Esempio n. 1
        public void AddOptions(OptionSet options)
            ArgumentUtility.CheckNotNull("options", options);

                "Mark affected methods with custom attribute [None | Generated | Custom] (default = Generated)",
                att => _mode = (AttributeMode)Enum.Parse(typeof(AttributeMode), att));
                "The unspeakable prefix for the virtual method. (default value: '<>virtualized_')",
                prefix => _unspeakablePrefix = prefix);
                "Fullname of the attribute type (default value: 'NonVirtualAttributeNonVirtualAttribute').",
                at => {
                _attName      = at.Substring(at.LastIndexOf(".") + 1, at.Length - at.LastIndexOf(".") - 1);
                _attNamespace = at.Substring(0, at.LastIndexOf("."));
                "Assembly containing the custom attribute (dll or exe). ONLY applicable in 'Custom' attribute mode!",
                custAtt => _attributeAssembly = custAtt);

            _selectionFactory = new TargetSelectorFactory();
Esempio n. 2
        public void OverrideMethods_MarksAssemblyWithMatchingMethodsModified()
            _options.Parse(new[] { "--regex=(.*)" });
            MethodDefinition methodMain = _assemblyDefinition.MainModule.Types[1].Methods[0];

            Assert.That(_tracker.IsModified(_assemblyDefinition), Is.False);
            _codeGenerator.Expect(s => s.GenerateMethodAndMoveBody(Arg <MethodDefinition> .Is.Anything)).
            Return(new MethodDefinition("GeneratedMethod", MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.Virtual, methodMain.ReturnType));
            _codeGenerator.Expect(s => s.GenerateMethodAndMoveBody(Arg <MethodDefinition> .Is.Anything)).
            Return(new MethodDefinition("GeneratedMethod", MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.Virtual, methodMain.ReturnType));


            Assert.That(_tracker.IsModified(_assemblyDefinition), Is.True);
        public void AddOptions(OptionSet options)
            ArgumentUtility.CheckNotNull ("options", options);

              options.Add (
            "Mark affected methods with custom attribute [None | Generated | Custom] (default = Generated)",
            att => _mode = (AttributeMode) Enum.Parse (typeof (AttributeMode), att));
              options.Add (
            "The unspeakable prefix for the virtual method. (default value: '<>virtualized_')",
            prefix => _unspeakablePrefix = prefix);
              options.Add (
            "Fullname of the attribute type (default value: 'NonVirtualAttributeNonVirtualAttribute').",
              at => {
                _attName = at.Substring (at.LastIndexOf (".") + 1, at.Length - at.LastIndexOf (".") - 1);
                _attNamespace = at.Substring (0, at.LastIndexOf ("."));
              } );
              options.Add (
            "Assembly containing the custom attribute (dll or exe). ONLY applicable in 'Custom' attribute mode!",
            custAtt => _attributeAssembly = custAtt);

              _selectionFactory = new TargetSelectorFactory ();
              _selectionFactory.AddOptions (options);