Esempio n. 1
        private MoveData[] ScanRange(int groupBy)
            IXLRangeRow     lastRow    = null;
            string          prevVal    = null;
            int             groupStart = 0;
            List <MoveData> groups     = new List <MoveData>();

            using (var rows = _range.Rows())
                foreach (var row in rows)
                    lastRow = row;

                    var val          = row.Cell(groupBy).GetString();
                    var isSummaryRow = row.IsSummary();

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(val) && !isSummaryRow)
                        if (groupStart > 0)
                            groups.Add(CreateMoveTask(groupBy, prevVal, _range.Cell(groupStart, 1), row.RowAbove().Unsubscribed().LastCell(), RangeType.DataRange));
                        groups.Add(CreateMoveTask(groupBy, "", row.FirstCell(), row.LastCell(), RangeType.HeaderRow));
                        prevVal    = null;
                        groupStart = 0;

                    if (val != prevVal)
                        if (groupStart > 0)
                            groups.Add(CreateMoveTask(groupBy, prevVal, _range.Cell(groupStart, 1), row.RowAbove().Unsubscribed().LastCell(), RangeType.DataRange));
                        prevVal    = val;
                        groupStart = !isSummaryRow?row.RangeAddress.Relative(_range.RangeAddress).FirstAddress.RowNumber : 0;
                    if (isSummaryRow)
                        var moveData = new MoveData(row.RangeAddress, RangeType.SummaryRow, "", Sheet.Row(row.RowNumber()).Unsubscribed().OutlineLevel);
                        moveData.PageBreak = Sheet.PageSetup.RowBreaks.Any(x => row.RowNumber() - (_summaryAbove ? 1 : 0) == x);
                if (lastRow != null && groupStart > 0)
                    using (var groupRng = _range.Range(_range.Cell(groupStart, 1), lastRow.LastCell()))
                        groups.Add(new MoveData(groupRng.RangeAddress, RangeType.DataRange, prevVal, Sheet.Row(groupStart).Unsubscribed().OutlineLevel)
                            GroupColumn = groupBy

Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Row for table description
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="worksheet">The worksheet</param>
        /// <param name="table">The table being printed</param>
        /// <param name="currentRow">The current row</param>
        /// <param name="lastColumn">The last column</param>
        private void CreateTableDescriptionRow(ref IXLWorksheet worksheet, ref TableInfo table, ref int currentRow, int lastColumn)
            IXLRange row = CreateRow(ref worksheet, ref currentRow, lastColumn);

            row.Cell(1, 1).Value                      = "Table Description:";
            row.Cell(1, 1).Style.Font.Bold            = true;
            row.Cell(1, 1).Style.Border.OutsideBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin;
            row.Cell(1, 1).Style.Fill.SetBackgroundColor(_headingColor);

            row.Cell(1, 2).Value = table.TableDescription;
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the table header
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sheet">The worksheet</param>
        /// <param name="currentRow">The current row</param>
        private void CreateTableHeader(ref IXLWorksheet sheet, ref int currentRow)
            IXLRange row           = CreateRow(ref sheet, ref currentRow);
            int      currentColumn = 1;

            row.Cell(1, currentColumn++).Value = "Table Name";
            row.Cell(1, currentColumn++).Value = "Column Name";
            row.Cell(1, currentColumn++).Value = "Description";
            row.Cell(1, currentColumn++).Value = string.Empty;
            row.Cell(1, currentColumn++).Value = "SQL note find/replace double quote, added automatically";
        private IAppActionResult <ReadModelForExcel> ParseLoadedData(IAppActionResult <ReadModelForExcel> result, IXLRange range, int rowCount, int colCount)
            Regex         rSepForFIO = new Regex(SeparatorFIO);
            StringBuilder value      = new StringBuilder();
            var           position   = "Position";
            var           employee   = "Employee";

