles.Count > 0) { //get our language var profile = searchResult.profiles.FirstOrDefault( p => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(GetIso639(p)) && GetIso639(p).Equals(ConfigurationManager.Configuration.PreferredMetadataLanguage, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); if (profile == null) { //didn't find our language - try first null one profile = searchResult.profiles.FirstOrDefault( p => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(GetIso639(p)) && GetIso639(p).Equals(ConfigurationManager.Configuration.PreferredMetadataLanguage, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); } if (profile == null) { //still nothing - just get first one profile = searchResult.profiles[0]; } if (profile != null && !person.HasImage(ImageType.Primary)) { var tmdbSettings = await MovieDbProvider.Current.GetTmdbSettings(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); await DownloadAndSaveImage(person, tmdbSettings.images.base_url + ConfigurationManager.Configuration.TmdbFetchedProfileSize + profile.file_path, MimeTypes.GetMimeType(profile.file_path), cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); } } }
public void AddToImages(Images images) { base.AddObject("Images", images); }
private IEnumerable<Still> GetPosters(Images images) { return images.stills ?? new List<Still>(); }
private Hashtable[] getImageRequestItems(Hashtable userData) { Hashtable[] rt = new Hashtable[1]; rt[0] = new Hashtable(); rt[0]["id"] = 0; rt[0]["messageType"] = 1; rt[0]["title"] = "图片上传失败"; rt[0]["body"] = "啊噢,图片上传失败了。。。\n" + "失败的具体原因是:"; rt[0]["picSmall"] = getPicUrl(false); rt[0]["picBig"] = getPicUrl(true); rt[0]["url"] = ""; rt[0]["orders"] = 0; WebClient wc = new WebClient(); HttpWebResponse res; string folderPath=System.DateTime.Now.Year + "/" + System.DateTime.Now.Month + "/" + System.DateTime.Now.Day + "/"; string savePath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/upload/userImages/" + folderPath); if (!Directory.Exists(savePath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(savePath); } res = (HttpWebResponse)WebRequest.Create(userData["@PicUrl"].ToString()).GetResponse(); if (res.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK) { //链接不正常 rt[0]["body"] = rt[0]["body"] + "服务器连接失败"; return rt; } string contentType=res.ContentType.ToLower(); if (contentType.IndexOf("image") == -1) { //不是图片 rt[0]["body"] = rt[0]["body"] + "你上传的好像不是图片"; return rt; } string fileName=""; if (contentType.IndexOf("png") > -1) { fileName = ".png"; } else if (contentType.IndexOf(".gif") > -1) { fileName = ".gif"; } else if (contentType.IndexOf("jpeg") > -1 || contentType.IndexOf("jpg") > -1) { fileName = ".jpg"; } if (fileName.Length == 0) { //未知图片格式 rt[0]["body"] = rt[0]["body"] + "不支持的图片格式"; return rt; } fileName = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N") + fileName; wc.DownloadFile(userData["@PicUrl"].ToString(), savePath + fileName); string fileNameThumbnail ="s_"+ System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N") + fileName; moyu.Images myImg = new Images(); moyu.Images.MakeThumbnail(savePath+fileName,savePath+fileNameThumbnail,300,0,"W"); int uid=getWeiUserId(userData["@FromUserName"].ToString()); string imgUrl = "" + folderPath + fileNameThumbnail; myGroup = new; int tid = myGroup.topicNewByWeixin("爆照", ("我在" + System.DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString() + "在左邻分享了一张照片"), -1, uid, "<img src=\"" + imgUrl + "\"/>"); moyu.User.Functions myUser=new User.Functions(); int pid = myUser.upLoadImg(uid, savePath+ fileName, tid.ToString(), imgUrl); Hashtable[] rtSuccess = new Hashtable[1]; rtSuccess[0] = new Hashtable(); rtSuccess[0]["id"] = 0; rtSuccess[0]["messageType"] = 2; rtSuccess[0]["body"] = "图片分享成功"; rtSuccess[0]["title"] = "成功分享了一张图片@" + System.DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString() + "\n" + " 点这里为图片添加文字说明并查看分享的图片"; rtSuccess[0]["picSmall"] = getPicUrl(false); rtSuccess[0]["picBig"] = imgUrl; rtSuccess[0]["url"] = "" + tid + "&pid=" + pid; rtSuccess[0]["orders"] = 10; //rtSuccess[1] = new Hashtable(); //rtSuccess[1]["id"] = 0; //rtSuccess[1]["messageType"] = 2; //rtSuccess[1]["title"] = "为图片添加文字说明?