Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of this LabStateManager, as well as a new IYodiiEngine.
        /// </summary>
        internal LabStateManager()
            YodiiEngine engine = new YodiiEngine(this);

            _engine = engine;

            Debug.Assert(_engine.LiveInfo != null);
            _engine.PropertyChanged += _engine_PropertyChanged;
            _engine.LiveInfo.Plugins.CollectionChanged  += Plugins_CollectionChanged;
            _engine.LiveInfo.Services.CollectionChanged += Services_CollectionChanged;

            Debug.Assert(_engine.IsRunning == false);

            _serviceInfos = new CKObservableSortedArrayKeyList <ServiceInfo, string>(s => s.ServiceFullName, false);
            _pluginInfos  = new CKObservableSortedArrayKeyList <PluginInfo, string>(p => p.PluginFullName, false);

            _labServiceInfos = new CKObservableSortedArrayKeyList <LabServiceInfo, ServiceInfo>(s => s.ServiceInfo, (x, y) => String.CompareOrdinal(x.ServiceFullName, y.ServiceFullName), false);
            _labPluginInfos  = new CKObservableSortedArrayKeyList <LabPluginInfo, PluginInfo>(p => p.PluginInfo, (x, y) => String.CompareOrdinal(x.PluginFullName, y.PluginFullName), false);

            _runningPlugins = new ObservableCollection <IPluginInfo>();

            _serviceInfos.CollectionChanged += _serviceInfos_CollectionChanged;
            _pluginInfos.CollectionChanged  += _pluginInfos_CollectionChanged;

Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Static failure resolution constructor.
        /// </summary>
        public YodiiEngineResult(IConfigurationSolver solver, List <PluginData> blockingPlugins, List <ServiceData> blockingServices, YodiiEngine engine)
            Debug.Assert(blockingPlugins != null || blockingServices != null, "At least one must not be null.");
            Debug.Assert(solver != null);
            Debug.Assert(engine != null);

            var allP = solver.AllPlugins.Select(p => new SolvedPluginSnapshot(p)).ToDictionary(p => p.PluginInfo);
            var allS = solver.AllServices.Select(s => new SolvedServiceSnapshot(s)).ToDictionary(s => s.ServiceInfo.ServiceFullName);

            _staticOnlyResultConfiguration = new StaticSolvedConfiguration(allP.Values.ToReadOnlyList(), allS.Values.ToReadOnlyList());

            var blkP = blockingPlugins == null
                            ? CKReadOnlyListEmpty <IStaticSolvedPlugin> .Empty
                            : blockingPlugins.Select(p => allP[p.PluginInfo]).ToReadOnlyList();

            _pluginCulprits = blkP.Select(ps => ps.PluginInfo).ToReadOnlyList();

            var blkS = blockingServices == null
                            ? CKReadOnlyListEmpty <IStaticSolvedService> .Empty
                            : blockingServices.Select(s => allS[s.ServiceInfo.ServiceFullName]).ToReadOnlyList();

            _serviceCulprits = blkS.Select(ss => ss.ServiceInfo).ToReadOnlyList();

            _engine = engine;
            _staticFailureResult = new StaticFailureResult(_staticOnlyResultConfiguration, blkP, blkS);
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Configuration failure constructor.
        /// </summary>
        internal YodiiEngineResult(IConfigurationFailureResult configurationFailureResult, YodiiEngine engine)
            Debug.Assert(configurationFailureResult.FailureReasons != null && configurationFailureResult.FailureReasons.Count > 0);

            _engine = engine;
            _configurationFailureResult = configurationFailureResult;
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of this ViewModel.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="loadDefaultState">True if the default XML state should be loaded, false to start on an empty state.</param>
        public MainWindowViewModel( bool loadDefaultState = false )
            _recentFiles = new CKObservableSortedArrayList<RecentFile>( ( a, b ) => DateTime.Compare( b.AccessTime, a.AccessTime ) );