            for (int i = 1; i < rowCount; ++i)
                result.Data.Employees.Add(new Employee());
                result.Data.Employees[result.Data.Employees.Count - 1].Id = Guid.NewGuid();
                for (int j = 0; j < colCount; ++j)
                    var rowData    = range.Cell(i + 1, j + 1).Value.ToString();
                    var columnName = range.Cell(1, j + 1).Value.ToString();
                    if (columnName == position)
                        if (!result.Data.Positions.Exists(d => d.Name == rowData))
                            result.Data.Positions.Add(new Position {
                                Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = rowData
                            result.Data.Employees[result.Data.Employees.Count - 1].PositionId = result.Data.Positions[result.Data.Positions.Count - 1].Id;
                            result.Data.Employees[result.Data.Employees.Count - 1].Position   = new Position
                                Id   = result.Data.Positions[result.Data.Positions.Count - 1].Id,
                                Name = rowData
                            var pos = result.Data.Positions.Find(d => d.Name == rowData);
                            result.Data.Employees[result.Data.Employees.Count - 1].PositionId = pos.Id;
                            result.Data.Employees[result.Data.Employees.Count - 1].Position   = new Position
                                Id   = pos.Id,
                                Name = pos.Name
                    if (columnName == employee)
                        string[] dataName = rSepForFIO.Split(rowData);
                        result.Data.Employees[result.Data.Employees.Count - 1].Surname    = dataName[0];
                        result.Data.Employees[result.Data.Employees.Count - 1].FirstName  = dataName[1];
                        result.Data.Employees[result.Data.Employees.Count - 1].Patronymic = dataName[2];
Esempio n. 5
        private MoveData[] ScanRange(int groupBy)
            IXLRangeRow     lastRow    = null;
            string          prevVal    = null;
            int             groupStart = 0;
            List <MoveData> groups     = new List <MoveData>();

            var rows = _range.Rows();

            foreach (var row in rows)
                lastRow = row;

                var val          = row.Cell(groupBy).GetString();
                var isSummaryRow = row.IsSummary();

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(val) && !isSummaryRow)
                    if (groupStart > 0)
                        groups.Add(CreateMoveTask(groupBy, prevVal, _range.Cell(groupStart, 1), row.RowAbove().LastCell(), RangeType.DataRange));
                    groups.Add(CreateMoveTask(groupBy, "", row.FirstCell(), row.LastCell(), RangeType.HeaderRow));
                    prevVal    = null;
                    groupStart = 0;

                if (val != prevVal)
                    if (groupStart > 0)
                        groups.Add(CreateMoveTask(groupBy, prevVal, _range.Cell(groupStart, 1), row.RowAbove().LastCell(), RangeType.DataRange));
                    prevVal    = val;
                    groupStart = !isSummaryRow?row.RangeAddress.Relative(_range.RangeAddress).FirstAddress.RowNumber : 0;
                if (isSummaryRow)
                    var moveData = CreateMoveTask(groupBy, "", row.FirstCell(), row.LastCell(), RangeType.SummaryRow);
                    moveData.PageBreak = Sheet.PageSetup.RowBreaks.Any(x => row.RowNumber() - (_summaryAbove ? 1 : 0) == x);
            if (lastRow != null && groupStart > 0)
                groups.Add(CreateMoveTask(groupBy, prevVal, _range.Cell(groupStart, 1), lastRow.LastCell(), RangeType.DataRange));

        /// <summary>
        /// Возвращает адресс нижней правой ячейки пары
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="worksheet"></param>
        /// <param name="range"></param>
        /// <param name="column"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private IXLRange SearchForLessonRange(IXLWorksheet worksheet, IXLRange range, int startRow, int startColumn)
            var column    = startColumn;
            var startCell = range.Cell(startRow, column).Address;
            var row       = startRow;
            var lessonPrimaryBorderStyle   = XLBorderStyleValues.Medium;
            var lessonSecondaryBorderStyle = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin;

            while ((range.Cell(row, column).Style.Border.RightBorder != lessonPrimaryBorderStyle) &&
                   (range.Cell(row, column + 1).Style.Border.RightBorder != lessonPrimaryBorderStyle) &&
                   (column < range.ColumnCount()))

            while ((range.Cell(row, column).Style.Border.BottomBorder != lessonPrimaryBorderStyle) &&
                   (range.Cell(row, column).Style.Border.BottomBorder != lessonSecondaryBorderStyle) &&
                   (range.Cell(row + 1, column).Style.Border.TopBorder != lessonPrimaryBorderStyle) &&
                   (range.Cell(row + 1, column).Style.Border.TopBorder != lessonSecondaryBorderStyle) &&
                   (row < range.RowCount()))

            return(worksheet.Range(startCell, range.Cell(row, column).Address)); //возвращает на 1 столбец меньше военки
Esempio n. 7
 private float ResCalc(char dx, int order)
         EnemyRES[order] = float.Parse(EnemyRange.Cell(CellLoc(dx, Enemy_Select.SelectedIndex + 2)).Value.ToString());
     catch (FormatException)
         EnemyRES[order] = float.PositiveInfinity;
         DialogResult err;
         err = MessageBox.Show("表格中的某处数据出了问题。\n出问题的数据一般是无穷大,已自动设定。\n记得改一下数据表。", "提示");
        /// <summary>
        /// 武器相关查询
        /// </summary>
        public string WeaponNameSelect()
            init = true;
            var col = 1;

