public static int VideoInfo_DeleteById(int Id)
            IVideosService channel = Entity.CreateChannel <IVideosService>(SiteEnum.SiteService.VideoService);
            var            result  = channel.VideoInfo_DeleteById(Id);

            (channel as IDisposable).Dispose();
        public static int SendMailLog_UpdateById(SendMailLog obj)
            IVideosService channel = Entity.CreateChannel <IVideosService>(SiteEnum.SiteService.VideoService);
            var            result  = channel.SendMailLog_UpdateById(obj);

            (channel as IDisposable).Dispose();
        public static VideoCate VideoCate_SelectByc_id(int Id)
            IVideosService channel = Entity.CreateChannel <IVideosService>(SiteEnum.SiteService.VideoService);
            var            result  = channel.VideoCate_SelectByc_id(Id);

            (channel as IDisposable).Dispose();
        public async Task GetLatestThreeVideosAsync_WithDeletedVideos_ShouldReturnCorrectCount()
            var expectedResult = 3;

            var moqPictureService = new Mock <IPicturesService>();
            var moqUsersService   = new Mock <IUsersService>();

            var option = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <ChessDbContext>()
                         .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: Guid.NewGuid().ToString()).Options;
            var db = new ChessDbContext(option);

            this.videosService = new VideosService(db, moqPictureService.Object, mapper, moqUsersService.Object);

            var testingVideos = new List <Video>
                new Video {
                    Id = 1, Title = "Video1", IsDeleted = true, Link = "link1", CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-25), Picture = new Picture {
                        Link = "PictureLink"
                new Video {
                    Id = 2, Title = "Video2", IsDeleted = false, Link = "link2", CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-25), Picture = new Picture {
                        Link = "PictureLink"
                new Video {
                    Id = 3, Title = "Video3", IsDeleted = true, Link = "link3", CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-25), Picture = new Picture {
                        Link = "PictureLink"
                new Video {
                    Id = 4, Title = "Video4", IsDeleted = false, Link = "link4", CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-20), Picture = new Picture {
                        Link = "PictureLink"
                new Video {
                    Id = 5, Title = "Video5", IsDeleted = false, Link = "link5", CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-5), Picture = new Picture {
                        Link = "PictureLink"
                new Video {
                    Id = 6, Title = "Video6", IsDeleted = false, Link = "link6", CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-2), Picture = new Picture {
                        Link = "PictureLink"

            await db.Videos.AddRangeAsync(testingVideos);

            await db.SaveChangesAsync();

            var actual = await this.videosService.GetLatestThreeVideosAsync();

            Assert.Equal(expectedResult, actual.Videos.Count);
Esempio n. 5
 public HomeController(
     IForumThreadService threadService,
     INewsService newsService,
     IVideosService videoService)
     this.threadService = threadService;
     this.newsService   = newsService;
     this.videoService  = videoService;
        public async Task GetAllActiveVideosViewModelsAsync_WithValidData_ShouldReturnCorrectOrder()
            var expectedResult = new List <int> {
                5, 4, 2

            var moqPictureService = new Mock <IPicturesService>();
            var moqUsersService   = new Mock <IUsersService>();

            var option = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <ChessDbContext>()
                         .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: Guid.NewGuid().ToString()).Options;
            var db = new ChessDbContext(option);

            this.videosService = new VideosService(db, moqPictureService.Object, mapper, moqUsersService.Object);

            var testingVideos = new List <Video>
                new Video {
                    Id = 1, Title = "Video1", IsDeleted = true, Link = "link1", CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-25), Picture = new Picture {
                        Link = "PictureLink"
                new Video {
                    Id = 2, Title = "Video2", IsDeleted = false, Link = "link2", CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-25), Picture = new Picture {
                        Link = "PictureLink"
                new Video {
                    Id = 3, Title = "Video3", IsDeleted = true, Link = "link3", CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-25), Picture = new Picture {
                        Link = "PictureLink"
                new Video {
                    Id = 4, Title = "Video4", IsDeleted = false, Link = "link4", CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-20), Picture = new Picture {
                        Link = "PictureLink"
                new Video {
                    Id = 5, Title = "Video5", IsDeleted = false, Link = "link5", CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-5), Picture = new Picture {
                        Link = "PictureLink"

            await db.Videos.AddRangeAsync(testingVideos);

            await db.SaveChangesAsync();

            var actual = this.videosService.GetAllActiveVideosViewModelsAsync(1, 10).GetAwaiter().GetResult().ToList();

