internal static TransformFunction TransformFor(this ITenant tenant, string transformName) { try { var schema = tenant.FindFeature(typeof(TransformSchema)); if (schema == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException( $"Attempting to use a PLV8/Javascript related feature, but the support is not active in this DocumentStore. Did you forget to call {nameof(StoreOptions)}.{nameof(StoreOptionsExtensions.UseJavascriptTransformsAndPatching)}()?"); } return(schema.As <TransformSchema>().For(transformName)); } catch (InvalidDocumentException) { throw new InvalidOperationException( $"Attempting to use a PLV8/Javascript related feature, but the support is not active in this DocumentStore. Did you forget to call {nameof(StoreOptions)}.{nameof(StoreOptionsExtensions.UseJavascriptTransformsAndPatching)}()?"); } }
public IFeatureSchema FindFeature(Type storageType) { return(_inner.FindFeature(storageType)); }