public override void AI() { if ([0] < 1) { int dir = 1; if (Main.myPlayer == projectile.owner) { NPC target = Main.npc[Idglib.FindClosestTarget(0, Main.MouseWorld, new Vector2(0f, 0f), true, true, true, projectile)]; if (target != null && Vector2.Distance(target.Center, projectile.Center) < 2000) { Vector2 projvel = projectile.velocity; projectile.velocity = target.Center - projectile.Center; projectile.velocity.Normalize(); projectile.velocity *= 8f; IdgProjectile.Sync(projectile.whoAmI); projectile.netUpdate = true; } } dir = Math.Sign(projectile.velocity.X); Main.player[projectile.owner].ChangeDir(dir); Main.player[projectile.owner].itemRotation = (float)Math.Atan2(projectile.velocity.Y * dir, projectile.velocity.X * dir); //Main.player[projectile.owner].itemRotation = projectile.velocity.ToRotation() * Main.player[projectile.owner].direction; }[0] += 1; Vector2 randomcircle = new Vector2(Main.rand.Next(-8000, 8000), Main.rand.Next(-8000, 8000)); randomcircle.Normalize(); Vector2 ogcircle = randomcircle; randomcircle *= 0.1f; int num655 = Dust.NewDust(projectile.position, projectile.width, projectile.height, 206, projectile.velocity.X + randomcircle.X * 8f, projectile.velocity.Y + randomcircle.Y * 8f, 100, new Color(30, 30, 30, 20), 1f); Main.dust[num655].noGravity = true; Main.dust[num655].velocity *= 0.5f; }
public override void AI() { for (int num315 = 0; num315 < 2; num315 = num315 + 1) { int num316 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(projectile.position.X, projectile.position.Y), projectile.width, projectile.height, mod.DustType("NovusSparkle"), 0f, 0f, 50, Main.hslToRgb(0.4f, 0f, 0.15f), 1.7f); Main.dust[num316].noGravity = true; Dust dust3 = Main.dust[num316]; dust3.velocity *= 0.3f; }[0] =[0] + 1; if ([0] < 2) { keepspeed = (projectile.velocity).Length(); } NPC target = Main.npc[Idglib.FindClosestTarget(0, projectile.Center, new Vector2(0f, 0f), true, true, true, projectile)]; if (target != null) { if ((target.Center - projectile.Center).Length() < 500f) { if ([0] < (250f) &&[0] > (beginhoming)) { projectile.velocity = projectile.velocity + (projectile.DirectionTo(target.Center) * ((float)keepspeed * homing)); projectile.velocity.Normalize(); projectile.velocity = projectile.velocity * (float)keepspeed; } } if ([0] > 250f) { projectile.Kill(); } } }
public override void AI() { effects(0);[0] =[0] + 1; projectile.velocity.Y += 0.15f; projectile.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)projectile.velocity.Y, (double)projectile.velocity.X) + 1.57f; NPC target = Main.npc[Idglib.FindClosestTarget(0, projectile.Center, new Vector2(0f, 0f), true, true, true, projectile)]; if (target != null) { if (new Rectangle((int)projectile.position.X, (int)projectile.position.Y, projectile.width, projectile.height).Intersects (new Rectangle((int)target.position.X, (int)target.position.Y, target.width, target.height))) { IdgNPC.AddBuffBypass(target.whoAmI, mod.BuffType("Sodden"), 60 * 45); if (Main.player[projectile.owner].GetModPlayer <SGAPlayer>().MVMBoost) { IdgNPC.AddBuffBypass(target.whoAmI, mod.BuffType("SoddenSlow"), 60 * 45); } projectile.Kill(); } } }
