Esempio n. 1
 protected static void parseFields(IfcWorkControl c, List <string> arrFields, ref int ipos, ReleaseVersion schema)
     IfcControl.parseFields(c, arrFields, ref ipos, schema);
     if (schema == ReleaseVersion.IFC2x3)
         c.mIdentification = arrFields[ipos++].Replace("'", "");
         c.mSSCreationDate = ParserSTEP.ParseLink(arrFields[ipos++]);
         c.mCreators       = ParserSTEP.SplitListLinks(arrFields[ipos++]);
         c.mPurpose        = arrFields[ipos++];
         c.mSSDuration     = ParserSTEP.ParseDouble(arrFields[ipos++]);
         c.mSSTotalFloat   = ParserSTEP.ParseDouble(arrFields[ipos++]);
         c.mSSStartTime    = ParserSTEP.ParseLink(arrFields[ipos++]);
         c.mSSFinishTime   = ParserSTEP.ParseLink(arrFields[ipos++]);
         string s = arrFields[ipos++];
         if (s[0] == '.')
             c.mWorkControlType = (IfcWorkControlTypeEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(IfcWorkControlTypeEnum), s.Replace(".", ""));
         c.mUserDefinedControlType = arrFields[ipos++];
         c.mCreationDate = IfcDateTime.parseSTEP(arrFields[ipos++]);
         c.mCreators     = ParserSTEP.SplitListLinks(arrFields[ipos++]);
         c.mPurpose      = arrFields[ipos++];
         c.mDuration     = arrFields[ipos++];
         c.mTotalFloat   = arrFields[ipos++];
         c.mStartTime    = IfcDateTime.parseSTEP(arrFields[ipos++]);
         c.mFinishTime   = IfcDateTime.parseSTEP(arrFields[ipos++]);
Esempio n. 2
 internal override void parse(string str, ref int pos, ReleaseVersion release, int len, ConcurrentDictionary <int, BaseClassIfc> dictionary)
     base.parse(str, ref pos, release, len, dictionary);
     if (release < ReleaseVersion.IFC4)
         mIdentification = ParserSTEP.StripString(str, ref pos, len);
         mSSCreationDate = ParserSTEP.StripLink(str, ref pos, len);
         Creators.AddRange(ParserSTEP.StripListLink(str, ref pos, len).ConvertAll(x => dictionary[x] as IfcPerson));
         mPurpose      = ParserSTEP.StripString(str, ref pos, len);
         mSSDuration   = ParserSTEP.StripDouble(str, ref pos, len);
         mSSTotalFloat = ParserSTEP.StripDouble(str, ref pos, len);
         mSSStartTime  = ParserSTEP.StripLink(str, ref pos, len);
         mSSFinishTime = ParserSTEP.StripLink(str, ref pos, len);
         string s = ParserSTEP.StripField(str, ref pos, len);
         if (s.StartsWith("."))
             Enum.TryParse <IfcWorkControlTypeEnum>(s.Replace(".", ""), true, out mWorkControlType);
         mUserDefinedControlType = ParserSTEP.StripString(str, ref pos, len);
         mCreationDate = IfcDateTime.ParseSTEP(ParserSTEP.StripField(str, ref pos, len));
         Creators.AddRange(ParserSTEP.StripListLink(str, ref pos, len).ConvertAll(x => dictionary[x] as IfcPerson));
         mPurpose    = ParserSTEP.StripString(str, ref pos, len);
         mDuration   = ParserSTEP.StripString(str, ref pos, len);
         mTotalFloat = ParserSTEP.StripString(str, ref pos, len);
         mStartTime  = IfcDateTime.ParseSTEP(ParserSTEP.StripField(str, ref pos, len));
         mFinishTime = IfcDateTime.ParseSTEP(ParserSTEP.StripField(str, ref pos, len));
Esempio n. 3
 internal override void parse(string str, ref int pos, ReleaseVersion release, int len, ConcurrentDictionary <int, BaseClassIfc> dictionary)
     base.parse(str, ref pos, release, len, dictionary);
     ActualDate   = IfcDateTime.ParseSTEP(ParserSTEP.StripField(str, ref pos, len));
     EarlyDate    = IfcDateTime.ParseSTEP(ParserSTEP.StripField(str, ref pos, len));
     LateDate     = IfcDateTime.ParseSTEP(ParserSTEP.StripField(str, ref pos, len));
     ScheduleDate = IfcDateTime.ParseSTEP(ParserSTEP.StripField(str, ref pos, len));
Esempio n. 4
 protected override string BuildStringSTEP(ReleaseVersion release)
     return(base.BuildStringSTEP(release) + "," +
            IfcDateTime.STEPAttribute(mActualDate) + "," +
            IfcDateTime.STEPAttribute(mEarlyDate) + "," +
            IfcDateTime.STEPAttribute(mLateDate) + "," +
Esempio n. 5
 public IfcWorkControl(IfcGloballyUniqueId __GlobalId, IfcOwnerHistory __OwnerHistory, IfcLabel?__Name, IfcText?__Description, IfcLabel?__ObjectType, IfcIdentifier?__Identification, IfcDateTime __CreationDate, IfcPerson[] __Creators, IfcLabel?__Purpose, IfcDuration?__Duration, IfcDuration?__TotalFloat, IfcDateTime __StartTime, IfcDateTime?__FinishTime)
     : base(__GlobalId, __OwnerHistory, __Name, __Description, __ObjectType, __Identification)
     this._CreationDate = __CreationDate;
     this._Creators     = new HashSet <IfcPerson>(__Creators);
     this._Purpose      = __Purpose;
     this._Duration     = __Duration;
     this._TotalFloat   = __TotalFloat;
     this._StartTime    = __StartTime;
     this._FinishTime   = __FinishTime;
Esempio n. 6
        protected override string BuildStringSTEP(ReleaseVersion release)
            string result = "'" + ParserIfc.Encode(mName) + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mVersion) ? "',$," : "','" + ParserIfc.Encode(mVersion) + "',") +
                            (mPublisher == null? "$" : "#" + mPublisher.StepId);

