Esempio n. 1
        public void Execute(IUBotStudio ubotStudio, Dictionary <string, string> parameters)
            var sqLiteFilePath = parameters["SQLite File Path"];
            var sqLiteQuery    = parameters["Query String"];
            var sqLite         = new SqLiteDatabase(sqLiteFilePath);
            var dataTable      = sqLite.GetDataTable(sqLiteQuery);
            var dataArray      = new string[dataTable.Rows.Count, dataTable.Columns.Count];

            for (var i = 0; i < dataTable.Rows.Count; i++)
                for (var j = 0; j < dataTable.Columns.Count; j++)
                    dataArray[i, j] = dataTable.Rows[i][j].ToString();
            ubotStudio.SetTable(parameters["Table Report"], dataArray);
            _returnValue = "Success";
        public void Execute(IUBotStudio ubotStudio, Dictionary <string, string> parameters)
            var inicontainer = (FBcontainer)ubotStudio.ContainerParent;
            var token        = inicontainer.Token;

                var facebook = new FacebookGraphApi(token.Trim());
                facebook.ProxyStr  = inicontainer.Proxy;
                facebook.FBversion = inicontainer.Version;
                //get my friends info
                var friends = facebook.GetConnections(parameters["Parent"], "friends", null);

                var table = new string[friends["data"].Count(), 2];

                var i = 0;
                foreach (var friend in friends["data"])
                    table[i, 0] = friend["id"].ToString();
                    table[i, 1] = friend["name"].ToString();

                ubotStudio.SetTable(parameters["Details"], table);

            catch (Exception exp)
                if (exp.GetType() == typeof(FacebookGraphApiException))
                    inicontainer.Error = (exp as FacebookGraphApiException).Message;
                    inicontainer.Error = exp.Message;
        public void Execute(IUBotStudio ubotStudio, Dictionary <string, string> parameters)
            var inicontainer = (FBcontainer)ubotStudio.ContainerParent;
            var token        = inicontainer.Token;

                var facebook = new FacebookGraphApi(token.Trim());
                facebook.ProxyStr  = inicontainer.Proxy;
                facebook.FBversion = inicontainer.Version;
                //JArray data = new JArray();
                var ScrapedData = new List <string>();
                var dict        = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                dict.Add("q", parameters["keyword"]);
                dict.Add("type", "group");
                dict.Add("limit", "100");
                var ObjectFb = facebook.GetConnections("", "search", dict);
                //_returnValue = facebook.JsonText;
                var Jpath = JsonPathParser(facebook.JsonText, "$");

                foreach (var group in ObjectFb["data"])
                    ScrapedData.Add(group["name"] + "|" + group["id"]);

                var fbNext = "";
                if (Jpath.Length != 0)
                    fbNext = Jpath[0];

                while (fbNext != string.Empty)
                    var wc    = new WebClient();
                    var reply = wc.DownloadString(fbNext.Replace(@"\", ""));
                    var jo    = JObject.Parse(reply);
                    foreach (var group in jo["data"])
                        ScrapedData.Add(group["name"] + "|" + group["id"]);

                    var JpathW = JsonPathParser(reply, "$");
                    fbNext = "";
                    if (JpathW.Length != 0)
                        fbNext = JpathW[0];

                var data = new string[ScrapedData.Count, 2];

                for (var i = 0; i < ScrapedData.Count; i++)
                    var LocD = ScrapedData[i].Split('|');
                    data[i, 0] = LocD[0];
                    data[i, 1] = LocD[1];

                ubotStudio.SetTable(parameters["Data"], data);
            catch (Exception exp)
                if (exp.GetType() == typeof(FacebookGraphApiException))
                    inicontainer.Error = (exp as FacebookGraphApiException).Message;
                    inicontainer.Error = exp.Message;
        public void Execute(IUBotStudio ubotStudio, Dictionary <string, string> parameters)
            string minimum_chart = parameters["Minimum Character Length"];
            int    minimum_char  = Convert.ToInt32(minimum_chart);

            string top_how_manyt = parameters["Return Top How Many?"];
            int    top_how_many  = Convert.ToInt32(top_how_manyt);

            string table_name = parameters["Table Name"];

            // Read a file into a string (this file must live in the same directory as the executable)
            string inputString = parameters["Text"];

            // Convert our input to lowercase
            inputString = inputString.ToLower();

            // Define characters to strip from the input and do it
            // REMOVED FOR NOW

             * string[] stripChars = { ";", ",", ".", "-", "_", "^", "(", ")", "[", "]",
             *                                  "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "\n", "\t", "\r" };
             * foreach (string character in stripChars)
             * {
             *  inputString = inputString.Replace(character, "");
             * }
            string[] stripChars = { ";", ",", ".", "^", "(", ")", "[", "]", "\n", "\t", "\r" };
            foreach (string character in stripChars)
                inputString = inputString.Replace(character, "");
            // Split on spaces into a List of strings
            List <string> wordList = inputString.Split(' ').ToList();

            // Define and remove stopwords
            // REMOVED FOR NOW

             * string[] stopwords = new string[] { "and", "the", "she", "for", "this", "you", "but" };
             * foreach (string word in stopwords)
             * {
             *  // While there's still an instance of a stopword in the wordList, remove it.
             *  // If we don't use a while loop on this each call to Remove simply removes a single
             *  // instance of the stopword from our wordList, and we can't call Replace on the
             *  // entire string (as opposed to the individual words in the string) as it's
             *  // too indiscriminate (i.e. removing 'and' will turn words like 'bandage' into 'bdage'!)
             *  while (wordList.Contains(word))
             *  {
             *      wordList.Remove(word);
             *  }
             * }

            // Create a new Dictionary object
            Dictionary <string, int> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            // Loop over all over the words in our wordList...
            foreach (string word in wordList)
                // If the length of the word is at least three letters...
                if (word.Length >= minimum_char)
                    // ...check if the dictionary already has the word.
                    if (dictionary.ContainsKey(word))
                        // If we already have the word in the dictionary, increment the count of how many times it appears
                        // Otherwise, if it's a new word then add it to the dictionary with an initial count of 1
                        dictionary[word] = 1;
                } // End of word length check
            }     // End of loop over each word in our input

            // Create a dictionary sorted by value (i.e. how many times a word occurs)
            var sortedDict = (from entry in dictionary orderby entry.Value descending select entry).ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Value);

            // Loop through the sorted dictionary and output the top most frequently occurring words
            int count = 1;

            int count_dictionary_org = dictionary.Count;
            int count_dictionary     = count_dictionary_org + 1;

            // Create a table to store the data returned.
            string[,] table = new string[count_dictionary, 2];

            table[0, 0] = "Word";
            table[0, 1] = "Number of times shown";
            //sw.WriteLine("---- Most Frequent Terms in the Text: " + inputString + " ----");

            //sw.WriteLine("Word" + delimiter_table + "Number of times shown");
            int i = 1;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> pair in sortedDict)
                table[i, 0] = pair.Key;
                table[i, 1] = pair.Value.ToString();
                // Output the most frequently occurring words and the associated word counts
                //sw.WriteLine(count + delimiter_table + pair.Key + delimiter_table + pair.Value);
                //sw.WriteLine(pair.Key + delimiter_table + pair.Value);
                //sw.WriteLine(pair.Key + "," + pair.Value);

                // Only display the top 10 words then break out of the loop!
                if (count > top_how_many)

            // Wait for the user to press a key before exiting
            //string console_read = sw.GetStringBuilder().ToString();
            //string[,] stringArray = new string[,] { console_read };
            //_returnValue = console_read.ToString();
            ubotStudio.SetTable(table_name, table);