public override void AI() { for (int num315 = 0; num315 < 2; num315 = num315 + 1) { int num316 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(projectile.position.X, projectile.position.Y), projectile.width, projectile.height, 226, 0f, 0f, 50, Main.hslToRgb(0.4f, 0f, 0.15f), 1.7f); Dust dust3 = Main.dust[num316]; dust3.velocity *= 0.3f; dust3.noGravity = true; dust3.scale = 1.8f; dust3.fadeIn = 1f + (float)Main.rand.Next(10) * 0.1f; }[0] =[0] + 1; if ([0] < 2) { keepspeed = (projectile.velocity).Length(); } NPC target = Main.npc[Idglib.FindClosestTarget(0, projectile.Center, new Vector2(0f, 0f), true, true, true, projectile)]; if (target != null) { if ((target.Center - projectile.Center).Length() < 500f) { if ([0] < (250f) &&[0] > (beginhoming)) { projectile.velocity = projectile.velocity + (projectile.DirectionTo(target.Center) * ((float)keepspeed * homing)); projectile.velocity.Normalize(); projectile.velocity = projectile.velocity * (float)keepspeed; } } } projectile.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)projectile.velocity.Y, (double)projectile.velocity.X) + 1.57f; }
public override void Explode() { if (projectile.timeLeft == openclosetime &&[0] > 0) { Player owner = Main.player[projectile.owner]; if (owner != null && !owner.dead) { NPC target = Main.npc[Idglib.FindClosestTarget(0, projectile.Center, new Vector2(0f, 0f), true, true, true, projectile)]; if (target != null && Vector2.Distance(target.Center, projectile.Center) < 1500) { Main.PlaySound(SoundID.Item, (int)projectile.Center.X, (int)projectile.Center.Y, 67, 0.25f, 0.5f); Vector2 gotohere = new Vector2(); gotohere = target.Center - projectile.Center; //Main.MouseScreen - projectile.Center; gotohere.Normalize(); Vector2 perturbedSpeed = new Vector2(gotohere.X, gotohere.Y).RotatedByRandom(MathHelper.ToRadians(10)) * projectile.velocity.Length(); int proj = Projectile.NewProjectile(new Vector2(projectile.Center.X, projectile.Center.Y), new Vector2(perturbedSpeed.X, perturbedSpeed.Y), ProjectileID.BulletHighVelocity, projectile.damage, projectile.knockBack / 8f, owner.whoAmI); Main.projectile[proj].timeLeft = 180; //Main.projectile[proj].penetrate = 1; Main.projectile[proj].GetGlobalProjectile <SGAprojectile>().onehit = true;; Main.projectile[proj].netUpdate = true; IdgProjectile.Sync(proj); } } } }
public override bool Shoot(Player player, ref Vector2 position, ref float speedX, ref float speedY, ref int type, ref int damage, ref float knockBack) { //base.Shoot(player,ref position,ref speedX,ref speedY,ref type,ref damage,ref knockBack); SGAPlayer sgaplayer = player.GetModPlayer(mod, typeof(SGAPlayer).Name) as SGAPlayer; sgaplayer.ammoLeftInClip -= 1; if (player.altFunctionUse == 2) { damage = (int)(damage * 0.5f); int target2 = Idglib.FindClosestTarget(0, position, new Vector2(0, 0)); NPC them = Main.npc[target2]; Vector2 where = them.Center - position; where.Normalize(); Vector2 perturbedSpeed = new Vector2(where.X, where.Y) * (new Vector2(speedX, speedY).Length() * 1.25f); Main.PlaySound(SoundID.Item38, player.Center); int thisoned = Projectile.NewProjectile(position.X, position.Y, perturbedSpeed.X, perturbedSpeed.Y, type, damage, knockBack, Main.myPlayer); } if (sgaplayer.ammoLeftInClip == 0 || forcedreload) { player.itemTime = 40; player.itemAnimation = 40; int thisone = Projectile.NewProjectile(player.Center.X, player.Center.Y, 0f, 0f, mod.ProjectileType("TheRevolverReloading"), 0, knockBack, Main.myPlayer, 0.0f, 0f); return(!forcedreload); } return(sgaplayer.ammoLeftInClip > 0); }