点击这里去给图片添加文字说明"; //rtSuccess[1]["body"] = "为图片添加文字说明?点击这里去给图片添加文字说明"; //rtSuccess[1]["picSmall"] = getPicUrl(false); //rtSuccess[1]["picBig"] = getPicUrl(true); //rtSuccess[1]["url"] = ""+tid+"&pid="+pid; //rtSuccess[1]["orders"] = 6; User.Functions myFunction = new User.Functions(); myFunction.givePostPoint(uid, "发图积分", 1); return rtSuccess; }
public void CreateBucket(BucketArgs args) { Event.RaiseEvent("item:bucketing:starting", args, this); var contextItem = args.Item; MultilistField editors = contextItem.Fields["__Editors"]; using (new EditContext(contextItem, SecurityCheck.Disable)) { if (!editors.Items.Contains(Util.Constants.SearchEditor)) { var tempEditors = editors.GetItems(); tempEditors.ToList().ForEach(tempEditor => editors.Remove(tempEditor.ID.ToString())); editors.Add(Util.Constants.SearchEditor); tempEditors.ToList().ForEach(tempEditor => editors.Add(tempEditor.ID.ToString())); } } Shell.Applications.Dialogs.ProgressBoxes.ProgressBox.Execute(Util.Constants.BucketingText, Util.Constants.BucketingProgressText, Images.GetThemedImageSource("Business/16x16/chest_add.png"), this.StartProcess, new object[] { contextItem }); Context.ClientPage.SendMessage(this, "item:load(id=" + contextItem.ID + ")"); Context.ClientPage.SendMessage(this, "item:refreshchildren(id=" + contextItem.Parent.ID + ")"); }
public ActionResult UserPicUpload(HttpPostedFileBase imge) { if (Request.Files.Count > 0) { var file = Request.Files[0]; if (file != null && file.ContentLength > 0) { var fileName = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName); Guid g = Guid.NewGuid(); var local_path = "/pics/" + g.ToString() + fileName; var root_path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/pics/"), g.ToString() + fileName); // // string directory = @"~/pics/" + g; BuyNet.User user = (BuyNet.User)Session["User"]; Images ima = new Images() { img = local_path, UserId = user.Id }; client.AddImage(ima); file.SaveAs(root_path); } } return RedirectToAction("UserP"); }
public MockInventoryDetails() { CurrentSection = "11057 - EAST BAY - D501003 INTERIOR DISTRIBUTION SERVICES dry-type, 480V primary 120/208V secondary, 225kVA"; DetailSelectors.Add("FL2 - TL12412C - GE - Rm207 - DAMAGED - The nameplate on component was missing ..."); DetailSelectors.Add("AB3 - GH504xx - AP - Rm111 - DAMAGE - Scratched and defaced"); DetailSelectors.Add("XY8 - OP583C - PD - Rm456 - SOMET - In very poor taste"); DetailSelector = "FL2 - TL12412C - GE - Rm207 - DAMAGED - The nameplate on component was missing ..."; DetailIdNumber = "N/A"; Location = "Rm 107"; Model = "TL12412C"; SerialNumber = ""; Manufacturers.Collection.AddRange(new [] { "GE", "Westinghouse", "Craftsman", "Whirlpool" }); Manufacturers.SelectedIndex = 0; Capacity = "200 amp"; EquipmentType = "MLO Panel"; EquipmentMakes.Collection.AddRange(new [] { "GE", "Westinghouse", "Craftsman", "Whirlpool" }); EquipmentMakes.SelectedIndex = 0; var dateMfg = new DateTime(1956, 8, 18, 01, 13, 45); DateManufactured = dateMfg.ToShortDateString(); YearInstalled = "2007"; ControlTypeMake = "N/A"; WarrantyCompany = string.Empty; WarrantyDate = string.Empty; WarrantyCompany2 = string.Empty; WarrantyDate2 = string.Empty; DetailComments.Add(new CommentBase { EntryUser = new Person() { FirstName = "Kurt", LastName = "Benson" }, EntryTime = new DateTime(2019, 1, 17, 10, 13, 03), CommentText = "The nameplate on the component was missing certain Section Detail fields." + " Section Detail fields have been populated and fields with NA represent data not found." }); InventoryDetails = "What is supposed to go here?"; Images.AddRange(new[] { new BitmapImage(new Uri(@"pack://*****:*****@"pack://application:,,,/Images/th2.jpg")), new BitmapImage(new Uri(@"pack://application:,,,/Images/th3.jpg")) }); }