                WeaponRange = book.Worksheet("武器索引").RangeUsed();
                switch (Weapon_Type.SelectedIndex)
                case 0: col = 1; break;

                case 1: col = 5; break;

                case 2: col = 9; break;

                case 3: col = 13; break;

                case 4: col = 17; break;

                default: col = 1; break;
                for (int i = 1; i <= WeaponRange.Column(col).CellsUsed().Count(); i++)
                    if (WeaponRange.Cell(i, col).Value.ToString() == Weapon_Type.SelectedItem.ToString())
                        Weapon[i - 1] = WeaponRange.Cell(i, col + 1).Value.ToString();
                if (Weapon_Choose.Items.Count == 0)
                return(WeaponRange.Cell(Weapon_Choose.SelectedIndex + 1, col + 2).Value.ToString());// Weapon_Choose.SelectedItem.ToString();

            catch (NullReferenceException)
                DialogResult err;
                err = MessageBox.Show("未找到表格文件,或表格文件错误。\n请尝试打开“帮助”项中的部署工具进行修复。", "提示");
            catch (Exception)
Esempio n. 9
        private void RenderSubrange(object item, FormulaEvaluator evaluator, TemplateCell cell, TagsList tags, ref int iCell, ref int row)
            var start = _buff.NextAddress;
            // дочерний шаблон, к которому принадлежит ячейка
            var xlCell  = _rowRange.Cell(cell.Row, cell.Column);
            var ownRng  = _subranges.First(r => r._cells.Any(c => c.CellType != TemplateCellType.None && c.XLCell != null && Equals(c.XLCell.Address, xlCell.Address)));
            var formula = "{{" + ownRng.Source.ReplaceLast("_", ".") + "}}";

            if (evaluator.Evaluate(formula, new Parameter(Name, item)) is IEnumerable value)
                var valArr = value.Cast <object>().ToArray();

                if (ownRng.IsHorizontal)
                    iCell += ownRng._colCnt - 1;
                    int shiftLen = ownRng._colCnt * (valArr.Length - 1);
                    tags.Where(tag => tag.Cell.Row == cell.Row && tag.Cell.Column > cell.Column)
                    .ForEach(t =>
                        t.Cell.Column += shiftLen;
                        t.Cell.XLCell  = _rowRange.Cell(t.Cell.Row, t.Cell.Column);
                    row += ownRng._rowCnt - 1;
                    while (_cells[iCell].Row <= row + 1)

                    int shiftLen = ownRng._rowCnt * (valArr.Length - 1);
                    tags.Where(tag => tag.Cell.Row > cell.Row)
                    .ForEach(t =>
                        t.Cell.Row   += shiftLen;
                        t.Cell.XLCell = _rowRange.Cell(t.Cell.Row, t.Cell.Column);

            var rng       = _buff.GetRange(start, _buff.PrevAddress);
            var rangeName = ownRng.Name;
            var dnr       = rng.Worksheet.Workbook.NamedRange(rangeName);

        /// <summary>
        /// Selects random answers from the given answer range, skipping the excludedIndex.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="answers">The range to select an answer from.</param>
        /// <param name="excludedIndex">The cell index to skip (the correct answer that should not be included in the random ones).</param>
        /// <param name="count">The count of answers to select</param>
        /// <returns>A list of answer strings.</returns>
        public static List <String> SelectRandomAnswers(IXLRange answers, int excludedIndex, int count)
            var output     = new List <string>();
            var exclusions = new List <int>()

            //Get range for random
            int min = answers.FirstCellUsed().Address.RowNumber;
            int max = answers.LastCellUsed().Address.RowNumber;

            //iterate until we have the desired amount of results
            while (output.Count < count)
                int selectedIndex = Random.Next(min, max);

                //Skip the correct answer, and avoid duplicate random answers
                if (exclusions.Contains(selectedIndex))

                output.Add(answers.Cell(selectedIndex, 1).GetValue <string>());

Esempio n. 11
        private static string Cell(IXLRange range,
                                   int row,
                                   int column)
            var cell  = range.Cell(row, column);
            var value = cell.Value;

            if (value is bool)

            if (cell.Value is DateTime)
                var dateTime = XmlConvert.ToString((DateTime)cell.Value, XmlDateTimeSerializationMode.Utc);
                if (dateTime.EndsWith("T00:00:00Z", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    dateTime = dateTime.RemoveFromEnd("T00:00:00Z", StringComparison.Ordinal);


