Esempio n. 1
 public PulsarSender(DotPulsarEndpoint endpoint, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
     _endpoint          = endpoint;
     _cancellationToken = cancellationToken;
     _publisher         = endpoint.PulsarClient.CreateProducer(endpoint.ProducerOptions);
     _protocol          = new DotPulsarTransportProtocol();
Esempio n. 2
        private TransportProtocol()
            this.container = new Dictionary <string, TransportProtocolContainer>();

            Assembly           assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
            IEnumerable <Type> types    = assembly.GetTypes().Where(c => c.GetInterface(typeof(ITransportProtocol).Name) != null && c.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ATransportProtocol), false).Length == 1);

            foreach (Type type in types)
                ATransportProtocol attribute     = (ATransportProtocol)(type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ATransportProtocol), false)[0]);
                FieldInfo          instanceField = type.GetField("instance", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
                if (instanceField != null)
                    TransportProtocolContainer protocolContainer = null;
                    if (!this.container.ContainsKey(attribute.Name))
                        protocolContainer = new TransportProtocolContainer();
                        this.container.Add(attribute.Name, protocolContainer);
                        protocolContainer = this.container[attribute.Name];
                    ITransportProtocol protocol = (ITransportProtocol)instanceField.GetValue(null);
                    foreach (byte version in attribute.Versions)
                        //Log.Add("ver: " + version);
                        protocolContainer.Add(version, protocol);
Esempio n. 3
 public ConfluentKafkaListener(KafkaEndpoint endpoint, ITransportLogger logger, CancellationToken cancellation)
     _endpoint     = endpoint;
     _logger       = logger;
     _cancellation = cancellation;
     _protocol     = new KafkaTransportProtocol();
     _consumer     = new ConsumerBuilder <byte[], byte[]>(endpoint.ConsumerConfig).Build();
Esempio n. 4
 public DotPulsarListener(DotPulsarEndpoint endpoint, ITransportLogger logger, CancellationToken cancellation)
     _endpoint     = endpoint;
     _logger       = logger;
     _cancellation = cancellation;
     _protocol     = new DotPulsarTransportProtocol();
     _consumer     = endpoint.PulsarClient.CreateConsumer(endpoint.ConsumerOptions);
Esempio n. 5
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor of the class that effectively valorize its attributes.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="peerAddress">URI address of the peer</param>
 /// <param name="peerScore">Score of the peer (the less it is the better is the peer</param>
 /// <param name="peerQueueNotEmpty">
 /// AutoResetEvent used to communicate to the Peer Queue that the queue is not empty.
 /// </param>
 public PeerQueueElement(string peerAddress, float peerScore, ref AutoResetEvent peerQueueNotEmpty)
     this.PeerAddress       = peerAddress;
     this.PeerScore         = peerScore;
     this.State             = PeerState.FREE;
     this.peerQueueNotEmpty = peerQueueNotEmpty;           = ChannelFactory <ITransportProtocol> .CreateChannel(
         new NetUdpBinding(), new EndpointAddress(peerAddress)
        public AzureServiceBusListener(AzureServiceBusEndpoint endpoint, AzureServiceBusTransport transport,
                                       ITransportLogger logger, CancellationToken cancellation)
            _endpoint     = endpoint;
            _transport    = transport;
            _logger       = logger;
            _cancellation = cancellation;

            _protocol = endpoint.Protocol;
            Address   = endpoint.Uri;
Esempio n. 7
        public ConfluentKafkaSender(KafkaEndpoint endpoint)
            if (endpoint?.ProducerConfig == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(KafkaEndpoint.ProducerConfig));

