Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        ///  Change the type of a column to a new type. Values are copied from the existing
        ///  column to the new one, if value conversion is possible.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="details">Details with existing name and new other details</param>
        public void AlterColumn(ColumnDetails details)
            if (details == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("details");

            if (!this.Columns.ContainsKey(details.Name))
                throw new ArribaException(StringExtensions.Format("Column '{0}' does not exist; it can't be altered.", details.Name));

            // Get the old column and build the new one
            IUntypedColumn currentcolumn     = this.Columns[details.Name];
            IUntypedColumn replacementColumn = ColumnFactory.Build(details, currentcolumn.Count);

            // Size the new column and copy each value to it
            ushort count = this.Count;

            for (ushort i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                replacementColumn[i] = currentcolumn[i];

            // Store the new column
            this.Columns[details.Name]         = replacementColumn;
            this.DetailsByColumn[details.Name] = details;
Esempio n. 2
        private void CheckTypeDetermination(string numericColumnTypeName)
            // Create a numeric column with 0-10 in it
            IUntypedColumn column = ColumnFactory.Build(new ColumnDetails("Unused", numericColumnTypeName, 10), 0);

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
                column[(ushort)i] = i;

            // Include 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 in the results
            ShortSet matches = new ShortSet(10);

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i += 2)

            // Ask for the Min and verify both the value and type are correct
            // This verifies the type checks in BaseAggregator.Aggregate determine type correctly
            MinAggregator aggregator = new MinAggregator();
            object        context    = aggregator.CreateContext();
            object        result     = aggregator.Aggregate(context, matches, new IUntypedColumn[] { column });

            Assert.AreEqual(column[0], result);
Esempio n. 3
        private static object[] GetColumnSamples(Partition p, IUntypedColumn column, ShortSet whereSet, int matchCount)
            // Get up to 500 samples
            int countToGet = Math.Min(500, matchCount);

            object[] samples = new object[countToGet];

            Random r           = new Random();
            int    sampleCount = 0;
            int    countLeft   = matchCount;

            for (int i = 0; i < p.Count && sampleCount < countToGet; ++i)
                ushort lid = (ushort)i;

                if (whereSet.Contains(lid))
                    double excludeChance = r.NextDouble();
                    int    countNeeded   = countToGet - sampleCount;

                    // == if((countNeeded / countLeft) > excludeChance)
                    if (countNeeded > (excludeChance * countLeft))
                        samples[sampleCount] = column[lid];


Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        ///  Add a new column with the given details. Columns must be added before values can be set on them.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="details">Details of the column to add</param>
        /// <param name="initialCapacity">suggested initial capacity of the column</param>
        public void AddColumn(ColumnDetails details, ushort initialCapacity)
            if (details == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("details");

            if (this.Columns.ContainsKey(details.Name))
                if (!this.DetailsByColumn[details.Name].Type.Equals(details.Type))

                // If the column exists and type matches, we can only update side details (alias)
                this.DetailsByColumn[details.Name] = details;
                if (details.IsPrimaryKey)
                    ColumnDetails idColumnDetails = this.IDColumn;
                    if (idColumnDetails != null)
                        throw new ArribaException(StringExtensions.Format("Column '{0}' to be added is marked as the primary key but cannot be added because column '{1}' is already the primary key column.", details.Name, idColumnDetails.Name));

                IUntypedColumn newColumn = ColumnFactory.Build(details, initialCapacity);
                this.Columns[details.Name]         = newColumn;
                this.DetailsByColumn[details.Name] = details;
Esempio n. 5
        public void Partition_RoundTrip()
            Partition p = new Partition(PartitionMask.All);


            // Round-Trip and re-verify
            Partition p2 = new Partition(PartitionMask.All);

            using (SerializationContext context = new SerializationContext(new MemoryStream()))
                context.Stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            // Verify all columns came back
            Assert.AreEqual(String.Join(", ", p.ColumnNames), String.Join(", ", p2.ColumnNames));

            // Select top 3 bugs with Priority = 3 and [ID] <= 12000, order by [ID]
            SelectQuery query = new SelectQuery();

            query.Columns = new string[] { "ID", "Priority" };
            query.Count   = 3;
            query.Where   = SelectQuery.ParseWhere("Priority = 3 AND [ID] <= 12000");
            SelectResult result = p2.Query(query);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, (int)result.Total);
            Assert.AreEqual("11999", result.Values[0, 0].ToString());
            Assert.AreEqual("11643", result.Values[1, 0].ToString());