Esempio n. 12
 public void EnemyCheck()
     EnemyRange = book.Worksheet("敌人属性").RangeUsed();
     for (int i = 1; i < EnemyRange.RowCount(); i++)
         Enemyname[i - 1] = EnemyRange.Cell(CellLoc('A', i + 1)).Value;
         Confirm_Button.Enabled = true;
     catch (ArgumentNullException)
         Confirm_Button.Enabled = !(Enemy_Select.SelectedIndex < 0);
     RESSelectorBox.Items.AddRange(new object[] {
         "风\t" + 0 + "%",
         "岩\t" + 0 + "%",
         "雷\t" + 0 + "%",
         "冰\t" + 0 + "%",
         "水\t" + 0 + "%",
         "火\t" + 0 + "%",
         "草\t" + 0 + "%",
         "物理\t" + 0 + "%",
         "对应属性\t" + 0 + "%"
     RESSelectorBox.SelectedIndex = 0;
        public void InsideBorderTest()
            var          wb    = new XLWorkbook();
            IXLWorksheet ws    = wb.AddWorksheet("Sheet1");
            IXLRange     range = ws.Range("B2:D4");


            range.Style.Border.InsideBorder      = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin;
            range.Style.Border.InsideBorderColor = XLColor.Red;

            IXLCell center = range.Cell(2, 2);

            Assert.AreEqual(XLColor.Red, center.Style.Border.TopBorderColor);
            Assert.AreEqual(XLColor.Red, center.Style.Border.BottomBorderColor);
            Assert.AreEqual(XLColor.Red, center.Style.Border.LeftBorderColor);
            Assert.AreEqual(XLColor.Red, center.Style.Border.RightBorderColor);

            Assert.AreEqual(XLBorderStyleValues.None, range.FirstRow().Cell(1).Style.Border.TopBorder);
            Assert.AreEqual(XLBorderStyleValues.Thick, range.FirstRow().Cell(2).Style.Border.TopBorder);
            Assert.AreEqual(XLBorderStyleValues.Double, range.FirstRow().Cell(3).Style.Border.TopBorder);

            Assert.AreEqual(XLBorderStyleValues.None, range.LastRow().Cell(1).Style.Border.BottomBorder);
            Assert.AreEqual(XLBorderStyleValues.Thick, range.LastRow().Cell(2).Style.Border.BottomBorder);
            Assert.AreEqual(XLBorderStyleValues.Double, range.LastRow().Cell(3).Style.Border.BottomBorder);

            Assert.AreEqual(XLBorderStyleValues.None, range.FirstColumn().Cell(1).Style.Border.LeftBorder);
            Assert.AreEqual(XLBorderStyleValues.Thick, range.FirstColumn().Cell(2).Style.Border.LeftBorder);
            Assert.AreEqual(XLBorderStyleValues.Double, range.FirstColumn().Cell(3).Style.Border.LeftBorder);

            Assert.AreEqual(XLBorderStyleValues.None, range.LastColumn().Cell(1).Style.Border.RightBorder);
            Assert.AreEqual(XLBorderStyleValues.Thick, range.LastColumn().Cell(2).Style.Border.RightBorder);
            Assert.AreEqual(XLBorderStyleValues.Double, range.LastColumn().Cell(3).Style.Border.RightBorder);
Esempio n. 14
        public static object[] GetSheetIntoObjectUsingClosedXML(string fileDetails, string sheetName)
            object[] main = null;
            using (XLWorkbook book = new XLWorkbook(fileDetails))
                IXLWorksheet xlSheet = book.Worksheet(sheetName);

                IXLRange xlRange = xlSheet.RangeUsed();

                int rowCount = xlRange.RowCount();

                int ColCount = xlRange.ColumnCount();


                main = new object[rowCount - 1]; //number of rows (Test case)

                for (int i = 2; i <= rowCount; i++)
                    object[] temp = new object[ColCount]; //number of parameter
                    for (int j = 1; j <= ColCount; j++)
                        string value = xlRange.Cell(i, j).GetString();
                        temp[j - 1] = value;
                    main[i - 2] = temp;

Esempio n. 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Create rows for missing column descriptions
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sheet">The worksheet</param>
        /// <param name="currentRow">The current row</param>
        /// <param name="column">The column to print</param>
        private void CreateTableRowsForMissingColumnDescriptions(ref IXLWorksheet sheet, ref int currentRow, TableColumnInfo column)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(column.ColumnDescription))