            // Lab objects, live objects and static infos are managed in the LabStateManager.
            _labStateManager = new LabStateManager();
            _engine = _labStateManager.Engine;

            _labStateManager.Engine.PropertyChanged += Engine_PropertyChanged;
            _labStateManager.ServiceInfos.CollectionChanged += ServiceInfos_CollectionChanged;
            _labStateManager.PluginInfos.CollectionChanged += PluginInfos_CollectionChanged;
            _labStateManager.RunningPlugins.CollectionChanged += RunningPlugins_CollectionChanged;

            _engine.Configuration.Layers.CollectionChanged += Layers_CollectionChanged;

            _activityMonitor = new ActivityMonitor();

            _activityMonitor.OpenTrace().Send( "Hello world" );

            _graph = new YodiiGraph( _engine.Configuration, _labStateManager );

            _removeSelectedVertexCommand = new RelayCommand( RemoveSelectedVertexExecute, CanEditSelectedVertex );
            _toggleEngineCommand = new RelayCommand( ToggleEngineExecute );
            _openFileCommand = new RelayCommand( OpenFileExecute );
            _saveAsFileCommand = new RelayCommand( SaveAsFileExecute );
            _saveCommand = new RelayCommand( SaveExecute ); // Save is always available.e
            _reorderGraphLayoutCommand = new RelayCommand( ReorderGraphLayoutExecute );
            _createPluginCommand = new RelayCommand( CreatePluginExecute, CanEditItems );
            _createServiceCommand = new RelayCommand( CreateServiceExecute, CanEditItems );
            _openConfigurationEditorCommand = new RelayCommand( OpenConfigurationEditorExecute );
            _newFileCommand = new RelayCommand( NewFileExecute );
            _revokeAllCommandsCommand = new RelayCommand( RevokeAllCommandsExecute, CanRevokeAllCommands );
            _autoPositionCommand = new RelayCommand( AutoPositionExecute );


            // Appication is only available on WPF context.
            if( Application.Current != null )
                _autosaveTimer = new DispatcherTimer( DispatcherPriority.Background, Application.Current.Dispatcher );
                _autosaveTimer = new DispatcherTimer( DispatcherPriority.Background, Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher );

            _autosaveTimer.Interval = new TimeSpan( 0, 0, 5 );
            _autosaveTimer.Tick += AutosaveTick;

            // Autosave timer is started from outside, using StartAutosaveTimer().

            if( loadDefaultState ) LoadDefaultState();
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Static only success resolution constructor.
        /// </summary>
        public YodiiEngineResult( IConfigurationSolver solver, YodiiEngine engine )
            Debug.Assert( solver != null );
            Debug.Assert( engine != null );

            var allP = solver.AllPlugins.Select( p => new SolvedPluginSnapshot( p ) ).ToDictionary( p => p.PluginInfo );
            var allS = solver.AllServices.Select( s => new SolvedServiceSnapshot( s ) ).ToDictionary( s => s.ServiceInfo.ServiceFullName );
            _staticOnlyResultConfiguration = new StaticSolvedConfiguration( allP.Values.ToReadOnlyList(), allS.Values.ToReadOnlyList() );
            _pluginCulprits = CKReadOnlyListEmpty<IPluginInfo>.Empty;
            _serviceCulprits = CKReadOnlyListEmpty<IServiceInfo>.Empty;
            _engine = engine;
Esempio n. 6
        public void RuntimeAssertionTest()
            IYodiiEngine engine = MockXmlUtils.CreateEngineFromXmlResource("BaseGraph4");


            var rootIService2 = engine.LiveInfo.Services.Where(s => s.FullName == "IService2").First();

            var layer  = engine.Configuration.Layers.Create("DefautLayer");
            var result = layer.Items.Add("IService2", ConfigurationStatus.Disabled);

