IEnumerator LoadImage(ImageByID image){ WWW www = new WWW( image.url ); yield return www; if(www.error != null){ Debug.LogError("ERROR ON PHOTO LOAD: "+ www.error); } else{ //check to see if we've overwritten this load, before it happens if(www.url == image.url){ Texture2D tex = www.texture; if(tex != null){ image.texture = tex; } else{ Debug.LogError("www.texture is null"); } } else{ Destroy(www.texture); } } yield return 0; }
IEnumerator LoadImage(ImageByID image) { WWW www = new WWW(image.url); yield return(www); if (www.error != null) { Debug.LogError("ERROR ON PHOTO LOAD: " + www.error); } else { //check to see if we've overwritten this load, before it happens if (www.url == image.url) { Texture2D tex = www.texture; if (tex != null) { image.texture = tex; } else { Debug.LogError("www.texture is null"); } } else { Destroy(www.texture); } } yield return(0); }
void Awake() { instance = this; for (int i = 0; i < imageCache.Length; i++) { imageCache[i] = new ImageByID(); } }
public void LoadImage(int id, string url) { if (GetImage(id) == null) { ImageByID image = imageCache[idx]; if (image.texture != null) { Destroy(image.texture); image.texture = null; } = id; image.url = url; StartCoroutine(LoadImage(image)); idx = (idx + 1) % imageCache.Length; } }
void Awake(){ instance = this; for(int i=0; i<imageCache.Length; i++){ imageCache[i] = new ImageByID(); } }