            IXLRange row           = CreateRow(ref sheet, ref currentRow);
            int      currentColumn = 1;

            row.Cell(1, currentColumn++).Value = column.Table.TableName;
            row.Cell(1, currentColumn++).Value = column.ColumnName;
            row.Cell(1, currentColumn++).Value = column.ColumnDescription;
            row.Cell(1, currentColumn++).Value = string.Empty;

            string replacementFormula = "RC[1]";

            replacementFormula = @"SUBSTITUTE(" + replacementFormula + @", ""{0}"", RC[-4])";                           // Replaces {0} with table name
            replacementFormula = @"SUBSTITUTE(" + replacementFormula + @", ""{1}"", RC[-3])";                           // Replaces {1} with columns name
            replacementFormula = "SUBSTITUTE(" + replacementFormula + @", ""{2}"", SUBSTITUTE(RC[-2], ""'"", ""''""))"; // Replaces {2} with description, also replaces "'" in description with "''" for SQL single quote escape

            row.Cell(1, currentColumn++).FormulaR1C1 = @"=IF(RC[-2] = """", ""Enter a Column description (Column C)"", " + replacementFormula + ")";

            int sqlScriptColumn = currentColumn++;

            row.Cell(1, sqlScriptColumn).Value = Common.SqlQuery._SCRIPT_TEMPLATE_FOR_TABLE_COLUMN;
            row.Cell(1, sqlScriptColumn).Style.Font.SetFontColor(XLColor.White);
        /// <summary>
        /// Create rows for db objects
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sheet">The worksheet</param>
        /// <param name="currentRow">The current row</param>
        /// <param name="obj">The object to print</param>
        private void CreateTableRowsForObject(ref IXLWorksheet sheet, ref int currentRow, StoredProcFuncInfo obj)
            int startSectionRow = currentRow;

            IXLRange row           = CreateRow(ref sheet, ref currentRow);
            int      currentColumn = 1;

            row.Cell(1, currentColumn++).Value = obj.ObjectName;
            row.Cell(1, currentColumn++).Value = obj.ObjectType;

            foreach (StoredProcFuncInfoParams param in obj.Parameters)
                CreateTableRowsForParameter(ref sheet, ref currentRow, param);

            int endSectionRow = currentRow - 1;

            ApplyFormattingToSection(ref sheet, startSectionRow, endSectionRow);

        /// <summary>
        /// Create the table header
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sheet">The worksheet</param>
        /// <param name="currentRow">The current row</param>
        private void CreateTableHeader(ref IXLWorksheet sheet, ref int currentRow)
            IXLRange row           = CreateRow(ref sheet, ref currentRow);
            int      currentColumn = 1;

            row.Cell(1, currentColumn++).Value = "Object Name";
            row.Cell(1, currentColumn++).Value = "Object Type";
            row.Cell(1, currentColumn++).Value = "Parameter Name";
            row.Cell(1, currentColumn++).Value = "Parameter sequence";
            row.Cell(1, currentColumn++).Value = "Parameter Type";
            row.Cell(1, currentColumn++).Value = "Parameter Max Length";
            row.Cell(1, currentColumn++).Value = "Out parameter?";
        /// <summary>
        /// Create row for parameter
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sheet">The sheet</param>
        /// <param name="currentRow">The current row</param>
        /// <param name="param">The parameter to print</param>
        private void CreateTableRowsForParameter(ref IXLWorksheet sheet, ref int currentRow, StoredProcFuncInfoParams param)
            IXLRange row           = CreateRow(ref sheet, ref currentRow);
            int      currentColumn = 1;

            row.Cell(1, currentColumn++).Value = param.ParentObject.ObjectName;
            row.Cell(1, currentColumn++).Value = param.ParentObject.ObjectType;
            row.Cell(1, currentColumn++).Value = param.ParameterName;
            row.Cell(1, currentColumn++).Value = param.ParameterId;
            row.Cell(1, currentColumn++).Value = param.ParameterDataType;
            row.Cell(1, currentColumn++).Value = param.ParameterMaxLength;
            row.Cell(1, currentColumn++).Value = param.IsOutParameter;
 /// <summary>
 /// 角色相关查询
 /// </summary>
 public void CharacterRangeSelect()
     CharacterRange = book.Worksheet("角色索引").RangeUsed();
     for (int i = 1; i < CharacterRange.ColumnCount(); i++)
         Elements[i - 1] = CharacterRange.Cell(1, i).Value;
     catch (ArgumentNullException)
        private void WeaponSelect()
            var template = WeaponNameSelect();

