Esempio n. 1
        public async Task CancelOrder_Should_CancelOrder()
            // Setup
            TwsObjectFactory   twsObjectFactory = new TwsObjectFactory("localhost", TestConstants.Port, 1);
            ITwsControllerBase twsController    = twsObjectFactory.TwsControllerBase;

            await twsController.EnsureConnectedAsync();

            // Initialize the contract
            Contract contract = new Contract
                SecType     = TwsContractSecType.Stock,
                Symbol      = "MSFT",
                Exchange    = TwsExchange.Smart,
                PrimaryExch = TwsExchange.Island,

            // Initialize the order
            Order order = new Order
                Action        = "BUY",
                OrderType     = "LMT",
                TotalQuantity = 1,
                LmtPrice      = 1,

            // Place an order
            int orderId = await twsController.GetNextValidIdAsync();

            bool orderAcknowledged = await twsController.PlaceOrderAsync(orderId, contract, order);


            // Call the API
            bool cancelationAcknowledged = await twsController.CancelOrderAsync(orderId);

            // Assert

            await twsController.DisconnectAsync();