public ActionResult DelGroupPicture(int id) { Images image = new Images(); image = db.Images.Find(id); if (image != null) { var phicyPath = HostingEnvironment.MapPath(image.Path); System.IO.File.Delete(phicyPath); db.Images.Remove(image); db.SaveChanges(); return Content("ok"); } else { return Content("err"); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (Request.TotalBytes > 0) { string uid = Request.QueryString["uid"]; string vid = Request.QueryString["vid"]; string isUpdate = Request.QueryString["isUpdate"]; string imgId = Request.QueryString["imgId"]; byte[] fileData = Request.BinaryRead(Request.TotalBytes); string filePath = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Substring(0, 8); string fileName; if (isUpdate == "1") { int id = Int32.Parse(imgId); Images img = ContextHelper.DataContext.Images.First(o => o.ImageId == id); fileName = img.ImageName + "E"; } else { fileName = GetNextImageNumber(uid); } ImageHelper.SaveImage(uid, fileName + ".jpg", fileData); if (isUpdate == "1") { int id = Int32.Parse(imgId); Images img = ContextHelper.DataContext.Images.First(o => o.ImageId == id); //File.Delete(Server.MapPath("~/" + img.ThumbPath)); //string setEditPath = filePath.Replace("~/", ""); //string setThumbPath = thumbPath.Replace("~/", ""); //img.ThumbPath = fileName; img.ImagePath = fileName + ".jpg"; img.IsEdit = true; Videos video = ContextHelper.DataContext.Videos.First(o => o.VideoId == vid); video.IsCompile = false; video.IsError = false; ContextHelper.DataContext.SaveChanges(); string url = ImageHelper.GetImageUrl(img); //workaround for flash component which incorrectly build url url = url.Replace("", ""); url = url.Replace("http://localhost/", ""); Response.Write(url); return; } else { Images img = new Images(); img.ImagePath = fileName + ".jpg"; //img.ThumbPath = thumbPath.Replace("~/", ""); img.ImageName = fileName; img.VideoId = vid; img.UserId = uid; img.DateAdded = DateTime.Now; img.IsRead = false; img.IsInvalid = false; img.IsEdit = false; img.IsDelete = false; ContextHelper.DataContext.AddToImages(img); Videos video = ContextHelper.DataContext.Videos.First(o => o.VideoId == vid); video.IsCompile = false; video.IsError = false; ContextHelper.DataContext.SaveChanges(); int imageCount = ContextHelper.DataContext.Images.Count(o => o.VideoId == video.VideoId); if (imageCount == 1) { DisableTabs = "true"; } Response.Write(ImageHelper.GetImageUrl(img) + "_" + DisableTabs); } } } catch (Exception ex) { EmailService.ErrorEmail(ex.ToString()); Response.Write(ex.Message + "----------------" + ex.InnerException); } }
protected void Awake() { this.images = GetComponent<Images>(); Debug.Log("UIEquitem Start"); }
public void Load(string filename) { StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(filename); try { this.Name = reader.ReadLine(); string dir = filename.Substring(0, filename.Length - 4); if (!Directory.Exists(dir)) { reader.Close(); return; } string subdir = dir + "\\Classes\\"; string[] items = Directory.GetFiles(subdir); Classes.Clear(); GC_Class currentClass; foreach (string c in items) { currentClass = new GC_Class(c.Substring(0, c.Length - 4), this); currentClass.Load(c); Classes.Add(currentClass); } subdir = dir + "\\Images\\"; items = Directory.GetFiles(subdir); Images.Clear(); GC_Image currentImage; foreach (string i in items) { currentImage = new GC_Image(i.Substring(0, i.Length - 4), this); currentImage.Load(i); Images.Add(currentImage); } subdir = dir + "\\Objects\\"; items = Directory.GetFiles(subdir); Objects.Clear(); GC_Object currentObject; foreach (string o in items) { currentObject = new GC_Object(o.Substring(0, o.Length - 4), this); currentObject.Load(o); Objects.Add(currentObject); } subdir = dir + "\\Levels\\"; items = Directory.GetFiles(subdir); Levels.Clear(); GC_Level currentLevel; foreach (string l in items) { currentLevel = new GC_Level(l.Substring(0, l.Length - 4), this); currentLevel.Load(l); Levels.Add(currentLevel); } reader.Close(); } catch { reader.Close(); MessageBox.Show(Application.Current.FindResource("FileCorrupt").ToString()); } }