            _endpoint  = endpoint;
            _publisher = new ProducerBuilder <byte[], byte[]>(endpoint.ProducerConfig)
                         .SetErrorHandler((producer, error) =>
                if (error.IsFatal)
                    throw new KafkaSenderException(error);
            _protocol = new KafkaTransportProtocol();
Esempio n. 8
 public Client(
     IServiceProvider serviceProvider,
     MessageCenter messageCenter,
     ITransportProtocol transportProtocol,
     TransportManager transportManager,
     ClientOptions clientOptions,
     IEnumerable <IMiddleware> middleware,
     ILogger logger)
     ServiceProvider                    = serviceProvider;
     _messageCenter                     = messageCenter;
     _messageCenter.OnMessage          += OnMessage;
     _transportProtocol                 = transportProtocol;
     _transportProtocol.OnConnected    += OnConnect;
     _transportProtocol.OnDisconnected += OnDisconnect;
     _transportManager                  = transportManager;
     RemoteEndPoint                     = clientOptions.RemoteEndPoint;
     _middleware = middleware;
     _logger     = logger.ForContext <Client>();
Esempio n. 9
 /// <summary>
 /// Listener thread
 /// </summary>
 public SyslogListenerThread(EndpointConfiguration config)
     this.m_configuration = config;
     if (this.m_configuration == null)
         throw new InvalidOperationException("Missing endpoint configuration");
     this.m_protocol = TransportUtil.Current.CreateTransport(config.Address.Scheme);
     this.m_protocol.MessageReceived        += new EventHandler <SyslogMessageReceivedEventArgs>(m_protocol_MessageReceived);
     this.m_protocol.InvalidMessageReceived += new EventHandler <SyslogMessageReceivedEventArgs>(m_protocol_InvalidMessageReceived);
     foreach (var act in this.m_configuration.Action)
         var handler = Activator.CreateInstance(act) as ISyslogAction;
         if (this.m_action == null)
             throw new InvalidOperationException("Action does not implement ISyslogAction interface");
Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Method used to request the download of a chunk from the network. When it is invoked from
        /// a remote peer it gets the chunk from the file and calls back the ReturnChunk method
        /// of the requestor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="chkrq">Message used to pass information about the Chunk requested</param>
        public void GetChunk(ChunkRequest chkrq)
            log.Info("Received request to send chunk!");
            TrackModel         track = new TrackModel();
            RepositoryResponse resp  = trackRepository.GetByKey <TrackModel.Track>(chkrq.RID, track);

            log.Debug("Searching track " + track + " in repository");
            if (resp >= 0)
                log.Debug("Track found! Extracting chunk.");
                byte[] data;
                using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(track.Filepath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))
                    int limit = (System.Convert.ToInt32(fs.Length) > (chunkLength * 1024 * (chkrq.CID + 1))) ? chunkLength * 1024 * (chkrq.CID + 1) : (System.Convert.ToInt32(fs.Length));
                    int begin = chkrq.CID * chunkLength * 1024;
                    data = new byte[limit - begin];
                    Console.WriteLine("Reading chunk " + chkrq.CID + " (" + (chkrq.CID * chunkLength * 1024) + " => " + limit + ")");
                    fs.Seek(begin, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    fs.Read(data, 0, (limit - begin));
                ChunkResponse chkrs = new ChunkResponse(servingBuffer, chkrq.RID, chkrq.CID, data, myAddress);
                if (chkrq.SenderAddress != myAddress)
                    ITransportProtocol svc = ChannelFactory <ITransportProtocol> .CreateChannel(
                        new NetUdpBinding(), new EndpointAddress(chkrq.SenderAddress)

                log.Debug("Chunk sent to " + chkrq.SenderAddress);
Esempio n. 11
        public TorrentClient(
            ILogger <TorrentClient> logger,
            PeerId localPeerId,
            IMainLoop mainLoop,
            ITransportProtocol transport,
            ITrackerClientFactory trackerClientFactory,
            IApplicationProtocolPeerInitiator peerInitiator,
            IServiceProvider services)
            _logger    = logger;
            _downloads = new Dictionary <Sha1Hash, TorrentDownload>();
            _mainLoop  = mainLoop;
            _trackerClientFactory  = trackerClientFactory;
            _services              = services;
            _updateStatisticsTimer = new Timer(UpdateStatistics, null, TimeSpan.Zero, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
            _peerInitiator         = peerInitiator;
            LocalPeerId            = localPeerId;

