Esempio n. 1
    public void OnUpdate()
        if (Renderer == null)

        bool bAlive = LogicUnit.IsAlive && !LogicUnit.IsDying;

        if (LogicUnit.GetVisibility() != 2)
            oldVisibility          = false;
            Renderer.enabled       = false;
            ShadowRenderer.enabled = false;
            if (HpRenderer != null)
                HpRenderer.enabled = false;
            if (PlayerNickObject != null)
        else if (!oldVisibility)
            Renderer.enabled       = true;
            ShadowRenderer.enabled = bAlive;
            if (HpRenderer != null)
                HpRenderer.enabled = LogicUnit.IsAlive;
            if (PlayerNickObject != null)
            oldVisibility = true;

        bool hovered = (MapView.Instance.HoveredObject == LogicUnit);

        if (Renderer != null)
            Renderer.material.SetFloat("_Lightness", hovered ? 0.75f : 0.5f);
        bool selected = (MapView.Instance.SelectedObject == LogicUnit);

        if (HpMat1 != null)
            HpMat1.color = new Color(1, 1, 1, selected ? 1f : 0.5f);
        if (HpMat2 != null)
            HpMat2.color = new Color(1, 1, 1, selected ? 1f : 0.5f);

        if (LogicUnit.DoUpdateView)
            Renderer.enabled       = true;
            ShadowRenderer.enabled = bAlive;
            if (HpRenderer != null)
                HpRenderer.enabled = LogicUnit.IsAlive;
            if (PlayerNickObject != null)

            Images.AllodsSpriteSeparate sprites = LogicUnit.Class.File.File;

            sprites = LogicUnit.Class.File.File;

            if (!spriteSet)
                Renderer.material             = new Material(MainCamera.MainShaderPaletted);
                ShadowRenderer.material       = Renderer.material;
                ShadowRenderer.material.color = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.5f);
                spriteSet = true;

            int actualFrame = LogicUnit.Class.Index; // draw frame 0 of each unit

            UnitVisualState actualVState = LogicUnit.VState;
            if (!bAlive && actualVState == UnitVisualState.Idle)
                actualVState = UnitVisualState.Dying;
                UnitClass dCls = LogicUnit.Class;
                while (dCls.Dying != null && dCls.Dying != dCls)
                    dCls = dCls.Dying;
                LogicUnit.DeathFrame = dCls.DyingPhases - 1;

            Renderer.material.SetTexture("_Palette", GetPalette());
            // first (idle) state is 0..8 frames. frames 1 to 7 are flipped. frames 0 and 8 aren't.
            //  135 180 225
            //  90      270
            //  45   0  315
            bool doFlip        = false;
            int  actualAngle16 = 0;
            int  actualAngle8  = 0;
            int  countFull16   = (!LogicUnit.Class.Flip) ? 16 : 9;
            int  countFull8    = (!LogicUnit.Class.Flip) ? 8 : 5;

            if (LogicUnit.Class.Flip)
                if (LogicUnit.Angle < 180)
                    actualAngle16 = LogicUnit.Angle * 8 / 180;
                    actualAngle8  = LogicUnit.Angle * 4 / 180;
                    actualAngle16 = (180 - (LogicUnit.Angle - 180)) * 8 / 180;
                    actualAngle8  = (180 - (LogicUnit.Angle - 180)) * 4 / 180;
                    doFlip        = true;
                actualAngle16 = LogicUnit.Angle * 16 / 360;
                actualAngle8  = LogicUnit.Angle * 8 / 360;

            if (actualVState == UnitVisualState.Rotating || (actualVState == UnitVisualState.Idle && LogicUnit.Class.IdlePhases <= 1))
                actualFrame = actualAngle16;
            else if (actualVState == UnitVisualState.Idle)
                actualFrame  = sprites.Frames.Length - LogicUnit.Class.IdlePhases * countFull8 + LogicUnit.Class.IdlePhases * actualAngle8;
                actualFrame += LogicUnit.Class.IdleFrames[LogicUnit.IdleFrame].Frame;
            else if (actualVState == UnitVisualState.Moving)
                int moveSize = LogicUnit.Class.MoveBeginPhases + LogicUnit.Class.MovePhases;