            WeaponLevel = book.Worksheet("武器模板").RangeUsed();
                for (int i = 1; i <= WeaponLevel.Row(1).CellsUsed().Count(); i++)
                    if (template == WeaponLevel.Cell(1, i).Value.ToString())
                        for (int k = 1; k <= 26; k++)
                            if (Weapon_Level.SelectedItem.ToString() == WeaponLevel.Cell(k, 1).Value.ToString())
                                Weapon_Result.Text = WeaponLevel.Cell(k, i).Value.ToString();
            catch (NullReferenceException)
            { }
Esempio n. 21
        private void SetColumnsWidth(IXLRange range, IList <ExcelDynamicColumn> columns)
            for (int i = 0; i < columns.Count; i++)
                ExcelDynamicColumn column = columns[i];
                if (column.Width == null && !column.AdjustToContent)

                if (Type == PanelType.Vertical)
                    IXLColumn excelColumn = range.Cell(1, i + 1).WorksheetColumn();
                    if (column.Width != null)
                        excelColumn.Width = column.Width.Value;
                    if (column.AdjustToContent)
                    IXLRow excelRow = range.Cell(i + 1, 1).WorksheetRow();
                    if (column.Width != null)
                        excelRow.Height = column.Width.Value;
                    if (column.AdjustToContent)
 private void CharacterLevelSelect()
         var nme = Character_Choose.SelectedItem.ToString();
         NameOfCharacter = nme;
         CharacterLevel  = book.Worksheet("角色等级").RangeUsed();
         var lvl = Character_Level.Text;
         int r = 2, c = 2;
         if (Character_Check.Checked && (lvl == 20.ToString() || lvl == 40.ToString() || lvl == 50.ToString() || lvl == 60.ToString() || lvl == 70.ToString() || lvl == 80.ToString()))
             lvl = Character_Level.Text + "+";
         for (int p = 1; p < CharacterLevel.ColumnsUsed().Count(); p++)
             if (CharacterLevel.Cell(1, p).Value.ToString() == nme)
                 c = p;
         for (int i = 1; i < 100; i++)
             if (CharacterLevel.Cell(i, 1).Value.ToString() == lvl)
                 r = i;
                 Character_Result.Text = Convert.ToInt32(CharacterLevel.Cell(r, c).Value).ToString();
     catch (Exception)
        private void CharacterSelect()
            var ElemRange = book.Worksheet("角色索引").Column(Character_Elem.SelectedIndex + 1).CellsUsed().Count();

                for (int k = 1; k < ElemRange; k++)
                    Character[k - 1] = CharacterRange.Cell(k + 1, Character_Elem.SelectedIndex + 1).Value;
            catch (ArgumentNullException)
Esempio n. 24
        /// <summary>
        /// Row for table last modified row
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="worksheet">The worksheet</param>
        /// <param name="table">The table being printed</param>
        /// <param name="currentRow">The current row</param>
        /// <param name="lastColumn">The last column</param>
        private void CreateTableLastModifiedRow(ref IXLWorksheet worksheet, ref TableInfo table, ref int currentRow, int lastColumn)
            IXLRange row = CreateRow(ref worksheet, ref currentRow, lastColumn);

            row.Cell(1, 1).Value                      = "Table Last Modified:";
            row.Cell(1, 1).Style.Font.Bold            = true;
            row.Cell(1, 1).Style.Border.OutsideBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin;
            row.Cell(1, 1).Style.Fill.SetBackgroundColor(_headingColor);

            row.Cell(1, 2).Value = table.LastModified;
            row.Cell(1, 2).Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Left;
Esempio n. 25
        /// <summary>
        /// Create column row
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="worksheet">The worksheet</param>
        /// <param name="column">The current DB table column</param>
        /// <param name="currentRow">The current row</param>
        /// <param name="lastColumn">The last column</param>
        private void CreateTableColumnRow(ref IXLWorksheet worksheet, TableColumnInfo column, ref int currentRow, int lastColumn)
            IXLRange row = CreateRow(ref worksheet, ref currentRow, lastColumn);

            row.Style.Border.InsideBorder  = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin;
            row.Style.Border.OutsideBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin;

            int currentColumn = 1;

            row.Cell(1, currentColumn++).Value = column.ColumnName;
            row.Cell(1, currentColumn++).Value = column.ColumnDescription;
            row.Cell(1, currentColumn++).Value = column.ColumnDataType;
            row.Cell(1, currentColumn++).Value = column.AdditionalInfoFormatted;
            row.Cell(1, currentColumn++).Value = column.DefaultValue;
            row.Cell(1, currentColumn++).Value = column.AllowsNulls;
            row.Cell(1, currentColumn++).Value = column.PartOfKeyFormatted;
        public void TestCellsWithoutFormulas()
            var          wb = new XLWorkbook();
            IXLWorksheet ws = wb.AddWorksheet("Test");

