public object GetToolBoxContent(IViewContent viewContent) { if (viewContent != null) { Type holderType = viewContent.GetType(); var node = AddInTree.GetTreeNode("/SharpDevelop/Workbench/ToolBoxContent", false); var toolBoxCodon = node.Codons.Where(codon => codon.Properties["holder"].Equals(holderType.FullName)).FirstOrDefault(); if (toolBoxCodon != null) return toolBoxCodon.BuildItem(null, null); } return StringParser.Parse("${res:SharpDevelop.SideBar.NoToolsAvailableForCurrentDocument}");; }
static string GetMementoKeyName(IViewContent viewContent) { return String.Concat(viewContent.GetType().FullName.GetHashCode().ToString("x", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), ":", FileUtility.NormalizePath(viewContent.PrimaryFileName).ToLowerInvariant()); }
static string GetMementoKeyName(IViewContent viewContent) { return(String.Concat(viewContent.GetType().FullName.GetHashCode().ToString("x", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), ":", FileUtility.NormalizePath(viewContent.PrimaryFileName).ToUpperInvariant())); }
public virtual void ShowView (IViewContent content, bool bringToFront, IViewDisplayBinding binding = null, DockNotebook notebook = null) { bool isFile = content.IsFile; if (!isFile) { try { isFile = File.Exists (content.ContentName); } catch { /*Ignore*/ } } string type; if (isFile) { type = System.IO.Path.GetExtension (content.ContentName); var mt = DesktopService.GetMimeTypeForUri (content.ContentName); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (mt)) type += " (" + mt + ")"; } else type = "(not a file)"; var metadata = new Dictionary<string,string> () { { "FileType", type }, { "DisplayBinding", content.GetType ().FullName }, }; if (isFile) metadata ["DisplayBindingAndType"] = type + " | " + content.GetType ().FullName; Counters.DocumentOpened.Inc (metadata); var mimeimage = PrepareShowView (content); var addToControl = notebook ?? DockNotebook.ActiveNotebook ?? tabControl; var tab = addToControl.AddTab (); SdiWorkspaceWindow sdiWorkspaceWindow = new SdiWorkspaceWindow (this, content, addToControl, tab); sdiWorkspaceWindow.TitleChanged += delegate { SetWorkbenchTitle (); }; sdiWorkspaceWindow.Closed += CloseWindowEvent; sdiWorkspaceWindow.Show (); if (binding != null) DisplayBindingService.AttachSubWindows (sdiWorkspaceWindow, binding); sdiWorkspaceWindow.CreateCommandHandler (); tab.Content = sdiWorkspaceWindow; if (mimeimage != null) tab.Icon = mimeimage; if (content.Project != null) content.Project.NameChanged += HandleProjectNameChanged; if (bringToFront) content.WorkbenchWindow.SelectWindow(); // The insertion of the tab may have changed the active view (or maybe not, this is checked in OnActiveWindowChanged) OnActiveWindowChanged (null, null); }