public TagComputer(
                ITextBuffer subjectBuffer,
                IForegroundNotificationService notificationService,
                IAsynchronousOperationListener asyncListener,
                ClassificationTypeMap typeMap,
                SyntacticClassificationTaggerProvider taggerProvider)
                _subjectBuffer = subjectBuffer;
                _notificationService = notificationService;
                _listener = asyncListener;
                _typeMap = typeMap;
                _taggerProvider = taggerProvider;

                _workQueue = new AsynchronousSerialWorkQueue(asyncListener);
                _reportChangeCancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

                _lastLineCache = new LastLineCache();

                _workspaceRegistration = Workspace.GetWorkspaceRegistration(subjectBuffer.AsTextContainer());
                _workspaceRegistration.WorkspaceChanged += OnWorkspaceRegistrationChanged;

                if (_workspaceRegistration.Workspace != null)
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// This should be called when a new document is opened in the IDE.
        /// </summary>
        public void OnDocumentOpened(string filePath, ITextBuffer buffer)
            var textContainer = buffer?.AsTextContainer();

            if (!IsSupportedDocument(filePath) || textContainer == null)

            var workspaceRegistration = GetWorkspaceRegistration(textContainer);

            // Check if the document is already registered as open
            if (openDocuments.ContainsKey(workspaceRegistration))

            workspaceRegistration.WorkspaceChanged += Registration_WorkspaceChanged;

            var openDocumentInfo = new OpenDocumentInfo {
                SourceTextContainer = textContainer,
                FilePath            = filePath

            openDocuments[workspaceRegistration] = openDocumentInfo;

            if (workspaceRegistration.Workspace != null)

            AddDocument(workspaceRegistration, openDocumentInfo);
            public bool TryGetTextUndoHistory(Workspace editorWorkspace, ITextBuffer textBuffer, out ITextUndoHistory undoHistory)
                undoHistory = null;

                if (!(editorWorkspace is VisualStudioWorkspaceImpl) &&
                    !(editorWorkspace is MiscellaneousFilesWorkspace))
                    return false;

                // TODO: Handle undo if context changes
                var documentId = editorWorkspace.GetDocumentIdInCurrentContext(textBuffer.AsTextContainer());
                if (documentId == null)
                    return false;

                var document = GetDocument(editorWorkspace, documentId);
                if (document == null)
                    return false;

                undoHistory = document.GetTextUndoHistory();
                return true;
Esempio n. 4
        public NavigationBarController(
            INavigationBarPresenter presenter,
            ITextBuffer subjectBuffer,
            IWaitIndicator waitIndicator,
            IAsynchronousOperationListener asyncListener)
            _presenter = presenter;
            _subjectBuffer = subjectBuffer;
            _waitIndicator = waitIndicator;
            _asyncListener = asyncListener;
            _workspaceRegistration = Workspace.GetWorkspaceRegistration(subjectBuffer.AsTextContainer());
            _workspaceRegistration.WorkspaceChanged += OnWorkspaceRegistrationChanged;

            presenter.CaretMoved += OnCaretMoved;
            presenter.ViewFocused += OnViewFocused;

            presenter.DropDownFocused += OnDropDownFocused;
            presenter.ItemSelected += OnItemSelected;

            subjectBuffer.PostChanged += OnSubjectBufferPostChanged;

            // Initialize the tasks to be an empty model so we never have to deal with a null case.
            _modelTask = Task.FromResult(
                new NavigationBarModel(

            _selectedItemInfoTask = Task.FromResult(new NavigationBarSelectedTypeAndMember(null, null));

            if (_workspaceRegistration.Workspace != null)
Esempio n. 5
        ///<summary>Creates a new document linked to an existing text buffer.</summary>
        public DocumentId CreateDocument(ProjectId projectId, ITextBuffer buffer, string debugName = null)
            var id = DocumentId.CreateNewId(projectId, debugName);

            TryApplyChanges(CurrentSolution.AddDocument(id, debugName ?? "Sample Document", TextLoader.From(buffer.AsTextContainer(), VersionStamp.Create())));
            OpenDocument(id, buffer);
            return id;
            ///<summary>Creates a new document linked to an existing text buffer.</summary>
            public DocumentId CreateDocument(ProjectId projectId, ITextBuffer buffer)
                // Our GetFileName() extension (which should probably be deleted) doesn't work on projection buffers
                var debugName = TextBufferExtensions.GetFileName(buffer) ?? "Markdown Embedded Code";
                var id = DocumentId.CreateNewId(projectId, debugName);

                    id, debugName,
                    TextLoader.From(buffer.AsTextContainer(), VersionStamp.Create())
                OpenDocument(id, buffer);
                return id;
            ///<summary>Creates a new document linked to an existing text buffer.</summary>
            public Document CreateDocument(ProjectId projectId, ITextBuffer buffer)
                var id = DocumentId.CreateNewId(projectId);
                documentBuffers.Add(id, buffer);

