Esempio n. 1
        public void SetTexture(float x, float z, ITexture texture, float rotation)
            int tx = (int)(x / Constants.terrainPieceSize);
            int tz = (int)(z / Constants.terrainPieceSize);
            int cx = tx / Constants.terrainHeightsPerChunk;

            if (tx < 0 && tx % Constants.terrainHeightsPerChunk != 0)
            int cz = tz / Constants.terrainHeightsPerChunk;

            if (tz < 0 && tz % Constants.terrainHeightsPerChunk != 0)

            Vector2D      loc = new Vector2D(cx, cz);
            ITerrainChunk tc  = terrainChunks[loc] as ITerrainChunk;

            if (tc == null)
                tc = TerrainChunk.CreateTerrainChunk(cx * Constants.terrainHeightsPerChunk * Constants.terrainPieceSize, cz * Constants.terrainHeightsPerChunk * Constants.terrainPieceSize, Constants.terrainPieceSize, Constants.terrainHeightsPerChunk);
                terrainChunks.Add(loc, tc);
            tc.DrawTexture(texture, x, z, rotation);
Esempio n. 2
        public void SetHeight(float x, float z, float altitude)
            int      tx  = (int)(x / Constants.terrainPieceSize);
            int      tz  = (int)(z / Constants.terrainPieceSize);
            Vector2D loc = new Vector2D(tx, tz);

            if (terrainHeights.Contains(loc))
                //Strive.Logging.Log.WarningMessage( "Replacing terrain peice " + tpexists.instance_id + " with " + tp.instance_id );
            terrainHeights.Add(loc, altitude);

            int cx = tx / Constants.terrainHeightsPerChunk;

            if (tx < 0 && tx % Constants.terrainHeightsPerChunk != 0)
            int cz = tz / Constants.terrainHeightsPerChunk;

            if (tz < 0 && tz % Constants.terrainHeightsPerChunk != 0)

            loc.Set(cx, cz);
            ITerrainChunk tc = terrainChunks[loc] as ITerrainChunk;

            if (tc == null)
                tc = TerrainChunk.CreateTerrainChunk(cx * Constants.terrainHeightsPerChunk * Constants.terrainPieceSize, cz * Constants.terrainHeightsPerChunk * Constants.terrainPieceSize, Constants.terrainPieceSize, Constants.terrainHeightsPerChunk);
                terrainChunks.Add(loc, tc);
            tc.SetHeight(x, z, altitude);
            if (tx % Constants.terrainHeightsPerChunk == 0)
                loc.Set(cx - 1, cz);
                tc = terrainChunks[loc] as ITerrainChunk;
                if (tc == null)
                    tc = TerrainChunk.CreateTerrainChunk((cx - 1) * Constants.terrainHeightsPerChunk * Constants.terrainPieceSize, cz * Constants.terrainHeightsPerChunk * Constants.terrainPieceSize, Constants.terrainPieceSize, Constants.terrainHeightsPerChunk);
                    terrainChunks.Add(loc, tc);
                tc.SetHeight(x, z, altitude);
            if (tz % Constants.terrainHeightsPerChunk == 0)
                loc.Set(cx, cz - 1);
                tc = terrainChunks[loc] as ITerrainChunk;
                if (tc == null)
                    tc = TerrainChunk.CreateTerrainChunk(cx * Constants.terrainHeightsPerChunk * Constants.terrainPieceSize, (cz - 1) * Constants.terrainHeightsPerChunk * Constants.terrainPieceSize, Constants.terrainPieceSize, Constants.terrainHeightsPerChunk);
                    terrainChunks.Add(loc, tc);
                tc.SetHeight(x, z, altitude);
            if (tx % Constants.terrainHeightsPerChunk == 0 && tz % Constants.terrainHeightsPerChunk == 0)
                loc.Set(cx - 1, cz - 1);
                tc = terrainChunks[loc] as ITerrainChunk;
                if (tc == null)
                    tc = TerrainChunk.CreateTerrainChunk((cx - 1) * Constants.terrainHeightsPerChunk * Constants.terrainPieceSize, (cz - 1) * Constants.terrainHeightsPerChunk * Constants.terrainPieceSize, Constants.terrainPieceSize, Constants.terrainHeightsPerChunk);
                    terrainChunks.Add(loc, tc);
                tc.SetHeight(x, z, altitude);
Esempio n. 3
        public void Recenter(float x, float z)
            int      i, j, k, cs, cx, cz;
            int      xdiff, zdiff;
            float    tcx, tcz, px, pz, altitude;
            int      l, m;
            Vector2D loc = new Vector2D(0, 0);
            Terrain  t1, t2;