            Assert.Equal(expectedResult[0], actual[0].Id);
            Assert.Equal(expectedResult[1], actual[1].Id);
            Assert.Equal(expectedResult[2], actual[2].Id);
        public async Task GetFavouriteVideoViewModelsAsync_WithValidData_ShouldReturnCorrectCountOfFavoriteVideos()
            var expectedResult = 1;

            var moqPictureService = new Mock <IPicturesService>();
            var moqUsersService   = new Mock <IUsersService>();

            moqUsersService.Setup(x => x.GetCurrentUserAsync())
            .ReturnsAsync(new ApplicationUser
                Id       = "UserId",
                UserName = "******",

            var option = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <ChessDbContext>()
                         .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: Guid.NewGuid().ToString()).Options;
            var db = new ChessDbContext(option);

            this.videosService = new VideosService(db, moqPictureService.Object, mapper, moqUsersService.Object);

            var userFavouriteVideos = new List <UserFavouriteVideo>
                new UserFavouriteVideo {
                    Id = 1, VideoId = 2, ApplicationUserId = "UserId"

            var testingVideos = new List <Video>
                new Video {
                    Id = 1, Title = "Video1", IsDeleted = true, Link = "link1", CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-25)
                new Video {
                    Id = 2, Title = "Video2", IsDeleted = false, Link = "link2", CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-25), UserFavouriteVideos = userFavouriteVideos
                new Video {
                    Id = 3, Title = "Video3", IsDeleted = true, Link = "link3", CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-25)
                new Video {
                    Id = 4, Title = "Video4", IsDeleted = false, Link = "link4", CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-20)
                new Video {
                    Id = 5, Title = "Video5", IsDeleted = false, Link = "link5", CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-5)

            await db.Videos.AddRangeAsync(testingVideos);

            await db.SaveChangesAsync();

            var actual = this.videosService.GetFavouriteVideoViewModelsAsync(1, 10).GetAwaiter().GetResult().ToList();

            Assert.Equal(expectedResult, actual.Count);
Esempio n. 8
        public ActionResult Edit(int id)
            IVideosService    videoSrv     = IoC.Resolve <IVideosService>();
            IVideoTypeService videoTypeSrv = IoC.Resolve <IVideoTypeService>();
            VideoModels       model        = new VideoModels();