                // Our GetFileName() extension (which should probably be deleted) doesn't work on projection buffers
                var docInfo = DocumentInfo.Create(id, TextBufferExtensions.GetFileName(buffer) ?? "Markdown Embedded Code",
                    loader: TextLoader.From(buffer.AsTextContainer(), VersionStamp.Create()),
                    sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Script
                OnDocumentOpened(id, buffer.AsTextContainer());
                buffer.Changed += delegate { OnDocumentContextUpdated(id); };
                return CurrentSolution.GetDocument(id);
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// This should be called when an open document in the IDE is closed.
        /// </summary>
        public void OnDocumentClosed(string filePath, ITextBuffer buffer)
            var textContainer = buffer?.AsTextContainer();

            if (!IsSupportedDocument(filePath) || textContainer == null)

            var workspaceRegistration = GetWorkspaceRegistration(textContainer);

            workspaceRegistration.WorkspaceChanged -= Registration_WorkspaceChanged;

            if (openDocuments.TryRemove(workspaceRegistration, out var openDocumentInfo))
        private void OnWorkspaceChanged(object sender, WorkspaceChangeEventArgs args)
            // We're getting an event for a workspace we already disconnected from
            if (args.NewSolution.Workspace != _workspace)

            // If the displayed project is being renamed, retrigger the update
            if (args.Kind == WorkspaceChangeKind.ProjectChanged && args.ProjectId != null)
                var oldProject = args.OldSolution.GetProject(args.ProjectId);
                var newProject = args.NewSolution.GetProject(args.ProjectId);

                if (oldProject.Name != newProject.Name)
                    var currentContextDocumentId = _workspace.GetDocumentIdInCurrentContext(_subjectBuffer.AsTextContainer());

                    if (currentContextDocumentId != null && currentContextDocumentId.ProjectId == args.ProjectId)
                        StartModelUpdateAndSelectedItemUpdateTasks(modelUpdateDelay: 0, selectedItemUpdateDelay: 0, updateUIWhenDone: true);

            if (args.Kind == WorkspaceChangeKind.DocumentChanged &&
                args.OldSolution == args.NewSolution)
                var currentContextDocumentId = _workspace.GetDocumentIdInCurrentContext(_subjectBuffer.AsTextContainer());
                if (currentContextDocumentId != null && currentContextDocumentId == args.DocumentId)
                    // The context has changed, so update everything.
                    StartModelUpdateAndSelectedItemUpdateTasks(modelUpdateDelay: 0, selectedItemUpdateDelay: 0, updateUIWhenDone: true);
Esempio n. 10
        private IncludeDirectiveTriviaSyntax GetIncludeDirective(ITextView textView, ITextBuffer textBuffer)
            var document = textBuffer.AsTextContainer().GetOpenDocumentInCurrentContext();

            if (document == null)

            var caretPoint = textView.GetCaretPoint(textBuffer);

            if (caretPoint == null)

            var syntaxTree = document.GetSyntaxTreeSynchronously(CancellationToken.None);

            var sourceLocation = syntaxTree.MapRootFilePosition(caretPoint.Value.Position);

            var syntaxToken = (SyntaxToken)syntaxTree.Root.FindToken(sourceLocation, true);

            if (syntaxToken.Parent == null || syntaxToken.Parent.Kind != SyntaxKind.IncludeDirectiveTrivia)

            var includeDirectiveTrivia = (IncludeDirectiveTriviaSyntax)syntaxToken.Parent;

            if (includeDirectiveTrivia.Filename != syntaxToken)

Esempio n. 11
        async Task InitializeAsync(ITextBuffer buffer, string code, MetadataReference[] refs, string languageName, ISynchronousTagger <IClassificationTag> tagger, CompilationOptions compilationOptions, ParseOptions parseOptions)
            using (var workspace = new AdhocWorkspace(RoslynMefHostServices.DefaultServices)) {
                var documents = new List <DocumentInfo>();
                var projectId = ProjectId.CreateNewId();
                documents.Add(DocumentInfo.Create(DocumentId.CreateNewId(projectId), "main.cs", null, SourceCodeKind.Regular, TextLoader.From(buffer.AsTextContainer(), VersionStamp.Create())));

                var projectInfo = ProjectInfo.Create(projectId, VersionStamp.Create(), "compilecodeproj", Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), languageName,
                                                     compilationOptions: compilationOptions
                                                     parseOptions: parseOptions,
                                                     documents: documents,
                                                     metadataReferences: refs,
                                                     isSubmission: false, hostObjectType: null);
                foreach (var doc in documents)

                buffer.Replace(new Span(0, buffer.CurrentSnapshot.Length), code);

