private bool ShowDialog(IViewAware owner, DsopScopeInitInfo scope, string targetServer, out List <SecurityIdentifier> sids) { sids = null; var results = NativeMethods.ShowObjectPickerDialog(owner.GetHandle(), targetServer, DsopDialogInitializationOptions.DSOP_FLAG_MULTISELECT, scope, "objectClass", "objectSid"); if (results == null) { return(false); } sids = new List <SecurityIdentifier>(); foreach (var result in results) { byte[] sidraw = result?.Attributes["objectSid"] as byte[]; if (sidraw != null) { sids.Add(new SecurityIdentifier(sidraw, 0)); } } return(true); }
public void ShowWindow(IViewAware rootModel, IViewAware owningModel) { Window win = CreateWindow(rootModel, isDialog: false, context: null, settings: null); win.Owner = (Window)owningModel.GetView(); win.Show(); }
public static IntPtr GetHandle(this IViewAware view) { Window window = Window.GetWindow(view.View); var wih = new WindowInteropHelper(window); return(wih.Handle); }
public static void AssignViewToViewModel(ILogger logger, UIElement view, IViewAware viewAware) { logger.Information("ViewModel {ViewModelType} is IViewAware so calling LoadView() with the View {ViewType}", viewAware.GetType().FullName, view.GetType().FullName); viewAware.LoadView(view); }
/// <summary> /// WhenLoaded allows you to register a Func to be called when a ViewModel's View is Loaded. /// </summary> /// <param name="item">Object that is view aware.</param> /// <param name="block"> /// The method to be called when the corresponding View is loaded. /// It returns a list of Disposables that will be cleaned up when the View is unloaded. /// </param> public static void WhenLoaded(this IViewAware item, Func <IEnumerable <IDisposable> > block) { if (item == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(item)); } item.View.AddOnLoadedBlock(block); }
public Point?GetElementPosition(IViewAware element, IViewAware relativeTo) { if (element.GetView() == null) { return(null); } return(((UIElement)element.GetView()).TranslatePoint(new Point(), (UIElement)relativeTo.GetView())); }
void HandleViewAware(ILaunchChooser <TResult> handler, IViewAware viewAware, object storedClientId) { EventHandler <ViewAttachedEventArgs> onViewAttached = null; onViewAttached = (s, e) => { HandleView(e.View, storedClientId, handler); viewAware.ViewAttached -= onViewAttached; }; viewAware.ViewAttached += onViewAttached; }
public Task AddLivestream(ChannelIdentifier channelIdentifier, IViewAware viewAware) { if (channelIdentifier == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(channelIdentifier)); } Livestreams.Add(new LivestreamModel(channelIdentifier.ChannelId, channelIdentifier)); return(Task.CompletedTask); }
public IObservable <Unit> ViewLoaded(IViewAware element) { IObservable <Unit> getView = element.GetView() != null?Observable.Return(Unit.Default) : Observable.FromEventPattern(element, "ViewAttached").Select(_ => Unit.Default).Take(1); return (from gotView in getView from loaded in Observable.FromEventPattern(element.GetView(), "Loaded").Take(1).Concat(Observable.FromEventPattern(element.GetView(), "SizeChanged")) select Unit.Default); }
public async Task OpenVod(VodDetails vodDetails, IViewAware viewAware) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(vodDetails.Url) || !Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(vodDetails.Url, UriKind.Absolute)) { return; } var favoriteQualities = settingsHandler.Settings.GetStreamQualities(vodDetails.ApiClient.ApiName); var qualities = favoriteQualities.Qualities.Union(new[] { favoriteQualities.FallbackQuality }); string livestreamerArgs = $"--player-passthrough hls {vodDetails.Url} {string.Join(",", qualities)}"; // hack to pass through the client id to livestreamer if (settingsHandler.Settings.PassthroughClientId) { // check domain name of url to see if this is a vod link bool isTwitchStream = false; try { var uri = new