            model.Video      = videoSrv.Getbykey(id);
            model.VideoTypes = videoTypeSrv.Query.Where(p => p.Active).OrderBy(p => p.NameVNI).ThenBy(p => p.NameENG).ToList();
Esempio n. 9
 public HomeController(IVideosService videosService,
                       IPicturesService picturesService,
                       IPagesService pagesService,
                       IPostsService postsService)
     this.videosService   = videosService;
     this.picturesService = picturesService;
     this.pagesService    = pagesService;
     this.postsService    = postsService;
Esempio n. 10
 public AdministrationAreaController(IPagesService pageService,
                                     IUsersService usersService,
                                     ILogService logsService,
                                     IVideosService videosService,
                                     IPicturesService picturesService,
                                     IPostsService postsService,
                                     UserManager <User> userManger)
     : base(pageService, usersService, logsService, videosService, picturesService, postsService, userManger)
Esempio n. 11
 public AdminController(
     INewsService newsService,
     IForumReplyService replyService,
     IForumThreadService threadService,
     IVideosService videosService)
     this.newsService   = newsService;
     this.replyService  = replyService;
     this.threadService = threadService;
     this.videosService = videosService;
Esempio n. 12
 public VideosController(
     ICategoriesService categoriesService,
     IVideosService videosService,
     IHistoriesService historiesService,
     UserManager <ApplicationUser> userManager)
     this.categoriesService = categoriesService;
     this.videosService     = videosService;
     this.historiesService  = historiesService;
     this.userManager       = userManager;
Esempio n. 13
 public HomeController(
     IArticlesService articlesService,
     IBooksService booksService,
     IVideosService videosService,
     IDownloadMaterialsService downloadsService)
     this.articlesService  = articlesService;
     this.booksService     = booksService;
     this.videosService    = videosService;
     this.downloadsService = downloadsService;
Esempio n. 14
 public ClearService(
     IYoutubeProvider youtubeProvider,
     ILogger <ClearService> logger,
     IChannelsService channelsService,
     IVideosService videosService,
     IPlaylistsService playlistsService) :
     base(youtubeProvider, logger)
     this.channelsService  = channelsService;
     this.videosService    = videosService;
     this.playlistsService = playlistsService;
 public DailyCheckInitiatedEventHandler(AdminUpdatesWebhook webhook,
                                        IAlumniGraduationService alumniGraduationService,
                                        IDailyCheckPingService dailyCheckPingService,
                                        IDailyCheckSubscriptionPlanCountService dailyCheckSubscriptionPlanCountService,
                                        IVideosService videosService,
                                        IRepository <DailyCheck> repository)
     _webhook = webhook;
     _alumniGraduationService = alumniGraduationService;
     _dailyCheckPingService   = dailyCheckPingService;
     _dailyCheckSubscriptionPlanCountService = dailyCheckSubscriptionPlanCountService;
     _videosService = videosService;
     _repository    = repository;
Esempio n. 16
 public CopyrightService(
     IYoutubeAuthProvider youtubeAuthProvider,
     IYoutubeProvider youtubeProvider,
     ILogger <CopyrightService> logger,
     string outputFolder,
     IChannelsService channelsService,
     IVideosService videosService) : base(youtubeAuthProvider)
     this.youtubeProvider = youtubeProvider;
     this.logger          = logger;
     this.outputFolder    = outputFolder;
     this.channelsService = channelsService;
     this.videosService   = videosService;
Esempio n. 17
        public ActionResult ConfirmUpload(Videos video)
                IVideosService videoSrv = IoC.Resolve <IVideosService>();
                video.LinkType  = LinkType.Local;
                video.CreatedBy = HttpContext.User.Identity.Name;
                video.VideoPath = "/VideosStore/video/" + video.VideoPath;
                //Hình ảnh

                video.URLName = FX.Utils.Common.TextHelper.ToUrlFriendly(video.NameVNI);
                ConvertVideo conv = new ConvertVideo(video.VideoPath);
                if (video.VideoPath.IndexOf("mp4") > 0)
                    Thread thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(conv.ConvertVideoToWebM));
                else if (video.VideoPath.IndexOf("webm") > 0)
                    Thread thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(conv.ConvertVideoToMp4));

                string videoFull = video.VideoPath.Split('/')[3];
                string videoName = videoFull.Split('.')[0];
                string imageName = "/UploadStore/Videos/" + videoName + ".jpg";

                video.ImagePath = imageName;
                Messages.AddFlashMessage("Thêm mới thành công.");
                logSrv.CreateNew(FXContext.Current.CurrentUser.userid, "Video - Create", "Create Video Success", LogType.Success, HttpContext.Request.UserHostAddress, HttpContext.Request.Browser.Browser);

                return(new JsonResult()
                    Data = "Tải Video thành công!"
            catch (Exception ex)
                logSrv.CreateNew(FXContext.Current.CurrentUser.userid, "Video - Create", "Create Video Error : " + ex, LogType.Error, HttpContext.Request.UserHostAddress, HttpContext.Request.Browser.Browser);