                    // Initialize classification code paths
                    var spans = new NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection(new SnapshotSpan(buffer.CurrentSnapshot, 0, buffer.CurrentSnapshot.Length));
                    foreach (var tagSpan in tagger.GetTags(spans, CancellationToken.None))

                    // Initialize completion code paths
                    var info = CompletionInfo.Create(buffer.CurrentSnapshot);
                    Debug.Assert(info != null);
                    if (info != null)
                        var completionTrigger = CompletionTrigger.Invoke;
                        var completionList    = await info.Value.CompletionService.GetCompletionsAsync(info.Value.Document, 0, completionTrigger);

                    // Initialize signature help code paths
                    var info = SignatureHelpInfo.Create(buffer.CurrentSnapshot);
                    Debug.Assert(info != null);
                    if (info != null)
                        int sigHelpIndex = code.IndexOf("sighelp");
                        Debug.Assert(sigHelpIndex >= 0);
                        var triggerInfo = new SignatureHelpTriggerInfo(SignatureHelpTriggerReason.InvokeSignatureHelpCommand);
                        var items       = await info.Value.SignatureHelpService.GetItemsAsync(info.Value.Document, sigHelpIndex, triggerInfo);

                    // Initialize quick info code paths
                    var info = QuickInfoState.Create(buffer.CurrentSnapshot);
                    Debug.Assert(info != null);
                    if (info != null)
                        int quickInfoIndex = code.IndexOf("Equals");
                        Debug.Assert(quickInfoIndex >= 0);
                        var item = await info.Value.QuickInfoService.GetItemAsync(info.Value.Document, quickInfoIndex);
Esempio n. 12
        private void SetSubmissionDocument(ITextBuffer buffer, Project project)
            // Try to unregister our buffer with our workspace. This is a bit of a hack,
            // but we may have registered the buffer with the workspace if it was
            // transitioned to an Interactive Command buffer.

            var documentId = DocumentId.CreateNewId(project.Id, debugName: project.Name);
            var solution = project.Solution
                .AddDocument(documentId, project.Name, buffer.CurrentSnapshot.AsText());


            // opening document will start workspace listening to changes in this text container
            _workspace.OpenDocument(documentId, buffer.AsTextContainer());
Esempio n. 13
 internal static bool TryGetWorkspace(this ITextBuffer buffer, out Workspace workspace)
 => Workspace.TryGetWorkspace(buffer.AsTextContainer(), out workspace);
Esempio n. 14
 void IVisualStudioWorkspaceHost.OnDocumentOpened(DocumentId documentId, ITextBuffer textBuffer, bool currentContext)
     _workspace.OnDocumentOpened(documentId, textBuffer.AsTextContainer(), currentContext);
            public Source(SuggestedActionsSourceProvider owner, ITextView textView, ITextBuffer textBuffer)
                _owner = owner;
                _textView = textView;
                _textView.Closed += OnTextViewClosed;

                _subjectBuffer = textBuffer;
                _registration = Workspace.GetWorkspaceRegistration(textBuffer.AsTextContainer());

                _lastSolutionVersionReported = InvalidSolutionVersion;
                var updateSource = (IDiagnosticUpdateSource)_owner._diagnosticService;
                updateSource.DiagnosticsUpdated += OnDiagnosticsUpdated;

                if (_registration.Workspace != null)
                    _workspace = _registration.Workspace;
                    _workspace.DocumentActiveContextChanged += OnActiveContextChanged;

                _registration.WorkspaceChanged += OnWorkspaceChanged;
Esempio n. 16
 ///<summary>Links an existing <see cref="Document"/> to an <see cref="ITextBuffer"/>, synchronizing their contents.</summary>
 public void OpenDocument(DocumentId documentId, ITextBuffer buffer)
     documentBuffers.Add(documentId, buffer);
     OnDocumentOpened(documentId, buffer.AsTextContainer());
     buffer.Changed += delegate { OnDocumentContextUpdated(documentId); };
Esempio n. 17
        public virtual object GetPreview(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var extensionManager = this.Workspace.Services.GetService <IExtensionManager>();
            var previewContent   = extensionManager.PerformFunction(Provider, () =>
                var previewResult = GetPreviewResult(cancellationToken);
                if (previewResult == null)
                    var preferredDocumentId = Workspace.GetDocumentIdInCurrentContext(SubjectBuffer.AsTextContainer());
                    var preferredProjectid  = preferredDocumentId == null ? null : preferredDocumentId.ProjectId;

                    return(previewResult.TakeNextPreview(preferredDocumentId, preferredProjectid));

            var optionService = Workspace.Services.GetService <IOptionService>();

