private bool GetKeyForNode(XmlNode currentNode, string name, IXmlSetting currentSetting, out string key) { bool rc = true; key = ""; try { IXmlSettingNode settingNode = currentSetting.GetNode(name); List <String> lstKeyAttrName = settingNode.identifier().Split(',').ToList <string>(); if (lstKeyAttrName.Count > 0) { List <string> tempKeys = new List <string>(); foreach (string attrNameNode in lstKeyAttrName) { string attrValue = currentNode.Attributes[attrNameNode].Value; tempKeys.Add(attrValue); } key = String.Join("|", tempKeys.ToArray()); } } catch (Exception e) { key = ""; rc = false; } return(rc); }
private bool GetEffectiveAttributeNames(XmlNode currentNode, string name, IXmlSetting currentSetting, out List <string> AttrNameList) { bool rc = true; AttrNameList = new List <string>(); try { IXmlSettingNode settingNode = currentSetting.GetNode(name); List <String> lstEffectiveAttrName = settingNode.attributesToCompare().Split(',').ToList <string>(); AttrNameList.AddRange(lstEffectiveAttrName); } catch (Exception e) { rc = false; } return(rc); }
private void DomToNode(IXmlSetting currentSetting, XmlNode currentNode, ref CXmlFileNodeImp parent) { bool NodeCompareFlag = false; try { IXmlSettingNode settingNode = currentSetting.GetNode(currentNode.Name); if (settingNode != null) { NodeCompareFlag = settingNode.compare_flag; } } catch (Exception e) { // do nothing } if (NodeCompareFlag) { CXmlFileNodeImp neoNode = new CXmlFileNodeImp(currentNode.Name, GetXPath(currentNode)); string key = ""; if (GetKeyForNode(currentNode,, currentSetting, out key)) { neoNode.key = key; } key = + "|" + neoNode.key; if (currentNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text) { neoNode.text = currentNode.Value; parent.m_childNodes.Add(neoNode.key, neoNode); neoNode.m_parentNodes.Add(parent.key, parent); return; } foreach (XmlAttribute xmlAttr in currentNode.Attributes) { List <string> listOfAttrName = new List <string>(); GetEffectiveAttributeNames(currentNode,, currentSetting, out listOfAttrName); if (listOfAttrName.IndexOf(xmlAttr.Name) >= 0) { neoNode.m_attributes.Add(xmlAttr.Name, xmlAttr.Value); } } foreach (XmlNode childNode in currentNode.ChildNodes) { DomToNode(currentSetting, childNode, ref neoNode); } if (parent.m_childNodes.ContainsKey(key)) { // dealing with duplicate key, add numeric suffix to the key if (m_DuplicateKeyMemo.ContainsKey(key)) { m_DuplicateKeyMemo[key] = m_DuplicateKeyMemo[key] + 1; } else { m_DuplicateKeyMemo.Add(key, 1); } key = key + "." + m_DuplicateKeyMemo[key].ToString(); } parent.m_childNodes.Add(key, neoNode); neoNode.m_parentNodes.Add(key, parent); } }