                actualFrame  = countFull16 + moveSize * actualAngle8;
                actualFrame += LogicUnit.Class.MoveBeginPhases; // movebeginphases, we don't animate this yet
                actualFrame += LogicUnit.Class.MoveFrames[LogicUnit.MoveFrame].Frame;
            else if (actualVState == UnitVisualState.Attacking)
                int moveSize   = LogicUnit.Class.MoveBeginPhases + LogicUnit.Class.MovePhases;
                int attackSize = LogicUnit.Class.AttackPhases;

                actualFrame  = countFull16 + moveSize * countFull8 + attackSize * actualAngle8;
                actualFrame += LogicUnit.Class.AttackFrames[LogicUnit.AttackFrame].Frame;
            else if (actualVState == UnitVisualState.Dying)
                UnitClass dCls = LogicUnit.Class;
                while (dCls.Dying != null && dCls.Dying != dCls)
                    dCls = dCls.Dying;
                sprites = dCls.File.File;
                Renderer.material.SetTexture("_Palette", dCls.File.UpdatePalette(LogicUnit.Face));

                int moveSize   = dCls.MoveBeginPhases + dCls.MovePhases;
                int attackSize = dCls.AttackPhases;
                int dyingSize  = dCls.DyingPhases;

                actualFrame  = countFull16 + moveSize * countFull8 + attackSize * countFull8 + dyingSize * actualAngle8;
                actualFrame += LogicUnit.DeathFrame;

            Vector2 xP = MapView.Instance.MapToScreenCoords(LogicUnit.X + LogicUnit.FracX + (float)LogicUnit.Width / 2,
                                                            LogicUnit.Y + LogicUnit.FracY + (float)LogicUnit.Height / 2,
                                                            1, 1);
            CurrentPoint = xP;
            float zInv = 0;
            if (!bAlive)
                zInv = 48;
            else if (LogicUnit.IsFlying)
                zInv = -128;
            transform.localPosition = new Vector3(xP.x, xP.y, MakeZFromY(xP.y) + zInv); // order sprites by y coordinate basically
            //Debug.Log(string.Format("{0} {1} {2}", xP.x, sprites.Sprites[0].rect.width, LogicUnit.Class.CenterX));
            //Renderer.sprite = sprites.Sprites[actualFrame];
            UnitMesh   = UpdateMesh(sprites, actualFrame, Filter.mesh, 0, (UnitMesh == null), doFlip);
            ShadowMesh = UpdateMesh(sprites, actualFrame, ShadowFilter.mesh, 0.3f, (ShadowMesh == null), doFlip); // 0.3 of sprite height

            LogicUnit.DoUpdateView = false;
Esempio n. 2
    private Mesh UpdateMesh(Images.AllodsSpriteSeparate sprite, Images.AllodsSpriteSeparate spriteB, int frame, Mesh mesh, float shadowOffs, bool first, bool flip)
        // main
        Texture2D sTex  = sprite.Frames[frame].Texture;
        float     sW    = sprite.Frames[frame].Width;
        float     sH    = sprite.Frames[frame].Height;
        float     tMaxX = sW / sTex.width;
        float     tMaxY = sH / sTex.height;

        // additional
        Texture2D sTexB  = (spriteB != null) ? spriteB.Frames[frame].Texture : null;
        float     sWB    = (spriteB != null) ? spriteB.Frames[frame].Width : 0;
        float     sHB    = (spriteB != null) ? spriteB.Frames[frame].Height : 0;
        float     tMaxXB = (spriteB != null) ? (sWB / sTexB.width) : 0;
        float     tMaxYB = (spriteB != null) ? (sHB / sTexB.height) : 0;

        bool flying = LogicUnit.IsFlying;

        // main
        float shadowOffsReal  = shadowOffs * sH;
        float shadowOffsXLeft = -shadowOffsReal * (1f - LogicUnit.Class.CenterY);

