public ITeamAliasModel Create(ITeamAliasModel model) { // Validate model BusinessWorkflowBase.ValidateIDIsNull(model.Id); //BusinessWorkflowBase.ValidateRequiredString(model.Name, nameof(model.Name)); // Search for an Existing Record (Don't allow Duplicates var results = Search(TeamAliasMapper.MapToSearchModel(model)); if (results.Any()) { return(results.First()); } // Return the first that matches // Map model to a new entity var newEntity = TeamAliasMapper.MapToEntity(model); newEntity.CreatedDate = BusinessWorkflowBase.GenDateTime; newEntity.UpdatedDate = null; newEntity.Active = true; // Add it TeamAliasesRepository.Add(newEntity); // Try to Save Changes TeamAliasesRepository.SaveChanges(); // Return the new value return(Get(newEntity.Id)); }
public ITeamAliasModel Update(ITeamAliasModel model) { // Validate model BusinessWorkflowBase.ValidateRequiredNullableID(model.Id); //BusinessWorkflowBase.ValidateRequiredString(model.Name, nameof(model.Name)); // Find existing entity // ReSharper disable once PossibleInvalidOperationException var existingEntity = TeamAliasesRepository.Get(model.Id.Value); // Check if we would be applying identical information, if we are, just return the original // ReSharper disable once SuspiciousTypeConversion.Global if (TeamAliasMapper.AreEqual(model, existingEntity)) { return(TeamAliasMapper.MapToModel(existingEntity)); } // Map model to an existing entity TeamAliasMapper.MapToEntity(model, ref existingEntity); existingEntity.UpdatedDate = BusinessWorkflowBase.GenDateTime; // Update it TeamAliasesRepository.Update(TeamAliasMapper.MapToEntity(model)); // Try to Save Changes TeamAliasesRepository.SaveChanges(); // Return the new value return(Get(existingEntity.Id)); }
public virtual bool AreEqual(ITeamAliasModel model, ITeamAlias entity) { return NameableEntityMapper.AreEqual(model, entity) // TeamAlias Properties // <None> // Related Objects && model.TeamId == entity.TeamId ; }
public virtual bool AreEqual(ITeamAliasModel model, ITeamAlias entity) { return(NameableEntityMapper.AreEqual(model, entity) // TeamAlias Properties // <None> // Related Objects && model.TeamId == entity.TeamId ); }
public virtual void MapToEntity(ITeamAliasModel model, ref ITeamAlias entity, int currentDepth = 1) { currentDepth++; // Assign Base properties NameableEntityMapper.MapToEntity(model, ref entity); // TeamAlias Properties // <None> // Related Objects entity.TeamId = model.TeamId; entity.Team = (Team)model.Team?.MapToEntity(); // Associated Objects // <None> }
public virtual ITeamAlias MapToEntity(ITeamAliasModel model, int currentDepth = 1) { currentDepth++; var entity = NameableEntityMapper.MapToEntity<TeamAlias, ITeamAliasModel>(model); // TeamAlias Properties // <None> // Related Objects entity.TeamId = model.TeamId; entity.Team = (Team)model.Team?.MapToEntity(); // Associated Objects // <None> // Return Entity return entity; }
public virtual ITeamAlias MapToEntity(ITeamAliasModel model, int currentDepth = 1) { currentDepth++; var entity = NameableEntityMapper.MapToEntity <TeamAlias, ITeamAliasModel>(model); // TeamAlias Properties // <None> // Related Objects entity.TeamId = model.TeamId; entity.Team = (Team)model.Team?.MapToEntity(); // Associated Objects // <None> // Return Entity return(entity); }
public virtual ITeamAliasSearchModel MapToSearchModel(ITeamAliasModel model) { var searchModel = NameableEntityMapper.MapToSearchModel <ITeamAliasModel, TeamAliasSearchModel>(model); // Search Properties searchModel.TeamId = model.TeamId; searchModel.TeamCustomKey = model.Team?.CustomKey; searchModel.TeamApiDetailUrl = model.Team?.ApiDetailUrl; searchModel.TeamSiteDetailUrl = model.Team?.SiteDetailUrl; searchModel.TeamName = model.Team?.Name; searchModel.TeamShortDescription = model.Team?.ShortDescription; searchModel.TeamDescription = model.Team?.Description; // Return Search Model return(searchModel); }