Uri(vodDetails.Url); isTwitchStream = uri.Host.Contains(""); } catch { } if (isTwitchStream) { livestreamerArgs += $" --http-header {RequestConstants.ClientIdHeaderKey}={RequestConstants.ClientIdHeaderValue}"; } } else { var apiClient = vodDetails.ApiClient; if (!apiClient.IsAuthorized) { await apiClient.Authorize(viewAware); } if (apiClient.IsAuthorized && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(apiClient.LivestreamerAuthorizationArg)) { livestreamerArgs += " " + apiClient.LivestreamerAuthorizationArg; } } const int maxTitleLength = 70; var title = vodDetails.Title?.Length > maxTitleLength?vodDetails.Title.Substring(0, maxTitleLength) + "..." : vodDetails.Title; var launcher = Path.GetFileName(settingsHandler.Settings.LivestreamerFullPath); var messageBoxViewModel = ShowLivestreamerLoadMessageBox( title: title, messageText: $"Launching {settingsHandler.Settings.LivestreamExeDisplayName}....{Environment.NewLine}'{launcher} {livestreamerArgs}'"); StartLivestreamer(livestreamerArgs, messageBoxViewModel); }
public bool GetUsers(IViewAware owner, out List <SecurityIdentifier> sid) { sid = null; if (this.PromptForTargetForest(owner, out string targetServer)) { return(this.GetUsers(owner, targetServer, out sid)); } return(false); }
public async Task OpenStream(LivestreamModel livestreamModel, IViewAware viewAware) { if (livestreamModel?.ApiClient == null || !livestreamModel.Live) { return; } var favoriteQualities = settingsHandler.Settings.GetStreamQualities(livestreamModel.ApiClient.ApiName); var qualities = favoriteQualities.Qualities.Union(new[] { favoriteQualities.FallbackQuality }); var streamUrl = await livestreamModel.GetStreamUrl; string livestreamerArgs = $"{streamUrl} {string.Join(",", qualities)}"; var apiClient = livestreamModel.ApiClient; // hack to pass through the client id to livestreamer if (settingsHandler.Settings.PassthroughClientId) { if (apiClient is TwitchApiClient) { livestreamerArgs = $"--http-header {RequestConstants.ClientIdHeaderKey}={RequestConstants.ClientIdHeaderValue} {livestreamerArgs}"; } } else { if (!apiClient.IsAuthorized) { await apiClient.Authorize(viewAware); } if (apiClient.IsAuthorized && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(apiClient.LivestreamerAuthorizationArg)) { livestreamerArgs += " " + apiClient.LivestreamerAuthorizationArg; } } var launcher = Path.GetFileName(settingsHandler.Settings.LivestreamerFullPath); var messageBoxViewModel = ShowLivestreamerLoadMessageBox( title: $"Stream '{livestreamModel.DisplayName}'", messageText: $"Launching {settingsHandler.Settings.LivestreamExeDisplayName}....{Environment.NewLine}'{launcher} {livestreamerArgs}'"); lock (WatchingStreamsLock) { watchingStreams.Add(livestreamModel); } StartLivestreamer(livestreamerArgs, messageBoxViewModel, onClose: () => { lock (WatchingStreamsLock) { watchingStreams.Remove(livestreamModel); } }); }
public async Task OpenChat(LivestreamModel livestreamModel, IViewAware fromScreen) { // guard against invalid/missing chrome path var chromeLocation = settingsHandler.Settings.ChromeFullPath; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(chromeLocation)) { await fromScreen.ShowMessageAsync("No chrome locations specified", $"Chrome location is not set in settings.{Environment.NewLine}Chat relies on chrome to function."); return; } if (!File.Exists(chromeLocation)) { await fromScreen.ShowMessageAsync("Chrome not found", $"Could not find chrome @ {chromeLocation}.{Environment.NewLine}Chat relies on chrome to function."); return; } // guard against stream provider not having chat support if (!livestreamModel.ApiClient.HasChatSupport) { await fromScreen.ShowMessageAsync("Chat not supported", $"No external chat support for stream provider '{livestreamModel.ApiClient.ApiName}'"); return; } string chromeArgs = $"--app={livestreamModel.ChatUrl} --window-size=350,758"; await Task.Run(async() => { try { var proc = new Process { StartInfo = { FileName = chromeLocation, Arguments = chromeArgs, CreateNoWindow = true, UseShellExecute = false } }; proc.Start(); } catch (Exception ex) { await fromScreen.ShowMessageAsync("Error launching chat", ex.Message); } }); }