public override void AI() { effects(0);[0] =[0] + 1; projectile.velocity.Y += gravity; projectile.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)projectile.velocity.Y, (double)projectile.velocity.X) + 1.57f; if ([0] < (beginhoming) && !projectile.hostile) { projectile.localAI[0] = -1; return; } Entity target = null; if (projectile.localAI[0] > -1) { if (projectile.hostile) { target = Main.player[(int)projectile.localAI[0]]; } else { target = Main.npc[(int)projectile.localAI[0]]; } } projectile.localAI[1] += 1; float previousspeed = projectile.velocity.Length(); if (projectile.localAI[0] < 0 || projectile.localAI[1] % 30 == 0 || ((! || (target is NPC && ((target as NPC).dontTakeDamage || (target as NPC).life < 1))) && projectile.localAI[1] % 10 == 0)) { Entity target2; if (projectile.hostile) { target2 = Main.player[Idglib.FindClosestTarget(1, projectile.Center, new Vector2(0f, 0f), true, true, true, projectile)]; } else { target2 = Main.npc[Idglib.FindClosestTarget(0, projectile.Center, new Vector2(0f, 0f), true, true, true, projectile)]; } projectile.localAI[0] = target2.whoAmI; target = target2; } if (target != null) { if ((target.Center - projectile.Center).Length() < homingdist) { if ([0] < (maxhoming)) { projectile.velocity = projectile.velocity + (projectile.DirectionTo(target.Center) * ((float)previousspeed * homing)); projectile.velocity.Normalize(); projectile.velocity = projectile.velocity * previousspeed; } } } }
public override void AI() { if ([0] == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < 4000; i += 1) { if (!Collision.CanHitLine(new Vector2(projectile.Center.X, projectile.position.Y + projectile.height), 1, 1, new Vector2(projectile.Center.X, projectile.position.Y + projectile.height + 2), 1, 1)) { break; } projectile.position.Y += 1; } } Player player = Main.player[base.projectile.owner];[0] += 1; if ([0] > 30) { if ([0] % 20 == 0) { NPC target = Main.npc[Idglib.FindClosestTarget(0, projectile.Center - new Vector2(0f, 20f), new Vector2(0f, 0f), true, true, true, projectile)]; if (target != null && && > 0 && Vector2.Distance(target.Center, projectile.Center) < 300) { if (player.SGAPly().ConsumeElectricCharge(25, 60)) { Vector2 there = projectile.Center - new Vector2(3f, 20f); Vector2 Speed = (target.Center - there); Speed.Normalize(); Speed *= 2f; int prog = Projectile.NewProjectile(there.X, there.Y, Speed.X, Speed.Y, ModContent.ProjectileType <CBreakerBolt>(), projectile.damage, 1f, player.whoAmI, 0); Main.projectile[prog].minion = true; Main.projectile[prog].melee = false; Main.projectile[prog].usesLocalNPCImmunity = true; Main.projectile[prog].localNPCHitCooldown = -1; IdgProjectile.Sync(prog); Main.PlaySound(SoundID.Item93, player.Center); } } } for (int num315 = 0; num315 < 3; num315 = num315 + 1) { if (Main.rand.Next(0, 15) == 0) { Vector2 randomcircle = new Vector2(Main.rand.Next(-8000, 8000), Main.rand.Next(-8000, 8000)); randomcircle.Normalize(); int num622 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(projectile.Center.X, projectile.Center.Y) - new Vector2(3f, 20f) + randomcircle * 8, 0, 0, DustID.Electric, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 0.75f); Main.dust[num622].scale = 1f; Main.dust[num622].noGravity = true; //Main.dust[num622].fadeIn = 1f + (float)Main.rand.Next(10) * 0.1f; Main.dust[num622].velocity.X = randomcircle.RotatedBy(MathHelper.ToRadians(-90)).X; Main.dust[num622].velocity.Y = randomcircle.RotatedBy(MathHelper.ToRadians(-90)).Y; Main.dust[num622].alpha = 150; } } } }
public override void AI() { projectile.velocity = new Vector2(projectile.velocity.X, projectile.velocity.Y * 0.95f); int q = 0; for (q = 0; q < 4; q++) { int dust = Dust.NewDust(projectile.position - new Vector2(100, 0), 200, 12, DustID.Smoke, 0f, projectile.velocity.Y * 0.4f, 100, colorcloud, 3f); Main.dust[dust].noGravity = true; //Main.dust[dust].velocity *= 1.8f; //Main.dust[dust].velocity.Y -= 0.5f; //Main.playerDrawDust.Add(dust); }[0]++; int target2 = Idglib.FindClosestTarget(projectile.friendly ? 