            if (optionService == null || !optionService.GetOption(InternalFeatureOnOffOptions.EnhancedPreviewPane))

            var previewPaneService = Workspace.Services.GetService <IPreviewPaneService>();

            if (previewPaneService == null)

            return(previewPaneService.GetPreviewPane(GetDiagnostic(), previewContent));
Esempio n. 18
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the workspace or null
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="buffer">Text buffer</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static Workspace TryGetWorkspace(this ITextBuffer buffer)
     Workspace.TryGetWorkspace(buffer.AsTextContainer(), out var ws);
Esempio n. 19
 internal static bool CanApplyChangeDocumentToWorkspace(this ITextBuffer buffer) =>
 Workspace.TryGetWorkspace(buffer.AsTextContainer(), out var workspace) &&
Esempio n. 20
        ///<summary>Creates a new document linked to an existing text buffer.</summary>
        public DocumentId CreateDocument(ProjectId projectId, ITextBuffer buffer, string debugName = null)
            var id = DocumentId.CreateNewId(projectId, debugName);

            TryApplyChanges(CurrentSolution.AddDocument(id, debugName ?? "Sample Document", TextLoader.From(buffer.AsTextContainer(), VersionStamp.Create())));
            OpenDocument(id, buffer);
Esempio n. 21
            public TagSource(
                ITextBuffer subjectBuffer,
                AbstractAsynchronousTaggerProvider <TTag> dataSource,
                IAsynchronousOperationListener asyncListener)
                if (dataSource.SpanTrackingMode == SpanTrackingMode.Custom)
                    throw new ArgumentException("SpanTrackingMode.Custom not allowed.", "spanTrackingMode");

                _textView          = textView;
                _subjectBuffer     = subjectBuffer;
                _visibilityTracker = visibilityTracker;
                _dataSource        = dataSource;
                _asyncListener     = asyncListener;

                _workspaceRegistration = Workspace.GetWorkspaceRegistration(subjectBuffer.AsTextContainer());

                // Collapse all booleans added to just a max of two ('true' or 'false') representing if we're being
                // asked for initial tags or not
                _eventChangeQueue = new AsyncBatchingWorkQueue <bool>(
                    EqualityComparer <bool> .Default,

                _highPriTagsChangedQueue = new AsyncBatchingWorkQueue <NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection>(
                    equalityComparer: null,

                if (_dataSource.AddedTagNotificationDelay == TaggerDelay.NearImmediate)
                    // if the tagger wants "added tags" to be reported "NearImmediate"ly, then just reuse
                    // the "high pri" queue as that already reports things at that cadence.
                    _normalPriTagsChangedQueue = _highPriTagsChangedQueue;
                    _normalPriTagsChangedQueue = new AsyncBatchingWorkQueue <NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection>(
                        equalityComparer: null,


                // Create the tagger-specific events that will cause the tagger to refresh.
                _eventSource = CreateEventSource();

                // any time visibility changes, resume tagging on all taggers.  Any non-visible taggers will pause
                // themselves immediately afterwards.
                _onVisibilityChanged = () => ResumeIfVisible();

                // Now hook up this tagger to all interesting events.

                // Now that we're all hooked up to the events we care about, start computing the initial set of tags at
                // high priority.  We want to get the UI to a complete state as soon as possible.
                EnqueueWork(highPriority: true);


                // Represented as a local function just so we can keep this in sync with Dispose.Disconnect below.
                void Connect()

                    // Register to hear about visibility changes so we can pause/resume this tagger.
                    _visibilityTracker?.RegisterForVisibilityChanges(subjectBuffer, _onVisibilityChanged);

                    _eventSource.Changed += OnEventSourceChanged;

                    if (_dataSource.TextChangeBehavior.HasFlag(TaggerTextChangeBehavior.TrackTextChanges))
                        _subjectBuffer.Changed += OnSubjectBufferChanged;

                    if (_dataSource.CaretChangeBehavior.HasFlag(TaggerCaretChangeBehavior.RemoveAllTagsOnCaretMoveOutsideOfTag))
                        if (_textView == null)
                            throw new ArgumentException(
                                      nameof(_dataSource.CaretChangeBehavior) + " can only be specified for an " + nameof(IViewTaggerProvider));

                        _textView.Caret.PositionChanged += OnCaretPositionChanged;