        // additional
        float shadowOffsRealB  = shadowOffs * sHB;
        float shadowOffsXLeftB = -shadowOffsRealB * (1f - LogicUnit.Class.CenterY);

        int vertexCount = (spriteB != null) ? 8 : 4;

        Vector3[] qv = new Vector3[vertexCount];
        int       pp = 0;

        if (!flying || (shadowOffs == 0))
            // main sprite
            qv[pp++] = new Vector3(shadowOffsReal, 0, 0);
            qv[pp++] = new Vector3(shadowOffsReal + sW, 0, 0);
            qv[pp++] = new Vector3(shadowOffsXLeft + sW, sH, 0);
            qv[pp++] = new Vector3(shadowOffsXLeft, sH, 0);

            // calculate offset for spriteB, if it's not the same size
            if (spriteB != null)
                // additional sprite
                qv[pp++] = new Vector3(shadowOffsRealB, 0, 0);
                qv[pp++] = new Vector3(shadowOffsRealB + sWB, 0, 0);
                qv[pp++] = new Vector3(shadowOffsXLeftB + sWB, sHB, 0);
                qv[pp++] = new Vector3(shadowOffsXLeftB, sHB, 0);
            float rShadowOffs = shadowOffs;
            float shadowOffs1 = rShadowOffs * 64;
            float shadowOffs2 = shadowOffs1 + sW;
            shadowOffs = -4;
            qv[pp++]   = new Vector3(shadowOffs1, shadowOffs, 0);
            qv[pp++]   = new Vector3(shadowOffs2, shadowOffs, 0);
            qv[pp++]   = new Vector3(shadowOffs2, shadowOffs + sH, 0);
            qv[pp++]   = new Vector3(shadowOffs1, shadowOffs + sH, 0);

            // calculate offset for spriteB, if it's not the same size
            if (spriteB != null)
                float shadowOffs1B = rShadowOffs * 64;
                float shadowOffs2B = shadowOffs1B + sWB;
                // additional sprite
                qv[pp++] = new Vector3(shadowOffs1B, shadowOffs, 0);
                qv[pp++] = new Vector3(shadowOffs2B, shadowOffs, 0);
                qv[pp++] = new Vector3(shadowOffs2B, shadowOffs + sHB, 0);
                qv[pp++] = new Vector3(shadowOffs1B, shadowOffs + sHB, 0);

        Vector2[] quv = new Vector2[vertexCount];
        if (!flip)
            quv[0] = new Vector2(0, 0);
            quv[1] = new Vector2(tMaxX, 0);
            quv[2] = new Vector2(tMaxX, tMaxY);
            quv[3] = new Vector2(0, tMaxY);

            if (spriteB != null)
                quv[4] = new Vector2(0, 0);
                quv[5] = new Vector2(tMaxXB, 0);
                quv[6] = new Vector2(tMaxXB, tMaxYB);
                quv[7] = new Vector2(0, tMaxYB);
            quv[0] = new Vector2(tMaxX, 0);
            quv[1] = new Vector2(0, 0);
            quv[2] = new Vector2(0, tMaxY);
            quv[3] = new Vector2(tMaxX, tMaxY);

            if (spriteB != null)
                quv[4] = new Vector2(tMaxXB, 0);
                quv[5] = new Vector2(0, 0);
                quv[6] = new Vector2(0, tMaxYB);
                quv[7] = new Vector2(tMaxXB, tMaxYB);

        float cx = (int)(sprite.Frames[frame].Width * LogicUnit.Class.CenterX);
        float cy = (int)(sprite.Frames[frame].Height * LogicUnit.Class.CenterY);

        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            qv[i] -= new Vector3(cx, cy, 0);

        if (spriteB != null)
            float cxB = (int)(spriteB.Frames[frame].Width * LogicUnit.Class.CenterX);
            float cyB = (int)(spriteB.Frames[frame].Height * LogicUnit.Class.CenterY);
            for (int i = 4; i < 8; i++)
                qv[i] -= new Vector3(cxB, cyB, 0);

        mesh.subMeshCount = (spriteB != null) ? 2 : 1;

        mesh.vertices = qv;
        mesh.uv       = quv;

