public static void Prefix(object __instance, ref bool __state) { if (IgnoreHelper.IsIgnored()) { return; } TransportTool tool = ReflectionHelper.GetAttr <TransportTool>(__instance, "$this"); int counter = ReflectionHelper.GetAttr <int>(__instance, "$PC"); int mode = ReflectionHelper.GetAttr <int>(tool, "m_mode"); int expectedMode = ReflectionHelper.GetEnumValue( typeof(TransportTool).GetNestedType("Mode", ReflectionHelper.AllAccessFlags), "MoveStops"); if (counter != 0 || mode != expectedMode) { __state = false; return; } __state = true; ArrayHandler.StartCollecting(); IgnoreHelper.StartIgnore("CancelMoveStop"); }
public static void Prefix(object __instance, ref bool __state) { if (IgnoreHelper.IsIgnored()) { return; } TransportTool tool = ReflectionHelper.GetAttr <TransportTool>(__instance, "$this"); int counter = ReflectionHelper.GetAttr <int>(__instance, "$PC"); int mode = ReflectionHelper.GetAttr <int>(tool, "m_mode"); int expectedMode = ReflectionHelper.GetEnumValue(typeof(TransportTool).GetNestedType("Mode", ReflectionHelper.AllAccessFlags), "NewLine"); ToolBase.ToolErrors m_errors = ReflectionHelper.GetAttr <ToolBase.ToolErrors>(tool, "m_errors"); ushort m_lastEditLine = ReflectionHelper.GetAttr <ushort>(tool, "m_lastEditLine"); int m_hoverStopIndex = ReflectionHelper.GetAttr <int>(tool, "m_hoverStopIndex"); int m_building = ReflectionHelper.GetAttr <int>(tool, "m_building"); if (counter != 0 || m_errors != ToolBase.ToolErrors.None || mode != expectedMode || m_lastEditLine == 0 || m_hoverStopIndex == -1 || (m_building != 0 && m_hoverStopIndex == 0)) { __state = false; return; } __state = true; ArrayHandler.StartCollecting(); IgnoreHelper.StartIgnore("RemoveStop"); }
public static void Postfix(object __instance, ref bool __state) { if (IgnoreHelper.IsIgnored("NewLine")) { return; } if (!__state) { return; } IgnoreHelper.EndIgnore("NewLine"); ArrayHandler.StopCollecting(); TransportTool tool = ReflectionHelper.GetAttr <TransportTool>(__instance, "$this"); ushort prefab = (ushort)Mathf.Clamp(tool.m_prefab.m_prefabDataIndex, 0, 65535); int building = tool.m_building; Command.SendToAll(new TransportLineCreateCommand() { Array16Ids = ArrayHandler.Collected16, Prefab = prefab, Building = building }); }
public static void Postfix(TransportInfo ___m_prefab, Vector3 ___m_hitPosition, bool ___m_fixedPlatform, int ___m_hoverStopIndex, int ___m_hoverSegmentIndex, int ___m_mode, ToolBase.ToolErrors ___m_errors, ref DataStore __state) { if (IgnoreHelper.IsIgnored()) { return; } TransportHandler.TrackSimulationStep = false; // Only send when values have changed if (TransportHandler.DidUpdatePaths || __state.hitPos != ___m_hitPosition || __state.fixedP != ___m_fixedPlatform || __state.hoverStop != ___m_hoverStopIndex || __state.hoverSegment != ___m_hoverSegmentIndex || __state.mode != ___m_mode || __state.errors != ___m_errors) { Command.SendToAll(new TransportLineSyncCommand() { HitPosition = ___m_hitPosition, FixedPlatform = ___m_fixedPlatform, HoverStopIndex = ___m_hoverStopIndex, HoverSegmentIndex = ___m_hoverSegmentIndex, Mode = ___m_mode, Errors = ___m_errors, UpdateLines = TransportHandler.DidUpdateLinesNow, UpdatePaths = TransportHandler.DidUpdatePaths }); TransportHandler.DidUpdateLinesNow = false; TransportHandler.DidUpdatePaths = false; } }
public static void Postfix(WeatherManager __instance, ref DataStore __state) { if (IgnoreHelper.IsIgnored() || MultiplayerManager.Instance.CurrentRole == MultiplayerRole.Client) { return; } // don't send command if target values have not been changed if (!__state.HasChanged(__instance)) { return; } Command.SendToAll(new WeatherCommand { CurrentCloud = __instance.m_currentCloud, TargetCloud = __instance.m_targetCloud, CurrentFog = __instance.m_currentFog, TargetFog = __instance.m_targetFog, CurrentNothernLights = __instance.m_currentNorthernLights, TargetNothernLights = __instance.m_targetNorthernLights, CurrentRain = __instance.m_currentRain, TargetRain = __instance.m_targetRain, CurrentRainbow = __instance.m_currentRainbow, TargetRainbow = __instance.m_targetRainbow, CurrentTemperature = __instance.m_currentTemperature, TargetTemperature = __instance.m_targetTemperature, }); }
public static void Prefix(out CallState __state, object __instance) { __state = new CallState(); if (IgnoreHelper.IsIgnored()) { = false; return; } BuildingTool tool = ReflectionHelper.GetAttr <BuildingTool>(__instance, "$this"); int counter = ReflectionHelper.GetAttr <int>(__instance, "$PC"); ToolBase.ToolErrors ___m_placementErrors = ReflectionHelper.GetAttr <ToolBase.ToolErrors>(tool, "m_placementErrors"); if (counter != 0 || ___m_placementErrors != ToolBase.ToolErrors.None) { = false; return; } = true; __state.relocate = tool.m_relocate; // Save relocate state as it will be cleared at the end of the method IgnoreHelper.StartIgnore(); ArrayHandler.StartCollecting(); }
