public void Transfer(decimal amount, string fromAccountNumber, string toAccountNumber)
            ITransactAccount account = Repository.GetAccount(fromAccountNumber);

            if (account == null)
                throw new KeyNotFoundException($"Account number {account} does not exist.");
            ITransactAccount toAccount = Repository.GetAccount(toAccountNumber);

            if (toAccount == null)
                throw new KeyNotFoundException($"Account number {toAccount} does not exist.");
            if (!(account is ITransactCashOutAccount))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid from account type for Transfer.");

            ITransactCashOutAccount fromAccount = (ITransactCashOutAccount)account;

            Console.WriteLine($"Successful transfer of {amount:C} from {fromAccount.Name} ({fromAccount.AccountNumber}) to {toAccount.Name} ({toAccount.AccountNumber})");
        public void MoveCashOutInvalidAmount()
            var account = repository.GetAccount("225893");
            ITransactCashOutAccount fromAccount = (ITransactCashOutAccount)account;

        public void MoveCashOutSuccess()
            var account = repository.GetAccount("312590");
            ITransactCashOutAccount fromAccount = (ITransactCashOutAccount)account;

        public void MoveCashOutSuccess()
            var account = repository.GetAccount("225893");
            var balance = account.Balance;
            ITransactCashOutAccount fromAccount = (ITransactCashOutAccount)account;

            Assert.IsTrue(account.Balance == balance - 100);
        public virtual void PayBill(decimal amount, string fromAccountNumber, string payeeId, string billingAccountId)
            //if (amount <= 0)
            //   throw new ArgumentException("Amount must be greater than 0.", nameof(amount));

            ITransactAccount account = Repository.GetAccount(fromAccountNumber);

            //if (fromAccount == null)
            //   throw new KeyNotFoundException($"Account number {fromAccountNumber} does not exist.");

            //if (fromAccount is SavingsAccount)
            //   // Asset account balances decrease on withdraw.
            //   fromAccount.Balance -= amount;
            //else if (fromAccount is CreditCardAccount)
            //   // Liability account balances increase on withdraw.
            //   fromAccount.Balance += amount;
            //   // Mortgage accounts do not support withdraw.
            //   throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid from account type for bill payment.");

            //   BillPaymentService.ProcessBillPayment(amount, payeeId, billingAccountId);
            //catch (Exception ex)
            //   throw new ApplicationException($"Bill payment failed with error: {ex.Message}", ex);

            if (!(account is ITransactCashOutAccount))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid from account type for bill payment.");

            ITransactCashOutAccount fromAccount = (ITransactCashOutAccount)account;

            Console.WriteLine($"Successful bill payment of {amount:C} from {fromAccount.Name} ({fromAccount.AccountNumber})");