Esempio n. 1
        public void Icrm_NavigateToTimeGrid_TimeGridShouldBeOpenedInMainContentWindow()
            var taskPage = new IcrmTaskPage(currentPage.myDriver);

            if (!taskPage.IsMainTabExpanded("timelinx"))
            currentPage = taskPage.SelectMainMenu("timegrid");
            Assert.IsTrue(currentPage.myDriver.Title.Contains("TimeGrid"), "TimeGrid not opened correctly");
Esempio n. 2
        public void Icrm_SelectATaskAndAddTime_TimeForTheTaskShouldBeAdded()
            var taskPage      = new IcrmTaskPage(currentPage.myDriver);
            var timeEntryData = new TimeDTO
                Location        = "office",
                ServiceCategory = "Emergency Work",
                Consultant      = "Lee Hogan",
                Duration        = "2",
                BillingComments = "This is to test the time entry in timesheet through automation"

            currentPage = taskPage.AddTimeToTaskInTimeGrid("Project/Task", "Tag.Ltd", expectedProjectId, timeEntryData);
Esempio n. 3
        public void Icrm_AddTimeToATask_TimeShouldBeAddedToTheTask()
            var taskPage = new IcrmTaskPage(currentPage.myDriver);

            var timeEntryData = new TimeDTO
                Location        = "office",
                ServiceCategory = "Emergency Work",
                Consultant      = "Lee Hogan",
                Duration        = "2",
                BillingComments = "This is to test the time entry through automation"

            currentPage = taskPage.AddTimeToTask(timeEntryData);
Esempio n. 4
        public void Icrm_AssignTeamMemberToATask_TeamMemberShouldBeAssignedToTheTask()
            var taskPage = new IcrmTaskPage(currentPage.myDriver);

            currentPage = taskPage.AssignTeamMemberToTask(1, "Gtag,");