                return(new JsonResult()
                    Data = "Có lỗi xảy ra vui lòng thực hiện lại."
Esempio n. 18
        public ActionResult Create(Videos video)
                IVideosService videoSrv = IoC.Resolve <IVideosService>();
                video.CreatedBy = HttpContext.User.Identity.Name;
                video.ImagePath = "/UploadStore/Videos/video.jpg";
                video.LinkType  = LinkType.Youtube;
                //Kiểm tra video đường dẫn video chuẩn chưa .
                if (video.VideoPath.IndexOf("embed") <= 0)
                    string[] arr = video.VideoPath.Split('=');
                    string   yId = arr[1];
                    if (yId.Length > 0)
                        string convertToEmbedLink = "" + yId;
                        video.VideoPath = convertToEmbedLink;
                        //Định dạng chuẩn để xem video = thẻ iframe

                        WebClient cli = new WebClient();

                        var imgBytes = cli.DownloadData("" + yId + "/0.jpg");

                        // System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("PhysicalSiteDataDirectory") + @"\_thumbs\Videos\" + yId + ".jpg", imgBytes);
                        video.ImagePath = "/UploadStore/Videos/" + yId + ".jpg";

                video.URLName = FX.Utils.Common.TextHelper.ToUrlFriendly(video.NameVNI);
                Messages.AddFlashMessage("Thêm mới thành công.");
                logSrv.CreateNew(FXContext.Current.CurrentUser.userid, "Video - Create", "Create Video Success", LogType.Success, HttpContext.Request.UserHostAddress, HttpContext.Request.Browser.Browser);

            catch (Exception ex)
                logSrv.CreateNew(FXContext.Current.CurrentUser.userid, "Video - Create", "Create Video Error : " + ex, LogType.Error, HttpContext.Request.UserHostAddress, HttpContext.Request.Browser.Browser);

                Messages.AddErrorMessage("Có lỗi xảy ra, vui lòng thực hiện lại.");
                IVideoTypeService videoTypeSrv = IoC.Resolve <IVideoTypeService>();
                VideoModels       model        = new VideoModels();
                model.Video      = video;
                model.VideoTypes = videoTypeSrv.Query.Where(p => p.Active).OrderBy(p => p.NameVNI).ThenBy(p => p.NameENG).ToList();
Esempio n. 19
        public ModeratorController(IPagesService pageService,
                                   IUsersService usersService,
                                   ILogService logsService,
                                   IVideosService videosService,
                                   IPicturesService picturesService,
                                   IPostsService postsService,
                                   UserManager <User> userManager)
            this.pageService     = pageService;
            this.usersService    = usersService;
            this.logsService     = logsService;
            this.videosService   = videosService;
            this.picturesService = picturesService;
            this.postsService    = postsService;

            this.userManager = userManager;
Esempio n. 20
 public TransferService(
     IYoutubeProvider youtubeProvider,
     ILogger <TransferService> logger,
     string outputFolder,
     IChannelsService channelsService,
     IVideosService videosService,
     IPlaylistsService playlistsService,
     IVideoObfuscateService videoObfuscateService,
     int threshold) : base(youtubeProvider, logger)
     this.outputFolder          = outputFolder;
     this.channelsService       = channelsService;
     this.videosService         = videosService;
     this.playlistsService      = playlistsService;
     this.videoObfuscateService = videoObfuscateService;
     this.threshold             = threshold;
Esempio n. 21
        public static List <VideoInfo> VideoInfo_SelectPage(VideoSearchInfo search, int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int rowCount)
            IVideosService channel = Entity.CreateChannel <IVideosService>(SiteEnum.SiteService.VideoService);
            VideoInfo_SelectPageRequest request = new VideoInfo_SelectPageRequest()
                cloumns   = "*",
                orderBy   = search.DefaultOrder,
                pageIndex = pageIndex,
                pageSize  = pageSize,
                where     = search.ToWhereString()

            var result = channel.VideoInfo_SelectPage(request);

