Esempio n. 1
        public async Task <IHttpActionResult> Register(UserLoginData userLogin)
            var username = userLogin.Username ?? string.Empty;
            var password = userLogin.Password ?? string.Empty;

            username = username.Trim();

            if (username.Any() == false)
                return(BadRequest("Username can't be blank."));

            if (await _userStore.GetUserAsync(username) != null)
                return(BadRequest("Username already exists."));

            if (password.Length < _userSettings.UserPasswordMinLength)
                return(BadRequest($"Password must be {_userSettings.UserPasswordMinLength} or more characters long."));

            int passwordHash = password.GetAsPasswordHash();

            await _userStore.AddUserAsync(username, passwordHash);

            _log.LogInfo($"User '{username}' registered.");

            return(Ok("User registered."));
Esempio n. 2
        public override async Task <int> RunAsync(List <string> remaining)
            if (remaining.Count < 1)
                ShowHelp(Console.Error, "User command required", null, null);

            string command = remaining[0];


            switch (command)
            case "add":
                string    username = null;
                string    password = null;
                OptionSet p        = new OptionSet()
                                     .Add("user|username|u=", "User name", u => username = u)
                                     .Add("password|pwd|p=", "password", v => password   = v);

                remaining = p.Parse(remaining);

                if (remaining.Count != 0)
                    ShowHelp(Console.Error, $"Unrecognized argument '{remaining[0]}'", p, null);

                await _userStore.AddUserAsync(username, password, CancellationToken.None);


                ShowHelp(Console.Error, $"Unrecognized user command '{command}'", null, null);
        public async Task <User> UserLogin(string provider, string subjectId, List <Claim> claims, string clientId)
            //check if the external user is already provisioned
            var user = await _userStore.FindByExternalProviderAsync(provider, subjectId);

            if (user == null)
                user = CreateNewUser(provider, subjectId, claims, clientId);
                _logger.Information($"User not found. Attempting to create user: {user}");
                await _userStore.AddUserAsync(user);


            //update certain user information on every login
            user.Claims = FilterClaims(claims);

Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates submitted user details for creating new user
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userForRegister">User submitted details</param>
        /// <returns>Created user record</returns>
        public async Task <User> RegisterUserAsync(UserForRegister userForRegister)
            if (userForRegister == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(userForRegister));

            if (await _store.UserExistsAsync(userForRegister.Email))
                throw new ArgumentException("User already exists by that email address");

            var(passwordHash, passwordSalt) = _helpers.CreatePasswordHash(userForRegister.Password);

            var userToAdd = _mapper.Map <User>(userForRegister);

            userToAdd.CreatedAt    = DateTime.Now;
            userToAdd.PasswordHash = passwordHash;
            userToAdd.PasswordSalt = passwordSalt;

            var user = await _store.AddUserAsync(userToAdd);

Esempio n. 5
        public async Task <WebStatus> RegisterAsync(RegisterInputModel model)
            var genericSuccessMessage = _localizer["Please check your email to complete the sign up process."];

            _logger.LogDebug("Begin registration for {0}", model.Email);

            if (!ApplicationIdIsNullOrValid(model.ApplicationId))
                return(WebStatus.Error(_localizer["Invalid application id."], HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));

            if (!await _userStore.UsernameIsAvailable(model.Email))
                _logger.LogDebug("Existing user found.");

                var sendStatus = await _messageService.SendAccountAlreadyExistsMessageAsync(model.ApplicationId, model.Email);

                // Return a generic success message to prevent account discovery. Only the owner of
                // the email address will get a customized message.
                return(sendStatus.IsOk ? WebStatus.Success(genericSuccessMessage) : new WebStatus(sendStatus));

            if (await _oneTimeCodeService.UnexpiredOneTimeCodeExistsAsync(model.Email))
                // Although the username is available, there is a valid one time code
                // that can be used to cancel an email address change, so we can't
                // reuse the address quite yet
                return(WebStatus.Error(_localizer["Email address is temporarily reserved."], HttpStatusCode.Conflict));

