protected ITcSmTreeItem CreateHardware(IWorker worker, bool scanHardware, bool simulation) { OrderScriptContext context = (OrderScriptContext)_context; ConfigurationInfo configurationInfo = context.Order.ConfigurationInfo; HardwareInfo hardware = configurationInfo.Hardware; ITcSmTreeItem devices = systemManager.LookupTreeItem("TIID"); // Getting IO-Configuration ITcSmTreeItem device = null; if (worker.CancellationPending) { throw new Exception("Execution cancelled!"); } // Scans the Fieldbus interfaces and adds an EtherCAT Device. string deviceName = "EtherCAT Master"; worker.ProgressStatus = string.Format("Creating device '{0}'", deviceName); device = Helper.CreateEthernetDevice(this.systemManager, DeviceType.EtherCAT_DirectMode, deviceName, worker); ITcSmTreeItem parent = device; foreach (BoxInfo boxInfo in hardware.Boxes) { if (worker.CancellationPending) { throw new Exception("Execution cancelled!"); } ITcSmTreeItem box = CreateBox(parent, boxInfo, worker); } return(device); }
public AutomationInterface(EnvDTE.Project project) { sysManager = (ITcSysManager10)project.Object; configManager = (ITcConfigManager)sysManager.ConfigurationManager; plcTreeItem = sysManager.LookupTreeItem(Constants.PLC_CONFIGURATION_SHORTCUT); routesTreeItem = sysManager.LookupTreeItem(Constants.RT_CONFIG_ROUTE_SETTINGS_SHORTCUT); }
} //ActivateConfiguration() public void EditParams(ITcSmTreeItem drive, string filename) { //Create the filepath to the motor file using the path provided to load the excel spreadsheet. string file = filename; string path = buildPathString(file); //open the Motor file as an xml document,read its tags with InitCmds XmlDocument xDoc = new XmlDocument(); xDoc.Load(path); XmlNode xNode = xDoc.SelectSingleNode("/EtherCATMailbox/CoE/InitCmds"); string driveParams = drive.ProduceXml(); XmlNodeList xmlInitCmds = xNode.ChildNodes; foreach (XmlNode Cmd in xmlInitCmds) { string newStartListParam = "<" + Cmd.Name + ">"; foreach (XmlNode node in Cmd) { newStartListParam += "<" + node.Name + ">"; newStartListParam += node.InnerText; newStartListParam += "</" + node.Name + ">"; } newStartListParam += "</" + Cmd.Name + ">"; int idx = driveParams.IndexOf("</InitCmd></InitCmds><CanOpenType>55</CanOpenType></CoE></Mailbox>"); idx = idx + 10; driveParams = driveParams.Insert(idx, newStartListParam); } drive.ConsumeXml(driveParams); }//EditParams
/// <summary> /// Stops the PLC, assuming that you already have a running PLC. /// </summary> public Boolean stopPLC() { Console.WriteLine("Stopping " + project.Name); ITcSysManager4 systemManager = (ITcSysManager4)(project.Object); if (!systemManager.IsTwinCATStarted()) { Console.WriteLine("No Twincat project running!!"); return(false); } ITcSmTreeItem plcApp = getPLCApp(systemManager); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); if (!login(plcApp)) { return(false); } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); Console.WriteLine("Stopping PLC"); plcApp.ConsumeXml(createXMLString(PLCAction.STOP)); if (!checkWithTimeout(COMMAND_TIMEOUT, () => checkXmlIsString(plcApp, "PlcAppState", "Stop"))) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to stop!"); return(false); } return(true); }
public void exportAxisXml(int axisNumber) { ITcSmTreeItem axisName = Axes.Child[axisNumber + 1]; string xmlDescription = axisName.ProduceXml(); File.WriteAllText(ConfigFolder + @"\" + AxisDirectory + @"\" + axisName.Name + @".xml", xmlDescription); }