public static void Prefix(ushort eventID, ref EventData data, Color32 newColor, EventAI __instance) { if (IgnoreHelper.IsIgnored()) { return; } Type type = __instance.GetType(); if (type != typeof(RocketLaunchAI) && type != typeof(ConcertAI) && type != typeof(SportMatchAI)) { return; } if (newColor.r == data.m_color.r && newColor.g == data.m_color.g && newColor.b == data.m_color.b) { return; } Command.SendToAll(new EventColorChangedCommand() { Event = eventID, Color = newColor }); }
public static void Postfix() { if (IgnoreHelper.IsIgnored()) { return; } Command.SendToAll(new TransportLineInitCommand()); }
public static void Postfix() { if (IgnoreHelper.IsIgnored() || !TransportHandler.TrackSimulationStep) { return; } TransportHandler.DidUpdateLinesNow = true; }
public static bool CanRun(object instance, bool state) { if (IgnoreHelper.IsIgnored() || !state) { return(false); } return(ReflectionHelper.GetAttr <bool>(instance, "$current")); }
public static void Prefix() { if (IgnoreHelper.IsIgnored()) { return; } ArrayHandler.StartCollecting(); }
public static void Postfix(ref bool __state) { if (!__state || IgnoreHelper.IsIgnored("SetTaxRate")) { return; } IgnoreHelper.EndIgnore("SetTaxRate"); }
public static void Postfix(DistrictPolicies.Policies policy) { if (!IgnoreHelper.IsIgnored()) { Command.SendToAll(new DistrictCityPolicyCommand { Policy = policy }); } }
public static void Postfix(byte district) { if (!IgnoreHelper.IsIgnored()) { Command.SendToAll(new DistrictReleaseCommand { DistrictId = district, }); } }
public static void Prefix(ref byte park) { if (!IgnoreHelper.IsIgnored()) { Command.SendToAll(new ParkReleaseCommand { ParkId = park }); } }
public static void Prefix() { if (IgnoreHelper.IsIgnored()) { return; } ArrayHandler.StartCollecting(); IgnoreHelper.StartIgnore("StartEditingBuildingLine"); }
public static void Postfix(DistrictPolicies.Policies policy, byte district) { if (!IgnoreHelper.IsIgnored()) { Command.SendToAll(new DistrictPolicyCommand { Policy = policy, DistrictId = district }); } }
public static void Prefix(ref NetNode data, int index, out int __state) { __state = -1; if (IgnoreHelper.IsIgnored()) { return; } __state = GetFlags(data, index); }
public static void Prefix(ushort prop) { if (IgnoreHelper.IsIgnored()) { return; } Command.SendToAll(new PropReleaseCommand { PropId = prop }); }
public static void Postfix(ushort lineID) { if (IgnoreHelper.IsIgnored() || !TransportHandler.TrackSimulationStep) { return; } if (TransportHandler.TrackTempLine == lineID) { TransportHandler.DidUpdatePaths = true; } }
public static void Postfix(string ___name, ref bool __state) { if (IgnoreHelper.IsIgnored() || !__state) { return; } Command.SendToAll(new ChangeCityNameCommand { Name = ___name }); }
public static void Prefix(uint tree) { if (IgnoreHelper.IsIgnored()) { return; } Command.SendToAll(new TreeReleaseCommand { TreeId = tree }); }
public static void Prefix(out bool __state) { if (IgnoreHelper.IsIgnored()) { __state = false; return; } __state = true; ArrayHandler.StartCollecting(); IgnoreHelper.StartIgnore(); }
public static void Prefix(out bool __state) { if (IgnoreHelper.IsIgnored()) { __state = false; return; } __state = true; IgnoreHelper.StartIgnore(); }
public static void Prefix(ushort eventID) { if (IgnoreHelper.IsIgnored()) { return; } Command.SendToAll(new EventActivateCommand() { Event = eventID }); }
public static void Postfix(ushort building) { if (IgnoreHelper.IsIgnored()) { return; } Command.SendToAll(new BuildingRemoveCommand { BuildingId = building }); }
public static void Prefix() { if (IgnoreHelper.IsIgnored()) { return; } Command.SendToAll(new EconomyBailoutCommand() { Accepted = false }); }
public override void OnUnlockArea(int x, int z) { if (IgnoreHelper.IsIgnored()) { return; } Command.SendToAll(new UnlockAreaCommand { X = x, Z = z }); }
public static void Postfix(uint tree, Vector3 position) { if (IgnoreHelper.IsIgnored()) { return; } Command.SendToAll(new TreeMoveCommand { TreeId = tree, Position = position }); }
public static void Prefix(ushort lineID, Color color) { if (IgnoreHelper.IsIgnored()) { return; } Command.SendToAll(new TransportLineChangeColorCommand() { LineId = lineID, Color = color }); }