Esempio n. 1
        private void CreateWorld()
            _world = new cWorld();

            cTile.TileSizeInPixels  = 8.0f;
            Animal.TileSizeInPixels = 8.0f;

            IWorldInCreation worldInCreation = _world as IWorldInCreation;

            WorldGeneration.WorldGenerator.CreateWorld(ref worldInCreation, GameWorldCreationProperties);
Esempio n. 2
        public static void CreateWorld(ref IWorldInCreation world, cWorldProperties properties)
            // do all the fancy shit here

            int sizeX = properties.WorldSizeInTiles.X;
            int sizeY = properties.WorldSizeInTiles.Y;


            float heightMapNoiseFrequency   = properties.HeightMapNoiseLength;
            float heightMapMaxHeightInMeter = properties.MaxHeightInMeter;

            float[,] heightMap1      = new float[sizeX, sizeY];
            float[,] heightMap2      = new float[sizeX, sizeY];
            float[,] temperattureMap = new float[sizeX, sizeY];

            float height1HighestValue = -1;
            float height1LowestValue  = 1;

            float height2HighestValue = -1;
            float height2LowestValue  = 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < sizeX; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < sizeY; j++)
                    heightMap1[i, j] = (Noise.Generate(i / heightMapNoiseFrequency, j / heightMapNoiseFrequency));
                    if (heightMap1[i, j] >= height1HighestValue)
                        height1HighestValue = heightMap1[i, j];
                    if (heightMap1[i, j] < height1LowestValue)
                        height1LowestValue = heightMap1[i, j];

                    heightMap2[i, j] = (Noise.Generate(i / (heightMapNoiseFrequency * 10.0f), j / (heightMapNoiseFrequency * 10.0f)));
                    if (heightMap2[i, j] >= height2HighestValue)
                        height2HighestValue = heightMap2[i, j];
                    if (heightMap2[i, j] < height2LowestValue)
                        height2LowestValue = heightMap2[i, j];
            for (int i = 0; i < sizeX; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < sizeY; j++)
                    heightMap2[i, j] = (heightMap2[i, j] - height2LowestValue) / (height2HighestValue - height2LowestValue) * 0.5f + 0.5f;
                    heightMap1[i, j] = (heightMap1[i, j] - height1LowestValue) / (height1HighestValue - height1LowestValue) * heightMapMaxHeightInMeter * heightMap2[i, j];
                    //Console.WriteLine(heightMap1[i, j]);

                    cTileProperties tileprops = new cTileProperties();
                    tileprops.HeightInMeters = heightMap1[i, j];

                    // TODO Do Something about the ugly World Cast
                    cTile tile = new cTile(new Vector2i(i, j), tileprops, world as cWorld);
                    tile.GetTileProperties().TemperatureInKelvin = properties.DesiredTemperature + (float)(RandomGenerator.Random.NextDouble() * 25.0 - 12.0);
                    tile.GetTileProperties().SetFoodAmountOnTile(eFoodType.FOOD_TYPE_MEAT, 0);
                    tile.GetTileProperties().SetFoodAmountOnTile(eFoodType.FOOD_TYPE_PLANT, 0);

            // ToDo: Overlap on the edges Blend it here.

            System.Console.WriteLine("Building Tile Neighbour Lists");