public FrameNavigationConductor(IViewAware modernWindowViewModel) { // Find the frame by looking in the control template of the window _frame = FindFrame(modernWindowViewModel); if (_frame != null) { // Wire up the events _frame.FragmentNavigation += frame_FragmentNavigation; _frame.Navigated += frame_Navigated; _frame.Navigating += frame_Navigating; } }
public static bool SetFocus(this IViewAware screen, string property) { var view = screen.GetView() as UserControl; if (view != null) { var control = FindChild(view, property); bool focus = control != null && control.Focus(); return(focus); } return(false); }
public static bool SetFocus(this IViewAware screen, string property) { Contract.Requires(property != null, "Property cannot be null."); if (!(screen.GetView() is UserControl view)) { return(false); } var control = FindChild(view, property); bool focus = control != null && control.Focus(); return(focus); }
/// <summary> /// Usage from a screen: e.g. control with xName="MyTextBox" -> this.SetFocus("MyTextBox"); <para /> /// If setting focus during initial screen load, this must be called from "OnViewLoaded". /// </summary> public static bool SetFocus(this IViewAware screen, string property) { Contract.Requires(property != null, "Property cannot be null."); var view = screen.GetView() as ContentControl; if (view != null) { var control = view.FindChild(property); bool focus = control != null && control.Focus(); return(focus); } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// WhenLoaded allows you to register a Func to be called when a ViewModel's View is Loaded. /// </summary> /// <param name="item">Object that is view aware.</param> /// <param name="block"> /// The method to be called when the corresponding View is loaded. /// The Action parameter (usually called 'disposables') allows /// you to collate all the disposables to be cleaned up during unloading. /// </param> public static void WhenLoaded(this IViewAware item, Action <CompositeDisposable> block) { if (item == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(item)); } item.View.AddOnLoadedBlock(() => { var d = new CompositeDisposable(); block(d); return(new[] { d }); }); }
/// <summary> /// WhenLoaded allows you to register a Func to be called when a ViewModel's View is Loaded. /// </summary> /// <param name="item">Object that is view aware.</param> /// <param name="block"> /// The method to be called when the corresponding View is loaded. /// The Action parameter (usually called 'd') allows you to register Disposables to be cleaned up /// when the View is unloaded (i.e. "d(someObservable.Subscribe());"). /// </param> public static void WhenLoaded(this IViewAware item, Action <Action <IDisposable> > block) { if (item == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(item)); } item.View.AddOnLoadedBlock(() => { var ret = new List <IDisposable>(); block(ret.Add); return(ret); }); }
ModernFrame FindFrame(IViewAware viewAware) { // Get the view for the window var view = viewAware.GetView() as Control; if (view != null) { // Find the frame by name in the template var frame = view.Template.FindName("ContentFrame", view) as ModernFrame; if (frame != null) { return(frame); } } return(null); }
public static void SetFocus(this IViewAware screen, string property) { if (!(screen.GetView() is DependencyObject view)) { return; } FrameworkElement control = FindChild(view, property); if (control == null) { return; } KeyboardNavigationEx.Focus(control); }
