Esempio n. 1
 public static ITry <T> Where <T>(this ITry <T> value, Func <T, bool> evaluator, Func <Unit, Exception> error)
     return(value.FlatMap(v => evaluator(v).ToTry(
                              t => v,
                              f => error(Unit.Value)
Esempio n. 2
 public static ITry <T, INonEmptyEnumerable <E> > Where <T, E>(this ITry <T, INonEmptyEnumerable <E> > value, Func <T, bool> evaluator, Func <Unit, E> error)
     return(value.FlatMap(v => evaluator(v).ToTry(
                              t => v,
                              f => error(Unit.Value).ToEnumerable()
Esempio n. 3
 /// <summary>
 /// If the successful result passes the predicate, returns the original try. Otherwise returns erroneous try with the specified result.
 /// </summary>
 public static ITry <A, E> Where <A, E>(this ITry <A, E> t, Func <A, bool> predicate, Func <Unit, E> otherwise)
     return(t.FlatMap(a => predicate(a).Match(
                          _ => t,
                          _ => Try.Error <A, E>(otherwise(Unit.Value))
Esempio n. 4
 /// <summary>
 /// If the successful result passes the predicate, returns the original try. Otherwise returns erroneous try with the specified result.
 /// </summary>
 public static ITry <A, IEnumerable <E> > Where <A, E>(this ITry <A, IEnumerable <E> > t, Func <A, bool> predicate, Func <Unit, E> otherwise)
     return(t.FlatMap(a => predicate(a).Match(
                          _ => t,
                          _ => Try.Error <A, IEnumerable <E> >(new[] { otherwise(Unit.Value) })
Esempio n. 5
        private void HandlingNestedTriesWithFlatMap()
            ITry <int, NetworkOperationError> number = Api.GetNumber();
            ITry <ITry <int, NetworkOperationError>, NetworkOperationError> doubleNumber = number.Map(r => Api.DoubleNumber(r));

            // This try succeeds only if both tries succeed. However the second lambda is only executed in case the first try is successful.
            ITry <int, NetworkOperationError> doubleNumberFlattened = number.FlatMap(r => Api.DoubleNumber(r));