            Assert.That(result.Success == false);
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Static only success resolution constructor.
        /// </summary>
        public YodiiEngineResult(IConfigurationSolver solver, YodiiEngine engine)
            Debug.Assert(solver != null);
            Debug.Assert(engine != null);

            var allP = solver.AllPlugins.Select(p => new SolvedPluginSnapshot(p)).ToDictionary(p => p.PluginInfo);
            var allS = solver.AllServices.Select(s => new SolvedServiceSnapshot(s)).ToDictionary(s => s.ServiceInfo.ServiceFullName);

            _staticOnlyResultConfiguration = new StaticSolvedConfiguration(allP.Values.ToReadOnlyList(), allS.Values.ToReadOnlyList());
            _pluginCulprits  = CKReadOnlyListEmpty <IPluginInfo> .Empty;
            _serviceCulprits = CKReadOnlyListEmpty <IServiceInfo> .Empty;
            _engine          = engine;
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Dynamic failure constructor.
        /// </summary>
        internal YodiiEngineResult(IConfigurationSolver solver, IEnumerable <Tuple <IPluginInfo, Exception> > errorInfo, YodiiEngine engine)
            Debug.Assert(solver != null);
            Debug.Assert(errorInfo != null && errorInfo.Any());
            Debug.Assert(engine != null);

            var allP = solver.AllPlugins.Select(p => new SolvedPluginSnapshot(p)).ToDictionary(ps => ps.PluginInfo);
            var allS = solver.AllServices.Select(s => new SolvedServiceSnapshot(s)).ToReadOnlyList();

            var errors = errorInfo.Select(e => new PluginRuntimeError(allP[e.Item1], e.Item2)).ToReadOnlyList();

            _pluginCulprits  = errors.Select(e => e.Plugin.PluginInfo).ToReadOnlyList();
            _serviceCulprits = _pluginCulprits.Select(p => p.Service).Where(s => s != null).ToReadOnlyList();
            _engine          = engine;

            _hostFailureResult = new DynamicFailureResult(new DynamicSolvedConfiguration(allP.Values.ToReadOnlyList(), allS), errors);
Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Static failure resolution constructor.
        /// </summary>
        public YodiiEngineResult( IConfigurationSolver solver, List<PluginData> blockingPlugins, List<ServiceData> blockingServices, YodiiEngine engine )
            Debug.Assert( blockingPlugins != null || blockingServices != null, "At least one must not be null." );
            Debug.Assert( solver != null );
            Debug.Assert( engine != null );

            var allP = solver.AllPlugins.Select( p => new SolvedPluginSnapshot( p ) ).ToDictionary( p => p.PluginInfo );
            var allS = solver.AllServices.Select( s => new SolvedServiceSnapshot( s ) ).ToDictionary( s => s.ServiceInfo.ServiceFullName );
            _staticOnlyResultConfiguration = new StaticSolvedConfiguration( allP.Values.ToReadOnlyList(), allS.Values.ToReadOnlyList() );

            var blkP = blockingPlugins == null
                            ? CKReadOnlyListEmpty<IStaticSolvedPlugin>.Empty
                            : blockingPlugins.Select( p => allP[p.PluginInfo] ).ToReadOnlyList();
            _pluginCulprits = blkP.Select( ps => ps.PluginInfo ).ToReadOnlyList();

            var blkS = blockingServices == null
                            ? CKReadOnlyListEmpty<IStaticSolvedService>.Empty
                            : blockingServices.Select( s => allS[s.ServiceInfo.ServiceFullName] ).ToReadOnlyList();
            _serviceCulprits = blkS.Select( ss => ss.ServiceInfo ).ToReadOnlyList();

            _engine = engine;
            _staticFailureResult = new StaticFailureResult( _staticOnlyResultConfiguration, blkP, blkS );
Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Configuration failure constructor.
        /// </summary>
        internal YodiiEngineResult( IConfigurationFailureResult configurationFailureResult, YodiiEngine engine )
            Debug.Assert( configurationFailureResult.FailureReasons != null && configurationFailureResult.FailureReasons.Count > 0 );

