Esempio n. 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ImageSubresourceRange"/> structure.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="aspectMask">
 /// A bitmask indicating which aspect(s) of the image are included in the view.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="baseMipLevel">The first mipmap level accessible to the view.</param>
 /// <param name="levelCount">
 /// The number of mipmap levels (starting from <see cref="BaseMipLevel"/>) accessible to the view.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="baseArrayLayer">The first array layer accessible to the view.</param>
 /// <param name="layerCount">
 /// The number of array layers (starting from <see cref="BaseArrayLayer"/>) accessible to the view.
 /// </param>
 public ImageSubresourceRange(ImageAspects aspectMask,
                              int baseMipLevel, int levelCount,
                              int baseArrayLayer, int layerCount)
     AspectMask     = aspectMask;
     BaseMipLevel   = baseMipLevel;
     LevelCount     = levelCount;
     BaseArrayLayer = baseArrayLayer;
     LayerCount     = layerCount;
Esempio n. 2
        void IInternalTexture.Upload(
            HostBuffer stagingBuffer,
            TransientExecutor executor,
            Image image,
            ImageAspects aspects)
            if (stagingBuffer == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(stagingBuffer));
            if (executor == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(executor));

            //Write all the faces to the staging buffer and create copy commands
            long offset = 0;

            BufferImageCopy[] copyRegions = new BufferImageCopy[faces.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < faces.Length; i++)
                copyRegions[i] = new BufferImageCopy
                    BufferOffset      = offset,
                    BufferRowLength   = 0,
                    BufferImageHeight = 0,
                    ImageSubresource  = new ImageSubresourceLayers(
                        aspectMask: aspects, mipLevel: 0, baseArrayLayer: i, layerCount: 1),
                    ImageOffset = new Offset3D(x: 0, y: 0, z: 0),
                    ImageExtent = new Extent3D(
                        width: size.X,
                        height: size.Y,
                        depth: 1)
                offset += faces[i].Write(stagingBuffer, offset);

            //Copy our staging buffer to the image
            executor.ExecuteBlocking(commandBuffer =>
                    srcBuffer: stagingBuffer.VulkanBuffer,
                    dstImage: image,
                    dstImageLayout: ImageLayout.TransferDstOptimal,
                    regions: copyRegions);
        private static void BlitImage(
            ImageAspects aspectMask,
            Image fromImage,
            IntRect fromRegion,
            int fromMipLevel,
            int fromLayerCount,
            Image toImage,
            IntRect toRegion,
            int toMipLevel,
            int toLayerCount,
            TransientExecutor executor)
            ImageBlit blit = new ImageBlit
                SrcSubresource = new ImageSubresourceLayers(
                    baseArrayLayer: 0,
                SrcOffset1     = new Offset3D(fromRegion.Min.X, fromRegion.Min.Y, 0),
                SrcOffset2     = new Offset3D(fromRegion.Max.X, fromRegion.Max.Y, 1),
                DstSubresource = new ImageSubresourceLayers(
                    baseArrayLayer: 0,
                DstOffset1 = new Offset3D(toRegion.Min.X, toRegion.Min.Y, 0),
                DstOffset2 = new Offset3D(toRegion.Max.X, toRegion.Max.Y, 1)

            //Execute the blit
            executor.ExecuteBlocking(commandBuffer =>
                    srcImage: fromImage,
                    srcImageLayout: ImageLayout.TransferSrcOptimal,
                    dstImage: toImage,
                    dstImageLayout: ImageLayout.TransferDstOptimal,
                    regions:  new [] { blit },
                    filter: Filter.Linear);
 private static ImageView CreateView(
     Image image,
     Format format,
     int mipLevels,
     ImageAspects aspects,
     bool cubeMap)
 => image.CreateView(new ImageViewCreateInfo(
                         format: format,
                         subresourceRange: new ImageSubresourceRange(
                             aspectMask: aspects,
                             baseMipLevel: 0,
                             levelCount: mipLevels,
                             baseArrayLayer: 0,
                             layerCount: cubeMap ? 6 : 1),
                         viewType: cubeMap ? ImageViewType.ImageCube : ImageViewType.Image2D,
                         components: new ComponentMapping(
                             r: ComponentSwizzle.R,
                             g: ComponentSwizzle.G,
                             b: ComponentSwizzle.B,
                             a: ComponentSwizzle.A)));
 private DeviceTexture(
     Int2 size,
     Format format,
     ImageLayout desiredLayout,
     int mipLevels,
     ImageAspects aspects,
     Image image,
     ImageView view,
     bool disposeImage = true)
     this.size          = size;
     this.format        = format;
     this.desiredLayout = desiredLayout;
     this.mipLevels     = mipLevels;
     this.aspects       = aspects;
     this.image         = image;
     this.memory        = memory;
     this.view          = view;
     this.disposeImage  = disposeImage;
Esempio n. 6
        void IInternalTexture.Upload(
            HostBuffer stagingBuffer,
            TransientExecutor executor,
            Image image,
            ImageAspects aspects)
            if (stagingBuffer == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(stagingBuffer));
            if (executor == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(executor));