            (channel as IDisposable).Dispose();

            rowCount = result.rowCount;
        public async Task DeleteVideoByIdAsync_WithInvalidVideoId_ShouldThrowArgumentException()
            var expectedErrorMessage = "Video with the given id doesn't exist!";

            var moqPictureService = new Mock <IPicturesService>();
            var moqUsersService   = new Mock <IUsersService>();

            var option = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <ChessDbContext>()
                         .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: Guid.NewGuid().ToString()).Options;
            var db = new ChessDbContext(option);

            this.videosService = new VideosService(db, moqPictureService.Object, mapper, moqUsersService.Object);

            //Act and assert
            var ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <ArgumentException>(() => this.videosService.DeleteVideoByIdAsync(1));

            Assert.Equal(expectedErrorMessage, ex.Message);
        public async Task GetCountOfAllVideosAsync_WithValidData_ShouldReturnCorrectCount()
            var expectedResult = 5;

            var moqPictureService = new Mock <IPicturesService>();
            var moqUsersService   = new Mock <IUsersService>();

            var option = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <ChessDbContext>()
                         .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: Guid.NewGuid().ToString()).Options;
            var db = new ChessDbContext(option);

            this.videosService = new VideosService(db, moqPictureService.Object, mapper, moqUsersService.Object);

            var testingVideos = new List <Video>
                new Video {
                    Id = 1, Title = "Video1", IsDeleted = false, Link = "link1"
                new Video {
                    Id = 2, Title = "Video2", IsDeleted = false, Link = "link2"
                new Video {
                    Id = 3, Title = "Video3", IsDeleted = false, Link = "link3"
                new Video {
                    Id = 4, Title = "Video4", IsDeleted = false, Link = "link4"
                new Video {
                    Id = 5, Title = "Video5", IsDeleted = true, Link = "link5"

            await db.Videos.AddRangeAsync(testingVideos);

            await db.SaveChangesAsync();

            var actual = await this.videosService.GetCountOfAllVideosAsync();

            Assert.Equal(expectedResult, actual);
Esempio n. 24
 public YoutubeBooster(
     IYoutubeBoostProvider youtubeProvider,
     ILogger <YoutubeBooster> logger,
     IChannelsService channelsService,
     IVideosService videosService,
     Instagram.Services.Transfer.Services.IChannelsService instagramChannelsService,
     YoutubeOnYoutubeBooster youtubeBooster,
     YoutubeOnInstagramBooster instagramBooster,
     YoutubeOnFacebookBooster facebookBooster)
     this.youtubeProvider          = youtubeProvider;
     this.logger                   = logger;
     this.channelsService          = channelsService;
     this.instagramChannelsService = instagramChannelsService;
     this.videosService            = videosService;
     this.youtubeBooster           = youtubeBooster;
     this.instagramBooster         = instagramBooster;
     this.facebookBooster          = facebookBooster;
        public async Task GetCountOfAllVideosAsync_WithoutAnyVideos_ShouldReturnZero()
            var expectedResult = 0;

            var moqPictureService = new Mock <IPicturesService>();
            var moqUsersService   = new Mock <IUsersService>();

            var option = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <ChessDbContext>()
                         .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: Guid.NewGuid().ToString()).Options;
            var db = new ChessDbContext(option);

            this.videosService = new VideosService(db, moqPictureService.Object, mapper, moqUsersService.Object);

            var actual = await this.videosService.GetCountOfAllVideosAsync();