            _engine = engine;
            _configurationFailureResult = configurationFailureResult;
Esempio n. 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Dynamic failure constructor.
        /// </summary>
        internal YodiiEngineResult( IConfigurationSolver solver, IEnumerable<Tuple<IPluginInfo, Exception>> errorInfo, YodiiEngine engine )
            Debug.Assert( solver != null );
            Debug.Assert( errorInfo != null && errorInfo.Any() );
            Debug.Assert( engine != null );

            var allP = solver.AllPlugins.Select( p => new SolvedPluginSnapshot( p ) ).ToDictionary( ps => ps.PluginInfo );
            var allS = solver.AllServices.Select( s => new SolvedServiceSnapshot( s ) ).ToReadOnlyList();

            var errors = errorInfo.Select( e => new PluginRuntimeError( allP[e.Item1], e.Item2 ) ).ToReadOnlyList();
            _pluginCulprits = errors.Select( e => e.Plugin.PluginInfo ).ToReadOnlyList();
            _serviceCulprits = _pluginCulprits.Select( p => p.Service ).Where( s => s != null ).ToReadOnlyList();
            _engine = engine;

            _hostFailureResult = new DynamicFailureResult( new DynamicSolvedConfiguration( allP.Values.ToReadOnlyList(), allS ), errors );
Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Asserts that both engines have equivalent static infos.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="a">A</param>
        /// <param name="b">B</param>
        public static void AssertEngineInfoEquivalence(IYodiiEngine a, IYodiiEngine b)
            AssertDiscoveredInfoEquivalence(a.DiscoveredInfo, b.DiscoveredInfo);

            AssertManagerEquivalence(a.Configuration, b.Configuration);
Esempio n. 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Asserts that both engines have equivalent static infos.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="a">A</param>
        /// <param name="b">B</param>
        public static void AssertEngineInfoEquivalence(IYodiiEngine a, IYodiiEngine b)
            AssertDiscoveredInfoEquivalence( a.DiscoveredInfo, b.DiscoveredInfo );

            AssertManagerEquivalence( a.Configuration, b.Configuration );
Esempio n. 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of this LabStateManager, as well as a new IYodiiEngine.
        /// </summary>
        internal LabStateManager()
            YodiiEngine engine = new YodiiEngine( this );
            _engine = engine;

            Debug.Assert( _engine.LiveInfo != null );
            _engine.PropertyChanged += _engine_PropertyChanged;
            _engine.LiveInfo.Plugins.CollectionChanged += Plugins_CollectionChanged;
            _engine.LiveInfo.Services.CollectionChanged += Services_CollectionChanged;

            Debug.Assert( _engine.IsRunning == false );

            _serviceInfos = new CKObservableSortedArrayKeyList<ServiceInfo, string>( s => s.ServiceFullName, false );
            _pluginInfos = new CKObservableSortedArrayKeyList<PluginInfo, string>( p => p.PluginFullName, false );

            _labServiceInfos = new CKObservableSortedArrayKeyList<LabServiceInfo, ServiceInfo>( s => s.ServiceInfo, ( x, y ) => String.CompareOrdinal( x.ServiceFullName, y.ServiceFullName ), false );
            _labPluginInfos = new CKObservableSortedArrayKeyList<LabPluginInfo, PluginInfo>( p => p.PluginInfo, ( x, y ) => String.CompareOrdinal( x.PluginFullName, y.PluginFullName ), false );

            _runningPlugins = new ObservableCollection<IPluginInfo>();

            _serviceInfos.CollectionChanged += _serviceInfos_CollectionChanged;
            _pluginInfos.CollectionChanged += _pluginInfos_CollectionChanged;

 public SuccessYodiiEngineResult( YodiiEngine engine )
     _engine = engine;
Esempio n. 16
 public SuccessYodiiEngineResult(YodiiEngine engine)
     _engine = engine;