            IXLRange range = ws.Range(1, 1, 10, 10);

            range.Cell(1, 1).Value       = "Value";
            range.Cell(2, 2).Value       = "Value2";
            range.Cell(2, 2).Active      = true;
            range.Cell(3, 3).FormulaA1   = "=ROW()";
            range.Cell(4, 4).FormulaR1C1 = "=COLUMN()";
            range.Cell(5, 5).Style.Border.OutsideBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin;
            range.Cell(6, 6).Style.Border.OutsideBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin;
            range.Cell(6, 6).FormulaA1 = "=A1+B2";

            Assert.AreEqual(100, range.Cells().Count());
            Assert.AreEqual(97, range.CellsWithoutFormulas().Count());
            Assert.AreEqual(3, range.Cells(c => c.Active || c.Style.Border.TopBorder == XLBorderStyleValues.Thin).Count());
            Assert.AreEqual(2, range.CellsWithoutFormulas(c => c.Active || c.Style.Border.TopBorder == XLBorderStyleValues.Thin).Count());
Esempio n. 27
        /// <summary>
        /// Create heading row for columns table
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="worksheet">The worksheet</param>
        /// <param name="currentRow">The current row</param>
        /// <param name="lastColumn">The last column</param>
        private void CreateTableColumnsHeadingRow(ref IXLWorksheet worksheet, ref int currentRow, int lastColumn)
            IXLRange row = CreateRow(ref worksheet, ref currentRow, lastColumn);

            row.Style.Font.Bold          = true;
            row.Style.Alignment.WrapText = true;

            row.Style.Border.InsideBorder  = XLBorderStyleValues.Medium;
            row.Style.Border.OutsideBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Medium;

            int column = 1;

            row.Cell(1, column++).Value = "Column Name";
            row.Cell(1, column++).Value = "Description";
            row.Cell(1, column++).Value = "Type";
            row.Cell(1, column++).Value = "Additional Type Information";
            row.Cell(1, column++).Value = "Default Value";
            row.Cell(1, column++).Value = "Allows Nulls?";
            row.Cell(1, column++).Value = "Part of Key?";
Esempio n. 28
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the Row describing for a table missing its description
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sheet">The worksheet</param>
        /// <param name="currentRow">The current row</param>
        /// <param name="table">The table to print</param>
        private void CreateTableRowForMissingDescription(ref IXLWorksheet sheet, ref int currentRow, TableInfo table)
            IXLRange row           = CreateRow(ref sheet, ref currentRow);
            int      currentColumn = 1;

            row.Cell(1, currentColumn++).Value = table.TableName;
            row.Cell(1, currentColumn++).Value = string.Empty;
            row.Cell(1, currentColumn++).Value = table.TableDescription;
            row.Cell(1, currentColumn++).Value = string.Empty;

            string replacementFormula = "RC[1]";

            replacementFormula = @"SUBSTITUTE(" + replacementFormula + @", ""{0}"", RC[-4])";                           // Replaces {0} with table name
            replacementFormula = "SUBSTITUTE(" + replacementFormula + @", ""{1}"", SUBSTITUTE(RC[-2], ""'"", ""''""))"; // Replaces {1} with description, also replaces "'" in description with "''" for SQL single quote escape

            row.Cell(1, currentColumn++).FormulaR1C1 = @"=IF(RC[-2] = """", ""Enter a Table description (Column C)"", " + replacementFormula + ")";

            int sqlScriptColumn = currentColumn++;

            row.Cell(1, sqlScriptColumn).Value = Common.SqlQuery._SCRIPT_TEMPLATE_FOR_TABLE;
            row.Cell(1, sqlScriptColumn).Style.Font.SetFontColor(XLColor.White);
Esempio n. 29
        private void CreateExcel()
            bool merge    = false;
            var  workbook = new XLWorkbook();
            //Tworzenie arkuszy
            IXLWorksheet worksheetSummary = workbook.Worksheets.Add("Podsumowanie");
            IXLRange     summaryRange     = worksheetSummary.Range(1, 1, Int16.MaxValue, 3);

