public void MeasureWithMultipleGroups()
            ITimerInterval storedInterval = null;
            var            storage        = new Mock <IStoreIntervals>();
                storage.Setup(r => r.AddBaseInterval(It.IsAny <ITimerInterval>()))
                .Callback <ITimerInterval>(i => storedInterval = i);

            var profiler = new Profiler(storage.Object);

            var description = "description";

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                var group    = new TimingGroup();
                var interval = profiler.MeasureInterval(group, description);
                using (interval)

                Assert.AreSame(interval, storedInterval);
                storage.Verify(r => r.AddChildInterval(It.IsAny <ITimerInterval>(), It.IsAny <ITimerInterval>()), Times.Never());
Esempio n. 2
        public void FromStartTillEndWithSingleBase()
            var owner = new Mock <IIntervalOwner>();
                owner.Setup(o => o.CurrentTicks)

            var group   = new TimingGroup();
            var parents = new ITimerInterval[]
                new TimerInterval(owner.Object, group, "a"),

            var children = new[]
                new ITimerInterval[]
                    new TimerInterval(owner.Object, group, "aa"),
                    new TimerInterval(owner.Object, group, "ab"),
                    new TimerInterval(owner.Object, group, "ac"),

            var storage = BuildStorage(parents, children);
            var report  = storage.FromStartTillEnd();

            CheckReport(report, parents, children);

            CleanUpIntervals(parents, children);
Esempio n. 3
        public void CopyTreeWithStartAndEndInDifferentGroups()
            var owner = new Mock <IIntervalOwner>();
                owner.Setup(o => o.CurrentTicks)

            var parents = new ITimerInterval[]
                new TimerInterval(owner.Object, new TimingGroup(), "a"),
                new TimerInterval(owner.Object, new TimingGroup(), "b"),
                new TimerInterval(owner.Object, new TimingGroup(), "c"),

            var children = new[]
                new ITimerInterval[0],
                new ITimerInterval[0],
                new ITimerInterval[0],

            var tree = BuildTree(parents, children);

            Assert.Throws <NonMatchingTimingGroupsException>(() => new TimingTree(tree, parents[0], parents[1]));

            CleanUpIntervals(parents, children);
Esempio n. 4
        public void CopyTreeCompletely()
            var owner = new Mock <IIntervalOwner>();
                owner.Setup(o => o.CurrentTicks)

            var group   = new TimingGroup();
            var parents = new ITimerInterval[]
                new TimerInterval(owner.Object, group, "a"),
                new TimerInterval(owner.Object, group, "b"),
                new TimerInterval(owner.Object, group, "c"),

            var children = new[]
                new ITimerInterval[]
                    new TimerInterval(owner.Object, group, "aa"),
                    new TimerInterval(owner.Object, group, "ab"),
                    new TimerInterval(owner.Object, group, "ac"),
                new ITimerInterval[]
                    new TimerInterval(owner.Object, group, "ba"),
                    new TimerInterval(owner.Object, group, "bb"),
                    new TimerInterval(owner.Object, group, "bc"),
                new ITimerInterval[]
                    new TimerInterval(owner.Object, group, "ca"),
                    new TimerInterval(owner.Object, group, "cb"),
                    new TimerInterval(owner.Object, group, "cc"),

            var tree      = BuildTree(parents, children);
            var otherTree = new TimingTree(tree);

            Assert.That(otherTree.BaseIntervals(group), Is.EquivalentTo(parents));
            Assert.That(otherTree.ChildIntervals(parents[0]), Is.EquivalentTo(children[0]));
            Assert.That(otherTree.ChildIntervals(parents[1]), Is.EquivalentTo(children[1]));
            Assert.That(otherTree.ChildIntervals(parents[2]), Is.EquivalentTo(children[2]));

