// Setup table sizes.
        private void SetupEffectiveSizes()
            if (_effectiveUnscaledArrowLength == 0)
                using var font = ImRaii.PushFont(UiBuilder.IconFont);
                _effectiveUnscaledArrowLength =
                    ImGui.CalcTextSize(FontAwesomeIcon.LongArrowAltLeft.ToIconString()).X / ImGuiHelpers.GlobalScale;

            _effectiveArrowLength     = _effectiveUnscaledArrowLength * ImGuiHelpers.GlobalScale;
            _effectiveLeftTextLength  = 450 * ImGuiHelpers.GlobalScale;
            _effectiveRightTextLength = ImGui.GetWindowSize().X - _effectiveArrowLength - _effectiveLeftTextLength;
        // Update all mod header data. Should someone change frame padding or item spacing,
        // or his default font, this will break, but he will just have to select a different mod to restore.
        private void UpdateModData()
            // Name
            var name = $" {_mod.Name} ";

            if (name != _modName)
                using var font = ImRaii.PushFont(_nameFont.ImFont, _nameFont.Available);
                _modName       = name;
                _modNameWidth  = ImGui.CalcTextSize(name).X + 2 * (ImGui.GetStyle().FramePadding.X + 2 * ImGuiHelpers.GlobalScale);

            // Author
            var author = _mod.Author.IsEmpty ? string.Empty : $"by  {_mod.Author}";

            if (author != _modAuthor)
                _modAuthor      = author;
                _modAuthorWidth = ImGui.CalcTextSize(author).X;
                _secondRowWidth = _modAuthorWidth + _modWebsiteButtonWidth + ImGui.GetStyle().ItemSpacing.X;

            // Version
            var version = _mod.Version.Length > 0 ? $"({_mod.Version})" : string.Empty;

            if (version != _modVersion)
                _modVersion      = version;
                _modVersionWidth = ImGui.CalcTextSize(version).X;

            // Website
            if (_modWebsite != _mod.Website)
                _modWebsite   = _mod.Website;
                _websiteValid = Uri.TryCreate(_modWebsite, UriKind.Absolute, out var uriResult) &&
                                (uriResult.Scheme == Uri.UriSchemeHttps || uriResult.Scheme == Uri.UriSchemeHttp);
                _modWebsiteButton      = _websiteValid ? "Open Website" : _modWebsite.Length == 0 ? string.Empty : $"from  {_modWebsite}";
                _modWebsiteButtonWidth = _websiteValid
                    ? ImGui.CalcTextSize(_modWebsiteButton).X + 2 * ImGui.GetStyle().FramePadding.X
                    : ImGui.CalcTextSize(_modWebsiteButton).X;
                _secondRowWidth = _modAuthorWidth + _modWebsiteButtonWidth + ImGui.GetStyle().ItemSpacing.X;
        // Draw the mod name in the game font with a 2px border, centered,
        // with at least the width of the version space to each side.
        private float DrawModName()
            var decidingWidth = Math.Max(_secondRowWidth, ImGui.GetWindowWidth());
            var offsetWidth   = (decidingWidth - _modNameWidth) / 2;
            var offsetVersion = _modVersion.Length > 0
                ? _modVersionWidth + ImGui.GetStyle().ItemSpacing.X + ImGui.GetStyle().WindowPadding.X
                : 0;
            var offset = Math.Max(offsetWidth, offsetVersion);

            if (offset > 0)

            using var color = ImRaii.PushColor(ImGuiCol.Border, Colors.MetaInfoText);
            using var style = ImRaii.PushStyle(ImGuiStyleVar.FrameBorderSize, 2 * ImGuiHelpers.GlobalScale);
            using var font  = ImRaii.PushFont(_nameFont.ImFont, _nameFont.Available);
            ImGuiUtil.DrawTextButton(_modName, Vector2.Zero, 0);