/// <summary> /// Checks that a solution contains at least one PLC project and starts the project running. /// </summary> public Boolean startPLC() { Console.WriteLine("Starting " + project.Name); ITcSysManager4 systemManager = (ITcSysManager4)(project.Object); ITcSmTreeItem plcApp = getPLCApp(systemManager); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); if (!login(plcApp)) { return(false); } if (isRunning(plcApp)) { Console.WriteLine("PLC is running"); return(true); } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); Console.WriteLine("Starting PLC"); plcApp.ConsumeXml(createXMLString(PLCAction.START)); if (!checkWithTimeout(COMMAND_TIMEOUT, () => isRunning(plcApp))) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to start!"); return(false); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Produces a string of data for use in the IO List file /// </summary> /// <param name="tierLevel"></param> /// <param name="ioName"></param> /// <returns></returns> public String getIoData(String tierLevel, ITcSmTreeItem ioName) { //Need to get product revision from XML XmlDocument ioXml = new XmlDocument(); ioXml.LoadXml(ioName.ProduceXml()); String productRevision; String name; String subType; String strB4; //not utilised but needs to be set. Can be used to state where in tree the device should appear when created. String ioListString; name = ioName.Name; subType = (ioName.ItemSubType).ToString(); var node = ioXml.SelectSingleNode("TreeItem/EtherCAT/Slave/Info/ProductRevision"); if (node != null) { strB4 = " "; productRevision = node.InnerText; } else { strB4 = "null"; productRevision = "null"; } ioListString = tierLevel + "," + name + "," + subType + "," + strB4 + "," + productRevision; return(ioListString); }
public void activateAndRunPLC() { adsClient.Connect(sysMan.GetTargetNetId(), 10000); //AMS net id of target system. TwinCAT system service port = 10000 System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10000); //waiting for TwinCAT to go into Run mode. sysMan.ActivateConfiguration(); sysMan.StartRestartTwinCAT(); try { bool rundo = true; do { if (adsClient.ReadState().AdsState == AdsState.Run) //reads TwinCAT's system state, if it is in run mode then log into plc. { string xml = "<TreeItem><IECProjectDef><OnlineSettings><Commands><LoginCmd>true</LoginCmd><StartCmd>true</StartCmd></Commands></OnlineSettings></IECProjectDef></TreeItem>"; ITcSmTreeItem plcProject = sysMan.LookupTreeItem("TIPC^Untitled1^Untitled1 Project"); plcProject.ConsumeXml(xml); rundo = false; } } while (rundo); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
private bool TryLookupChild3(ITcSmTreeItem parent, string childName, out ITcSmTreeItem child) { string parentPath = parent.PathName; string path = parentPath + "^" + childName; return(TryLookupTreeItem(path, out child)); }
SpecificEventsModuleCreator( int targetIndex, ITcSmTreeItem pou, ITcSmTreeItem dut, ITcSmTreeItem gvl, ITcSmTreeItem eventManagers, ITcSmTreeItem modules, ITcSmTreeItem triggers ) { this.eventManagers = eventManagers; this.modules = modules; this.triggers = triggers; this.pou = pou; this.dut = dut; this.gvl = gvl; module = AssignedConfigFileData.modulesContainer.content[targetIndex]; eventNamesLists = new List <String[]>(); eventManagerNames = new List <String>(); this.targetIndex = targetIndex; CreateModuleCode(); Console.WriteLine("Code for module {0} created.", module.getName); CreateEventManagerCode(); }
