Esempio n. 1
        private List <KeyValuePair <IList <StaticMod>, int> > CalcApplicableMods(SrmSettings settings, IVariableModFilter filterVariableMod)
            var mods = settings.PeptideSettings.Modifications;

            // Nothing to do, if no variable mods in the document
            if (!mods.HasVariableModifications)
            // Enumerate each amino acid in the sequence
            List <KeyValuePair <IList <StaticMod>, int> > listListMods = null;
            int len = Sequence.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                if (filterVariableMod != null && !filterVariableMod.IsModIndex(i))

                char aa           = Sequence[i];
                bool matchingMods = false;
                // Test each modification to see if it applies
                foreach (var mod in mods.VariableModifications)
                    if (!mod.IsMod(aa, i, len))

                    // If the modification applies, store it in the list
                    if (listListMods == null)
                        listListMods = new List <KeyValuePair <IList <StaticMod>, int> >();
                    if (listListMods.Count == 0 || listListMods[listListMods.Count - 1].Value != i)
                        listListMods.Add(new KeyValuePair <IList <StaticMod>, int>(new List <StaticMod>(), i));
                    var listMods = listListMods[listListMods.Count - 1].Key;
                    if (filterVariableMod == null)
                        // If the filter matches, then only allow this one mod
                        double?modMass = settings.TransitionSettings.Prediction.PrecursorMassType == MassType.Monoisotopic
                            ? mod.MonoisotopicMass
                            : mod.AverageMass;
                        if (modMass.HasValue && filterVariableMod.IsModMass(i, modMass.Value))
                            // Clear all non-matching mods when the first match is found
                            if (!matchingMods)
                            matchingMods = true;
                        else if (matchingMods)
                            continue;   // Skip non-matching mods if matching
Esempio n. 2
        public IEnumerable <PeptideDocNode> CreateDocNodes(SrmSettings settings, IPeptideFilter filter, IVariableModFilter filterVariableMod = null)
            int maxModCount = filter.MaxVariableMods ?? settings.PeptideSettings.Modifications.MaxVariableMods;

            // Always return the unmodified peptide doc node first
            var  nodePepUnmod = new PeptideDocNode(this);
            bool allowVariableMods;

            if (filter.Accept(settings, this, null, out allowVariableMods))
                yield return(nodePepUnmod);

            // Stop if no variable modifications are allowed for this peptide.
            if (!allowVariableMods || maxModCount == 0)
                yield break;

            // First build a list of the amino acids in this peptide which can be modified,
            // and the modifications which apply to them.
            var listListMods = CalcApplicableMods(settings, filterVariableMod);

            // If no applicable modifications were found, return a single DocNode for the
            // peptide passed in
            if (listListMods == null)
                yield break;

            maxModCount = Math.Min(maxModCount, listListMods.Count);
            for (int modCount = 1; modCount <= maxModCount; modCount++)
                var modStateMachine = new VariableModStateMachine(nodePepUnmod, modCount, listListMods);
                foreach (var nodePep in modStateMachine.GetStates())
                    if (filter.Accept(settings, nodePep.Peptide, nodePep.ExplicitMods, out allowVariableMods))
                        yield return(nodePep);