            if (mDatabase.Release < ReleaseVersion.IFC4)
                return(result + (mVersionDateSS == null ? ",$" : ",#" + mVersionDateSS.StepId) + ",(" + string.Join(",", mHasConstraintRelationships.Select(x => "#" + x.StepId)) + ")");
            return(result + "," + IfcDateTime.STEPAttribute(mVersionDate) + "," +
                   (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mLocation) ? "$," : "'" + ParserIfc.Encode(mLocation) + "',") +
                   (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mDescription) ? "$" : "'" + ParserIfc.Encode(mDescription) + "'"));
Esempio n. 7
 internal override void parse(string str, ref int pos, ReleaseVersion release, int len, ConcurrentDictionary <int, BaseClassIfc> dictionary)
     mName      = ParserIfc.Decode(ParserSTEP.StripString(str, ref pos, len));
     mVersion   = ParserIfc.Decode(ParserSTEP.StripString(str, ref pos, len));
     mPublisher = dictionary[ParserSTEP.StripLink(str, ref pos, len)] as IfcActorSelect;
     if (release < ReleaseVersion.IFC4)
         mVersionDateSS = dictionary[ParserSTEP.StripLink(str, ref pos, len)] as IfcCalendarDate;
         mLibraryReference.AddRange(ParserSTEP.StripListLink(str, ref pos, len).Select(x => dictionary[x] as IfcLibraryReference));
         mVersionDate = IfcDateTime.ParseSTEP(ParserSTEP.StripField(str, ref pos, len));
         mLocation    = ParserIfc.Decode(ParserSTEP.StripString(str, ref pos, len));
         mDescription = ParserIfc.Decode(ParserSTEP.StripString(str, ref pos, len));
Esempio n. 8
        public override void Parse(int propIndex, IPropertyValue value, int[] nestedIndex)
            switch (propIndex)
            case 0:
            case 1:
            case 2:
            case 3:
            case 4:
            case 5:
                base.Parse(propIndex, value, nestedIndex);

            case 6:
                _creationDate = value.StringVal;

            case 7:

            case 8:
                _purpose = value.StringVal;

            case 9:
                _duration = value.StringVal;