private ITcSmTreeItem createItf(ItfInfo itfInfo, ITcSmTreeItem parent, IWorker worker, XmlDocument doc) { XmlNode itfNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("TcPlcObject/Itf"); string itfName = itfNode.Attributes["Name"].Value; worker.ProgressStatus = string.Format("Creating Interface '{0}' ...", itfName); ITcSmTreeItem item = null; XmlElement node = (XmlElement)doc.SelectSingleNode("TcPlcObject/Itf/Declaration"); string declString = node.InnerText; if (!TryLookupChild(parent, itfName, out item)) { item = parent.CreateChild(itfName, TreeItemType.PlcInterface.AsInt32(), "", declString); } //Debug.Fail(""); ITcXmlDocument xmlDoc = (ITcXmlDocument)item; xmlDoc.DocumentXml = doc.OuterXml; ITcPlcDeclaration decl = (ITcPlcDeclaration)item; //decl.DeclarationText = node.InnerText; return(item); }
private ITcSmTreeItem createWorksheet2(WorksheetInfo info, ITcSmTreeItem parent, IWorker worker) { string template = Path.Combine(ApplicationDirectory, info.TemplatePath); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(template); ITcSmTreeItem ret = null; switch (info.Type) { case PlcObjectType.DataType: ret = createDut((DataTypeInfo)info, parent, worker, doc); break; case PlcObjectType.POU: ret = createPou((POUInfo)info, parent, worker, doc); break; case PlcObjectType.Itf: ret = createItf((ItfInfo)info, parent, worker, doc); break; case PlcObjectType.Gvl: ret = createGvl((GvlInfo)info, parent, worker, doc); break; default: Debug.Fail(""); break; } return(ret); }
private ITcSmTreeItem createPlcFolder(ITcSmTreeItem parent, string folderName, string before, IWorker worker) { worker.ProgressStatus = string.Format("Creating Folder '{0}' ...", folderName); ITcSmTreeItem item = parent.CreateChild(folderName, TreeItemType.PlcFolder.AsInt32(), before, null); return(item); }
protected override void OnExecute(IWorker worker) { worker.Progress = 0; ITcSmTreeItem plcConfig = systemManager.LookupTreeItem("TIPC"); // Getting PLC-Configuration CreatePlcProject(worker); // Method of CodeGenerationBaseScript to create a new PLC project. }
/// <summary> /// Checks that the specified tag in the XML from the project tree matches the expected value. /// </summary> /// <param name="plcProjectItem">The tree to search.</param> /// <param name="tag">The tag to search for.</param> /// <param name="expected">The expected value.</param> /// <returns>True if the value is found, else false.</returns> private Boolean checkXmlIsString(ITcSmTreeItem plcProjectItem, String tag, String expected) { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(plcProjectItem.ProduceXml(true)); XmlNodeList loggedIn = doc.SelectNodes(String.Format("//{0}", tag)); return(loggedIn.Item(0).InnerText.Equals(expected)); }
private void createPlaceholder(PlaceholderInfo info, ITcSmTreeItem plcProject, IWorker worker) { worker.ProgressStatus = string.Format("Adding Placeholder '{0}' ...", info.PlaceholderName); ITcSmTreeItem referencesItem = plcProject.LookupChild("References"); ITcPlcLibraryManager libraryManager = (ITcPlcLibraryManager)referencesItem; libraryManager.AddPlaceholder(info.PlaceholderName); }
private void ConsumeTemplate(ITcSmTreeItem item, string templatePath) { string templ = Path.Combine(ApplicationDirectory, templatePath); XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(templ); reader.MoveToContent(); item.ConsumeXml(reader.ReadOuterXml()); }
private void createLibrary(LibraryInfo info, ITcSmTreeItem plcProject, IWorker worker) { worker.ProgressStatus = string.Format("Adding Library '{0}' ...", info.LibraryName); ITcSmTreeItem referencesItem = plcProject.LookupChild("References"); ITcPlcLibraryManager libraryManager = (ITcPlcLibraryManager)referencesItem; libraryManager.AddLibrary(info.LibraryName); }
//This contructor is meant to be used for testing individual methods //It should never be called in a live use public SolutionHandler() { dte = attachToExistingDte(@"C:\Users\NathanM\Desktop\DELETE ME\Garth Gaddy\TestDirectory\Test4.sln", ProgID); sol = dte.Solution; pro = sol.Projects.Item(1); sysMan = (ITcSysManager11)pro.Object; adsClient = new TcAdsClient(); ITcSmTreeItem drive = sysMan.LookupTreeItem(@"TIID^Device_1^InfeedWest0"); LinkIoToPlc(drive); }