            _logger.LogDebug("Email address not used by an existing user. Creating a new user.");
            // consider: in some cases may want to restricting claims to a list predefined by the system administrator

            var status = new WebStatus();

            if (model.Claims == null)
                model.Claims = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            var internalClaims = new KeyValuePair <string, string>[]
                new KeyValuePair <string, string>(
                    PasswordlessLoginConstants.Security.EmailNotConfirmedClaimType, "!")
            var newUser = new User()
                Email  = model.Email,
                Claims = model.Claims
                         .Where(x =>
                                !PasswordlessLoginConstants.Security.ForbiddenClaims.Contains(x.Key) &&
                         .Select(x => new UserClaim()
                    Type = x.Key, Value = x.Value
            var newUserResponse = await _userStore.AddUserAsync(newUser);

            if (newUserResponse.HasError)
                return(new WebStatus(newUserResponse.Status));
            newUser = newUserResponse.Result;
            await _eventNotificationService.NotifyEventAsync(newUser.Email, EventType.Register);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Password))
                var setPasswordStatus = await _passwordService.SetPasswordAsync(newUser.SubjectId, model.Password);

                if (setPasswordStatus.IsOk)
                    await _eventNotificationService.NotifyEventAsync(newUser.Email, EventType.SetPassword);
                    status.AddWarning(_localizer["Password was not set."]);


            var nextUrl = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.NextUrl) ? model.NextUrl : _urlService.GetDefaultRedirectUrl();

            if (model.SetPassword)
                _logger.LogTrace("The user will be asked to set their password after confirming the account.");
                nextUrl = SendToSetPasswordFirst(nextUrl);

            var oneTimeCodeResponse = await _oneTimeCodeService.GetOneTimeCodeAsync(model.Email, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(_options.ConfirmAccountLinkValidityMinutes), nextUrl);

            switch (oneTimeCodeResponse.Status.StatusCode)
            case GetOneTimeCodeStatusCode.Success:
                var result = await _messageService.SendWelcomeMessageAsync(model.ApplicationId, model.Email,
                                                                           oneTimeCodeResponse.Result.ShortCode, oneTimeCodeResponse.Result.LongCode, model.Claims);

                return(new WebStatus(status));

            case GetOneTimeCodeStatusCode.TooManyRequests:
                return(WebStatus.Error(_localizer["Please wait a few minutes and try again."], HttpStatusCode.TooManyRequests));

            case GetOneTimeCodeStatusCode.ServiceFailure:
                return(ServerError(_localizer["Hmm. Something went wrong. Please try again."]));
        public async Task <ActionResponse> RegisterAsync(RegisterInputModel model)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.ApplicationId))
                var app = await _clientStore.FindEnabledClientByIdAsync(model.ApplicationId);

                if (app == null)
                    return(BadRequest("Invalid application id"));

            TimeSpan linkValidity;
            var      existingUser = await _userStore.GetUserByEmailAsync(model.Email);

            if (existingUser == null)
                var newUser = new User()
                    Email  = model.Email,
                    Claims = model.Claims?.Select(x => new UserClaim()
                        Type = x.Key, Value = x.Value
                    })                                                                                    //todo: filter these to claim types that are allowed to be set by user
                newUser = await _userStore.AddUserAsync(newUser);

                linkValidity = TimeSpan.FromHours(24);
                linkValidity = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5);
                //may want allow admins to configure a different email to send to existing users. However, it could be that the user
                // exists but just never got a welcome email?

            var nextUrl = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.NextUrl) ? model.NextUrl : _urlHelper.Action("Apps", "Home");

            if (model.InviteToSetPasword)
                nextUrl = SendToSetPasswordFirst(nextUrl);

            var oneTimeCodeResponse = await _oneTimeCodeService.GetOneTimeCodeAsync(model.Email, linkValidity, nextUrl);

            switch (oneTimeCodeResponse.Result)
            case GetOneTimeCodeResult.Success:
                var result = await _messageService.SendWelcomeMessageAsync(model.ApplicationId, model.Email, oneTimeCodeResponse.ShortCode, oneTimeCodeResponse.LongCode, model.MailMergeValues);

                if (result.MessageSent)
                    return(Ok("Thanks for registering. Please check your email."));

            case GetOneTimeCodeResult.TooManyRequests:
                return(BadRequest("Please wait a few minutes and try again"));

            case GetOneTimeCodeResult.ServiceFailure:
                return(ServerError("Hmm, something went wrong. Can you try again?"));