public void setChargeItemListWithChargeItemArrayList(ArrayList chlist) { ArrayList newList = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < chlist.Count; i++) { ChargeItemRecord cR = (ChargeItemRecord)chlist[i]; IVChargeItemRecord IVcR = new IVChargeItemRecord(); IVcR.Invoice_no = this.invoice_no; IVcR.Charge_amount = cR.Amount; IVcR.Item_desc = cR.Description; IVcR.Item_id = cR.ItemId; IVcR.Item_no = cR.ItemNo; string iType = ""; if (cR.Waybill_type == "HAWB" || cR.Waybill_type == "MAWB") { iType = "A"; } else if (cR.Waybill_type == "HBOL" || cR.Waybill_type == "MBOL") { iType = "O"; } IVcR.IType = iType; IVcR.Hb_no = cR.Hb; IVcR.Mb_no = cR.Mb; IVcR.Import_export = cR.Import_export; newList.Add(IVcR); } chargeItemList = newList; }
public ArrayList getIVChargeItemsList(int invoice_no) { SQL = "SELECT * FROM invoice_charge_item"; SQL += " WHERE elt_account_number=" + elt_account_number + " and invoice_no=" + invoice_no + " order by item_id"; ArrayList returnlist = new ArrayList(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); SqlDataAdapter ad = new SqlDataAdapter(SQL, Con); try { ad.Fill(dt); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { IVChargeItemRecord IVChR = new IVChargeItemRecord(); IVChR.Invoice_no = invoice_no; IVChR.Item_desc = dt.Rows[i]["item_desc"].ToString(); IVChR.Item_id = Int32.Parse(dt.Rows[i]["item_id"].ToString()); IVChR.Item_no = Int32.Parse(dt.Rows[i]["item_no"].ToString()); IVChR.IType = dt.Rows[i]["iType"].ToString(); IVChR.Hb_no = dt.Rows[i]["hb_no"].ToString(); IVChR.Mb_no = dt.Rows[i]["mb_no"].ToString(); IVChR.Charge_amount = Decimal.Parse(dt.Rows[i]["charge_amount"].ToString()); IVChR.Import_export = dt.Rows[i]["import_export"].ToString(); returnlist.Add(IVChR); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(returnlist); }
public bool insertIVChargeItems(ArrayList chList, int invoice_no) { bool return_val = false; for (int i = 0; i < chList.Count; i++) { IVChargeItemRecord IVChR = (IVChargeItemRecord)chList[i]; IVChR.replaceQuote(); IVChR.Invoice_no = invoice_no; if (!checkIfItemExist(IVChR)) { SQL = "INSERT INTO [invoice_charge_item] "; SQL += "( elt_account_number, "; SQL += "invoice_no,"; SQL += "item_id,"; SQL += "item_no,"; SQL += "item_desc,"; SQL += "qty,"; SQL += "charge_amount,"; SQL += "import_export,"; SQL += "mb_no,"; SQL += "hb_no,"; SQL += "iType)"; SQL += "VALUES"; SQL += "('" + elt_account_number; SQL += "','" + IVChR.Invoice_no; SQL += "','" + IVChR.Item_id; SQL += "','" + IVChR.Item_no; SQL += "','" + IVChR.Item_desc; SQL += "','" + IVChR.Qty; SQL += "','" + IVChR.Charge_amount; SQL += "','" + IVChR.Import_export; SQL += "','" + IVChR.Mb_no; SQL += "','" + IVChR.Hb_no; SQL += "','" + IVChR.IType; SQL += "')"; Cmd = new SqlCommand(SQL, Con); try { Con.Open(); Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); return_val = true; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { Con.Close(); } } } return(return_val); }
public void setChargeItemListWithDataTable(DataTable dt) { ArrayList newList = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { IVChargeItemRecord IVcR = new IVChargeItemRecord(); IVcR.Invoice_no = this.invoice_no; IVcR.Charge_amount = Decimal.Parse(dt.Rows[i]["charge_amount"].ToString()); IVcR.Item_desc = dt.Rows[i]["item_desc"].ToString(); IVcR.Item_id = Int32.Parse(dt.Rows[i]["item_id"].ToString()); IVcR.Item_no = Int32.Parse(dt.Rows[i]["item_no"].ToString()); IVcR.IType = dt.Rows[i]["iType"].ToString(); IVcR.Hb_no = dt.Rows[i]["hb_no"].ToString(); IVcR.Mb_no = dt.Rows[i]["mb_no"].ToString(); IVcR.Import_export = dt.Rows[i]["import_export"].ToString(); newList.Add(IVcR); } chargeItemList = newList; }