            case 10:
                _totalFloat = value.StringVal;

            case 11:
                _startTime = value.StringVal;

            case 12:
                _finishTime = value.StringVal;

                throw new XbimParserException(string.Format("Attribute index {0} is out of range for {1}", propIndex + 1, GetType().Name.ToUpper()));
Esempio n. 9
        internal override void parse(string str, ref int pos, ReleaseVersion release, int len, ConcurrentDictionary <int, BaseClassIfc> dictionary)
            TimeStamp = IfcDateTime.ParseSTEP(ParserSTEP.StripField(str, ref pos, len));
            string s = ParserSTEP.StripField(str, ref pos, len);

            if (s != "$")
                List <string> ss = ParserSTEP.SplitLineFields(s.Substring(1, s.Length - 2));
                for (int icounter = 0; icounter < ss.Count; icounter++)
                    IfcValue v = ParserIfc.parseValue(ss[icounter]);
                    if (v != null)
Esempio n. 10
 protected override void setJSON(JObject obj, BaseClassIfc host, SetJsonOptions options)
     base.setJSON(obj, host, options);
     setAttribute(obj, "Identification", Identification);
     setAttribute(obj, "Name", Name);
     setAttribute(obj, "Description", Description);
     setAttribute(obj, "Location", Location);
     setAttribute(obj, "Purpose", Purpose);
     setAttribute(obj, "Revision", Revision);
     if (mDocumentOwner > 0)
         obj["DocumentOwner"] = mDatabase[mDocumentOwner].getJson(this, options);
     if (mEditors.Count > 0)
         obj["Editors"] = new JArray(mEditors.ToList().ConvertAll(x => mDatabase[x].getJson(this, options)));
     if (mCreationTime != DateTime.MinValue)
         obj["CreationTime"] = IfcDateTime.FormatSTEP(CreationTime);
     if (mLastRevisionTime != DateTime.MinValue)
         obj["LastRevisionTime"] = IfcDateTime.FormatSTEP(LastRevisionTime);
     setAttribute(obj, "ElectronicFormat", ElectronicFormat);
     if (mValidFrom != DateTime.MinValue)
         obj["ValidFrom"] = IfcDate.FormatSTEP(ValidFrom);
     if (mValidUntil != DateTime.MinValue)
         obj["ValidUntil"] = IfcDate.FormatSTEP(ValidUntil);
     if (mConfidentiality != IfcDocumentConfidentialityEnum.NOTDEFINED)
         obj["Confidentiality"] = mConfidentiality.ToString();
     if (mStatus != IfcDocumentStatusEnum.NOTDEFINED)
         obj["Status"] = mStatus.ToString();
Esempio n. 11
        internal override void parse(string str, ref int pos, ReleaseVersion release, int len, ConcurrentDictionary <int, BaseClassIfc> dictionary)
            mIdentification = ParserIfc.Decode(ParserSTEP.StripString(str, ref pos, len));
            mName           = ParserIfc.Decode(ParserSTEP.StripString(str, ref pos, len));
            mDescription    = ParserIfc.Decode(ParserSTEP.StripString(str, ref pos, len));
            if (release < ReleaseVersion.IFC4)
                mDocumentReferences = ParserSTEP.StripListLink(str, ref pos, len);
                mLocation = ParserIfc.Decode(ParserSTEP.StripString(str, ref pos, len));
            mPurpose          = ParserSTEP.StripString(str, ref pos, len);
            mIntendedUse      = ParserSTEP.StripString(str, ref pos, len);
            mScope            = ParserSTEP.StripString(str, ref pos, len);
            mRevision         = ParserSTEP.StripString(str, ref pos, len);
            mDocumentOwner    = ParserSTEP.StripLink(str, ref pos, len);
            mEditors          = ParserSTEP.StripListLink(str, ref pos, len);
            mCreationTime     = IfcDateTime.ParseSTEP(ParserSTEP.StripField(str, ref pos, len));
            mLastRevisionTime = IfcDateTime.ParseSTEP(ParserSTEP.StripField(str, ref pos, len));
            if (release < ReleaseVersion.IFC4)
                mSSElectronicFormat = ParserSTEP.StripLink(str, ref pos, len);
                mElectronicFormat = ParserSTEP.StripString(str, ref pos, len);
            mValidFrom  = IfcDate.ParseSTEP(ParserSTEP.StripField(str, ref pos, len));
            mValidUntil = IfcDate.ParseSTEP(ParserSTEP.StripField(str, ref pos, len));
            string s = ParserSTEP.StripField(str, ref pos, len);