public void Verify_Update_WithDuplicateData_Should_NotAddAndReturnOriginal() { // Arrange var entity = TeamAliasesMockingSetup.DoMockingSetupForTeamAlias(1); var mockTeamAliasesRepository = TeamAliasesMockingSetup.DoMockingSetupForRepository(); mockTeamAliasesRepository.Setup(m => m.Get(It.IsAny <int>())).Returns(() => entity.Object); var businessWorkflow = new TeamAliasesBusinessWorkflow(mockTeamAliasesRepository.Object, new TeamAliasMapper()); var model = TeamAliasesMockingSetup.DoMockingSetupForTeamAliasModel(1); ITeamAliasModel result = null; // Act try { result = businessWorkflow.Update(model.Object); } catch { /* ignored, the Get call at the end doesn't work because don't get a real entity with id on it */ } // Assert Assert.NotNull(result); Assert.Equal("/TEST/KING-STEPHEN", result.ApiDetailUrl); Assert.Null(result.UpdatedDate); }
public ITeamAliasModel Create(ITeamAliasModel model) { // Validate model BusinessWorkflowBase.ValidateIDIsNull(model.Id); //BusinessWorkflowBase.ValidateRequiredString(model.Name, nameof(model.Name)); // Search for an Existing Record (Don't allow Duplicates var results = Search(TeamAliasMapper.MapToSearchModel(model)); if (results.Any()) { return results.First(); } // Return the first that matches // Map model to a new entity var newEntity = TeamAliasMapper.MapToEntity(model); newEntity.CreatedDate = BusinessWorkflowBase.GenDateTime; newEntity.UpdatedDate = null; newEntity.Active = true; // Add it TeamAliasesRepository.Add(newEntity); // Try to Save Changes TeamAliasesRepository.SaveChanges(); // Return the new value return Get(newEntity.Id); }
public ITeamAliasModel Update(ITeamAliasModel model) { // Validate model BusinessWorkflowBase.ValidateRequiredNullableID(model.Id); //BusinessWorkflowBase.ValidateRequiredString(model.Name, nameof(model.Name)); // Find existing entity // ReSharper disable once PossibleInvalidOperationException var existingEntity = TeamAliasesRepository.Get(model.Id.Value); // Check if we would be applying identical information, if we are, just return the original // ReSharper disable once SuspiciousTypeConversion.Global if (TeamAliasMapper.AreEqual(model, existingEntity)) { return TeamAliasMapper.MapToModel(existingEntity); } // Map model to an existing entity TeamAliasMapper.MapToEntity(model, ref existingEntity); existingEntity.UpdatedDate = BusinessWorkflowBase.GenDateTime; // Update it TeamAliasesRepository.Update(TeamAliasMapper.MapToEntity(model)); // Try to Save Changes TeamAliasesRepository.SaveChanges(); // Return the new value return Get(existingEntity.Id); }
public static bool AreEqual(this ITeamAliasModel model, ITeamAlias entity) { return(Mapper.AreEqual(model, entity)); }
public static void MapToEntity(this ITeamAliasModel model, ref ITeamAlias entity, int currentDepth = 1) { Mapper.MapToEntity(model, ref entity, currentDepth); }
public static ITeamAlias MapToEntity(this ITeamAliasModel model, int currentDepth = 1) { return(Mapper.MapToEntity(model, currentDepth)); }
public static ITeamAliasSearchModel MapToSearchModel(this ITeamAliasModel model) { return(Mapper.MapToSearchModel(model)); }
public virtual ITeamAliasSearchModel MapToSearchModel(ITeamAliasModel model) { var searchModel = NameableEntityMapper.MapToSearchModel<ITeamAliasModel, TeamAliasSearchModel>(model); // Search Properties searchModel.TeamId = model.TeamId; searchModel.TeamCustomKey = model.Team?.CustomKey; searchModel.TeamApiDetailUrl = model.Team?.ApiDetailUrl; searchModel.TeamSiteDetailUrl = model.Team?.SiteDetailUrl; searchModel.TeamName = model.Team?.Name; searchModel.TeamShortDescription = model.Team?.ShortDescription; searchModel.TeamDescription = model.Team?.Description; // Return Search Model return searchModel; }