                    // Tell the interaction object to start issuing events.
 protected AbstractWorkspaceTrackingTaggerEventSource(ITextBuffer subjectBuffer, TaggerDelay delay) : base(delay)
     this.SubjectBuffer = subjectBuffer;
     _workspaceRegistration = Workspace.GetWorkspaceRegistration(subjectBuffer.AsTextContainer());
Esempio n. 23
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the name of the language (see <see cref="LanguageNames"/>) associated with the specified buffer.
 /// </summary>
 internal static string?GetLanguageName(this ITextBuffer buffer)
 => Workspace.TryGetWorkspace(buffer.AsTextContainer(), out var workspace) ?
 workspace.Services.GetLanguageServices(buffer.ContentType)?.Language : null;
            /// <summary>
            /// We do all mutation work on the UI thread.  That ensures that all mutation
            /// is processed serially *and* it means we can safely examine things like
            /// subject buffers and open documents without any threat of race conditions.
            /// Note that we do not do any expensive work here.  We just store (or remove)
            /// the data we were given in appropriate buckets.
            /// For example, we create a TaggerProvider per unique DiagnosticUpdatedArgs.Id
            /// we get.  So if we see a new id we simply create a tagger for it and pass it
            /// these args to store.  Otherwise we pass these args to the existing tagger.
            /// Similarly, clearing out data is just a matter of us clearing our reference
            /// to the data.
            /// </summary>
            private void OnDiagnosticsUpdatedOnForeground(DiagnosticsUpdatedArgs e)

                if (_disposed)

                // Do some quick checks to avoid doing any further work for diagnostics  we don't
                // care about.
                var ourDocument   = _subjectBuffer.AsTextContainer().GetOpenDocumentInCurrentContext();
                var ourDocumentId = ourDocument?.Id;

                if (ourDocumentId != _currentDocumentId)
                    // Our buffer has started tracking some other document entirely.
                    // We have to clear out all of the diagnostics we have currently stored.

                _currentDocumentId = ourDocumentId;

                // Now see if the document we're tracking corresponds to the diagnostics
                // we're hearing about.  If not, just ignore them.
                if (ourDocument == null ||
                    ourDocument.Project.Solution.Workspace != e.Workspace ||
                    ourDocument.Id != e.DocumentId)

                // We're hearing about diagnostics for our document.  We may be hearing
                // about new diagnostics coming, or existing diagnostics being cleared
                // out.

                // First see if this is a document/project removal.  If so, clear out any state we
                // have associated with any analyzers we have for that document/project.

                // Make sure we can find an editor snapshot for these errors.  Otherwise we won't
                // be able to make ITagSpans for them.  If we can't, just bail out.  This happens
                // when the solution crawler is very far behind.  However, it will have a more
                // up to date document within it that it will eventually process.  Until then
                // we just keep around the stale tags we have.
                // Note: if the Solution or Document is null here, then that means the document
                // was removed.  In that case, we do want to proceed so that we'll produce 0
                // tags and we'll update the editor appropriately.
                SourceText    sourceText     = null;
                ITextSnapshot editorSnapshot = null;

                if (e.Solution != null)
                    var diagnosticDocument = e.Solution.GetDocument(e.DocumentId);
                    if (diagnosticDocument != null)
                        if (!diagnosticDocument.TryGetText(out sourceText))

                        editorSnapshot = sourceText.FindCorrespondingEditorTextSnapshot();
                        if (editorSnapshot == null)

                        // Make sure the editor we've got associated with these diagnostics is the
                        // same one we're a tagger for.  It is possible for us to hear about diagnostics
                        // for the *same* Document that are not from the *same* buffer.  For example,
                        // say we have the following chain of events:
                        //      Document is opened.
                        //      Diagnostics start analyzing.
                        //      Document is closed.
                        //      Document is opened.
                        //      Diagnostics finish and report for document.
                        // We'll hear about diagnostics for the original Document/Buffer that was
                        // opened.  But we'll be trying to apply them to this current Document/Buffer.
                        // That won't work since these will be different buffers (and thus, we won't
                        // be able to map the diagnostic spans appropriately).
                        // Note: returning here is safe.  Because the file is closed/opened, The
                        // Diagnostics Service will reanalyze it.  It will then report the new results
                        // which we will hear about and use.
                        if (editorSnapshot.TextBuffer != _subjectBuffer)

                OnDiagnosticsUpdatedOnForeground(e, sourceText, editorSnapshot);
Esempio n. 25
 internal static bool TryGetWorkspace(this ITextBuffer buffer, [NotNullWhen(true)] out Workspace?workspace)
 => Workspace.TryGetWorkspace(buffer.AsTextContainer(), out workspace);
Esempio n. 26
 SourceTextContainer ISourceTextHelper.AsTextContainer(ITextBuffer buffer) => buffer.AsTextContainer();
Esempio n. 27
        public virtual async Task <object> GetPreviewAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)

            // Light bulb will always invoke this function on the UI thread.