            if (s[0] == '.')
                Enum.TryParse <IfcDocumentConfidentialityEnum>(s.Replace(".", ""), true, out mConfidentiality);
            s = ParserSTEP.StripField(str, ref pos, len);
            if (s[0] == '.')
                Enum.TryParse <IfcDocumentStatusEnum>(s.Replace(".", ""), true, out mStatus);
Esempio n. 12
        public void DateTimeTest()
            var dt = new DateTime(2016, 3, 31, 10, 54, 2);

            IfcDate date = dt;

            Assert.AreEqual(date.ToString(), "2016-03-31");
            Assert.AreEqual((DateTime)date, new DateTime(2016, 3, 31));
            date = "2016-03-31";
            Assert.AreEqual((DateTime)date, new DateTime(2016, 3, 31));

            IfcDateTime dateTime = dt;

            Assert.AreEqual(dateTime.ToString(), "2016-03-31T10:54:02.0000000");
            dateTime = "2016-03-31T10:54:02";
            Assert.AreEqual((DateTime)dateTime, dt);

            IfcTimeStamp stamp = dt;

            Assert.AreEqual((TimeSpan)stamp, dt - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc));

            IfcTime time = dt;

            Assert.AreEqual(time.ToString(), "10:54:02.0000000");
            time = "10:54:02.0000000";
            var sTime = DateTime.Today.AddHours(10).AddMinutes(54).AddSeconds(2);

            Assert.AreEqual((DateTime)time, sTime);

            var         span     = new TimeSpan(9, 5, 32, 45, 12);
            IfcDuration duration = span;

            Assert.AreEqual(duration.ToString(), "P9DT5H32M45.012S");
            Assert.AreEqual(span, (TimeSpan)duration);
Esempio n. 13
 protected override string BuildStringSTEP()
     return(base.BuildStringSTEP() + "," + IfcDateTime.STEPAttribute(mTimeStamp) + ",(#" + string.Join(",#", mListValues.ConvertAll(x => x.ToString())) + ")");
Esempio n. 14
        protected override string BuildStringSTEP()
            string str = base.BuildStringSTEP() + "," + (mDatabase.mRelease == ReleaseVersion.IFC2x3 ? "'" + mIdentification + "'," + ParserSTEP.LinkToString(mSSCreationDate) : IfcDateTime.formatSTEP(mCreationDate));