0 : 1, projectile.position, new Vector2(0, 0)); Entity target; target = Main.player[target2] as Player; if (projectile.friendly) { target = Main.npc[target2] as NPC; //target=Main.player[target2]; } if (target is Player) { Player targetasplayer = target as Player; if (targetasplayer.ownedProjectileCounts[mod.ProjectileType("SnowfallCloud")] > 0) { projectile.Kill(); } } if (target != null) { Vector2 dist = target.Center - projectile.position; if (System.Math.Abs(dist.X) < 250) { if ([0] % rate == 0) { List <Projectile> itz = Idglib.Shattershots(projectile.Center + new Vector2(Main.rand.Next(-100, 100), 0), projectile.Center + new Vector2(Main.rand.Next(-200, 200), 500), new Vector2(0, 0), projectileid, (int)projectile.damage, 8f, 0, 1, true, 0, true, 220); itz[0].friendly = projectile.friendly; itz[0].hostile = projectile.hostile; itz[0].coldDamage = true; itz[0].netUpdate = true; itz[0].magic = true; } } } }
public override void AI() { for (int num315 = 0; num315 < 2; num315 = num315 + 1) { int num316 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(projectile.position.X, projectile.position.Y), projectile.width, projectile.height, 92, projectile.velocity.X, projectile.velocity.Y, 50, Main.hslToRgb(0.6f, 0.9f, 1f), 1.7f); Main.dust[num316].noGravity = true; Dust dust3 = Main.dust[num316]; dust3.velocity *= 0.3f; //dust3.shader = GameShaders.Armor.GetShaderFromItemId(ItemID.MidnightRainbowDye); } if ([0] < 1) { if (projectile.hostile) { homing *= 1f; }[1] = -1; }[0] =[0] + 1; if ([0] < 2) { keepspeed = (projectile.velocity).Length(); } if (gothere == null ||[0] % 40 == 0 ||[0] == 1) { int target3 = Idglib.FindClosestTarget(projectile.friendly ? 0 : 1, projectile.position, new Vector2(0, 0), true, true, true, projectile); //if (target2 > 0) { Entity target; target = Main.player[target3] as Player; if (projectile.friendly) { target = Main.npc[target3] as NPC; //target=Main.player[target2]; } gothere = target.Center; projectile.netUpdate = true; } if (gothere != null && (gothere - projectile.Center).Length() < 1000f) { if ([0] < (Main.expertMode == true ? 150f : 50f) || projectile.friendly) { projectile.velocity = projectile.velocity + (projectile.DirectionTo(gothere) * ((float)keepspeed * homing)); projectile.velocity.Normalize(); projectile.velocity = projectile.velocity * (float)keepspeed; } } }
public override void AI() { for (int k = oldPos.Length - 1; k > 0; k--) { oldPos[k] = oldPos[k - 1]; } oldPos[0] = projectile.Center; NPC target = Main.npc[Idglib.FindClosestTarget(0, projectile.Center, new Vector2(0f, 0f), true, true, true, projectile)];[0] += 1; if (target != null) { Vector2 gohere = (target.Center - projectile.Center); float dist = gohere.Length(); gohere.Normalize(); if (dist < 1000f &&[0] > 5 &&[0] < 5000f) {[0] += 200f; projectile.velocity += gohere / 2f; } } if (projectile.velocity.Length() < 7f) { projectile.velocity.Normalize(); projectile.velocity *= 7f; } //if(Main.rand.Next(6) == 0) //{ int num126 = Dust.NewDust(projectile.Center, 0, 0, 173, projectile.velocity.X, projectile.velocity.Y, 0, default(Color), 3.5f); Main.dust[num126].noGravity = true; Main.dust[num126].velocity = projectile.Center - Main.dust[num126].position; Main.dust[num126].velocity *= 0.25f; num126 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(projectile.position.X, projectile.position.Y) + new Vector2(10 - Main.rand.Next(0, 20), 10 - Main.rand.Next(0, 20)), projectile.width, projectile.height, 173, projectile.velocity.X, projectile.velocity.Y, 0, default(Color), 2f); Main.dust[num126].noGravity = true; Main.dust[num126].velocity = projectile.Center - Main.dust[num126].position; Main.dust[num126].velocity.Normalize(); Main.dust[num126].velocity *= 1f; Dust dust3 = Main.dust[num126]; dust3.velocity *= -5f; dust3 = Main.dust[num126]; dust3.velocity += projectile.velocity / 2f; //} }