            var extensionManager = this.Workspace.Services.GetService <IExtensionManager>();
            var previewContent   = await extensionManager.PerformFunctionAsync(Provider, async() =>
                // We need to stay on UI thread after GetPreviewResultAsync() so that TakeNextPreviewAsync()
                // below can execute on UI thread. We use ConfigureAwait(true) to stay on the UI thread.
                var previewResult = await GetPreviewResultAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(true);
                if (previewResult == null)
                    var preferredDocumentId = Workspace.GetDocumentIdInCurrentContext(SubjectBuffer.AsTextContainer());
                    var preferredProjectid  = preferredDocumentId == null ? null : preferredDocumentId.ProjectId;

                    // TakeNextPreviewAsync() needs to run on UI thread.
                    return(await previewResult.TakeNextPreviewAsync(preferredDocumentId, preferredProjectid, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(true));

                // GetPreviewPane() below needs to run on UI thread. We use ConfigureAwait(true) to stay on the UI thread.
            }, defaultValue : null).ConfigureAwait(true);

            var previewPaneService = Workspace.Services.GetService <IPreviewPaneService>();

            if (previewPaneService == null)


            // GetPreviewPane() needs to run on the UI thread.
            return(previewPaneService.GetPreviewPane(GetDiagnostic(), previewContent));
        public EditorDocument(
            EditorDocumentManager documentManager,
            ProjectSnapshotManagerDispatcher projectSnapshotManagerDispatcher,
            JoinableTaskContext joinableTaskContext,
            string projectFilePath,
            string documentFilePath,
            TextLoader textLoader,
            FileChangeTracker fileTracker,
            ITextBuffer textBuffer,
            EventHandler changedOnDisk,
            EventHandler changedInEditor,
            EventHandler opened,
            EventHandler closed)
            if (documentManager is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(documentManager));

            if (projectSnapshotManagerDispatcher is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(projectSnapshotManagerDispatcher));

            if (joinableTaskContext is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(joinableTaskContext));

            if (projectFilePath is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(projectFilePath));

            if (documentFilePath is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(documentFilePath));

            if (textLoader is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(textLoader));

            if (fileTracker is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(fileTracker));

            _documentManager = documentManager;
            _projectSnapshotManagerDispatcher = projectSnapshotManagerDispatcher;
            _joinableTaskContext = joinableTaskContext;
            ProjectFilePath      = projectFilePath;
            DocumentFilePath     = documentFilePath;
            TextLoader           = textLoader;
            _fileTracker         = fileTracker;
            _changedOnDisk       = changedOnDisk;
            _changedInEditor     = changedInEditor;
            _opened = opened;
            _closed = closed;

            _snapshotTracker      = new SnapshotChangeTracker();
            _fileTracker.Changed += ChangeTracker_Changed;

            // Only one of these should be active at a time.
            if (textBuffer == null)
                _ = _projectSnapshotManagerDispatcher.RunOnDispatcherThreadAsync(
                    () => _fileTracker.StartListening(), CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false);

                EditorTextBuffer                 = textBuffer;
                EditorTextContainer              = textBuffer.AsTextContainer();
                EditorTextContainer.TextChanged += TextContainer_Changed;
Esempio n. 29
		async Task InitializeAsync(ITextBuffer buffer, string code, MetadataReference[] refs, string languageName, ISynchronousTagger<IClassificationTag> tagger, CompilationOptions compilationOptions, ParseOptions parseOptions) {
			using (var workspace = new AdhocWorkspace(RoslynMefHostServices.DefaultServices)) {
				var documents = new List<DocumentInfo>();
				var projectId = ProjectId.CreateNewId();
				documents.Add(DocumentInfo.Create(DocumentId.CreateNewId(projectId), "main.cs", null, SourceCodeKind.Regular, TextLoader.From(buffer.AsTextContainer(), VersionStamp.Create())));

				var projectInfo = ProjectInfo.Create(projectId, VersionStamp.Create(), "compilecodeproj", Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), languageName,
					compilationOptions: compilationOptions
					parseOptions: parseOptions,
					documents: documents,
					metadataReferences: refs,
					isSubmission: false, hostObjectType: null);
				foreach (var doc in documents)

				buffer.Replace(new Span(0, buffer.CurrentSnapshot.Length), code);

					// Initialize classification code paths
					var spans = new NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection(new SnapshotSpan(buffer.CurrentSnapshot, 0, buffer.CurrentSnapshot.Length));
					foreach (var tagSpan in tagger.GetTags(spans, CancellationToken.None)) { }

					// Initialize completion code paths
					var info = CompletionInfo.Create(buffer.CurrentSnapshot);
					Debug.Assert(info != null);
					if (info != null) {
						var completionTrigger = CompletionTrigger.Default;
						var completionList = await info.Value.CompletionService.GetCompletionsAsync(info.Value.Document, 0, completionTrigger);