            // Verify column details are consistent
            foreach (ColumnDetails cd in p.ColumnDetails)
                ColumnDetails cd2 = p2.DetailsByColumn[cd.Name];
                Assert.AreEqual(cd2.Name, cd.Name);
                Assert.AreEqual(cd2.Type, cd.Type);
                Assert.AreEqual(cd2.Alias, cd.Alias);
                Assert.AreEqual(cd2.IsPrimaryKey, cd.IsPrimaryKey);

                // Verify default values - defaults are serialized as string and null/empty aren't distinguishable, so we have to compare that way as well
                Assert.AreEqual((cd2.Default ?? String.Empty).ToString(), (cd.Default ?? String.Empty).ToString());

            // Verify columns themselves and raw data are consistent
            foreach (IUntypedColumn c in p.Columns.Values)
                IUntypedColumn c2 = p2.Columns[c.Name];
                Assert.AreEqual(c2.Name, c.Name);
                Assert.AreEqual(c2.Count, c.Count);
                Assert.AreEqual(c2.DefaultValue, c.DefaultValue);

                for (ushort i = 0; i < c.Count; ++i)
                    Assert.AreEqual(c2[i], c[i]);
Esempio n. 6
 public void BindColorColumns(string sourceColumn, string targetColorColumn)
     foreach (Partition p in GetPartitions())
         IUntypedColumn srcColumn   = p.Columns[sourceColumn];
         IUntypedColumn colorColumn = p.Columns[targetColorColumn];
         (colorColumn.InnerColumn as ColorColumn).LookupColumn = (IColumn <short>)srcColumn.InnerColumn;
Esempio n. 7
        public override DistinctResult Compute(Partition p)
            if (p == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("p");
            DistinctResult result = new DistinctResult(this);

            // Verify the column exists
            if (!p.ContainsColumn(this.Column))
                result.Details.AddError(ExecutionDetails.ColumnDoesNotExist, this.Column);

            // Find the set of items matching the where clause
            ShortSet whereSet = new ShortSet(p.Count);

            this.Where.TryEvaluate(p, whereSet, result.Details);

            if (result.Details.Succeeded)
                // Count the occurences of each value
                Dictionary <object, int> countByValue = new Dictionary <object, int>();
                IUntypedColumn           column       = p.Columns[this.Column];
                int rowCount = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < column.Count; ++i)
                    ushort lid = (ushort)i;
                    if (whereSet.Contains(lid))
                        object value = column[lid];

                        int count;
                        countByValue.TryGetValue(value, out count);
                        countByValue[value] = count + 1;


                // Convert the top this.Count rows by count into a DataBlock
                result.Values = ToDataBlock(countByValue, this.Column, (int)this.Count);

                result.AllValuesReturned = result.Values.RowCount == countByValue.Count;
                result.Total             = rowCount;

Esempio n. 8
        public void Partition_CustomColumnBasic()

                () => new Partition(PartitionMask.All),
                (tbl) =>
                tbl.AddColumn(new ColumnDetails("Color", "color", null));
                IUntypedColumn bugIDColumn = (tbl as Partition).Columns["Priority"];
                IUntypedColumn colorColumn = (tbl as Partition).Columns["Color"];
                (colorColumn.InnerColumn as ColorColumn).LookupColumn = (IColumn <short>)bugIDColumn.InnerColumn;
Esempio n. 9
        public void Aggregator_BaseBehaviors()
            AggregatorBaseBehaviors(new CountAggregator(), false);
            AggregatorBaseBehaviors(new SumAggregator());
            AggregatorBaseBehaviors(new MinAggregator());
            AggregatorBaseBehaviors(new MaxAggregator());

            // Check BaseAggregator doesn't implement unexpected types or methods
            IUntypedColumn column = ColumnFactory.Build(new ColumnDetails("ID", "bool", false), 100);
            ShortSet       sample = new ShortSet(100);

            sample.Or(new ushort[] { 1, 2, 3 });

            IAggregator aggregator = new BaseAggregator();

            Verify.Exception <NotImplementedException>(() => aggregator.Aggregate(null, sample, new IUntypedColumn[] { column }));
            Verify.Exception <NotImplementedException>(() => aggregator.Merge(null, new object[2]));
Esempio n. 10
        public virtual DistinctResult Compute(Partition p)
            if (p == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("p");

            ushort countToReturnPerPartition = (this.Count == 0 || this.Count > ushort.MaxValue) ? ushort.MaxValue : (ushort)this.Count;

            DistinctResult result = new DistinctResult(this);

            // Verify the column exists
            if (!p.ContainsColumn(this.Column))
                result.Details.AddError(ExecutionDetails.ColumnDoesNotExist, this.Column);