            // drop all terrain data that is now out of scope
            ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(terrainPiecesXYIndex.Keys);

            foreach (Vector2D key in arrayList)
                for (k = 0; k < Constants.terrainZoomOrder; k++)
                    if (
                        key.X > x + Constants.xRadius[k] * ts || key.Y > z + Constants.zRadius[k] * ts ||
                        key.X < x - Constants.xRadius[k] * ts || key.Y < z - Constants.zRadius[k] * ts
                        if (
                            // there is no higher zoom order
                            k == (Constants.terrainZoomOrder - 1)
                            // this is not a higher order point
                            || (key.X % (ts * Constants.scale[k + 1])) != 0 || (key.Y % (ts * Constants.scale[k + 1])) != 0
                            // TODO: why doesn't this wurk??? umg
                            //terrainPiecesXYIndex.Remove( key );

            // loop through all chunks to see if any can be reused
            for (k = (zoomorder - 1); k >= 0; k--)
                cs = (int)(ts * Math.Pow(hpc, k + 1));
                cx = Helper.DivTruncate((int)x, cs);
                cz = Helper.DivTruncate((int)z, cs);
                if (x - (cx * cs) < (cx + 1) * cs - x)
                if (z - (cz * cs) < (cz + 1) * cs - z)
                cx   -= (xorder / 2 - 1);
                cz   -= (zorder / 2 - 1);
                xdiff = cx - CX[k];
                zdiff = cz - CZ[k];
                // no difference, keep all the chunks
                if (xdiff == 0 && zdiff == 0)

                for (i = (xdiff < 0?xorder - 1:0); (xdiff < 0?i >= 0:i < xorder);)
                    for (j = (zdiff < 0?zorder - 1:0); (zdiff < 0?j >= 0:j < zorder);)
                        // see if we can replace it with an existing chunk
                        tcx = cx * cs + i * cs;
                        tcz = cz * cs + j * cs;

                        if (
                            i + xdiff >= 0 &&
                            i + xdiff < xorder &&
                            j + zdiff >= 0 &&
                            j + zdiff < zorder
                            // Keep the data in TC[i+xdiff,j+zdiff,k]
                            // but move it to TC[i,j,k]
                            ITerrainChunk tc = TC[i, j, k];
                            TC[i, j, k] = TC[i + xdiff, j + zdiff, k];
                            TC[i + xdiff, j + zdiff, k] = tc;