/** * Builds the main menu and toolbar from xml file */ public void InitializeCommandBarMenus() { try { this.images = new Images(FilePaths.Images, 16); this.xmlBuilder = new XmlBuilder(this, this.images); this.itemFinder = new ItemFinder(this.xmlBuilder); this.commandBarManager = new CommandBarManager(); this.editorMenu = this.xmlBuilder.GenerateContextMenu(FilePaths.ScintillaMenu); this.tabMenu = this.xmlBuilder.GenerateContextMenu(FilePaths.TabMenu); this.commandBarManager.CommandBars.Add(this.xmlBuilder.GenerateMainMenu(FilePaths.MainMenu)); if (this.settings.GetBool("FlashDevelop.ViewToolBar")) { this.commandBarManager.CommandBars.Add(this.xmlBuilder.GenerateToolBar(FilePaths.ToolBar)); } this.Controls.Add(this.commandBarManager); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandler.ShowError("Error while building menus.", ex); } }
public static ImageSource GetIcon(IProperty property) { return(Images.GetIcon(property.IsIndexer ? MemberIcon.Indexer : MemberIcon.Property, MethodTreeNode.GetOverlayIcon(property.Accessibility), property.IsStatic)); }
public static void SetNodeImage(TreeNode treeNode, Images.Enums.TreeImage Img) { SetNodeImageIndex(treeNode, (int)Img); }
public object Clone() => new CombinedImages((PositionedImage[])Images.Clone(), TextureWidth, TextureHeight, TextureFormat, IsMipChain, WrapMode, InitTransparentBackground);
public ListProposalFilmViewModel(Images image) { Image = image; }
static void DoLaunchButtons( bool isPlasticExeAvailable, WorkspaceInfo wkInfo, ViewSwitcher viewSwitcher, bool isGluonMode) { //TODO: Codice - beta: hide the diff button until the behavior is implemented /*GUILayout.Button(PlasticLocalization.GetString( * PlasticLocalization.Name.DiffWindowMenuItemDiff), * EditorStyles.toolbarButton, * GUILayout.Width(UnityConstants.REGULAR_BUTTON_WIDTH));*/ if (viewSwitcher.IsViewSelected(ViewSwitcher.SelectedTab.Changesets)) { viewSwitcher.ChangesetsTab.DrawDateFilter(); } if (viewSwitcher.IsViewSelected(ViewSwitcher.SelectedTab.Branches)) { viewSwitcher.BranchesTab.DrawDateFilter(); } Texture refreshIcon = Images.GetRefreshIcon(); string refreshIconTooltip = PlasticLocalization.GetString( PlasticLocalization.Name.RefreshButton); if (DrawLaunchButton(refreshIcon, refreshIconTooltip)) { viewSwitcher.RefreshSelectedView(); } if (viewSwitcher.IsViewSelected(ViewSwitcher.SelectedTab.PendingChanges)) { Texture2D icon = Images.GetImage(Images.Name.IconUndo); string tooltip = PlasticLocalization.GetString( PlasticLocalization.Name.UndoSelectedChanges); if (DrawLaunchButton(icon, tooltip)) { TrackFeatureUseEvent.For( PlasticGui.Plastic.API.GetRepositorySpec(wkInfo), TrackFeatureUseEvent.Features.UndoIconButton); viewSwitcher.PendingChangesTab.UndoForMode(wkInfo, isGluonMode); } } if (isGluonMode) { string label = PlasticLocalization.GetString(PlasticLocalization.Name.ConfigureGluon); if (DrawActionButton.For(label)) { LaunchTool.OpenWorkspaceConfiguration(wkInfo, isGluonMode); } } else { Texture2D icon = Images.GetImage(Images.Name.IconBranch); string tooltip = PlasticLocalization.GetString(PlasticLocalization.Name.Branches); if (DrawLaunchButton(icon, tooltip)) { ShowBranchesContextMenu( wkInfo, viewSwitcher, isGluonMode); } } //TODO: Add settings button tooltip localization if (DrawLaunchButton(Images.GetSettingsIcon(), string.Empty)) { ShowSettingsContextMenu( wkInfo, isGluonMode); } }
public object Get(Images request) { return Directory.GetFiles(UploadsDir).Map(x => x.SplitOnLast(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar).Last()); }
public Image LargestImage() { return(Images.OrderByDescending(image => image.Size).FirstOrDefault()); }