        Color[] qc = new Color[vertexCount];
        qc[0] = qc[1] = qc[2] = qc[3] = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1);
        if (spriteB != null)
            qc[4] = qc[5] = qc[6] = qc[7] = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f);
        mesh.colors = qc;

        int[] qt = new int[4];
        for (int i = 0; i < qt.Length; i++)
            qt[i] = i;
        mesh.SetIndices(qt, MeshTopology.Quads, 0);

        if (spriteB != null)
            int[] qtB = new int[4];
            for (int i = 0; i < qtB.Length; i++)
                qtB[i] = i + 4;
            mesh.SetIndices(qtB, MeshTopology.Quads, 1);

        Renderer.materials[0].mainTexture       = sTex;
        ShadowRenderer.materials[0].mainTexture = sTex;

        if (spriteB != null)
            Renderer.materials[1].mainTexture       = sTexB;
            ShadowRenderer.materials[1].mainTexture = sTexB;

Esempio n. 3
    private Mesh UpdateMesh(Images.AllodsSpriteSeparate sprite, int frame, Mesh mesh, float shadowOffs, bool first, bool flip)
        Texture2D sTex  = sprite.Frames[frame].Texture;
        float     sW    = sprite.Frames[frame].Width;
        float     sH    = sprite.Frames[frame].Height;
        float     tMaxX = sW / sTex.width;
        float     tMaxY = sH / sTex.height;

        bool flying = LogicUnit.IsFlying;

        float shadowOffsReal  = shadowOffs * sH;
        float shadowOffsXLeft = -shadowOffsReal * (1f - LogicUnit.Class.CenterY);

        Vector3[] qv = new Vector3[4];
        int       pp = 0;

        if (!flying || (shadowOffs == 0))
            qv[pp++] = new Vector3(shadowOffsReal, 0, 0);
            qv[pp++] = new Vector3(shadowOffsReal + sW, 0, 0);
            qv[pp++] = new Vector3(shadowOffsXLeft + sW, sH, 0);
            qv[pp++] = new Vector3(shadowOffsXLeft, sH, 0);
            float shadowOffs1 = shadowOffs * 64;
            float shadowOffs2 = shadowOffs1 + sW;
            shadowOffs = -4;
            qv[pp++]   = new Vector3(shadowOffs1, shadowOffs, 0);
            qv[pp++]   = new Vector3(shadowOffs2, shadowOffs, 0);
            qv[pp++]   = new Vector3(shadowOffs2, shadowOffs + sH, 0);
            qv[pp++]   = new Vector3(shadowOffs1, shadowOffs + sH, 0);

        Vector2[] quv = new Vector2[4];
        if (!flip)
            quv[0] = new Vector2(0, 0);
            quv[1] = new Vector2(tMaxX, 0);
            quv[2] = new Vector2(tMaxX, tMaxY);
            quv[3] = new Vector2(0, tMaxY);
            quv[0] = new Vector2(tMaxX, 0);
            quv[1] = new Vector2(0, 0);
            quv[2] = new Vector2(0, tMaxY);
            quv[3] = new Vector2(tMaxX, tMaxY);

        float cx = (float)sprite.Frames[frame].Width * LogicUnit.Class.CenterX;
        float cy = (float)sprite.Frames[frame].Height * LogicUnit.Class.CenterY;

        for (int i = 0; i < qv.Length; i++)
            qv[i] -= new Vector3(cx, cy, 0);

        mesh.vertices = qv;
        mesh.uv       = quv;

        if (first)
            Color[] qc = new Color[4];
            qc[0]       = qc[1] = qc[2] = qc[3] = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1);
            mesh.colors = qc;

            int[] qt = new int[4];
            for (int i = 0; i < qt.Length; i++)
                qt[i] = i;
            mesh.SetIndices(qt, MeshTopology.Quads, 0);

        Renderer.material.mainTexture       = sTex;
        ShadowRenderer.material.mainTexture = sTex;