private bool ShowDialog(IViewAware owner, DsopScopeInitInfo scope, string targetServer, out SecurityIdentifier sid) { sid = null; DsopResult result = NativeMethods.ShowObjectPickerDialog(owner.GetHandle(), targetServer, DsopDialogInitializationOptions.DSOP_NONE, scope, "objectClass", "objectSid").FirstOrDefault(); byte[] sidraw = result?.Attributes["objectSid"] as byte[]; if (sidraw == null) { return(false); } sid = new SecurityIdentifier(sidraw, 0); return(true); }
public bool GetUserOrGroups(IViewAware owner, string targetServer, out List <SecurityIdentifier> sids) { DsopScopeInitInfo scope = new DsopScopeInitInfo { Filter = new DsFilterFlags { UpLevel = { BothModeFilter = DsopObjectFilterFlags.DSOP_FILTER_DOMAIN_LOCAL_GROUPS_SE | DsopObjectFilterFlags.DSOP_FILTER_GLOBAL_GROUPS_SE | DsopObjectFilterFlags.DSOP_FILTER_UNIVERSAL_GROUPS_SE | DsopObjectFilterFlags.DSOP_FILTER_USERS | DsopObjectFilterFlags.DSOP_FILTER_WELL_KNOWN_PRINCIPALS | DsopObjectFilterFlags.DSOP_FILTER_SERVICE_ACCOUNTS | DsopObjectFilterFlags.DSOP_FILTER_BUILTIN_GROUPS } }, ScopeType = DsopScopeTypeFlags.DSOP_SCOPE_TYPE_ENTERPRISE_DOMAIN | DsopScopeTypeFlags.DSOP_SCOPE_TYPE_USER_ENTERED_UPLEVEL_SCOPE | DsopScopeTypeFlags.DSOP_SCOPE_TYPE_EXTERNAL_UPLEVEL_DOMAIN, InitInfo = DsopScopeInitInfoFlags.DSOP_SCOPE_FLAG_DEFAULT_FILTER_GROUPS | DsopScopeInitInfoFlags.DSOP_SCOPE_FLAG_DEFAULT_FILTER_USERS | DsopScopeInitInfoFlags.DSOP_SCOPE_FLAG_STARTING_SCOPE, }; return(this.ShowDialog(owner, scope, targetServer, out sids)); }
public async Task AddLivestream(ChannelIdentifier channelIdentifier, IViewAware viewAware) { if (channelIdentifier == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(channelIdentifier)); } if (channelIdentifiers.Contains(channelIdentifier)) { return; // ignore duplicate requests } var livestreamQueryResults = await channelIdentifier.ApiClient.AddChannel(channelIdentifier); livestreamQueryResults.EnsureAllQuerySuccess(); AddChannels(channelIdentifier); Livestreams.AddRange(livestreamQueryResults.Select(x => x.LivestreamModel)); }
public bool GetUsers(IViewAware owner, string targetServer, out List <SecurityIdentifier> sid) { DsopScopeInitInfo scope = new DsopScopeInitInfo { Filter = new DsFilterFlags { UpLevel = { BothModeFilter = DsopObjectFilterFlags.DSOP_FILTER_USERS } }, ScopeType = DsopScopeTypeFlags.DSOP_SCOPE_TYPE_ENTERPRISE_DOMAIN | DsopScopeTypeFlags.DSOP_SCOPE_TYPE_USER_ENTERED_UPLEVEL_SCOPE | DsopScopeTypeFlags.DSOP_SCOPE_TYPE_EXTERNAL_UPLEVEL_DOMAIN, InitInfo = DsopScopeInitInfoFlags.DSOP_SCOPE_FLAG_DEFAULT_FILTER_USERS | DsopScopeInitInfoFlags.DSOP_SCOPE_FLAG_STARTING_SCOPE }; return(this.ShowDialog(owner, scope, targetServer, out sid)); }
private static MetroWindow GetMetroWindowFromScreen(this IViewAware screen) { var uiElement = screen?.GetView() as DependencyObject; if (uiElement == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"The view for {typeof(Screen).Name} is not a dependency object"); } var metroWindow = MetroWindow.GetWindow(uiElement) as MetroWindow; if (metroWindow == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unable to get metro window from screen '{typeof(Screen).Name}'"); } return(metroWindow); }
public static void SetCaretIndexToEnd(this IViewAware screen, string property) { if (!(screen.GetView() is DependencyObject view)) { return; } FrameworkElement control = VisualTreeExtensions.FindChild(view, property); if (control == null) { return; } TextBox textBox = VisualTreeExtensions.FindChild <TextBox>(control); if (textBox == null) { return; } textBox.CaretIndex = textBox.Text.Length; }