					// Initialize signature help code paths
					var info = SignatureHelpInfo.Create(buffer.CurrentSnapshot);
					Debug.Assert(info != null);
					if (info != null) {
						int sigHelpIndex = code.IndexOf("sighelp");
						Debug.Assert(sigHelpIndex >= 0);
						var triggerInfo = new SignatureHelpTriggerInfo(SignatureHelpTriggerReason.InvokeSignatureHelpCommand);
						var items = await info.Value.SignatureHelpService.GetItemsAsync(info.Value.Document, sigHelpIndex, triggerInfo);

					// Initialize quick info code paths
					var info = QuickInfoState.Create(buffer.CurrentSnapshot);
					Debug.Assert(info != null);
					if (info != null) {
						int quickInfoIndex = code.IndexOf("Equals");
						Debug.Assert(quickInfoIndex >= 0);
						var item = await info.Value.QuickInfoService.GetItemAsync(info.Value.Document, quickInfoIndex);
            public TagComputer(
                ITextBuffer subjectBuffer,
                IForegroundNotificationService notificationService,
                IAsynchronousOperationListener asyncListener,
                ClassificationTypeMap typeMap,
                SyntacticClassificationTaggerProvider taggerProvider,
                IViewSupportsClassificationService viewSupportsClassificationServiceOpt,
                ITextBufferAssociatedViewService associatedViewService,
                IEditorClassificationService editorClassificationService,
                string languageName)
                _subjectBuffer = subjectBuffer;
                _notificationService = notificationService;
                _listener = asyncListener;
                _typeMap = typeMap;
                _taggerProvider = taggerProvider;
                _viewSupportsClassificationServiceOpt = viewSupportsClassificationServiceOpt;
                _associatedViewService = associatedViewService;
                _editorClassificationService = editorClassificationService;
                _languageName = languageName;

                _workQueue = new AsynchronousSerialWorkQueue(asyncListener);
                _reportChangeCancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

                _lastLineCache = new LastLineCache();

                _workspaceRegistration = Workspace.GetWorkspaceRegistration(subjectBuffer.AsTextContainer());
                _workspaceRegistration.WorkspaceChanged += OnWorkspaceRegistrationChanged;

Esempio n. 31
 public SourceTextContainer GetOpenTextContainer()
Esempio n. 32
        public EditorDocument(
            EditorDocumentManager documentManager,
            string projectFilePath,
            string documentFilePath,
            TextLoader textLoader,
            FileChangeTracker fileTracker,
            ITextBuffer textBuffer,
            EventHandler changedOnDisk,
            EventHandler changedInEditor,
            EventHandler opened,
            EventHandler closed)
            if (documentManager == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(documentManager));

            if (projectFilePath == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(projectFilePath));

            if (documentFilePath == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(documentFilePath));

            if (textLoader == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(textLoader));

            if (fileTracker == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(fileTracker));

            _documentManager = documentManager;
            ProjectFilePath  = projectFilePath;
            DocumentFilePath = documentFilePath;
            TextLoader       = textLoader;
            _fileTracker     = fileTracker;
            _changedOnDisk   = changedOnDisk;
            _changedInEditor = changedInEditor;
            _opened          = opened;
            _closed          = closed;

            _snapshotTracker      = new SnapshotChangeTracker();
            _fileTracker.Changed += ChangeTracker_Changed;

            // Only one of these should be active at a time.
            if (textBuffer == null)

                EditorTextBuffer                 = textBuffer;
                EditorTextContainer              = textBuffer.AsTextContainer();
                EditorTextContainer.TextChanged += TextContainer_Changed;
Esempio n. 33
 void IVisualStudioWorkspaceHost.OnAdditionalDocumentOpened(DocumentId documentId, ITextBuffer textBuffer, bool isCurrentContext)
     _workspace.OnAdditionalDocumentOpened(documentId, textBuffer.AsTextContainer(), isCurrentContext);
Esempio n. 34
 protected AbstractWorkspaceTrackingTaggerEventSource(ITextBuffer subjectBuffer, TaggerDelay delay) : base(delay)
     this.SubjectBuffer     = subjectBuffer;
     _workspaceRegistration = Workspace.GetWorkspaceRegistration(subjectBuffer.AsTextContainer());
Esempio n. 35
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the <see cref="Document"/>s from the corresponding <see cref="Workspace.CurrentSolution"/> that are associated with the <see cref="ITextBuffer"/>.
 /// There may be multiple <see cref="Document"/>s associated with the buffer if it is linked into multiple projects or is part of a Shared Project.
 /// </summary>
 public static IEnumerable <Document> GetRelatedDocuments(this ITextBuffer buffer) =>
Esempio n. 36
        private bool Update()
            // Update is called when the state of any of our surrounding systems changes. Here we want to examine the
            // state of the world and then update properties as necessary.
            // Fundamentally we have a Razor half of the world as as soon as the document is open - and then later
            // the C# half of the world will be initialized. This code is in general pretty tolerant of
            // unexpected /impossible states.
            // We also want to successfully shut down when the buffer is renamed to something other .cshtml.

