bool SaveIssue()
            Issue newIssue = new Issue(IssueId, ProjectId, txtTitle.Text, dropCats.SelectedValue, dropMilestone.SelectedValue, dropPriority.SelectedValue, dropStatus.SelectedValue, dropAssigned.SelectedValue, dropOwned.SelectedValue, User.Identity.Name);

            if (!newIssue.Save())
                lblError.Text = "Could not save issue";

            IssueId = newIssue.Id;

            if (!CustomField.SaveCustomFieldValues(IssueId, ctlCustomFields.Values))
                lblError.Text = "Could not save issue custom fields";

            ITUser user = ITUser.GetUserByUsername(User.Identity.Name);

            AddEntryActivity(user.Id, ProjectId, dropCats.SelectedValue, DateTime.Now, txtTitle.Text, 1);

Esempio n. 2
        // Application_AuthenticateRequest Event
        // If the client is authenticated with the application, then determine
        // which security roles he/she belongs to and replace the "User" intrinsic
        // with a custom IPrincipal security object that permits "User.IsInRole"
        // role checks within the application
        // Roles are cached in the browser in an in-memory encrypted cookie.  If the
        // cookie doesn't exist yet for this session, create it.

        protected void Application_AuthenticateRequest(Object sender, EventArgs e)
            string userInformation = String.Empty;

            if (Request.IsAuthenticated == true)
                // Create the roles cookie if it doesn't exist yet for this session.
                if ((Request.Cookies[Globals.UserRoles] == null) || (Request.Cookies[Globals.UserRoles].Value == ""))
                    // Retrieve the user's role and ID information and add it to
                    // the cookie
                    ITUser user = ITUser.GetUserByUsername(Context.User.Identity.Name);
                    if (user == null)
                        // The user was not found in the Issue Tracker database so add them using
                        // the default role.  Specifying a UserID of 0 will result in the user being
                        // inserted into the database.
                        ITUser newUser = new ITUser(DefaultValues.GetUserIdMinValue(), Context.User.Identity.Name, Globals.DefaultRoleForNewUser);
                        user = newUser;

                    // Create a string to persist the role and user id
                    userInformation = user.Id + ";" + user.RoleName + ";" + user.Username;

                    // Create a cookie authentication ticket.
                    FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(
                        1,                                                      // version
                        User.Identity.Name,                                     // user name
                        DateTime.Now,                                           // issue time
                        DateTime.Now.AddHours(1),                               // expires every hour
                        false,                                                  // don't persist cookie

                    // Encrypt the ticket
                    String cookieStr = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(ticket);

                    // Send the cookie to the client
                    Response.Cookies[Globals.UserRoles].Value   = cookieStr;
                    Response.Cookies[Globals.UserRoles].Path    = "/";
                    Response.Cookies[Globals.UserRoles].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(1);

                    // Add our own custom principal to the request containing the user's identity, the user id, and
                    // the user's role
                    Context.User = new CustomPrincipal(User.Identity, user.Id, user.RoleName, user.Username);
                    // Get roles from roles cookie
                    FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket = FormsAuthentication.Decrypt(Context.Request.Cookies[Globals.UserRoles].Value);
                    userInformation = ticket.UserData;

                    // Add our own custom principal to the request containing the user's identity, the user id, and
                    // the user's role from the auth ticket
                    string [] info = userInformation.Split(new char[] { ';' });
                    Context.User = new CustomPrincipal(