            //Write to the staging buffer
            stagingBuffer.Write(pixels, offset: 0);

            //Copy the staging buffer to the image
            executor.ExecuteBlocking(commandBuffer =>
                    srcBuffer: stagingBuffer.VulkanBuffer,
                    dstImage: image,
                    dstImageLayout: ImageLayout.TransferDstOptimal,
                    regions: new BufferImageCopy {
                    BufferOffset      = 0,
                    BufferRowLength   = 0,
                    BufferImageHeight = 0,
                    ImageSubresource  = new ImageSubresourceLayers(
                        aspectMask: aspects, mipLevel: 0, baseArrayLayer: 0, layerCount: 1),
                    ImageOffset = new Offset3D(x: 0, y: 0, z: 0),
                    ImageExtent = new Extent3D(
                        width: size.X,
                        height: size.Y,
                        depth: 1)
        private static void TransitionImageLayout(
            Image image,
            ImageAspects aspectMask,
            int baseMipLevel,
            int mipLevels,
            int baseLayer,
            int layers,
            ImageLayout oldLayout,
            ImageLayout newLayout,
            TransientExecutor executor)
            //Get where this transition has to wait and what has to wait for this transition
            Accesses       sourceAccess, destinationAccess;
            PipelineStages sourcePipelineStages, destinationPipelineStages;

            if (oldLayout == ImageLayout.Undefined && newLayout == ImageLayout.TransferDstOptimal)
                sourceAccess              = Accesses.None;
                destinationAccess         = Accesses.TransferWrite;
                sourcePipelineStages      = PipelineStages.TopOfPipe;
                destinationPipelineStages = PipelineStages.Transfer;
            if (oldLayout == ImageLayout.Undefined && newLayout == ImageLayout.DepthStencilAttachmentOptimal)
                sourceAccess              = Accesses.None;
                destinationAccess         = Accesses.DepthStencilAttachmentRead | Accesses.DepthStencilAttachmentWrite;
                sourcePipelineStages      = PipelineStages.TopOfPipe;
                destinationPipelineStages = PipelineStages.EarlyFragmentTests;
            if (oldLayout == ImageLayout.Undefined && newLayout == ImageLayout.ColorAttachmentOptimal)
                sourceAccess              = Accesses.None;
                destinationAccess         = Accesses.ColorAttachmentRead | Accesses.ColorAttachmentWrite;
                sourcePipelineStages      = PipelineStages.TopOfPipe;
                destinationPipelineStages = PipelineStages.ColorAttachmentOutput;
            if (oldLayout == ImageLayout.TransferDstOptimal && newLayout == ImageLayout.TransferSrcOptimal)
                sourceAccess              = Accesses.TransferWrite;
                destinationAccess         = Accesses.TransferRead;
                sourcePipelineStages      = PipelineStages.Transfer;
                destinationPipelineStages = PipelineStages.Transfer;
            if (oldLayout == ImageLayout.TransferDstOptimal && newLayout == ImageLayout.ShaderReadOnlyOptimal)
                sourceAccess              = Accesses.TransferWrite;
                destinationAccess         = Accesses.ShaderRead;
                sourcePipelineStages      = PipelineStages.Transfer;
                destinationPipelineStages = PipelineStages.FragmentShader;
            if (oldLayout == ImageLayout.TransferSrcOptimal && newLayout == ImageLayout.ShaderReadOnlyOptimal)
                sourceAccess              = Accesses.TransferRead;
                destinationAccess         = Accesses.ShaderRead;
                sourcePipelineStages      = PipelineStages.Transfer;
                destinationPipelineStages = PipelineStages.FragmentShader;
                throw new Exception(
                          $"[{nameof(DeviceTexture)}] Unsupported image transition: from: {oldLayout} to: {newLayout}");

            //Create the transition barrier
            var imageMemoryBarrier = new ImageMemoryBarrier(
                image: image,
                subresourceRange: new ImageSubresourceRange(
                    aspectMask: aspectMask,
                    baseMipLevel: baseMipLevel,
                    levelCount: mipLevels,
                    baseArrayLayer: baseLayer,
                    layerCount: layers),
                srcAccessMask: sourceAccess,
                dstAccessMask: destinationAccess,
                oldLayout: oldLayout,
                newLayout: newLayout);

            //Execute the barrier
            executor.ExecuteBlocking(commandBuffer =>
                    srcStageMask: sourcePipelineStages,
                    dstStageMask: destinationPipelineStages,
                    dependencyFlags: Dependencies.None,
                    memoryBarriers: null,
                    bufferMemoryBarriers: null,
                    imageMemoryBarriers: new [] { imageMemoryBarrier });
Esempio n. 8
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of <see cref="ImageSubresource"/> structure.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="aspectMask">An <see cref="ImageAspects"/> selecting the image aspect.</param>
 /// <param name="mipLevel">Selects the mipmap level.</param>
 /// <param name="arrayLayer">Selects the array layer.</param>
 public ImageSubresource(ImageAspects aspectMask, int mipLevel, int arrayLayer)
     AspectMask = aspectMask;
     MipLevel   = mipLevel;
     ArrayLayer = arrayLayer;