            Transport = transport;
            transport.AcceptConnectionHandler += _peerInitiator.AcceptIncomingConnection;
Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Static ctor, construct protocol types
        /// </summary>
        static TransportUtil()
            // Get all assemblies which have a transport protocol
            var asm = typeof(TransportUtil).Assembly;

                foreach (var typ in Array.FindAll(asm.GetTypes(), t => t.GetInterface(typeof(ITransportProtocol).FullName) != null))
                    ConstructorInfo ci = typ.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes);
                    if (ci == null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("Cannot find parameterless constructor for type '{0}'", typ.AssemblyQualifiedName));
                    ITransportProtocol tp = ci.Invoke(null) as ITransportProtocol;
                    s_prots.Add(tp.ProtocolName, typ);
            catch (Exception e)
                new Tracer(Hl7Constants.TraceSourceName).TraceEvent(EventLevel.Error, e.ToString());
Esempio n. 13
        public AzureServiceBusSender(AzureServiceBusEndpoint endpoint, AzureServiceBusTransport transport)
            _protocol  = endpoint.Protocol;
            _endpoint  = endpoint;
            _transport = transport;

            // The variance here should be in constructing the sending & buffer blocks
            if (_endpoint.TopicName.IsEmpty())
                _sender = _transport.TokenProvider != null
                    ? new MessageSender(_transport.ConnectionString, _endpoint.QueueName, _transport.TokenProvider,
                                        _transport.TransportType, _transport.RetryPolicy)
                    : new MessageSender(_transport.ConnectionString, _endpoint.QueueName, _transport.RetryPolicy);
                _sender = _transport.TokenProvider != null
                    ? new TopicClient(_transport.ConnectionString, _endpoint.TopicName, _transport.TokenProvider,
                                      _transport.TransportType, _transport.RetryPolicy)
                    : new TopicClient(_transport.ConnectionString, _endpoint.TopicName,
Esempio n. 14
 /// <summary>
 /// Override the header protocol for outgoing messages at this location. This is mostly
 /// useful for integrating Jasper with non-Jasper applications
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="protocol"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public AzureServiceBusListenerConfiguration Protocol(ITransportProtocol <Message> protocol)
     endpoint.Protocol = protocol;
Esempio n. 15
 public void Add(byte version, ITransportProtocol protocol)
     this.container.Add(version, protocol);
Esempio n. 16
 public void Add(byte version, ITransportProtocol protocol)
     this.container.Add(version, protocol);
Esempio n. 17
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs the new service handler
 /// </summary>
 public ServiceHandler(Hl7ServiceDefinition serviceDefinition)
     this.m_serviceDefinition          = serviceDefinition;
     this.m_transport                  = TransportUtil.CreateTransport(this.m_serviceDefinition.Address.Scheme);
     this.m_transport.MessageReceived += new EventHandler <Hl7MessageReceivedEventArgs>(m_transport_MessageReceived);
Esempio n. 18
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor of the class that effectively valorize its attributes.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="peerAddress">URI address of the peer</param>
 /// <param name="peerScore">Score of the peer (the less it is the better is the peer</param>
 /// <param name="peerQueueNotEmpty">
 /// AutoResetEvent used to communicate to the Peer Queue that the queue is not empty.
 /// </param>
 public PeerQueueElement(string peerAddress, float peerScore, ref AutoResetEvent peerQueueNotEmpty)
     this.PeerAddress = peerAddress;
     this.PeerScore = peerScore;
     this.State = PeerState.FREE;
     this.peerQueueNotEmpty = peerQueueNotEmpty; = ChannelFactory<ITransportProtocol>.CreateChannel(
             new NetUdpBinding(), new EndpointAddress(peerAddress)