            // Find the set of items matching the where clause
            ShortSet whereSet = new ShortSet(p.Count);

            this.Where.TryEvaluate(p, whereSet, result.Details);

            if (result.Details.Succeeded)
                IUntypedColumn column = p.Columns[this.Column];

                // Construct a helper object of the correct type to natively work with the column
                GetUniqueValuesWorker helper = NativeContainer.CreateTypedInstance <GetUniqueValuesWorker>(typeof(GetUniqueValuesWorker <>), column.ColumnType);

                bool  allValuesReturned;
                Array uniqueValues = helper.GetUniqueValuesFromColumn(column.InnerColumn, whereSet, countToReturnPerPartition, out allValuesReturned);

                result.ColumnType        = column.ColumnType;
                result.AllValuesReturned = allValuesReturned;

                // Build a DataBlock with the results and return it
                DataBlock resultValues = new DataBlock(new string[] { this.Column }, uniqueValues.GetLength(0));
                resultValues.SetColumn(0, uniqueValues);
                result.Values = resultValues;

Esempio n. 11
            public void FillPartitionColumn(Partition p, DataBlock.ReadOnlyDataBlock values, int columnIndex, ushort[] itemLIDs)
                string columnName = values.Columns[columnIndex].Name;

                if (columnName.Equals(p.IDColumn.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

                IUntypedColumn untypedColumn = p.Columns[columnName];
                IColumn <T>    typedColumn   = null;

                if (typeof(T) == untypedColumn.ColumnType)
                    typedColumn = (IColumn <T>)untypedColumn.InnerColumn;

                for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < values.RowCount; ++rowIndex)
                    T value = values.GetValueT <T>(rowIndex, columnIndex);
                    // If the item is new and no LID was assigned, we don't set values
                    if (itemLIDs[rowIndex] == ushort.MaxValue)
                        if (typedColumn != null)
                            typedColumn[itemLIDs[rowIndex]] = value;
                            untypedColumn[itemLIDs[rowIndex]] = value;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw new ArribaWriteException(values[rowIndex, 0], columnName, value, ex);
Esempio n. 12
        public DataBlockResult Compute(Partition p)
            if (p == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("p");
            DataBlockResult result = new DataBlockResult(this);

            // Verify the column exists
            if (!p.ContainsColumn(this.Column))
                result.Details.AddError(ExecutionDetails.ColumnDoesNotExist, this.Column);

            // Verify we were able to get percentile values
            if (this.Buckets == null)
                result.Details.AddError(ExecutionDetails.ColumnDoesNotSupportOperator, "percentile", this.Column);

            // Find the set of items matching the where clause
            ShortSet whereSet = new ShortSet(p.Count);

            this.Where.TryEvaluate(p, whereSet, result.Details);

            IUntypedColumn column = p.Columns[this.Column];

            if (result.Details.Succeeded)
                Bucketer bucketer = NativeContainer.CreateTypedInstance <Bucketer>(typeof(Bucketer <>), column.ColumnType);
                result.Values = bucketer.Bucket(column.InnerColumn, whereSet, this.Buckets, this.Inclusive);
                result.Total  = whereSet.Count();

Esempio n. 13
        public AggregationResult Compute(Partition p)
            if (p == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("p");

            Stopwatch         w      = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            AggregationResult result = new AggregationResult(this);

            result.AggregationContext = this.Aggregator.CreateContext();

            // Get any columns passed to the aggregation function
            IUntypedColumn[] columns = null;
            if (this.AggregationColumns != null)
                columns = new IUntypedColumn[this.AggregationColumns.Length];

                for (int i = 0; i < this.AggregationColumns.Length; ++i)
                    string columnName = this.AggregationColumns[i];

                    if (!p.Columns.TryGetValue(columnName, out columns[i]))
                        result.Details.AddError(ExecutionDetails.ColumnDoesNotExist, columnName);

            // Find the number of dimensions and number of "cells" for which we'll aggregate
            List <string> resultBlockColumns = new List <string>();
            int           rowCount           = 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < this.Dimensions.Count; ++i)
                AggregationDimension dimension = this.Dimensions[i];

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(dimension.Name))
                    resultBlockColumns.Add(StringExtensions.Format("Dimension {0}", i + 1));

                rowCount *= (dimension.GroupByWhere.Count + 1);


            // Create the DataBlock to hold the final results
            result.Values = new DataBlock(resultBlockColumns, rowCount);

            // Find the set of items in the base query
            ShortSet baseWhereSet = new ShortSet(p.Count);

            this.Where.TryEvaluate(p, baseWhereSet, result.Details);
            result.Total = baseWhereSet.Count();

