/// <summary>
 /// Update the input ImageCleaningKind displayed
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="imageCleaningKind"></param>
 public void UpdateSelectedImageCleaningKind(ImageCleaningKind imageCleaningKind)
     UIInputImageType.SelectedIndex = (int)imageCleaningKind;
 /// <summary>
 /// ImageCleaningKindChanged event handler
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="type"></param>
 private void ImageCleanerInteractiveControl_ImageCleaningKindChanged(ImageCleaningKind type)
     m_ImageCleanerBindingFeatureValues.InputImageType = type;
 /// <summary>
 /// Update the output ImageCleaningKind displayed
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="imageCleaningKind"></param>
 public void UpdateResultImageType(ImageCleaningKind imageCleaningKind)
     UIDetectedImageType.Content = imageCleaningKind.ToString();
        /// <summary>
        /// Entry point of program
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Task.Run(async() =>
                string fileName;
                ImageRectifierInterpolationKind imageRectifierInterpolationKind = ImageRectifierInterpolationKind.Bilinear; // default value if none specified as argument
                ImageCleaningKind imageCleaningPreset    = ImageCleaningKind.WhiteboardOrDocument;                          // default value if none specified as argument
                bool skipQuadDetectionImageRectification = false;

                Console.WriteLine("Image Scanning .NetCore 3.0 Console App - This app executes a common productivity scenario using an input image and saving the result image to file:\n" +
                                  "1. finds the predominant quadrangle\n" +
                                  "2. uses this quadrangle to rectify and crop the image\n" +
                                  "3. cleans the rectified image\n\n");

                    // Parse arguments
                    if (args.Length < 1)
                        Console.WriteLine($"Allowed command arguments: <file path to .jpg or .png>" +
                                          " <optional image rectifier interpolation to apply to the rectified image:\n" +
                                          $"\t1. {ImageRectifierInterpolationKind.Bilinear}\n" +
                                          $"\t2. {ImageRectifierInterpolationKind.Bicubic}>\n" +
                                          "<optional image cleaning preset to apply to the rectified image:\n" +
                                          $"\t1. {ImageCleaningKind.WhiteboardOrDocument}\n" +
                                          $"\t2. {ImageCleaningKind.Whiteboard}\n" +
                                          $"\t3. {ImageCleaningKind.Document}\n" +
                                          $"\t4. {ImageCleaningKind.Picture}> ");
                        Console.WriteLine("i.e.: \n> ImageScanningSample_NetCore3.exe c:\\test\\test.jpg 1 1\n\n");

                    // Load image from specified file path
                    fileName       = args[0];
                    var videoFrame = await LoadVideoFrameFromImageFileAsync(fileName);

                    // Parse optional image interpolation preset argument
                    int selection = 0;
                    if (args.Length < 2)
                        while (selection < 1 || selection > 3)
                            Console.WriteLine($"Select the image rectifier interpolation to apply to the rectified image:\n" +
                                              $"\t1. {ImageRectifierInterpolationKind.Bilinear}\n" +
                                              $"\t2. {ImageRectifierInterpolationKind.Bicubic}\n" +
                                              $"\t3. Skip Quad Detection and Image Rectification\n");
                            selection = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                        selection = int.Parse(args[1]);
                        if (selection < 1 || selection > 3)
                            Console.WriteLine($"Invalid image rectifier interpolation specified, defaulting to {ImageRectifierInterpolationKind.Bilinear.ToString()}");
                            selection = (int)ImageRectifierInterpolationKind.Bilinear + 1;
                    skipQuadDetectionImageRectification = (selection == 3);
                    if (!skipQuadDetectionImageRectification)
                        imageRectifierInterpolationKind = (ImageRectifierInterpolationKind)(selection - 1);