public bool checkIfItemExist(IVChargeItemRecord IVChR) { SQL = "select invoice_no from invoice_charge_item where elt_account_number = " + elt_account_number + " and item_id=" + IVChR.Item_id + " and invoice_no=" + IVChR.Invoice_no; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); SqlDataAdapter ad = new SqlDataAdapter(SQL, Con); try { ad.Fill(dt); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { return(true); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(false); }
public bool updateInvoiceRecord(ref InvoiceRecord ivRec, string tran_type) { bool return_val = false; int loopV = 0; ivRec.replaceQuote(); int invoice_no = ivRec.Invoice_no; ARStatusManager ARSMgr = new ARStatusManager(elt_account_number); bool ar_lock = ARSMgr.FindIfPaymentProcessed(invoice_no); //UPDATE IV CHARGE ITEMS IF AR_NOT PROCESSED ArrayList AAJEntryList = ivRec.AllAccountsJournalList; Cmd = new SqlCommand(); Cmd.Connection = Con; Con.Open(); SqlTransaction trans = Con.BeginTransaction(); Cmd.Transaction = trans; try { if (!ar_lock) { //1) DELETE PREV IV CHARGE ITEMS WITH INVOICE_NO SQL = "DELETE FROM invoice_charge_item WHERE elt_account_number ="; SQL += elt_account_number + " and invoice_no=" + invoice_no; Cmd.CommandText = SQL; Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); //2) INSERT IV CHARGE ITEM ArrayList chList = ivRec.ChargeItemList; for (int i = 0; i < chList.Count; i++) { IVChargeItemRecord IVChR = (IVChargeItemRecord)chList[i]; IVChR.replaceQuote(); IVChR.Invoice_no = invoice_no; SQL = "INSERT INTO [invoice_charge_item] "; SQL += "( elt_account_number, "; SQL += "invoice_no,"; SQL += "item_id,"; SQL += "item_no,"; SQL += "item_desc,"; SQL += "qty,"; SQL += "charge_amount,"; SQL += "import_export,"; SQL += "mb_no,"; SQL += "hb_no,"; SQL += "iType)"; SQL += "VALUES"; SQL += "('" + elt_account_number; SQL += "','" + IVChR.Invoice_no; SQL += "','" + IVChR.Item_id; SQL += "','" + IVChR.Item_no; SQL += "','" + IVChR.Item_desc; SQL += "','" + IVChR.Qty; SQL += "','" + IVChR.Charge_amount; SQL += "','" + IVChR.Import_export; SQL += "','" + IVChR.Mb_no; SQL += "','" + IVChR.Hb_no; SQL += "','" + IVChR.IType; SQL += "')"; Cmd.CommandText = SQL; Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } //INSERT IV COST ITEMS //1) DELETE UNLOCKED PREV IV COST ITEMS WITH INVOICE_NO SQL = "DELETE FROM invoice_cost_item WHERE elt_account_number ="; SQL += elt_account_number + " and invoice_no=" + invoice_no; Cmd.CommandText = SQL; Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); //2) INSERT IV_COST_ITEM ArrayList cstList = ivRec.CostItemList; for (int i = 0; i < cstList.Count; i++) { IVCostItemRecord IVCostR = (IVCostItemRecord)cstList[i]; IVCostR.replaceQuote(); SQL = "INSERT INTO [invoice_Cost_item] "; SQL += "( elt_account_number, "; SQL += "invoice_no,"; SQL += "item_id,"; SQL += "item_no,"; SQL += "item_desc,"; SQL += "qty,"; SQL += "ref_no,"; SQL += "vendor_no,"; SQL += "Cost_amount,"; SQL += "import_export,"; SQL += "mb_no,"; SQL += "hb_no,"; SQL += "iType)"; SQL += "VALUES"; SQL += "('" + elt_account_number; SQL += "','" + invoice_no; SQL += "','" + IVCostR.Item_id; SQL += "','" + IVCostR.Item_no; SQL += "','" + IVCostR.Item_desc; SQL += "','" + IVCostR.Qty; SQL += "','" + IVCostR.Ref_no; SQL += "','" + IVCostR.Vendor_no; SQL += "','" + IVCostR.Cost_amount; SQL += "','" + IVCostR.Import_export; SQL += "','" + IVCostR.Mb_no; SQL += "','" + IVCostR.Hb_no; SQL += "','" + IVCostR.IType; SQL += "')"; Cmd.CommandText = SQL; Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } //DELETE BILL_DETAIL WHITH INVOICE_NO THAT DOES NOT HAVE ANY BILL_NO ASSINGED SQL = "DELETE FROM bill_detail WHERE elt_account_number ="; SQL += elt_account_number + " and invoice_no=" + invoice_no + " and isnull(bill_number,0) =0"; Cmd.CommandText = SQL; Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); //INSERT BILL DETAILS WITH BILL_NUMBER BEING 0 AND WHITH INVOICE_NO THAT DOES NOT HAVE ANY BILL_NO ASSINGED ArrayList bdList = ivRec.BillDetailList; for (int i = 0; i < bdList.Count; i++) { BillDetailRecord bDRec = (BillDetailRecord)bdList[i]; bDRec.replaceQuote(); if (bDRec.bill_number == 0) { SQL = "INSERT INTO [bill_detail] "; SQL += "( elt_account_number, "; SQL += "item_ap,"; SQL += "item_id,"; SQL += "item_no,"; SQL += "item_amt,"; SQL += "is_manual,"; SQL += "item_expense_acct,"; SQL += "tran_date,"; SQL += "invoice_no,"; SQL += "agent_debit_no,"; SQL += "mb_no,"; SQL += "hb_no,"; SQL += "ref,"; SQL += "iType,"; SQL += "import_export,"; SQL += "vendor_number)"; SQL += "VALUES"; SQL += "('" + elt_account_number; SQL += "','" + bDRec.item_ap; SQL += "','" + bDRec.item_id; SQL += "','" + bDRec.item_no; SQL += "','" + bDRec.item_amt; SQL += "','" + bDRec.is_manual; SQL += "','" + bDRec.item_expense_acct; SQL += "','" + bDRec.tran_date; SQL += "','" + invoice_no; SQL += "','" + bDRec.agent_debit_no; SQL += "','" + bDRec.mb_no; SQL += "','" + bDRec.hb_no; SQL += "','" + bDRec.ref_no; SQL += "','" + bDRec.iType; SQL += "','" + bDRec.import_export; SQL += "','" + bDRec.vendor_number; SQL += "')"; Cmd.CommandText = SQL; Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } //DELETE ALL ENTRY WITH TRAN_NO BEING INVOICE_NO AND TRAN_TYPE BEING "INV"; SQL = "DELETE FROM invoice_header WHERE elt_account_number ="; SQL += elt_account_number + " and invoice_no=" + invoice_no; Cmd.CommandText = SQL; Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); //Insert IV Headers ArrayList ihList = ivRec.InvoiceHeaders; if (tran_type == "INV") { loopV = ihList.Count; } for (int i = 0; i < loopV; i++) { //ihList.Count IVHeaderRecord ihRec = (IVHeaderRecord)ihList[i]; SQL = "INSERT INTO [invoice_header] "; SQL += "( elt_account_number, "; SQL += "Carrier,"; SQL += "ChargeableWeight,"; SQL += "Consignee,"; SQL += "Destination,"; SQL += "ETA,"; SQL += "ETD,"; SQL += "FILE_NO,"; SQL += "GrossWeight,"; SQL += "hawb,"; SQL += "invoice_no,"; SQL += "mawb,"; SQL += "Origin,"; SQL += "Pieces,"; SQL += "Shipper,"; SQL += "unit)"; SQL += "VALUES"; SQL += "('" + elt_account_number; SQL += "','" + ihRec.Carrier; SQL += "','" + ihRec.ChargeableWeight; SQL += "','" + ihRec.Consignee; SQL += "','" + ihRec.Destination; SQL += "','" + ihRec.ETA; SQL += "','" + ihRec.ETD; SQL += "','" + ihRec.FILE; SQL += "','" + ihRec.GrossWeight; SQL += "','" + ihRec.hawb; SQL += "','" + invoice_no; SQL += "','" + ihRec.mawb; SQL += "','" + ihRec.Origin; SQL += "','" + ihRec.Pieces; SQL += "','" + ihRec.Shipper; SQL += "','" + ihRec.unit; SQL += "')"; Cmd.CommandText = SQL; Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } //DELETE ALL ENTRY WITH TRAN_NO BEING INVOICE_NO AND TRAN_TYPE BEING "INV"; SQL = "DELETE FROM all_accounts_journal WHERE elt_account_number ="; SQL += elt_account_number + " and tran_num=" + invoice_no + " and tran_type='" + tran_type + "'"; Cmd.CommandText = SQL; Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); int next_tran_seq_no = 0; SQL = "select max(tran_seq_num) from all_accounts_journal where elt_account_number = " + elt_account_number; Cmd.CommandText = SQL; int current = 0; string id_str = Cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString(); if (id_str != "") { current = Int32.Parse(id_str); } else { current = 0; } next_tran_seq_no = current + 1; //INSERT AAJ ENTRY WITH TRAN_TYPE BEING INV AND TRAN_NO BEING INVOICE_NO for (int i = 0; i < AAJEntryList.Count; i++) { ((AllAccountsJournalRecord)AAJEntryList[i]).replaceQuote(); ((AllAccountsJournalRecord)AAJEntryList[i]).tran_num = invoice_no; SQL = "INSERT INTO [all_accounts_journal] "; SQL += "( elt_account_number, "; SQL += "tran_num,"; SQL += "gl_account_number,"; SQL += "gl_account_name,"; SQL += "tran_seq_num,"; SQL += "air_ocean,"; //SQL += "inland_type,"; //added by stanley on 12/14 SQL += "tran_type,"; SQL += "tran_date,"; SQL += "Customer_Number,"; SQL += "Customer_Name,"; SQL += "debit_amount,"; SQL += "credit_amount,"; SQL += "balance,"; SQL += "previous_balance,"; SQL += "gl_balance,"; SQL += "gl_previous_balance)"; SQL += "VALUES"; SQL += "('" + elt_account_number; SQL += "','" + ((AllAccountsJournalRecord)AAJEntryList[i]).tran_num; SQL += "','" + ((AllAccountsJournalRecord)AAJEntryList[i]).gl_account_number; SQL += "','" + ((AllAccountsJournalRecord)AAJEntryList[i]).gl_account_name; SQL += "','" + next_tran_seq_no++; SQL += "','" + ((AllAccountsJournalRecord)AAJEntryList[i]).air_ocean; //SQL += "','" + ((AllAccountsJournalRecord)AAJEntryList[i]).inland_type; SQL += "','" + ((AllAccountsJournalRecord)AAJEntryList[i]).tran_type; SQL += "','" + ((AllAccountsJournalRecord)AAJEntryList[i]).tran_date; SQL += "','" + ((AllAccountsJournalRecord)AAJEntryList[i]).customer_number; SQL += "','" + ((AllAccountsJournalRecord)AAJEntryList[i]).customer_name; SQL += "','" + ((AllAccountsJournalRecord)AAJEntryList[i]).debit_amount; SQL += "','" + ((AllAccountsJournalRecord)AAJEntryList[i]).credit_amount; SQL += "','" + ((AllAccountsJournalRecord)AAJEntryList[i]).balance; SQL += "','" + ((AllAccountsJournalRecord)AAJEntryList[i]).previous_balance; SQL += "','" + ((AllAccountsJournalRecord)AAJEntryList[i]).gl_balance; SQL += "','" + ((AllAccountsJournalRecord)AAJEntryList[i]).gl_previous_balance; SQL += "')"; Cmd.CommandText = SQL; Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } SQL = "update invoice set "; SQL += "accounts_receivable= '" + ivRec.accounts_receivable + "', "; SQL += "agent_profit= '" + ivRec.agent_profit + "' ,"; SQL += "air_ocean= '" + ivRec.air_ocean + "' ,"; SQL += "inland_type= '" + ivRec.inland_type + "' ,"; //added by stanley on 12/14 SQL += "amount_charged= '" + ivRec.amount_charged + "' ,"; SQL += "amount_paid= '" + ivRec.amount_paid + "' ,"; SQL += "Arrival_Dept= '" + ivRec.Arrival_Dept + "' ,"; Decimal balace = ivRec.amount_charged - ivRec.amount_paid; SQL += "balance= '" + balace.ToString() + "' ,"; SQL += "Carrier= '" + ivRec.Carrier + "' ,"; SQL += "consignee= '" + ivRec.consignee + "' ,"; SQL += "Customer_info= '" + ivRec.Customer_info + "' ,"; SQL += "Customer_Name= '" + ivRec.Customer_Name + "' ,"; SQL += "Customer_Number= '" + ivRec.Customer_Number + "' ,"; SQL += "deposit_to= '" + ivRec.deposit_to + "' ,"; SQL += "Description= '" + ivRec.Description + "' ,"; SQL += "dest= '" + ivRec.dest + "' ,"; SQL += "entry_date= '" + ivRec.entry_date + "' ,"; SQL += "entry_no= '" + ivRec.entry_no + "' ,"; SQL += "existing_credits= '" + ivRec.existing_credits + "' ,"; SQL += "hawb_num= '" + ivRec.hawb_num + "' ,"; SQL += "import_export= '" + ivRec.import_export + "' ,"; SQL += "in_memo= '" + ivRec.in_memo + "' ,"; SQL += "invoice_date= '" + System.DateTime.Parse(ivRec.invoice_date) + "' ,"; SQL += "invoice_no= '" + ivRec.Invoice_no + "' ,"; SQL += "invoice_type= '" + ivRec.invoice_type + "' ,"; SQL += "is_org_merged= '" + ivRec.is_org_merged + "' ,"; SQL += "lock_ap= '" + ivRec.lock_ap + "' ,"; SQL += "lock_ar= '" + ivRec.lock_ar + "' ,"; SQL += "mawb_num= '" + ivRec.mawb_num + "' ,"; SQL += "origin= '" + ivRec.origin + "' ,"; SQL += "Origin_Dest= '" + ivRec.Origin_Dest + "' ,"; SQL += "pay_status= '" + ivRec.pay_status + "' ,"; SQL += "pmt_method= '" + ivRec.pmt_method + "' ,"; SQL += "received_amt= '" + ivRec.received_amt + "' ,"; SQL += "ref_no= '" + ivRec.ref_no + "' ,"; SQL += "ref_no_Our= '" + ivRec.ref_no_Our + "' ,"; SQL += "AMS_No= '" + ivRec.AMS_No + "' ,";//added by stanley on 12/13/2007 SQL += "remarks= '" + ivRec.remarks + "' ,"; SQL += "sale_tax= '" + ivRec.sale_tax + "' ,"; SQL += "shipper= '" + ivRec.shipper + "' ,"; SQL += "subtotal= '" + ivRec.subtotal + "' ,"; SQL += "term_curr= '" + ivRec.term_curr + "' ,"; SQL += "term30= '" + ivRec.term30 + "' ,"; SQL += "term60= '" + ivRec.term60 + "' ,"; SQL += "term90= '" + ivRec.term90 + "' ,"; SQL += "Total_Charge_Weight= '" + ivRec.Total_Charge_Weight + "' ,"; SQL += "total_cost= '" + ivRec.total_cost + "' ,"; SQL += "Total_Gross_Weight= '" + ivRec.Total_Gross_Weight + "' ,"; SQL += "Total_Pieces= '" + ivRec.Total_Pieces + "' "; SQL += " WHERE elt_account_number = " + elt_account_number + " and invoice_no=" + ivRec.Invoice_no; Cmd.CommandText = SQL; Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); trans.Commit(); return_val = true; } catch (Exception ex) { trans.Rollback(); throw ex; } finally { Con.Close(); } return(return_val); }
public bool insertInvoiceRecord(ref InvoiceRecord ivRec, string tran_type) { ivRec.replaceQuote(); bool return_val = false; int loopV = 0; int invoice_no = getNewInvoiceNo(); ArrayList AAJEntryList = ivRec.AllAccountsJournalList; for (int i = 0; i < AAJEntryList.Count; i++) { this.aajMgr.checkInitial_Acct_Record((AllAccountsJournalRecord)AAJEntryList[i]); } int next_tran_seq_no = this.aajMgr.getNextTranSeqNumber(); //INSERT IV CHARGE ITEMS Cmd = new SqlCommand(); Cmd.Connection = Con; Con.Open(); SqlTransaction trans = Con.BeginTransaction(); Cmd.Transaction = trans; //try // { ArrayList chList = ivRec.ChargeItemList; for (int i = 0; i < chList.Count; i++) { IVChargeItemRecord IVChR = (IVChargeItemRecord)chList[i]; IVChR.replaceQuote(); IVChR.Invoice_no = invoice_no; SQL = "INSERT INTO [invoice_charge_item] "; SQL += "( elt_account_number, "; SQL += "invoice_no,"; SQL += "item_id,"; SQL += "item_no,"; SQL += "item_desc,"; SQL += "qty,"; SQL += "charge_amount,"; SQL += "import_export,"; SQL += "mb_no,"; SQL += "hb_no,"; SQL += "iType)"; SQL += "VALUES"; SQL += "('" + elt_account_number; SQL += "','" + invoice_no; SQL += "','" + IVChR.Item_id; SQL += "','" + IVChR.Item_no; SQL += "','" + IVChR.Item_desc; SQL += "','" + IVChR.Qty; SQL += "','" + IVChR.Charge_amount; SQL += "','" + IVChR.Import_export; SQL += "','" + IVChR.Mb_no; SQL += "','" + IVChR.Hb_no; SQL += "','" + IVChR.IType; SQL += "')"; Cmd.CommandText = SQL; Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } //INSERT IV COST ITEMS ArrayList cstList = ivRec.CostItemList; int bill_no = 0; for (int i = 0; i < cstList.Count; i++) { IVCostItemRecord IVCostR = (IVCostItemRecord)cstList[i]; IVCostR.replaceQuote(); SQL = "INSERT INTO [invoice_Cost_item] "; SQL += "( elt_account_number, "; SQL += "invoice_no,"; SQL += "item_id,"; SQL += "item_no,"; SQL += "item_desc,"; SQL += "qty,"; SQL += "ref_no,"; SQL += "vendor_no,"; SQL += "Cost_amount,"; SQL += "import_export,"; SQL += "mb_no,"; SQL += "hb_no,"; SQL += "iType)"; SQL += "VALUES"; SQL += "('" + elt_account_number; SQL += "','" + invoice_no; SQL += "','" + IVCostR.Item_id; SQL += "','" + IVCostR.Item_no; SQL += "','" + IVCostR.Item_desc; SQL += "','" + IVCostR.Qty; SQL += "','" + IVCostR.Ref_no; SQL += "','" + IVCostR.Vendor_no; SQL += "','" + IVCostR.Cost_amount; SQL += "','" + IVCostR.Import_export; SQL += "','" + IVCostR.Mb_no; SQL += "','" + IVCostR.Hb_no; SQL += "','" + IVCostR.IType; SQL += "')"; Cmd.CommandText = SQL; Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } //INSERT BILL DETAILS WITH BILL_NUMBER BEING 0 ArrayList bdList = ivRec.BillDetailList; for (int i = 0; i < bdList.Count; i++) { BillDetailRecord bDRec = (BillDetailRecord)bdList[i]; bDRec.replaceQuote(); SQL = "INSERT INTO [bill_detail] "; SQL += "( elt_account_number, "; SQL += "item_ap,"; SQL += "item_id,"; SQL += "item_no,"; SQL += "item_amt,"; SQL += "is_manual,"; SQL += "item_expense_acct,"; SQL += "tran_date,"; SQL += "invoice_no,"; SQL += "agent_debit_no,"; SQL += "mb_no,"; SQL += "hb_no,"; SQL += "ref,"; SQL += "iType,"; SQL += "import_export,"; SQL += "bill_number,"; SQL += "vendor_number)"; SQL += "VALUES"; SQL += "('" + elt_account_number; SQL += "','" + bDRec.item_ap; SQL += "','" + bDRec.item_id; SQL += "','" + bDRec.item_no; SQL += "','" + bDRec.item_amt; SQL += "','" + bDRec.is_manual; SQL += "','" + bDRec.item_expense_acct; SQL += "','" + bDRec.tran_date; SQL += "','" + invoice_no; SQL += "','" + bDRec.agent_debit_no; SQL += "','" + bDRec.mb_no; SQL += "','" + bDRec.hb_no; SQL += "','" + bDRec.ref_no; SQL += "','" + bDRec.iType; SQL += "','" + bDRec.import_export; SQL += "','" + bDRec.bill_number; SQL += "','" + bDRec.vendor_number; SQL += "')"; Cmd.CommandText = SQL; Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } SQL = "DELETE FROM invoice_header WHERE elt_account_number ="; SQL += elt_account_number + " and invoice_no=" + invoice_no; Cmd.CommandText = SQL; Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); //Insert