public override void AI() { Lighting.AddLight(projectile.Center, Color.Aquamarine.ToVector3() * 0.5f); hittime = Math.Max(1f, hittime / 1.5f); ; float dist2 = 54f; //Vector2 positiondust = Vector2.Normalize(new Vector2(projectile.velocity.X, projectile.velocity.Y)) * 8f; for (float num315 = 0; num315 < MathHelper.Pi + 0.04; num315 = num315 + MathHelper.Pi) { float angle = (projectile.rotation + MathHelper.Pi / 5f) + num315; Vector2 thisloc = new Vector2((float)(Math.Cos(angle) * dist2), (float)(Math.Sin(angle) * dist2)); Vector2 offset = (thisloc * projectile.localAI[0]) + projectile.velocity; int num316 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(projectile.Center.X - 1, projectile.Center.Y) + offset, 0, 0, mod.DustType("NovusSparkleBlue"), 0f, 0f, 50, Color.White, 1.5f); Main.dust[num316].noGravity = true; Main.dust[num316].velocity = thisloc / 30f; }[0] =[0] + 1; projectile.velocity.Y += 0.1f; if ([0] > 14f && !Main.player[projectile.owner].dead) { Vector2 dist = (Main.player[projectile.owner].Center - projectile.Center); Vector2 distnorm = dist; distnorm.Normalize(); projectile.velocity += distnorm * 5f; projectile.velocity /= 1.05f; //projectile.Center+=(dist*((float)(projectile.timeLeft-12)/28)); if (dist.Length() < 80) { projectile.Kill(); } } NPC target = Main.npc[Idglib.FindClosestTarget(0, projectile.Center, new Vector2(0f, 0f), true, true, true, projectile)]; if (target != null && projectile.penetrate > 9) { if ((target.Center - projectile.Center).Length() < 500f) { projectile.Center += (projectile.DirectionTo(target.Center) * ([0] > 14f ? (50f * Main.player[projectile.owner].thrownVelocity) / hittime : 12f)); } } projectile.localAI[0] += ((hittime > 10 ? 3.0f : 0.25f) - projectile.localAI[0]) / 10f; projectile.localAI[0] = MathHelper.Clamp(projectile.localAI[0], 0.5f, 1f); projectile.rotation += 0.38f + (hittime / 50f); }
public override void AI() { Lighting.AddLight(projectile.Center, Color.Aquamarine.ToVector3() * 0.5f); hittime = Math.Max(1f, hittime / 1.5f); ; float dist2 = 64f; //Vector2 positiondust = Vector2.Normalize(new Vector2(projectile.velocity.X, projectile.velocity.Y)) * 8f; for (double num315 = 0; num315 < Math.PI + 0.04; num315 = num315 + Math.PI) { Vector2 thisloc = new Vector2((float)(Math.Cos((projectile.rotation + Math.PI / 2.0) + num315) * dist2), (float)(Math.Sin((projectile.rotation + Math.PI / 2.0) + num315) * dist2)); int num316 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(projectile.position.X - 1, projectile.position.Y) + thisloc, projectile.width, projectile.height, mod.DustType("NovusSparkleBlue"), 0f, 0f, 50, Color.White, 1.5f); Main.dust[num316].noGravity = true; Main.dust[num316].velocity = thisloc / 30f; }[0] =[0] + 1; projectile.velocity.Y += 0.1f; if ([0] > 14f && !Main.player[projectile.owner].dead) { Vector2 dist = (Main.player[projectile.owner].Center - projectile.Center); Vector2 distnorm = dist; distnorm.Normalize(); projectile.velocity += distnorm * 5f; projectile.velocity /= 1.05f; //projectile.Center+=(dist*((float)(projectile.timeLeft-12)/28)); if (dist.Length() < 80) { projectile.Kill(); } } NPC target = Main.npc[Idglib.FindClosestTarget(0, projectile.Center, new Vector2(0f, 0f), true, true, true, projectile)]; if (target != null && projectile.penetrate > 9) { if ((target.Center - projectile.Center).Length() < 500f) { projectile.Center += (projectile.DirectionTo(target.Center) * ([0] > 14f ? (50f * Main.player[projectile.owner].thrownVelocity) / hittime : 12f)); } } projectile.rotation += 0.38f; }