            // If this is only one dimension, use only one ShortSet and aggregate as we go
            if (this.Dimensions.Count == 1)
                AggregationDimension dimension       = this.Dimensions[0];
                ShortSet             setForDimension = new ShortSet(p.Count);
                int nextBlockRow = 0;

                foreach (IExpression dimensionValue in dimension.GroupByWhere)
                    // Get the set for this value intersected with the base set
                    dimensionValue.TryEvaluate(p, setForDimension, result.Details);

                    // Compute and store the aggregate value
                    if (!setForDimension.IsEmpty())
                        result.Values[nextBlockRow, 1] = this.Aggregator.Aggregate(result.AggregationContext, setForDimension, columns);


                // Add the total
                result.Values[nextBlockRow, 1] = this.Aggregator.Aggregate(result.AggregationContext, baseWhereSet, columns);
                // Compute the set of items actually matching each dimension-value
                List <List <Tuple <IExpression, ShortSet> > > allDimensionValueSets = new List <List <Tuple <IExpression, ShortSet> > >();
                foreach (AggregationDimension dimension in this.Dimensions)
                    List <Tuple <IExpression, ShortSet> > dimensionSet = new List <Tuple <IExpression, ShortSet> >();

                    // Add one item for each value in this dimension
                    foreach (IExpression dimensionValue in dimension.GroupByWhere)
                        ShortSet setForDimensionValue = new ShortSet(p.Count);
                        dimensionValue.TryEvaluate(p, setForDimensionValue, result.Details);

                        dimensionSet.Add(new Tuple <IExpression, ShortSet>(dimensionValue, setForDimensionValue));

                    // Add one 'Total row' item
                    dimensionSet.Add(new Tuple <IExpression, ShortSet>(new AllExpression(), baseWhereSet));


                // Run the aggregator over the items
                AggregateAllDimensionsFlat(result.AggregationContext, result.Values, p.Count, baseWhereSet, allDimensionValueSets, columns, this.Aggregator);

            // Add the dimension names to the result if this is the only partition; otherwise, merge will add it
            if (p.Mask.Equals(PartitionMask.All))

            // Capture timing and return
            result.Runtime = w.Elapsed;
Esempio n. 14
            public SelectResult Compute(Partition p)
                if (p == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("p");

                SelectResult result = new SelectResult(this.Query);

                // Find the set of items matching all terms
                ShortSet whereSet = new ShortSet(p.Count);

                this.Where.TryEvaluate(p, whereSet, result.Details);

                // Verify that the ORDER BY column exists
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.OrderByColumn) && !p.Columns.ContainsKey(this.OrderByColumn))
                    result.Details.AddError(ExecutionDetails.ColumnDoesNotExist, this.OrderByColumn);

                if (result.Details.Succeeded)
                    IUntypedColumn column = null;

                    result.Total = whereSet.Count();

                    // Find the set of IDs to return for the query (up to 'Count' after 'Skip' in ORDER BY order)
                    ushort[] lidsToReturn = GetLIDsToReturn(p, this, result, whereSet);
                    result.CountReturned = (ushort)lidsToReturn.Length;

                    // Get the order-by column
                    if (!p.Columns.TryGetValue(this.OrderByColumn, out column))
                        result.Details.AddError(ExecutionDetails.ColumnDoesNotExist, this.OrderByColumn);
                    Array orderByColumn = column.GetValues(lidsToReturn);

                    // Get all of the response columns and return them
                    Array columns = new Array[this.Columns.Count];
                    for (int i = 0; i < this.Columns.Count; ++i)
                        string columnName = this.Columns[i];

                        if (columnName == this.OrderByColumn)
                            columns.SetValue(orderByColumn, i);
                            if (!p.Columns.TryGetValue(columnName, out column))
                                result.Details.AddError(ExecutionDetails.ColumnDoesNotExist, columnName);

                            Array values = column.GetValues(lidsToReturn);
                            if (Query.Highlighter != null)
                                Query.Highlighter.Highlight(values, column, Query);

                            columns.SetValue(values, i);

                    result.Values        = new DataBlock(p.GetDetails(this.Columns), result.CountReturned, columns);
                    result.OrderByValues = new DataBlock(p.GetDetails(new string[] { this.OrderByColumn }), result.CountReturned, new Array[] { orderByColumn });

Esempio n. 15
            public ushort[] FindOrAssignLIDs(Partition p, DataBlock.ReadOnlyDataBlock values, int idColumnIndex, AddOrUpdateMode mode)
                // TODO: consider keeping one instance of the worker long term? if so, this becomes a private class field
                ValueTypeReference <T> vtr = new ValueTypeReference <T>();
                Value v = Value.Create(null);

                ushort[] itemLIDs = new ushort[values.RowCount];
                int      addCount = 0;