}//CreatePLCVariable() private void LinkIoToPlc(ITcSmTreeItem drive) { /*------------------------------------------ * This is a placehiolder method for the code needed to link our drives to the PLC. * When we say PLC we mean explicitly and exclusively the PLC, no NC task/configuration * can be used. * -----------------------------------------*/ string plcInputsPath = "TIPC^Untitled1^Untitled1 Instance^PlcTask Inputs"; string plcOutputsPath = "TIPC^Untitled1^Untitled1 Instance^PlcTask Outputs"; string drivePath = drive.PathName; string boxName = drive.Name; // Create links between the current drive and the PLC structure //Link the inputs this.sysMan.LinkVariables(drivePath + "^DI Inputs^Input 1", plcInputsPath + "^" + boxName + ".stInputs^Input_1"); this.sysMan.LinkVariables(drivePath + "^DI Inputs^Input 2", plcInputsPath + "^" + boxName + ".stInputs^Input_2"); this.sysMan.LinkVariables(drivePath + "^DI Inputs^Input 3", plcInputsPath + "^" + boxName + ".stInputs^Input_3"); this.sysMan.LinkVariables(drivePath + "^DI Inputs^Input 4", plcInputsPath + "^" + boxName + ".stInputs^Input_4"); this.sysMan.LinkVariables(drivePath + "^DI Inputs^Control input 1", plcInputsPath + "^" + boxName + ".stInputs^Control_input_1"); this.sysMan.LinkVariables(drivePath + "^DI Inputs^Control input 2", plcInputsPath + "^" + boxName + ".stInputs^Control_input_2"); this.sysMan.LinkVariables(drivePath + "^DI Inputs^Control input 3", plcInputsPath + "^" + boxName + ".stInputs^Control_input_3"); this.sysMan.LinkVariables(drivePath + "^DI Inputs^Control input 4", plcInputsPath + "^" + boxName + ".stInputs^Control_input_4"); this.sysMan.LinkVariables(drivePath + "^STM Status Channel 1^Status", plcInputsPath + "^" + boxName + ".stInputs^Channel_1_Status"); this.sysMan.LinkVariables(drivePath + "^STM Status Channel 2^Status", plcInputsPath + "^" + boxName + ".stInputs^Channel_2_Status"); this.sysMan.LinkVariables(drivePath + "^STM Synchron info data Channel 1^Info data 1", plcInputsPath + "^" + boxName + ".stInputs^Channel_1_info_data_1"); this.sysMan.LinkVariables(drivePath + "^STM Synchron info data Channel 1^Info data 2", plcInputsPath + "^" + boxName + ".stInputs^Channel_1_info_data_2"); this.sysMan.LinkVariables(drivePath + "^STM Synchron info data Channel 1^Info data 3", plcInputsPath + "^" + boxName + ".stInputs^Channel_1_info_data_3"); this.sysMan.LinkVariables(drivePath + "^STM Synchron info data Channel 2^Info data 1", plcInputsPath + "^" + boxName + ".stInputs^Channel_2_info_data_1"); this.sysMan.LinkVariables(drivePath + "^STM Synchron info data Channel 2^Info data 2", plcInputsPath + "^" + boxName + ".stInputs^Channel_2_info_data_2"); this.sysMan.LinkVariables(drivePath + "^STM Synchron info data Channel 2^Info data 3", plcInputsPath + "^" + boxName + ".stInputs^Channel_2_info_data_3"); this.sysMan.LinkVariables(drivePath + "^STM Inputs Device^Device Diag", plcInputsPath + "^" + boxName + ".stInputs^Device_Diag"); //Link the Outputs this.sysMan.LinkVariables(drivePath + "^DO Outputs^Output 1", plcOutputsPath + "^" + boxName + ".stOutputs^Output_1"); this.sysMan.LinkVariables(drivePath + "^DO Outputs^Output 2", plcOutputsPath + "^" + boxName + ".stOutputs^Output_2"); this.sysMan.LinkVariables(drivePath + "^DO Outputs^Output 3", plcOutputsPath + "^" + boxName + ".stOutputs^Output_3"); this.sysMan.LinkVariables(drivePath + "^DO Outputs^Output 4", plcOutputsPath + "^" + boxName + ".stOutputs^Output_4"); this.sysMan.LinkVariables(drivePath + "^DO Outputs^Control output 1", plcOutputsPath + "^" + boxName + ".stOutputs^Control_output_1"); this.sysMan.LinkVariables(drivePath + "^DO Outputs^Control output 2", plcOutputsPath + "^" + boxName + ".stOutputs^Control_output_2"); this.sysMan.LinkVariables(drivePath + "^DO Outputs^Control output 3", plcOutputsPath + "^" + boxName + ".stOutputs^Control_output_3"); this.sysMan.LinkVariables(drivePath + "^DO Outputs^Control output 4", plcOutputsPath + "^" + boxName + ".stOutputs^Control_output_4"); this.sysMan.LinkVariables(drivePath + "^STM Control Channel 1^Control", plcOutputsPath + "^" + boxName + ".stOutputs^Channel_1_Control"); this.sysMan.LinkVariables(drivePath + "^STM Control Channel 2^Control", plcOutputsPath + "^" + boxName + ".stOutputs^Channel_2_Control"); this.sysMan.LinkVariables(drivePath + "^STM Target Velocity Channel 1^Velocity", plcOutputsPath + "^" + boxName + ".stOutputs^Channel_1_Velocity"); this.sysMan.LinkVariables(drivePath + "^STM Target Velocity Channel 1^Accelleration", plcOutputsPath + "^" + boxName + ".stOutputs^Channel_1_Accelleration"); this.sysMan.LinkVariables(drivePath + "^STM Target Velocity Channel 1^Decceleration", plcOutputsPath + "^" + boxName + ".stOutputs^Channel_1_Decceleration"); this.sysMan.LinkVariables(drivePath + "^STM Target Velocity Channel 2^Velocity", plcOutputsPath + "^" + boxName + ".stOutputs^Channel_2_Velocity"); this.sysMan.LinkVariables(drivePath + "^STM Target Velocity Channel 2^Accelleration", plcOutputsPath + "^" + boxName + ".stOutputs^Channel_2_Accelleration"); this.sysMan.LinkVariables(drivePath + "^STM Target Velocity Channel 2^Decceleration", plcOutputsPath + "^" + boxName + ".stOutputs^Channel_2_Decceleration"); }//LinkIoToPlc()
private Boolean login(ITcSmTreeItem plcApp) { Console.WriteLine("Logging in"); plcApp.ConsumeXml(createXMLString(PLCAction.LOGIN)); if (!checkWithTimeout(COMMAND_TIMEOUT, () => checkXmlIsString(plcApp, "LoggedIn", "true"))) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to login!"); return(false); } return(true); }
private bool TryLookupChild(ITcSmTreeItem parent, string childName, out ITcSmTreeItem child) { foreach (ITcSmTreeItem c in parent) { if (c.Name == childName) { child = c; return(true); } } child = null; return(false); }
private bool TryLookupChild2(ITcSmTreeItem parent, string childName, out ITcSmTreeItem child) { try { child = parent.LookupChild(childName); return(true); } catch { child = null; return(false); } }
private bool TryLookupTreeItem(string itemPath, out ITcSmTreeItem treeItem) { try { treeItem = this.systemManager.LookupTreeItem(itemPath); return(true); } catch { treeItem = null; return(false); } }
//<Not used> public void addBaseSln(String slnBasePath) //For adding collab code automatically - requires better gitbash { string template = slnBasePath + @"\tc_project_app\tc_project_app.plcproj"; //path toproject template ITcSmTreeItem plc = SystemManager.LookupTreeItem("TIPC"); try { ITcSmTreeItem newProject = plc.CreateChild("basePLC", 0, "", template); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Nope"); //Change the template so it detects version installed and knows where to look } }
/// <summary> /// Export xti file for a given device number under the IO (Will retain mappings by default) /// </summary> /// <param name="deviceNumber"></param> public Boolean exportHardwareXTI(int deviceNumber) { try { //ITcSmTreeItem io = SystemManager.LookupTreeItem("TIID"); ITcSmTreeItem deviceName = Io.Child[deviceNumber]; Io.ExportChild(deviceName.Name, ConfigFolder + IoFile); return(true); } catch { return(false); } }
