private void Generate412PreconditionFailedResponse(HttpContext httpContext)
            var headers = httpContext.Response.Headers;

            httpContext.Response.StatusCode = StatusCodes.Status412PreconditionFailed;

            // set the ETag & Last-Modified date.
            // remove any other ETag and Last-Modified headers (could be set
            // by other pieces of code)

            // generate key, ETag and LastModified
            var requestKey = GenerateRequestKey(httpContext.Request);
            // strong eTags by default!
            var eTag         = new ETag(ETagType.Strong, httpContext.Request.Headers[HeaderNames.IfNoneMatch].ToString());
            var lastModified = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;

            // store (overwrite)
            _store.SetAsync(requestKey, new ValidationValue(eTag, lastModified));

            // set headers
            headers[HeaderNames.ETag]         = eTag.Value;
            headers[HeaderNames.LastModified] = lastModified.ToString("r", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
        private async Task GenerateResponseFromStore(HttpContext httpContext)
            var headers = httpContext.Response.Headers;

            // set the ETag & Last-Modified date.
            // remove any other ETag and Last-Modified headers (could be set
            // by other pieces of code)

            // generate key
            var requestKey = GenerateRequestKey(httpContext.Request);

            // set LastModified
            // r = RFC1123 pattern (
            var lastModified = GetUtcNowWithoutMilliseconds();

            headers[HeaderNames.LastModified] = lastModified.ToString("r", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            ETag eTag = null;
            // take ETag value from the store (if it's found)
            var savedResponse = await _store.GetAsync(requestKey);

            if (savedResponse?.ETag != null)
                eTag = new ETag(savedResponse.ETag.ETagType, savedResponse.ETag.Value);
                headers[HeaderNames.ETag] = savedResponse.ETag.Value;

            // store (overwrite)
            await _store.SetAsync(requestKey, new ValidationValue(eTag, lastModified));

            var logInformation = string.Empty;

            if (eTag != null)
                logInformation = $"ETag: {eTag.ETagType.ToString()}, {eTag.Value}, ";

            logInformation += $"Last-Modified: {lastModified.ToString("r", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}.";
            _logger.LogInformation($"Generation done. {logInformation}");