                    // Parse optional image cleaning preset argument
                    selection = 0;
                    if (args.Length < 3)
                        while (selection < 1 || selection > 4)
                            Console.WriteLine($"Select the image cleaning preset to apply to the rectified image:\n" +
                                              $"\t1. {ImageCleaningKind.WhiteboardOrDocument}\n" +
                                              $"\t2. { ImageCleaningKind.Whiteboard}\n" +
                                              $"\t3. { ImageCleaningKind.Document}\n" +
                                              $"\t4. { ImageCleaningKind.Picture}");
                            selection = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                        selection = int.Parse(args[1]);
                        if (selection < 1 || selection > 4)
                            Console.WriteLine($"Invalid image cleaning preset specified, defaulting to {ImageCleaningKind.WhiteboardOrDocument.ToString()}");
                            selection = (int)ImageCleaningKind.WhiteboardOrDocument + 1;
                    imageCleaningPreset = (ImageCleaningKind)(selection - 1);

                    // Create the skill descriptors
                    QuadDetectorDescriptor quadDetectorSkillDescriptor     = null;
                    ImageRectifierDescriptor imageRectifierSkillDescriptor = null;
                    ImageCleanerDescriptor imageCleanerSkillDescriptor     = new ImageCleanerDescriptor();
                    if (!skipQuadDetectionImageRectification)
                        quadDetectorSkillDescriptor   = new QuadDetectorDescriptor();
                        imageRectifierSkillDescriptor = new ImageRectifierDescriptor();

                    // Create instance of the skills
                    QuadDetectorSkill quadDetectorSkill     = null;
                    ImageRectifierSkill imageRectifierSkill = null;
                    ImageCleanerSkill imageCleanerSkill     = await imageCleanerSkillDescriptor.CreateSkillAsync() as ImageCleanerSkill;
                    if (!skipQuadDetectionImageRectification)
                        quadDetectorSkill   = await quadDetectorSkillDescriptor.CreateSkillAsync() as QuadDetectorSkill;
                        imageRectifierSkill = await imageRectifierSkillDescriptor.CreateSkillAsync() as ImageRectifierSkill;
                    var skillDevice = imageCleanerSkill.Device;
                    Console.WriteLine("Running Skill on : " + skillDevice.ExecutionDeviceKind.ToString() + ": " + skillDevice.Name);
                    Console.WriteLine($"Image file: {fileName}");

                    VideoFrame imageCleanerInputImage = videoFrame;
                    if (!skipQuadDetectionImageRectification)
                        // ### 1. Quad detection ###
                        // Create instance of QuadDetectorBinding and set features
                        var quadDetectorBinding = await quadDetectorSkill.CreateSkillBindingAsync() as QuadDetectorBinding;
                        await quadDetectorBinding.SetInputImageAsync(videoFrame);

                        // Run QuadDetectorSkill
                        await quadDetectorSkill.EvaluateAsync(quadDetectorBinding);

                        // ### 2. Image rectification ###
                        // Create instance of ImageRectifierBinding and set input features
                        var imageRectifierBinding = await imageRectifierSkill.CreateSkillBindingAsync() as ImageRectifierBinding;
                        await imageRectifierBinding.SetInputImageAsync(videoFrame);
                        await imageRectifierBinding.SetInputQuadAsync(quadDetectorBinding.DetectedQuads);

                        // Run ImageRectifierSkill
                        await imageRectifierSkill.EvaluateAsync(imageRectifierBinding);

                        // Use the image rectification result as input image to the image cleaner skill
                        imageCleanerInputImage = imageRectifierBinding.OutputImage;
                    // ### 3. Image cleaner ###
                    // Create instance of QuadDetectorBinding and set features
                    var imageCleanerBinding = await imageCleanerSkill.CreateSkillBindingAsync() as ImageCleanerBinding;
                    await imageCleanerBinding.SetImageCleaningKindAsync(imageCleaningPreset);
                    await imageCleanerBinding.SetInputImageAsync(imageCleanerInputImage);

                    // Run ImageCleanerSkill
                    await imageCleanerSkill.EvaluateAsync(imageCleanerBinding);

                    // Retrieve result and save it to file
                    var results = imageCleanerBinding.OutputImage;

                    string outputFilePath = await SaveModifiedVideoFrameToFileAsync(fileName, results);
                    Console.WriteLine($"Written output image to {outputFilePath}");
                catch (Exception e)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Error: {e.TargetSite.ToString()}\n{e.Source.ToString()}\n{e.StackTrace.ToString()}\n{e.Message.ToString()}");
                    Console.WriteLine("To get more insight on the parameter format, call the executable without any parameters");