public SolutionHandler(string filePath, string FileName) { this.BASEFOLDER = filePath; this._solutionName = _tcProjectName = FileName; this.adsClient = new TcAdsClient(); MessageFilter.Register(); /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- * Creates new solution based off of TwinCAT's XAE and PLC templates. * -----------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (dte == null) { CreateNewProject(); } pro = sol.Projects.Item(1); sysMan = (ITcSysManager11)pro.Object; //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000); ITcSmTreeItem plc = sysMan.LookupTreeItem("TIPC"); plc.CreateChild("Untitled1", 0, "", "Standard PLC Template"); //---Navigate to References node and cast to Library Manager interface ITcSmTreeItem references = sysMan.LookupTreeItem("TIPC^Untitled1^Untitled1 Project^References"); ITcPlcLibraryManager libraryManager = (ITcPlcLibraryManager)this.RetrieveLibMan(); /* ------------------------------------------------------ * Check to see if library already exists, if it does it will delete before adding to avoid any exceptions. * ------------------------------------------------------ */ foreach (ITcPlcLibRef libraryReference in libraryManager.References) { if (libraryReference is ITcPlcLibrary) { ITcPlcLibrary library = (ITcPlcLibrary)libraryReference; if (library.Name == "MDR_Control") { DeleteLibrary(ref libraryManager); } } } /* ------------------------------------------------------ * Add our MDR library to the project References. * ------------------------------------------------------ */ AddLibrary(ref libraryManager); MessageFilter.Revoke(); }//Constructor()
public static bool SearchForSubItem(string itemToLookFor, ref ITcSmTreeItem parentItem, ref ITcSmTreeItem childItem) { try { childItem = parentItem.LookupChild(itemToLookFor); Console.WriteLine(itemToLookFor + " item found."); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(itemToLookFor + " item not found. Exiting on Enter."); Console.Read(); Environment.Exit(-1); } return(true); }
private ITcSmTreeItem CreateBox(ITcSmTreeItem parent, BoxInfo boxInfo, IWorker worker) { worker.ProgressStatus = string.Format("Creating Box '{0}' ({1})...", boxInfo.Name, boxInfo.Type); ITcSmTreeItem ret = parent.CreateChild(boxInfo.Name, (int)BoxType.EtherCAT_EXXXXX, "", boxInfo.Type); if (boxInfo.ChildBoxes != null) { foreach (BoxInfo child in boxInfo.ChildBoxes) { ITcSmTreeItem tcChild = CreateBox(ret, child, worker); } } return(ret); }
protected void CreateMotion(IWorker worker) { if (worker.CancellationPending) { throw new Exception("Execution cancelled!"); } OrderScriptContext context = (OrderScriptContext)_context; ConfigurationInfo configurationInfo = context.Order.ConfigurationInfo; ITcSmTreeItem ncConfig = systemManager.LookupTreeItem("TINC"); foreach (TaskInfo taskInfo in configurationInfo.MotionTasks) { ITcSmTreeItem task = null; worker.ProgressStatus = string.Format("Creating Motion Task '{0}'", taskInfo.Name); if (!TryLookupChild(ncConfig, taskInfo.Name, out task)) { task = ncConfig.CreateChild(taskInfo.Name, 1); } ITcSmTreeItem axes = null; TryLookupChild(task, "Axes", out axes); if (axes == null) { TryLookupChild(task, "Achsen", out axes); } foreach (AxisInfo axisInfo in taskInfo.Axes) { if (worker.CancellationPending) { throw new Exception("Execution cancelled!"); } ITcSmTreeItem axis = null; worker.ProgressStatus = string.Format("Creating Axis '{0}'", axisInfo.Name); if (!TryLookupChild(axes, axisInfo.Name, out axis)) { axis = axes.CreateChild(axisInfo.Name, 1); ConsumeTemplate(axis, axisInfo.TemplatePath); } } } }