            if (mCreators.Count > 0)
                str += ",(" + ParserSTEP.LinkToString(mCreators[0]);
                for (int icounter = 1; icounter < mCreators.Count; icounter++)
                    str += "," + ParserSTEP.LinkToString(mCreators[icounter]);
                str += "),";
                str += ",$,";
            if (mDatabase.mRelease == ReleaseVersion.IFC2x3)
                return(str + (mPurpose == "$" ? "$," : "'" + mPurpose + "',") + ParserSTEP.DoubleOptionalToString(mSSDuration) + "," + ParserSTEP.DoubleOptionalToString(mSSTotalFloat) + "," +
                       ParserSTEP.LinkToString(mSSStartTime) + "," + ParserSTEP.LinkToString(mSSFinishTime) + ",." + mWorkControlType.ToString() + (mUserDefinedControlType == "$" ? ".,$" : ".,'" + mUserDefinedControlType + "'"));
            return(str + (mPurpose == "$" ? "$," : "'" + mPurpose + "',") + mDuration + "," + mTotalFloat + "," + IfcDateTime.formatSTEP(mStartTime) + "," + IfcDateTime.formatSTEP(mFinishTime));
Esempio n. 15
 public IfcWorkSchedule(IfcGloballyUniqueId __GlobalId, IfcOwnerHistory __OwnerHistory, IfcLabel?__Name, IfcText?__Description, IfcLabel?__ObjectType, IfcIdentifier?__Identification, IfcDateTime __CreationDate, IfcPerson[] __Creators, IfcLabel?__Purpose, IfcDuration?__Duration, IfcDuration?__TotalFloat, IfcDateTime __StartTime, IfcDateTime?__FinishTime, IfcWorkScheduleTypeEnum?__PredefinedType)
     : base(__GlobalId, __OwnerHistory, __Name, __Description, __ObjectType, __Identification, __CreationDate, __Creators, __Purpose, __Duration, __TotalFloat, __StartTime, __FinishTime)
     this._PredefinedType = __PredefinedType;
Esempio n. 16
 protected override string BuildStringSTEP(ReleaseVersion release)
     if (release < ReleaseVersion.IFC4)
         return("");               //to be implemented
     return(base.BuildStringSTEP(release) + ",'" + ParserIfc.Encode(mIdentification) + "','" + ParserIfc.Encode(mName) +
            (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mDescription) ? "',$," :  "','" + ParserIfc.Encode(mDescription) + "',") +
            (release < ReleaseVersion.IFC4 ? (mDocumentReferences.Count == 0 ? "$," : "(#" + string.Join(",#", mDocumentReferences) + "),") :
             (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mLocation) ? "$," : "'" + ParserIfc.Encode(mLocation) + "',")) +
            (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mPurpose) ? "$," : "'" + ParserIfc.Encode(mPurpose) + "',") + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mIntendedUse) ? "$," : "'" + ParserIfc.Encode(mIntendedUse) + "',") +
            (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mScope) ? "$," : "'" + ParserIfc.Encode(mScope) + "',") +
            (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mRevision) ? "$," : "'" + ParserIfc.Encode(mRevision) + "',") + ParserSTEP.LinkToString(mDocumentOwner) +
            (mEditors.Count == 0 ? ",$," : ",(#" + string.Join(",#", mEditors) + "),") + IfcDateTime.STEPAttribute(mCreationTime) + "," + IfcDateTime.STEPAttribute(mLastRevisionTime) + "," +
            (release < ReleaseVersion.IFC4 ? ParserSTEP.LinkToString(mSSElectronicFormat) : (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mElectronicFormat) ? "$" : "'" + ParserIfc.Encode(mElectronicFormat) + "'")) +
            (release < ReleaseVersion.IFC4 ? ",$,$" : "," + IfcDate.STEPAttribute(mValidFrom) + "," + IfcDate.STEPAttribute(mValidUntil)) +
            (mConfidentiality == IfcDocumentConfidentialityEnum.NOTDEFINED ? ",$," : ",." + mConfidentiality.ToString() + ".,") + (mStatus == IfcDocumentStatusEnum.NOTDEFINED ? "$" : "." + mStatus.ToString() + "."));
Esempio n. 17
 protected override string BuildStringSTEP(ReleaseVersion release)
     return(base.BuildStringSTEP(release) + "," + (release < ReleaseVersion.IFC4 ? "'" + mIdentification + "'," + ParserSTEP.LinkToString(mSSCreationDate) : IfcDateTime.STEPAttribute(mCreationDate)) +
            (mCreators.Count > 0 ? ",(#" + string.Join(",#", Creators.ConvertAll(x => x.Index)) + ")," : ",$,") +
            (release < ReleaseVersion.IFC4 ? (mPurpose == "$" ? "$," : "'" + mPurpose + "',") + ParserSTEP.DoubleOptionalToString(mSSDuration) + "," + ParserSTEP.DoubleOptionalToString(mSSTotalFloat) + "," +
             ParserSTEP.LinkToString(mSSStartTime) + "," + ParserSTEP.LinkToString(mSSFinishTime) + ",." + mWorkControlType.ToString() + (mUserDefinedControlType == "$" ? ".,$" : ".,'" + mUserDefinedControlType + "'") :
             (mPurpose == "$" ? "$," : "'" + mPurpose + "',") + mDuration + "," + mTotalFloat + "," + IfcDateTime.STEPAttribute(mStartTime) + "," + IfcDateTime.STEPAttribute(mFinishTime)));