                IUntypedColumn idColumn      = p.Columns[p.IDColumn.Name];
                IColumn <T>    typedIdColumn = null;

                if (typeof(T) == idColumn.ColumnType)
                    typedIdColumn = (IColumn <T>)idColumn.InnerColumn;

                for (int index = 0; index < values.RowCount; ++index)
                    // Look for the LIDs a
                    T externalID = values.GetValueT <T>(index, idColumnIndex);
                    if (typedIdColumn != null)
                        typedIdColumn.TryGetIndexOf(externalID, out itemLIDs[index]);
                        idColumn.TryGetIndexOf(externalID, out itemLIDs[index]);

                    if (itemLIDs[index] == ushort.MaxValue)

                    // Verify this item was routed to the right partition
                    vtr.Value = externalID;
                    int idHash = v.GetHashCode();
                    if (!p.Mask.Matches(idHash))
                        throw new ArribaException(StringExtensions.Format("Item with ID '{0}', hash '{1:x}' incorrectly routed to Partition {2}.", externalID, idHash, p.Mask));

                // Go back and add the items which need to be added in a batch
                if (mode != AddOrUpdateMode.UpdateAndIgnoreAdds)
                    Dictionary <T, ushort> newlyAssignedLIDs = null;

                    for (int index = 0; index < values.RowCount; ++index)
                        T      idValue = values.GetValueT <T>(index, idColumnIndex);
                        ushort lid     = itemLIDs[index];

                        // If this is an add...
                        if (lid == ushort.MaxValue)
                            // If we have adds, we'll need to track new IDs
                            if (newlyAssignedLIDs == null)
                                newlyAssignedLIDs = new Dictionary <T, ushort>(addCount);

                            T externalID = idValue;

                            // If this ID was already added in this batch, this time it's an update
                            if (newlyAssignedLIDs.TryGetValue(externalID, out lid) == false)
                                // If in "UpdateOnly" mode, throw
                                if (mode == AddOrUpdateMode.UpdateOnly)
                                    throw new ArribaWriteException(externalID, p.IDColumn.Name, externalID,
                                                                   new ArribaException("AddOrUpdate was in UpdateOnly mode but contained a new ID, which is an error."));

                                // If this was a new item and not added in this batch, assign it a LID
                                lid = p._itemCount;

                                if (lid == ushort.MaxValue)
                                    throw new ArribaWriteException(externalID, p.IDColumn.Name, externalID,
                                                                   new ArribaException("Column full in Partition. Unable to add items."));


                                if (typedIdColumn != null)
                                    typedIdColumn[lid] = externalID;
                                    idColumn[lid] = externalID;

                                newlyAssignedLIDs[externalID] = lid;

                        itemLIDs[index] = lid;

                    // Commit the updates to the values column if the column requires it (FastAddSortedColumn does)
                    if (idColumn is ICommittable)
                        (idColumn as ICommittable).Commit();

Esempio n. 16
        public override DistinctResult Compute(Partition p)
            if (p == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("p");
            DistinctResult result = new DistinctResult(this);

            // Verify the column exists
            if (!p.ContainsColumn(this.Column))
                result.Details.AddError(ExecutionDetails.ColumnDoesNotExist, this.Column);

            // Find the set of items matching the base where clause
            ShortSet whereSet = new ShortSet(p.Count);

            this.Where.TryEvaluate(p, whereSet, result.Details);

            // Capture the total of the base query
            result.Total = whereSet.Count();

            // Add a prefix filter for the prefix so far, if any and the column can prefix match
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.ValuePrefix))
                ExecutionDetails prefixDetails = new ExecutionDetails();
                ShortSet         prefixSet     = new ShortSet(p.Count);
                new TermExpression(this.Column, Operator.StartsWith, this.ValuePrefix).TryEvaluate(p, prefixSet, prefixDetails);
                if (prefixDetails.Succeeded)

            if (result.Details.Succeeded)
                // Count the occurences of each value
                Dictionary <object, int> countByValue = new Dictionary <object, int>();
                IUntypedColumn           column       = p.Columns[this.Column];

                for (int i = 0; i < column.Count; ++i)
                    ushort lid = (ushort)i;
                    if (whereSet.Contains(lid))
                        object value = column[lid];

                        int count;
                        countByValue.TryGetValue(value, out count);
                        countByValue[value] = count + 1;

                // Convert the top this.Count rows by count into a DataBlock
                result.Values = ToDataBlock(countByValue, this.Column, (int)this.Count);

                result.AllValuesReturned = result.Values.RowCount == countByValue.Count;