            // If there's no Razor buffer, then there's really nothing to do. This isn't a Razor file.
            var razorBuffer = _textView.BufferGraph.GetTextBuffers(IsRazorBuffer).FirstOrDefault();

            // The source container is tied to the Razor buffer since that's what we want to watch for changes.
            SourceTextContainer textContainer = null;

            if (razorBuffer != null)
                textContainer = razorBuffer.AsTextContainer();

            bool isSupportedProject = false;

            if (razorBuffer != null)
                // The project can be null when the document is in the process of closing.
                var project = _service.GetProject(razorBuffer);

                if (project != null)
                    isSupportedProject = _service.IsSupportedProject(project);

            // The C# buffer is the other buffer in the graph that is C# (only if we already found a Razor buffer).
            // We're not currently validating that it's a child of the Razor buffer even though we expect that.
            ITextBuffer cSharpBuffer = null;

            if (razorBuffer != null)
                cSharpBuffer = _textView.BufferGraph.GetTextBuffers(IsCSharpBuffer).FirstOrDefault();

            // Now if we have a C# buffer we want to watch for it be attached to a workspace.
            SourceTextContainer   cSharpTextContainer   = null;
            WorkspaceRegistration workspaceRegistration = null;

            if (cSharpBuffer != null)
                cSharpTextContainer = cSharpBuffer.AsTextContainer();
                Debug.Assert(cSharpTextContainer != null);

                workspaceRegistration = Workspace.GetWorkspaceRegistration(cSharpTextContainer);

            // Now finally we can see if we have a workspace
            Workspace workspace = null;

            if (workspaceRegistration != null)
                workspace = workspaceRegistration.Workspace;

            // Now we know if the Roslyn state for this document has been initialized, let's look for a project.
            DocumentId documentId = null;

            if (cSharpTextContainer != null && workspace != null)
                documentId = workspace.GetDocumentIdInCurrentContext(cSharpTextContainer);

            // As a special case, we want to default to the VisualStudioWorkspace until we find out otherwise
            // This lets us start working before a project gets initialized.
            if (isSupportedProject && workspace == null)
                workspace = _service.Workspace;

            var changed = false;

            changed |= razorBuffer == _razorBuffer;
            changed |= textContainer == _textContainer;
            changed |= isSupportedProject == _isSupportedProject;
            changed |= cSharpBuffer == _cSharpBuffer;
            changed |= workspaceRegistration == _workspaceRegistration;
            changed |= workspace == _workspace;
            changed |= documentId == _documentId;

            // Now if nothing has changed we're all done!
            if (!changed)

            // OK, so something did change, let's commit the changes.
            // These are all of the straightforward ones.
            _razorBuffer        = razorBuffer;
            _textContainer      = textContainer;
            _isSupportedProject = isSupportedProject;
            _cSharpBuffer       = cSharpBuffer;
            _documentId         = documentId;

            // Now these ones we subscribe to events so it's a little tricky.
            if (_workspaceRegistration != null)
                _workspaceRegistration.WorkspaceChanged -= WorkspaceRegistration_WorkspaceChanged;
            if (workspaceRegistration != null)
                workspaceRegistration.WorkspaceChanged += WorkspaceRegistration_WorkspaceChanged;

            if (_workspace != null)
                _workspace.DocumentActiveContextChanged -= Workspace_DocumentActiveContextChanged;
            if (workspace != null)
                workspace.DocumentActiveContextChanged += Workspace_DocumentActiveContextChanged;

            _workspaceRegistration = workspaceRegistration;
            _workspace             = workspace;

Esempio n. 37
        private void SetSubmissionDocument(ITextBuffer buffer, Project project)
            var documentId = DocumentId.CreateNewId(project.Id, debugName: project.Name);
            var solution = project.Solution
                .AddDocument(documentId, project.Name, buffer.CurrentSnapshot.AsText());


            // opening document will start workspace listening to changes in this text container
            _workspace.OpenDocument(documentId, buffer.AsTextContainer());
Esempio n. 38
 ///<summary>Links an existing <see cref="Document"/> to an <see cref="ITextBuffer"/>, synchronizing their contents.</summary>
 public void OpenDocument(DocumentId documentId, ITextBuffer buffer)
     documentBuffers.Add(documentId, buffer);
     OnDocumentOpened(documentId, buffer.AsTextContainer());
     buffer.Changed += delegate { OnDocumentContextUpdated(documentId); };