public IRibbonViewModel ResolveInstanceFor(object view)
            var context = viewContextProvider.GetContextForView(view) ?? NullContext.Instance;

            //Sometimes can happen that view provider has not got events to tell us about a new view
            // so we will have to try and create it
            if (!contextToViewModelLookup.ContainsKey(context))
                var ribbonTypeForView = viewContextProvider.GetRibbonTypeForView(view);
                var newViewEventArgs  = new NewViewEventArgs(view, context, ribbonTypeForView);

                var viewModel = GetOrCreateViewModel(newViewEventArgs.RibbonType, newViewEventArgs.ViewContext, newViewEventArgs.ViewInstance);
                if (newViewEventArgs.ViewInstance != null)
                    customTaskPaneRegister.RegisterCustomTaskPanes(viewModel, newViewEventArgs.ViewInstance, context);

            if (contextToViewModelLookup.ContainsKey(context))

        public IRibbonViewModel ResolveInstanceFor(object view)
            var context = viewContextProvider.GetContextForView(view) ?? NullContext.Instance;

            //Sometimes can happen that view provider has not got events to tell us about a new view
            // so we will have to try and create it
            if (!contextToViewModelLookup.ContainsKey(context))
                var ribbonTypeForView = viewContextProvider.GetRibbonTypeForView(view);
                var newViewEventArgs  = new NewViewEventArgs(view, context, ribbonTypeForView);