            Assert.Equal(expectedResult, actual);
Esempio n. 26
        public PostsService(IDeletableEntityRepository <Post> postRepository,
                            IImagesService imagesService,
                            ICameraService cameraService,
                            ILocationsService locationsService,
                            ICountriesService countriesService,
                            ITagsService tagsService,
                            IReactionService reactionService,
                            IVideosService videosService,
                            IDeletableEntityRepository <PostType> postTypeRepository,
                            IDeletableEntityRepository <PostTag> postTagsRepository)

            this.imagesService      = imagesService;
            this.postRepository     = postRepository;
            this.cameraService      = cameraService;
            this.locationsService   = locationsService;
            this.countriesService   = countriesService;
            this.tagsService        = tagsService;
            this.reactionService    = reactionService;
            this.videosService      = videosService;
            this.postTypeRepository = postTypeRepository;
            this.postTagsRepository = postTagsRepository;
        public async Task CreateVideoAsync_WithValidData_ShouldCreateCorrectVideo()
            var expectedResult = 1;

            var moqPictureService = new Mock <IPicturesService>();

            moqPictureService.Setup(x => x.GetPictureByLinkAsync("pictureLink"))
            .ReturnsAsync(new Picture
                Id   = 1,
                Name = "PictureName",

            var moqUsersService = new Mock <IUsersService>();

            var option = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <ChessDbContext>()
                         .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: Guid.NewGuid().ToString()).Options;
            var db = new ChessDbContext(option);

            this.videosService = new VideosService(db, moqPictureService.Object, mapper, moqUsersService.Object);

            var inputModel = new AddVideoInputModel
                VideoTitle = "VideoTitle",
                VideoLink  = "VideoLink"

            await this.videosService.CreateVideoAsync(inputModel);

            var video = db.Videos.First();

            Assert.Equal("VideoTitle", video.Title);
            Assert.Equal("VideoLink", video.Link);
Esempio n. 28
 public VideosController(IMapper mapper,
                         IRepository <ArchiveVideo> repository,
                         IOptions <ApiSettings> apiSettings,
                         GetOEmbedVideoService getOEmbedVideoService,
                         GetVideoService getVideoService,
                         DeleteVideoService deleteVideoService,
                         UploadSubtitleToVideoService uploadSubtitleToVideoService,
                         IMarkdownService markdownService,
                         CreateAnimatedThumbnailsService createAnimatedThumbnailsService,
                         GetAllAnimatedThumbnailService getAllAnimatedThumbnailService,
                         IVideosService videosService)
     _mapper = mapper;
     _getOEmbedVideoService        = getOEmbedVideoService;
     _getVideoService              = getVideoService;
     _deleteVideoService           = deleteVideoService;
     _uploadSubtitleToVideoService = uploadSubtitleToVideoService;
     _repository      = repository;
     _expectedApiKey  = apiSettings.Value.ApiKey;
     _markdownService = markdownService;
     _createAnimatedThumbnailsService = createAnimatedThumbnailsService;
     _getAllAnimatedThumbnailService  = getAllAnimatedThumbnailService;
     _videosService = videosService;
Esempio n. 29
 public VideoController()
     _videosService = ServicesFactory.GetVideoServices();
 public StatisticsService(IUsersService usersService, IGamesService gamesService, IVideosService videosService)
     this.usersService  = usersService;
     this.gamesService  = gamesService;
     this.videosService = videosService;
Esempio n. 31
        public MainPageViewModel(
            IPageNavigationService pageNavigationService,
            IItemsService dataService,
            ITweetsService tweetsService,
            IVideosService youtubeChannelService,
            ISettingsService settingsService,
            IUnityContainer unityContainer,
            IItemsRepository itemsRepository,
            ITweetsRepository tweetsRepository,
            IImagesRepository imagesRepository,
            IVideosRepository videosRepository,
            ICarsRepository carsRepository,
            IFlickrService flickrService,
            ISharingService sharingService)
            : base(
            _pageNavigationService = pageNavigationService;
            _dataService = dataService;
            _tweetsService = tweetsService;
            _youtubeChannelService = youtubeChannelService;
            _unityContainer = unityContainer;
            _itemsRepository = itemsRepository;
            _tweetsRepository = tweetsRepository;
            _imagesRepository = imagesRepository;
            _videosRepository = videosRepository;
            _flickrService = flickrService;
            _carsRepository = carsRepository;

            //CarModelsCollection = carsRepository.GetAll();

            if (DesignerProperties.IsInDesignTool)
			if (DesignMode.DesignModeEnabled)