IV Headers //INSERT BILL DETAILS WITH BILL_NUMBER BEING 0 ArrayList ihList = ivRec.InvoiceHeaders; if (tran_type == "INV") { loopV = ihList.Count; } for (int i = 0; i < loopV; i++) { //ihList.Count IVHeaderRecord ihRec = (IVHeaderRecord)ihList[i]; SQL = "INSERT INTO [invoice_header] "; SQL += "( elt_account_number, "; SQL += "Carrier,"; SQL += "ChargeableWeight,"; SQL += "Consignee,"; SQL += "Destination,"; SQL += "ETA,"; SQL += "ETD,"; SQL += "FILE_NO,"; SQL += "GrossWeight,"; SQL += "hawb,"; SQL += "invoice_no,"; SQL += "mawb,"; SQL += "Origin,"; SQL += "Pieces,"; SQL += "Shipper,"; SQL += "unit)"; SQL += "VALUES"; SQL += "('" + elt_account_number; SQL += "','" + ihRec.Carrier; SQL += "','" + ihRec.ChargeableWeight; SQL += "','" + ihRec.Consignee; SQL += "','" + ihRec.Destination; SQL += "','" + ihRec.ETA; SQL += "','" + ihRec.ETD; SQL += "','" + ihRec.FILE; SQL += "','" + ihRec.GrossWeight; SQL += "','" + ihRec.hawb; SQL += "','" + invoice_no; SQL += "','" + ihRec.mawb; SQL += "','" + ihRec.Origin; SQL += "','" + ihRec.Pieces; SQL += "','" + ihRec.Shipper; SQL += "','" + ihRec.unit; SQL += "')"; Cmd.CommandText = SQL; Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } //INSERT AAJ ENTRY WITH TRAN_TYPE BEING INV AND TRAN_NO BEING INVOICE_NO for (int i = 0; i < AAJEntryList.Count; i++) { ((AllAccountsJournalRecord)AAJEntryList[i]).replaceQuote(); ((AllAccountsJournalRecord)AAJEntryList[i]).tran_num = invoice_no; SQL = "INSERT INTO [all_accounts_journal] "; SQL += "( elt_account_number, "; SQL += "tran_num,"; SQL += "air_ocean,"; //SQL += "inland_type,"; //added by stanley on 12/14 SQL += "gl_account_number,"; SQL += "gl_account_name,"; SQL += "tran_seq_num,"; SQL += "tran_type,"; SQL += "tran_date,"; SQL += "Customer_Number,"; SQL += "Customer_Name,"; SQL += "debit_amount,"; SQL += "credit_amount,"; SQL += "balance,"; SQL += "previous_balance,"; SQL += "gl_balance,"; SQL += "gl_previous_balance)"; SQL += "VALUES"; SQL += "('" + elt_account_number; SQL += "','" + ((AllAccountsJournalRecord)AAJEntryList[i]).tran_num; SQL += "','" + ((AllAccountsJournalRecord)AAJEntryList[i]).air_ocean; //SQL += "','" + ((AllAccountsJournalRecord)AAJEntryList[i]).inland_type; //added by stanley on 12/14 SQL += "','" + ((AllAccountsJournalRecord)AAJEntryList[i]).gl_account_number; SQL += "','" + ((AllAccountsJournalRecord)AAJEntryList[i]).gl_account_name; SQL += "','" + next_tran_seq_no++; SQL += "','" + tran_type; SQL += "','" + ((AllAccountsJournalRecord)AAJEntryList[i]).tran_date; SQL += "','" + ((AllAccountsJournalRecord)AAJEntryList[i]).customer_number; SQL += "','" + ((AllAccountsJournalRecord)AAJEntryList[i]).customer_name; SQL += "','" + ((AllAccountsJournalRecord)AAJEntryList[i]).debit_amount; SQL += "','" + ((AllAccountsJournalRecord)AAJEntryList[i]).credit_amount; SQL += "','" + ((AllAccountsJournalRecord)AAJEntryList[i]).balance; SQL += "','" + ((AllAccountsJournalRecord)AAJEntryList[i]).previous_balance; SQL += "','" + ((AllAccountsJournalRecord)AAJEntryList[i]).gl_balance; SQL += "','" + ((AllAccountsJournalRecord)AAJEntryList[i]).gl_previous_balance; SQL += "')"; Cmd.CommandText = SQL; Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } //INSERT INVOICE RECORD SQL = "INSERT INTO [invoice] "; SQL += "( elt_account_number, "; SQL += "accounts_receivable,"; SQL += "agent_profit, "; SQL += "air_ocean, "; SQL += "inland_type, "; //added by stanley on 12/14 SQL += "amount_charged,"; SQL += "amount_paid, "; SQL += "Arrival_Dept, "; SQL += "balance, "; SQL += "Carrier, "; SQL += "consignee, "; SQL += "Customer_info, "; SQL += "Customer_Name, "; SQL += "Customer_Number, "; SQL += "deposit_to, "; SQL += "Description, "; SQL += "dest,"; if (ivRec.entry_date != null) { SQL += "entry_date, "; } SQL += "entry_no, "; SQL += "existing_credits, "; SQL += "hawb_num, "; SQL += "import_export, "; SQL += "in_memo, "; SQL += "invoice_date, "; SQL += "invoice_no, "; SQL += "invoice_type, "; SQL += "is_org_merged, "; SQL += "lock_ap, "; SQL += "lock_ar, "; SQL += "mawb_num, "; SQL += "origin, "; SQL += "Origin_Dest, "; SQL += "pay_status, "; SQL += "pmt_method, "; SQL += "received_amt, "; SQL += "ref_no, "; SQL += "ref_no_Our, "; SQL += "AMS_No, ";//added by stanley on 12/13/2007 SQL += "remarks, "; SQL += "sale_tax, "; SQL += "shipper, "; SQL += "subtotal, "; SQL += "term_curr, "; SQL += "term30, "; SQL += "term60, "; SQL += "term90, "; SQL += "Total_Charge_Weight,"; SQL += "total_cost,"; SQL += "Total_Gross_Weight,"; SQL += "Total_Pieces ) "; SQL += "VALUES"; SQL += "('" + base.elt_account_number; SQL += "','" + ivRec.accounts_receivable; SQL += "','" + ivRec.agent_profit; SQL += "','" + ivRec.air_ocean; SQL += "','" + ivRec.inland_type; //added by stanley on 12/14 SQL += "','" + ivRec.amount_charged; SQL += "','" + ivRec.amount_paid; SQL += "','" + ivRec.Arrival_Dept; SQL += "','" + ivRec.balance; SQL += "','" + ivRec.Carrier; SQL += "','" + ivRec.consignee; SQL += "','" + ivRec.Customer_info; SQL += "','" + ivRec.Customer_Name; SQL += "','" + ivRec.Customer_Number; SQL += "','" + ivRec.deposit_to; SQL += "','" + ivRec.Description; SQL += "','" + ivRec.dest; if (ivRec.entry_date != null) { SQL += "','" + ivRec.entry_date; } SQL += "','" + ivRec.entry_no; SQL += "','" + ivRec.existing_credits; SQL += "','" + ivRec.hawb_num; SQL += "','" + ivRec.import_export; SQL += "','" + ivRec.in_memo; SQL += "','" + ivRec.invoice_date; SQL += "','" + invoice_no; SQL += "','" + "I"; SQL += "','" + ivRec.is_org_merged; SQL += "','" + ivRec.lock_ap; SQL += "','" + ivRec.lock_ar; SQL += "','" + ivRec.mawb_num; SQL += "','" + ivRec.origin; SQL += "','" + ivRec.Origin_Dest; SQL += "','" + ivRec.pay_status; SQL += "','" + ivRec.pmt_method; SQL += "','" + ivRec.received_amt; SQL += "','" + ivRec.ref_no; // REF NO POINTS TO INVOICE! SQL += "','" + ivRec.ref_no_Our; SQL += "','" + ivRec.AMS_No; //add by stanley on 12/13/2007 SQL += "','" + ivRec.remarks; SQL += "','" + ivRec.sale_tax; SQL += "','" + ivRec.shipper; SQL += "','" + ivRec.subtotal; SQL += "','" + ivRec.term_curr; SQL += "','" + ivRec.term30; SQL += "','" + ivRec.term60; SQL += "','" + ivRec.term90; SQL += "','" + ivRec.Total_Charge_Weight; SQL += "','" + ivRec.total_cost; SQL += "','" + ivRec.Total_Gross_Weight; SQL += "','" + ivRec.Total_Pieces; SQL += "')"; Cmd.CommandText = SQL; Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); trans.Commit(); //UPDATE NEXT INVOICE NUMBER ivRec.Invoice_no = invoice_no; updateNextInvoiceNo(invoice_no); return_val = true; // } // catch (Exception ex) //{ // trans.Rollback(); //throw ex; //} //finally //{ // Con.Close(); //} return(return_val); }