                            // update edges with real values
                            // this is 'unseaming' from the higher order
                            if ((i + xdiff) == 0)
                                for (m = 0; m < hpc; m++)
                                    px = TC[i, j, k].Position.X;
                                    pz = TC[i, j, k].Position.Z + m * cs / hpc;
                                    loc.Set(px, pz);
                                    altitude = 0;
                                    t1       = (Terrain)terrainPiecesXYIndex[loc];
                                    if (t1 != null)
                                        altitude = t1.Position.Y;
                                    TC[i, j, k].SetHeight(px, pz, altitude);
                            else if ((i + xdiff) == (xorder - 1))
                                for (m = 0; m < hpc; m++)
                                    px = TC[i, j, k].Position.X + cs;
                                    pz = TC[i, j, k].Position.Z + m * cs / hpc;
                                    loc.Set(px, pz);
                                    altitude = 0;
                                    t1       = (Terrain)terrainPiecesXYIndex[loc];
                                    if (t1 != null)
                                        altitude = t1.Position.Y;
                                    TC[i, j, k].SetHeight(px, pz, altitude);
                            if ((j + zdiff) == 0)
                                for (l = 0; l < hpc; l++)
                                    px = TC[i, j, k].Position.X + l * cs / hpc;
                                    pz = TC[i, j, k].Position.Z;
                                    loc.Set(px, pz);
                                    altitude = 0;
                                    t1       = (Terrain)terrainPiecesXYIndex[loc];
                                    if (t1 != null)
                                        altitude = t1.Position.Y;
                                    TC[i, j, k].SetHeight(px, pz, altitude);
                            else if ((j + zdiff) == (zorder - 1))
                                for (l = 0; l < hpc; l++)
                                    px = TC[i, j, k].Position.X + l * cs / hpc;
                                    pz = TC[i, j, k].Position.Z + cs;
                                    loc.Set(px, pz);
                                    altitude = 0;
                                    t1       = (Terrain)terrainPiecesXYIndex[loc];
                                    if (t1 != null)
                                        altitude = t1.Position.Y;
                                    TC[i, j, k].SetHeight(px, pz, altitude);
                            // TC[i,j,k] is dirty and ready for
                            // reuse... this means that its higher order peice
                            // is going to become visible again (if it exists).
                            if (k < zoomorder - 1)
                                MakeVisible(k + 1, TC[i, j, k].Position.X, TC[i, j, k].Position.Z);

                            // NB: TODO in order to make sure invis and seaming works,
                            // we need to remove Set() and replace it with this
                            // refresh process, or put the extra checking into Set

                            // The new location needs to be made invisible
                            TC[i, j, k].Position = new Vector3D(tcx, 0, tcz);
                            if (k < zoomorder - 1)
                                MakeInvisible(k + 1, TC[i, j, k].Position.X, TC[i, j, k].Position.Z);

                            // update it with any known heights
                            // Refresh( TC[i,j,k] );
                            for (l = 0; l <= hpc; l++)
                                for (m = 0; m <= hpc; m++)
                                    px       = tcx + l * cs / hpc;
                                    pz       = tcz + m * cs / hpc;
                                    altitude = 0;
                                    if (l == 0 && i == 0 || l == (hpc - 1) && i == (xorder - 1))
                                        // edges need to be seamed with higher order edges
                                        loc.Set(tcx, tcz);
                                        t1 = (Terrain)terrainPiecesXYIndex[loc];
                                        loc.Set(tcx, tcz + cs);
                                        t2 = (Terrain)terrainPiecesXYIndex[loc];
                                        if (t1 != null && t2 != null)
                                            altitude = t1.Position.Y + (t2.Position.Y - t1.Position.Y) * m / hpc;
                                    else if (m == 0 && j == 0 || m == (hpc - 1) && j == (zorder - 1))
                                        // edges need to be seamed with higher order edges
                                        loc.Set(tcx, tcz);
                                        t1 = (Terrain)terrainPiecesXYIndex[loc];
                                        loc.Set(tcx + cs, tcz);
                                        t2 = (Terrain)terrainPiecesXYIndex[loc];
                                        if (t1 != null && t2 != null)
                                            altitude = t1.Position.Y + (t2.Position.Y - t1.Position.Y) * m / hpc;
                                        loc.Set(px, pz);
                                        t1 = (Terrain)terrainPiecesXYIndex[loc];
                                        if (t1 != null)
                                            altitude = t1.Position.Y;
                                    TC[i, j, k].SetHeight(px, pz, altitude);

                                    // regardless of altitude, always use the right
                                    loc.Set(px, pz);
                                    t1 = (Terrain)terrainPiecesXYIndex[loc];
                                    if (t1 != null)
                                        //if ( k==0 )
                                        TC[i, j, k].DrawTexture(_resource_manager.GetTexture(t1.ResourceID), px, pz, t1.Rotation.Y);
                        if (zdiff < 0)
                    if (xdiff < 0)

                CX[k] = cx;
                CZ[k] = cz;