            IXLRange summaryTitlesRange = summaryRange.Range(1, 1, 1, 3);

            summaryTitlesRange.Style.Font.Bold = true;

            summaryTitlesRange.Cell(1, 1).Value = "Tytuł";
            summaryTitlesRange.Cell(1, 2).Value = "Wydawnictwo";
            summaryTitlesRange.Cell(1, 3).Value = "Ilość sprzedanych sztuk";


            IXLRange summaryDataRange = summaryRange.Range(2, 1, Int16.MaxValue, 3);

            for (int i = 0; i < raportElement.Count - 1; i++)
                if (summaryDataRange.RowCount() > 0)
                    for (int j = 0; j < summaryDataRange.RowCount() - 1; j++)
                        if (summaryDataRange.Cell(j + 1, 1).Value.Equals(raportElement[i].Nazwa) && summaryDataRange.Cell(j + 1, 2).Value.Equals(raportElement[i].Wydawnictwo))
                            int tmp = Convert.ToInt32(summaryDataRange.Cell(j + 1, 3).Value);
                            tmp += raportElement[j].Ilosc;
                            summaryDataRange.Cell(j + 1, 3).Value = tmp;
                            merge = true;
                            j = 1000;

                if (!merge)
                    summaryDataRange.Cell(i + 1, 1).Value = raportElement[i].Nazwa;
                    summaryDataRange.Cell(i + 1, 2).Value = raportElement[i].Wydawnictwo;
                    summaryDataRange.Cell(i + 1, 3).Value = raportElement[i].Ilosc;
                    merge = !merge;
            summaryDataRange.Cell(raportElement.Count, 1).Value = raportElement[raportElement.Count - 1].Nazwa;
            summaryDataRange.Cell(raportElement.Count, 2).Value = raportElement[raportElement.Count - 1].Wydawnictwo;
            summaryDataRange.Cell(raportElement.Count, 3).Value = raportElement[raportElement.Count - 1].Ilosc;

            using (var dlg = new SaveFileDialog())
                dlg.Filter       = "(*.xlsx) Excel | *.xlsx";
                dlg.AddExtension = true;
                    if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dlg.FileName))
                        MessageBox.Show("Raport wygenerowany", "Information", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                catch (IOException ex)
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw ex;
        private Lesson GetLessonData(IXLWorksheet worksheet, IXLRangeRow groupRow, IXLRange currentRange, int currentColumn, int day, int time, int checkedWeek)
            var    lessonRange = SearchForLessonRange(worksheet, currentRange, checkedWeek, currentColumn);
            var    name        = lessonRange.Cell(1, 1).Value.ToString();
            string type;

            bool isLecture;

                isLecture = lessonRange.Cell(1, 1).Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.Color != XLColor.FromArgb(0, 255, 255, 255).Color;
                isLecture = true;

            if (isLecture)
                type = "Lecture";
                Regex regex = new Regex(@"лаб[.]*", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                if (regex.IsMatch(name))
                    name = regex.Replace(name, "");
                    type = "Laba";
                    regex = new Regex(@"пр[.]*", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                    name  = regex.Replace(name, "");
                    type  = "Practice";
            name = name.Trim();

            var weekType = (lessonRange.RowCount() == 4) ? "Both" : (checkedWeek == 1) ? "Odd" : "Even"; //надо унифицировать для четных недель все

            var group = worksheet.Cell(groupRow.FirstCell().Address.RowNumber, currentRange.Cell(1, currentColumn).Address.ColumnNumber).Value.ToString();

            var lessonInfo = "";

            for (var i = 2; i <= lessonRange.RowCount(); i++)
                for (var j = 1; j <= lessonRange.ColumnCount(); j++)
                    if (!lessonRange.Cell(i, j).IsEmpty())
                        lessonInfo += lessonRange.Cell(i, j).Value.ToString() + " ";
            var rangeOfLessonInfo = lessonInfo.Split(' ');
            var room      = "";
            var teacher   = "";
            var teacherIO = "";

            foreach (string info in rangeOfLessonInfo)
                if (info == "")
                if ((info.ToLower().Contains("уит")) || (new Regex("[0-9]+").IsMatch(info))) //Доразобраться с регулярками
                    room = info;
                    if ((info.Contains('.')) && (info != "пр.") && (info != "лаб."))
                        var ioRange = info.Split('.');
                        foreach (string io in ioRange)
                            if (io != "")
                                teacherIO += io + " ";
                    teacher = info;

            return(new Lesson(((Time)time).ToString(), type, group, room, weekType, (DayOfWeek)(day + 1), teacher, name));