public override void AI() { effects(0);[0] =[0] + 1; projectile.velocity.Y += 0.15f; projectile.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)projectile.velocity.Y, (double)projectile.velocity.X) + 1.57f; NPC target = Main.npc[Idglib.FindClosestTarget(0, projectile.Center, new Vector2(0f, 0f), true, true, true, projectile)]; if (target != null) { if (new Rectangle((int)projectile.position.X, (int)projectile.position.Y, projectile.width, projectile.height).Intersects (new Rectangle((int)target.position.X, (int)target.position.Y, target.width, target.height))) { projectile.Kill(); } } }
public override void AI() { if (projectile.timeLeft < 200) { projectile.aiStyle = 1; } Lighting.AddLight(projectile.position, 0.0f, 0.3f, 0.1f); projectile.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)projectile.velocity.Y, (double)projectile.velocity.X) + 1.57f; if (Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { int dustIndex = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(projectile.position.X, projectile.position.Y), projectile.width, projectile.height, ModContent.DustType <Dusts.MangroveDust>(), projectile.velocity.X * 0.2f, projectile.velocity.Y * 0.2f, 200, default(Color), 0.7f); Main.dust[dustIndex].velocity += projectile.velocity * 0.3f; Main.dust[dustIndex].velocity *= 0.2f; }[0] =[0] + 1; if ([0] < 2) { keepspeed = (projectile.velocity).Length(); } if (target2 == null || ! { target2 = Main.npc[Idglib.FindClosestTarget(0, projectile.Center, new Vector2(0f, 0f), true, true, true, projectile)]; } if (target2 != null) { if ((target2.Center - projectile.Center).Length() < 800f) { if ([0] > (beginhoming)) { projectile.velocity = projectile.velocity + (projectile.DirectionTo(target2.Center) * ((float)keepspeed * homing)); projectile.velocity.Normalize(); projectile.velocity = projectile.velocity * (float)keepspeed; } } } }
public override void AI() { base.AI(); if ([0] < 1) {[0] = 1; keepspeed = (projectile.velocity).Length(); Main.PlaySound(SoundID.Item119, projectile.Center); } projectile.spriteDirection = (projectile.velocity.X > 0).ToDirectionInt(); NPC target = Main.npc[Idglib.FindClosestTarget(0, projectile.Center, new Vector2(0f, 0f), false, true, true, projectile)]; if (target != null) { if ((target.Center - projectile.Center).Length() < 1000f) { projectile.velocity = projectile.velocity + (projectile.DirectionTo(target.Center) * ((float)keepspeed * homing)); projectile.velocity.Normalize(); projectile.velocity = projectile.velocity * (float)keepspeed; } } }
public override void AI() { Player owner = Main.player[projectile.owner]; if (owner != null && !owner.dead) { if (projectile.localAI[1] < 0) { projectile.localAI[1] += 1; } if (projectile.localAI[1] < 1) { NPC target = Main.npc[Idglib.FindClosestTarget(0, projectile.Center, new Vector2(0f, 0f), true, true, true, projectile)]; if (target != null && Vector2.Distance(target.Center, projectile.Center) < 72) { projectile.localAI[1] = 1; } } else { projectile.localAI[1] += 1; int dustIndexsmoke = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(projectile.position.X, projectile.position.Y), projectile.width, projectile.height, 31, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 1f); Main.dust[dustIndexsmoke].scale = 0.1f + (float)Main.rand.Next(5) * 0.1f; Main.dust[dustIndexsmoke].fadeIn = 1.5f + (float)Main.rand.Next(5) * 0.1f; Main.dust[dustIndexsmoke].noGravity = true; Main.dust[dustIndexsmoke].position = projectile.Center + new Vector2(0f, (float)(-(float)projectile.height / 2)).RotatedBy((double)projectile.rotation, default(Vector2)) * 1.1f; dustIndexsmoke = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(projectile.position.X, projectile.position.Y), projectile.width, projectile.height, 6, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 1f); Main.dust[dustIndexsmoke].scale = 1f + (float)Main.rand.Next(5) * 0.1f; Main.dust[dustIndexsmoke].noGravity = true; Main.dust[dustIndexsmoke].position = projectile.Center + new Vector2(0f, (float)(-(float)projectile.height / 2 - 6)).RotatedBy((double)projectile.rotation, default(Vector2)) * 1.1f; if (projectile.localAI[1] > 40 && projectile.localAI[1] < 120 && projectile.localAI[1] % 25 == 0 && owner.GetModPlayer <SGAPlayer>().devempowerment[1] > 0) { int thisone = Projectile.NewProjectile(projectile.Center.X - 100, projectile.Center.Y - 100, Vector2.Zero.X, Vector2.Zero.Y, ModContent.ProjectileType <CreepersThrowBoom>(), projectile.damage * 2, projectile.knockBack, Main.player[projectile.owner].whoAmI, 0.0f, 0f); Main.projectile[thisone].timeLeft = 2; Main.projectile[thisone].width = 200; Main.projectile[thisone].penetrate = 1; Main.projectile[thisone].height = 200; Main.projectile[thisone].scale = 0.001f; Main.projectile[thisone].netUpdate = true; } if (projectile.localAI[1] == 121) { projectile.localAI[1] = -60; for (int i = 0; i < 359; i += 36) { double angles = MathHelper.ToRadians(i); float randomx = 64f; //Main.rand.NextFloat(54f, 96f); Vector2 here = new Vector2((float)Math.Cos(angles), (float)Math.Sin(angles)); int thisone = Projectile.NewProjectile(projectile.Center.X + (here.X * randomx) - 100, projectile.Center.Y + (here.Y * randomx) - 100, here.X, here.Y, ModContent.ProjectileType <CreepersThrowBoom>(), projectile.damage * 1, projectile.knockBack, Main.player[projectile.owner].whoAmI, 0.0f, 0f); Main.projectile[thisone].timeLeft = 2; Main.projectile[thisone].width = 200; Main.projectile[thisone].height = 200; Main.projectile[thisone].scale = 0.001f; Main.projectile[thisone].netUpdate = true; } } if (projectile.localAI[1] == 120) { for (int i = 0; i < 359; i += 72) { double angles = MathHelper.ToRadians(i); float randomx = 48f; //Main.rand.NextFloat(54f, 96f); Vector2 here = new Vector2((float)Math.Cos(angles), (float)Math.Sin(angles)); int thisone = Projectile.NewProjectile(projectile.Center.X + (here.X * randomx) - 100, projectile.Center.Y + (here.Y * randomx) - 100, here.X, here.Y, ModContent.ProjectileType <CreepersThrowBoom>(), projectile.damage * 1, projectile.knockBack, Main.player[projectile.owner].whoAmI, 0.0f, 0f); Main.projectile[thisone].timeLeft = 2; Main.projectile[thisone].width = 200; Main.projectile[thisone].penetrate = 1; Main.projectile[thisone].height = 200; Main.projectile[thisone].scale = 0.001f; Main.projectile[thisone].netUpdate = true; } } } } }
public override void AI() { //if (projectile.owner == null || projectile.owner < 0) //return; Player player = Main.player[projectile.owner]; if (player.dead || ! { player.ClearBuff(ModContent.BuffType <MidasMinionBuff>()); } if (player.HasBuff(ModContent.BuffType <MidasMinionBuff>())) { projectile.timeLeft = 2; } Vector2 gothere = player.Center; projectile.localAI[0] += 1; int target2 = Idglib.FindClosestTarget(0, projectile.Center, new Vector2(0f, 0f), true, true, true, projectile); NPC them = Main.npc[target2]; NPC oldthem = null; if (player.HasMinionAttackTargetNPC) { oldthem = them; them = Main.npc[player.MinionAttackTargetNPC]; gothere = them.Center; } if (them != null && { if ((them.Center - projectile.Center).Length() < 500 && Collision.CanHitLine(new Vector2(projectile.Center.X, projectile.Center.Y), 1, 1, new Vector2(them.Center.X, them.Center.Y), 1, 1) && them.CanBeChasedBy()) {[0] += 1; if ([0] % 20 == 0) { Main.PlaySound(18, (int)projectile.Center.X, (int)projectile.Center.Y, 0, 1f, 0.25f); int thisoned = Projectile.NewProjectile(projectile.Center.X, projectile.Center.Y, 0, 0, ProjectileID.GoldCoin, projectile.damage, projectile.knockBack, Main.player[projectile.owner].whoAmI); Main.projectile[thisoned].minion = true; Main.projectile[thisoned].velocity = (them.Center - projectile.Center); Main.projectile[thisoned].velocity.Normalize(); Main.projectile[thisoned].velocity *= 12f; Main.projectile[thisoned].velocity = Main.projectile[thisoned].velocity.RotateRandom(MathHelper.ToRadians(15)); Main.projectile[thisoned].penetrate = 1; Main.projectile[thisoned].ranged = false; Main.projectile[thisoned].netUpdate = true; IdgProjectile.AddOnHitBuff(thisoned, BuffID.Midas, 60 * 5); IdgProjectile.Sync(thisoned); } } if (oldthem != null) { if ((oldthem.Center - projectile.Center).Length() < 500 && Collision.CanHitLine(new Vector2(projectile.Center.X, projectile.Center.Y), 1, 1, new Vector2(oldthem.Center.X, oldthem.Center.Y), 1, 1) && oldthem.CanBeChasedBy()) { if ([0] % 35 == 0) { Main.PlaySound(18, (int)projectile.Center.X, (int)projectile.Center.Y, 0, 0.75f, -0.5f); int thisoned = Projectile.NewProjectile(projectile.Center.X, projectile.Center.Y, 0, 0, ProjectileID.SilverCoin, (int)((float)projectile.damage * 0.75f), projectile.knockBack, Main.player[projectile.owner].whoAmI); Main.projectile[thisoned].minion = true; Main.projectile[thisoned].velocity = (oldthem.Center - projectile.Center); Main.projectile[thisoned].velocity.Normalize(); Main.projectile[thisoned].velocity *= 10f; Main.projectile[thisoned].velocity = Main.projectile[thisoned].velocity.RotateRandom(MathHelper.ToRadians(15)); Main.projectile[thisoned].penetrate = 1; Main.projectile[thisoned].ranged = false; Main.projectile[thisoned].netUpdate = true; IdgProjectile.AddOnHitBuff(thisoned, BuffID.Midas, 60 * 2); IdgProjectile.Sync(thisoned); } } } } int dust = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(projectile.position.X, projectile.position.Y), projectile.width, projectile.height, 124); Main.dust[dust].scale = 0.7f; Main.dust[dust].velocity = projectile.velocity * 0.2f; Main.dust[dust].noGravity = true; float us = 0f; float maxus = 0f; for (int i = 0; i < Main.maxProjectiles; i++) // Loop all projectiles { Projectile currentProjectile = Main.projectile[i]; if ( && // Make sure the projectile is active currentProjectile.owner == Main.myPlayer && // Make sure the projectile's owner is the client's player currentProjectile.type == projectile.type) { // Make sure the projectile is of the same type as this javelin if (i == projectile.whoAmI) { us = maxus; } maxus += 1f; } } Vector2 there = player.Center; double angles = MathHelper.ToRadians((float)((us / maxus) * 360.00) - 90f); float dist = 256f; //Main.rand.NextFloat(54f, 96f); Vector2 here = new Vector2((float)Math.Cos(angles), (float)Math.Sin(angles)) * dist; Vector2 where = gothere + here; if ((where - projectile.Center).Length() > 8f) { projectile.velocity += (where - projectile.Center) * 0.005f; projectile.velocity *= 0.975f; } float maxspeed = Math.Min(projectile.velocity.Length(), 16); projectile.velocity.Normalize(); projectile.velocity *= maxspeed; Lighting.AddLight(projectile.Center, Color.Yellow.ToVector3() * 0.78f); }