            CleanUpIntervals(parents, children);
Esempio n. 5
        public void ForInterval()
            var owner = new Mock <IIntervalOwner>();
                owner.Setup(o => o.CurrentTicks)

            var group   = new TimingGroup();
            var parents = new ITimerInterval[]
                new TimerInterval(owner.Object, group, "a"),
                new TimerInterval(owner.Object, group, "b"),
                new TimerInterval(owner.Object, group, "c"),

            var children = new[]
                new ITimerInterval[]
                    new TimerInterval(owner.Object, group, "aa"),
                    new TimerInterval(owner.Object, group, "ab"),
                    new TimerInterval(owner.Object, group, "ac"),
                new ITimerInterval[]
                    new TimerInterval(owner.Object, group, "ba"),
                    new TimerInterval(owner.Object, group, "bb"),
                    new TimerInterval(owner.Object, group, "bc"),
                new ITimerInterval[]
                    new TimerInterval(owner.Object, group, "ca"),
                    new TimerInterval(owner.Object, group, "cb"),
                    new TimerInterval(owner.Object, group, "cc"),

            var storage = BuildStorage(parents, children);
            var report  = storage.ForInterval(parents[1]);

            CheckReport(report, new[] { parents[1] }, new[] { children[1] });

            CleanUpIntervals(parents, children);
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TimingIntervalHelper"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="diagnostics">The object that provides access to the system wide diagnostics.</param>
        /// <param name="timingStorage">The object that generates reports for a stored interval.</param>
        /// <param name="collection">The object that stores the generated reports.</param>
        /// <param name="reportTransformer">The function which transforms a report into a string.</param>
        /// <param name="description">The description for the current interval.</param>
        public TimingIntervalHelper(
            SystemDiagnostics diagnostics,
            IGenerateTimingReports timingStorage,
            TimingReportCollection collection,
            Func<TimingReport, string> reportTransformer,
            string description)
                Debug.Assert(diagnostics != null, "The diagnostics object should not be a null reference.");
                Debug.Assert(timingStorage != null, "The storage object should not be a null reference.");
                Debug.Assert(collection != null, "The collection object should not be a null reference.");
                Debug.Assert(reportTransformer != null, "The report transformer object should not be a null reference.");
                Debug.Assert(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(description), "The description string should not be a null reference or an empty string.");

            m_Storage = timingStorage;
            m_Collection = collection;
            m_Transformer = reportTransformer;
            m_Interval = (ITimerInterval)diagnostics.Profiler.Measure(BaseConstants.TimingGroup, description);
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TimingIntervalHelper"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="diagnostics">The object that provides access to the system wide diagnostics.</param>
        /// <param name="timingStorage">The object that generates reports for a stored interval.</param>
        /// <param name="collection">The object that stores the generated reports.</param>
        /// <param name="reportTransformer">The function which transforms a report into a string.</param>
        /// <param name="description">The description for the current interval.</param>
        public TimingIntervalHelper(
            SystemDiagnostics diagnostics,
            IGenerateTimingReports timingStorage,
            TimingReportCollection collection,
            Func <TimingReport, string> reportTransformer,
            string description)
                Debug.Assert(diagnostics != null, "The diagnostics object should not be a null reference.");
                Debug.Assert(timingStorage != null, "The storage object should not be a null reference.");
                Debug.Assert(collection != null, "The collection object should not be a null reference.");
                Debug.Assert(reportTransformer != null, "The report transformer object should not be a null reference.");
                Debug.Assert(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(description), "The description string should not be a null reference or an empty string.");

            m_Storage     = timingStorage;
            m_Collection  = collection;
            m_Transformer = reportTransformer;
            m_Interval    = (ITimerInterval)diagnostics.Profiler.Measure(BaseConstants.TimingGroup, description);
Esempio n. 8
        public void TraversePreOrderWithSingleRoot()
            var owner = new Mock <IIntervalOwner>();
                owner.Setup(o => o.CurrentTicks)

            var group   = new TimingGroup();
            var parents = new ITimerInterval[]
                new TimerInterval(owner.Object, group, "a"),

            var children = new[]
                new ITimerInterval[]
                    new TimerInterval(owner.Object, group, "aa"),
                    new TimerInterval(owner.Object, group, "ab"),
                    new TimerInterval(owner.Object, group, "ac"),

            var tree = BuildTree(parents, children);

            var list = new List <Tuple <ITimerInterval, int> >();

            tree.TraversePreOrder((node, level) => list.Add(new Tuple <ITimerInterval, int>(node, level)));

            Assert.AreEqual(parents[0], list[0].Item1);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, list[0].Item2);
            Assert.AreEqual(children[0][0], list[1].Item1);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, list[1].Item2);
            Assert.AreEqual(children[0][1], list[2].Item1);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, list[2].Item2);
            Assert.AreEqual(children[0][2], list[3].Item1);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, list[3].Item2);

