public static void SetInteractable(this Canvas canvas, bool interactable) { IgnoreRaycast ignoreRaycast = canvas.GetComponent <IgnoreRaycast>(); if (ignoreRaycast != null) { ignoreRaycast.interactable = interactable; } }
void OnStart() { if (!FB.IsLoggedIn) { // Check to show login FB if (UserData.Instance.ShowLoginFBTimes < 3 && !Manager.Instance.isShowLoginFB && UserData.Instance.Level >= 10) { UserData.Instance.ShowLoginFBTimes++; Manager.Instance.isShowLoginFB = true; Manager.Instance.ShowConfirm("Connect Facebook", "Please connect with facebook to save your progress and see your friends", (isOK) => { if (isOK) { Debug.Log("Connect FB, choosse OK ..."); ConnectFacebook(); UserData.Instance.ShowLoginFBTimes = 3; } else { Debug.Log("Cancel, no connect FB ..."); } }); } } if (!Manager.Instance.isShowNewVersion && UserData.Instance.Level >= 4) { SCross.Instance.ShowMessage("cyrus_bean_jump", "1.6.0", (result, message) => { }); Manager.Instance.isShowNewVersion = true; } if (UserData.Instance.Level > 15) { SCross.Instance.GetImage("cyrus_bean_jump", (result, message) => { if (result) { SCross.Instance.ShowPopupScross(); } }); } Screen.sleepTimeout = SleepTimeout.NeverSleep; // Update Facebook FBManager.Instance.OnUpdate(); // Play BGM SoundManager.Instance.PlayMusic(SoundID.MainMenu); // Sunlight if (sunlight != null) { // Get top float top = Camera.main.orthographicSize; // Get right float right = Camera.main.GetOrthographicWidth(); sunlight.transform.position = new Vector3(right - Random.Range(0.0f, 0.1f), top + 2.0f, 0); sunlight.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, Random.Range(240.0f, 250.0f)); int count = sunlight.transform.childCount; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { sunlight.transform.GetChild(i).localScale = new Vector3(Random.Range(9.0f, 10.0f), Random.Range(0.85f, 1.0f), 1.0f); } float startOpacity = Random.value * 0.1f; sunlight.SetAlpha(startOpacity, true); var rotate = RotateAction.RotateBy(Random.Range(-20.0f, -25.0f), 18.0f, Ease.Linear, LerpDirection.PingPongForever); var fadeIn = FadeAction.RecursiveFadeTo(Random.Range(0.6f, 0.7f), 18.0f); var delay1 = DelayAction.Create(6.0f); var fadeOut = FadeAction.RecursiveFadeTo(startOpacity, 18.0f); var delay2 = DelayAction.Create(6.0f); var fade = SequenceAction.Create(fadeIn, delay1, fadeOut, delay2); var action = ParallelAction.ParallelAll(rotate, RepeatAction.RepeatForever(fade, false)); sunlight.Play(action); } // Get ignore raycast _ignoreRaycast = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <IgnoreRaycast>(); if (!UserData.Instance.PlayedCutscene1) { UserData.Instance.PlayedCutscene1 = true; cutscene1.SetActive(true); } // Update Connect button UpdateConnectFacebook(true); googleAnalytics.LogScreen("Main Menu"); _requestUpdater.Play(UpdateRequests); Manager.Instance.SetUpdateSendRequests(true); }