Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Fuses acceleration and gyroscope data into a single scalar value representing how "stationary" the player is holding
        /// their device.  The resulting value (obtainable as (float)myStillessProvider, myStillnessProvider.Data, or
        /// myStillnessProvider.StillnessScore, whichever makes more sense) ranges between -20 and +20, with the highest values
        /// requiring superhuman steadiness, and the lowest ones indicating waving the device around with no attempt at keeping
        /// it stationary at all.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="accelbaseline">>The total magnitude of an acceleration vector considered "still *enough*".  Optional,
        /// defaults to 0.25 m/s^2. The ratio of measured value compared to this quantity, rather than the absolute measured
        /// value, is used as our indicator - recommend calibrating!</param>
        /// <param name="gyrobaseline">The total magnitude of a gyro vector considered "still *enough*".  Optional,
        /// defaults to 0.05 radians per sec. The ratio of measured value compared to this quantity, rather than the absolute
        /// measured value, is used as our indicator - recommend calibrating!</param>
        /// <param name="gyroweight">(Optional, default 0.5) The weighting given to the gyro values as compared to those
        /// from the accelerometer, after normalizing each of them by its respective Baseline value.</param>
        /// <param name="maxrangemultiplier">(Optional, default 5.0) How big a range the sensor "gauge" should have,
        /// as a multiple of the baseline value for that quantity.  In a speed, if baseline were (say) 30kph,
        /// the default 5x here would mean that speeds over 150kph would all be handled the same - just as they pretty much
        /// would by the passengers!</param>
        /// <param name="externalToken">A cancellation token to stop the whole shebang.  If canceled, will require
        /// recreating this object anew.  Calls Stop() but has no built-in way to trigger Start() again - so don't
        /// use it for that purpose, use Start()/Stop()!</param>
        public StillnessProvider(float scoreDecayRate = 0.25f, float?accelbaseline       = null, float?gyrobaseline = null,
                                 float gyroweight     = 0.667f, float maxrangemultiplier = 5.0f, CancellationToken?externalToken = null)
            : base(externalToken ?? CancellationToken.None,
                   new CorrectedAccelerometerProvider(SensorType.LinearAcceleration),
                   //new Vector3Provider(SensorType.LinearAcceleration),
                   new Vector3Provider(SensorType.Gyroscope))
            accelBaseline   = accelbaseline ?? defaultAccelBaseline;
            gyroBaseline    = gyrobaseline ?? defaultGyroBaseline;
            gyroWt          = gyroweight;
            maxRangeMult    = maxrangemultiplier;
            pointsDecayRate = scoreDecayRate;

            //AccelProvider = new CorrectedAccelerometerProvider(SensorType.LinearAcceleration);
            //GyroProvider = new Vector3Provider(SensorType.Gyroscope);
            AccelProvider = providers[0] as CorrectedAccelerometerProvider;
            //AccelProvider = providers[0] as Vector3Provider;
            GyroProvider = providers[1] as Vector3Provider;

Esempio n. 2
 public GravAxisAccelerometerProvider() : base(new Vector3Provider(SensorType.LinearAcceleration), new Vector3Provider(SensorType.Gravity))
     linearAccelProvider = (IVector3Provider)providers[0];
     gravProvider        = (IVector3Provider)providers[1];