            CleanUpIntervals(parents, children);
        public void SubscribeInterval()
            using var timeProvider = TestTimeProvider.SetDefault(new DateTime(2020, 03, 15, 17, 0, 0));
            var timerService = new TimerService();

            int intervalsCalled = 0;

            ITimerInterval timerInterval = timerService.SubscribeInterval(TimeSpan.FromHours(1),
                                                                          (ITimerService sender, ITimerInterval interval) =>
                Assert.AreEqual(timerService, sender);
                if (intervalsCalled > 1)

            Assert.AreEqual(0, intervalsCalled);

            timeProvider.Now += TimeSpan.FromMinutes(31);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, intervalsCalled, "1 hour interval should not have been called after 31 minutes");

            timeProvider.Now += TimeSpan.FromMinutes(31);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, intervalsCalled, "1 hour interval should have been called after 62 minutes");

            timeProvider.Now += TimeSpan.FromMinutes(60);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, intervalsCalled, "should have been called again after 60 minutes");

            timeProvider.Now += TimeSpan.FromMinutes(60);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, intervalsCalled, "should not have been called after unsubscribe");
Esempio n. 10
        public void TraversePreOrderWithMultipleGroups()
            var owner = new Mock <IIntervalOwner>();
                owner.Setup(o => o.CurrentTicks)

            var firstGroup  = new TimingGroup();
            var secondGroup = new TimingGroup();
            var thirdGroup  = new TimingGroup();
            var parents     = new ITimerInterval[]
                new TimerInterval(owner.Object, firstGroup, "a"),
                new TimerInterval(owner.Object, secondGroup, "b"),
                new TimerInterval(owner.Object, thirdGroup, "c"),

            var children = new[]
                new ITimerInterval[]
                    new TimerInterval(owner.Object, firstGroup, "aa"),
                    new TimerInterval(owner.Object, firstGroup, "ab"),
                    new TimerInterval(owner.Object, firstGroup, "ac"),
                new ITimerInterval[]
                    new TimerInterval(owner.Object, secondGroup, "ba"),
                    new TimerInterval(owner.Object, secondGroup, "bb"),
                    new TimerInterval(owner.Object, secondGroup, "bc"),
                new ITimerInterval[]
                    new TimerInterval(owner.Object, thirdGroup, "ca"),
                    new TimerInterval(owner.Object, thirdGroup, "cb"),
                    new TimerInterval(owner.Object, thirdGroup, "cc"),

            var tree = BuildTree(parents, children);

            var firstList = new List <Tuple <ITimerInterval, int> >();

            tree.TraversePreOrder(firstGroup, (node, level) => firstList.Add(new Tuple <ITimerInterval, int>(node, level)));
            Assert.AreEqual(parents[0], firstList[0].Item1);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, firstList[0].Item2);
            Assert.AreEqual(children[0][0], firstList[1].Item1);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, firstList[1].Item2);
            Assert.AreEqual(children[0][1], firstList[2].Item1);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, firstList[2].Item2);
            Assert.AreEqual(children[0][2], firstList[3].Item1);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, firstList[3].Item2);

            var secondList = new List <Tuple <ITimerInterval, int> >();

            tree.TraversePreOrder(secondGroup, (node, level) => secondList.Add(new Tuple <ITimerInterval, int>(node, level)));
            Assert.AreEqual(parents[1], secondList[0].Item1);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, secondList[0].Item2);
            Assert.AreEqual(children[1][0], secondList[1].Item1);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, secondList[1].Item2);
            Assert.AreEqual(children[1][1], secondList[2].Item1);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, secondList[2].Item2);
            Assert.AreEqual(children[1][2], secondList[3].Item1);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, secondList[3].Item2);

            var thirdList = new List <Tuple <ITimerInterval, int> >();

            tree.TraversePreOrder(thirdGroup, (node, level) => thirdList.Add(new Tuple <ITimerInterval, int>(node, level)));
            Assert.AreEqual(parents[2], thirdList[0].Item1);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, thirdList[0].Item2);
            Assert.AreEqual(children[2][0], thirdList[1].Item1);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, thirdList[1].Item2);
            Assert.AreEqual(children[2][1], thirdList[2].Item1);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, thirdList[2].Item2);
            Assert.AreEqual(children[2][2], thirdList[3].Item1);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, thirdList[3].Item2);

            CleanUpIntervals(parents, children);