private bool PromptForTargetForest(IViewAware owner, out string targetServer) { targetServer = null; SelectForestViewModel vm = new SelectForestViewModel(); ExternalDialogWindow w = new ExternalDialogWindow { Title = "Select forest", DataContext = vm, SaveButtonName = "Next...", SizeToContent = SizeToContent.WidthAndHeight, SaveButtonIsDefault = true }; foreach (Forest forest in this.domainTrustProvider.GetForests()) { vm.AvailableForests.Add(forest.Name); } vm.SelectedForest = vm.AvailableForests.FirstOrDefault(); if (vm.AvailableForests.Count > 1) { w.Owner = owner.GetWindow(); if (!w.ShowDialog() ?? false) { return(false); } } targetServer = this.discoveryServices.GetDomainController(vm.SelectedForest ?? Forest.GetCurrentForest().Name); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Given a ViewModel, create its View, ensure that it's a Window, and set it up /// </summary> /// <param name="viewModel">ViewModel to create the window for</param> /// <param name="isDialog">True if the window will be used as a dialog</param> /// <param name="ownerViewModel">Optionally the ViewModel which owns the view which should own this window</param> /// <returns>Window which was created and set up</returns> protected virtual Window CreateWindow(object viewModel, bool isDialog, IViewAware ownerViewModel) { var view = this.viewManager.CreateAndBindViewForModelIfNecessary(viewModel); var window = view as Window; if (window == null) { var e = new StyletInvalidViewTypeException(String.Format("WindowManager.ShowWindow or .ShowDialog tried to show a View of type '{0}', but that View doesn't derive from the Window class. " + "Make sure any Views you display using WindowManager.ShowWindow or .ShowDialog derive from Window (not UserControl, etc)", view == null ? "(null)" : view.GetType().Name)); logger.Error(e); throw e; } // Only set this it hasn't been set / bound to anything var haveDisplayName = viewModel as IHaveDisplayName; if (haveDisplayName != null && (String.IsNullOrEmpty(window.Title) || window.Title == view.GetType().Name) && BindingOperations.GetBindingBase(window, Window.TitleProperty) == null) { var binding = new Binding("DisplayName") { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay }; window.SetBinding(Window.TitleProperty, binding); } if (ownerViewModel?.View is Window explicitOwner) { window.Owner = explicitOwner; } else if (isDialog) { var owner = this.InferOwnerOf(window); if (owner != null) { // We can end up in a really weird situation if they try and display more than one dialog as the application's closing // Basically the MainWindow's no long active, so the second dialog chooses the first dialog as its owner... But the first dialog // hasn't yet been shown, so we get an exception ("cannot set owner property to a Window which has not been previously shown"). try { window.Owner = owner; } catch (InvalidOperationException e) { logger.Error(e, "This can occur when the application is closing down"); } } } if (isDialog) { logger.Info("Displaying ViewModel {0} with View {1} as a Dialog", viewModel, window); } else { logger.Info("Displaying ViewModel {0} with View {1} as a Window", viewModel, window); } // If and only if they haven't tried to position the window themselves... // Has to be done after we're attempted to set the owner if (window.WindowStartupLocation == WindowStartupLocation.Manual && Double.IsNaN(window.Top) && Double.IsNaN(window.Left) && BindingOperations.GetBinding(window, Window.TopProperty) == null && BindingOperations.GetBinding(window, Window.LeftProperty) == null) { window.WindowStartupLocation = window.Owner == null ? WindowStartupLocation.CenterScreen : WindowStartupLocation.CenterOwner; } // This gets itself retained by the window, by registering events // ReSharper disable once ObjectCreationAsStatement new WindowConductor(window, viewModel); return(window); }
/// <summary> /// Given a ViewModel, show its corresponding View as a Dialog, and set its owner /// </summary> /// <param name="viewModel">ViewModel to show the View for</param> /// <param name="ownerViewModel">The ViewModel for the View which should own this dialog</param> /// <returns>DialogResult of the View</returns> public bool?ShowDialog(object viewModel, IViewAware ownerViewModel) { return(this.CreateWindow(viewModel, true, ownerViewModel).ShowDialog()); }