Esempio n. 1
        public SyncResult DoPush(IEnumerable <FileSystemInfo> files, string remotePath, ISyncProgressMonitor monitor)
            if (monitor == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("monitor", "Monitor cannot be null");

            // check if we're canceled
            if (monitor.IsCanceled)
                return(new SyncResult(ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_CANCELED));

            foreach (FileSystemInfo f in files)
                // check if we're canceled
                if (monitor.IsCanceled)
                    return(new SyncResult(ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_CANCELED));

                // append the name of the directory/file to the remote path
                string dest = LinuxPath.Combine(remotePath, f.Name);
                if (f.Exists)
                    if (f.IsDirectory())
                        DirectoryInfo fsiDir = f as DirectoryInfo;
                        monitor.StartSubTask(f.FullName, dest);
                        SyncResult result = this.DoPush(fsiDir.GetFileSystemInfos(), dest, monitor);

                        if (result.Code != ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_OK)

                    else if (f.IsFile())
                        monitor.StartSubTask(f.FullName, dest);
                        SyncResult result = this.DoPushFile(f.FullName, dest, monitor);
                        if (result.Code != ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_OK)

            return(new SyncResult(ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_OK));
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entries"></param>
        /// <param name="localPath"></param>
        /// <param name="fls"></param>
        /// <param name="monitor"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException">Throws if unable to create a file or folder</exception>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the ISyncProgressMonitor is null</exception>
        private SyncResult DoPull(IEnumerable <FileEntry> entries, string localPath, FileListingService fileListingService, ISyncProgressMonitor monitor)
            if (monitor == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("monitor", "Monitor cannot be null");

            // check if we're cancelled
            if (monitor.IsCanceled)
                return(new SyncResult(ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_CANCELED));

            // check if we need to create the local directory
            DirectoryInfo localDir = new DirectoryInfo(localPath);

            if (!localDir.Exists)
                localDir.Create( );

            foreach (FileEntry e in entries)
                // check if we're canceled
                if (monitor.IsCanceled)
                    return(new SyncResult(ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_CANCELED));

                // the destination item (folder or file)

                String dest = Path.Combine(localPath, e.Name);

                // get type (we only pull directory and files for now)
                FileListingService.FileTypes type = e.Type;
                if (type == FileListingService.FileTypes.Directory)
                    monitor.StartSubTask(e.FullPath, dest);
                    // then recursively call the content. Since we did a ls command
                    // to get the number of files, we can use the cache
                    FileEntry[] children = fileListingService.GetChildren(e, true, null);
                    SyncResult  result   = DoPull(children, dest, fileListingService, monitor);
                    if (result.Code != ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_OK)
                else if (type == FileListingService.FileTypes.File)
                    monitor.StartSubTask(e.FullPath, dest);
                    SyncResult result = DoPullFile(e.FullPath, dest, monitor);
                    if (result.Code != ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_OK)
                else if (type == FileListingService.FileTypes.Link)
                    monitor.StartSubTask(e.FullPath, dest);
                    SyncResult result = DoPullFile(e.FullResolvedPath, dest, monitor);
                    if (result.Code != ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_OK)
                    Log.d("ddms-sync", String.Format("unknown type to transfer: {0}", type));

            return(new SyncResult(ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_OK));
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Pulls a remote file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="remotePath">the remote file (length max is 1024)</param>
        /// <param name="localPath">the local destination</param>
        /// <param name="monitor">the monitor. The monitor must be started already.</param>
        /// <returns>a SyncResult object with a code and an optional message.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Throws if monitor is null</exception>
        private SyncResult DoPullFile(string remotePath, string localPath, ISyncProgressMonitor monitor)
            if (monitor == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("monitor", "Monitor cannot be null");

            byte[] msg        = null;
            byte[] pullResult = new byte[8];

            int timeOut = DdmPreferences.Timeout;

            try {
                byte[] remotePathContent = remotePath.GetBytes(AdbHelper.DEFAULT_ENCODING);

                if (remotePathContent.Length > REMOTE_PATH_MAX_LENGTH)
                    return(new SyncResult(ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_REMOTE_PATH_LENGTH));

                // create the full request message
                msg = CreateFileRequest(RECV.GetBytes( ), remotePathContent);

                // and send it.
                AdbHelper.Instance.Write(Channel, msg, -1, timeOut);

                // read the result, in a byte array containing 2 ints
                // (id, size)
                AdbHelper.Instance.Read(Channel, pullResult, -1, timeOut);

                // check we have the proper data back
                if (CheckResult(pullResult, DATA.GetBytes( )) == false &&
                    CheckResult(pullResult, DONE.GetBytes( )) == false)
                    return(new SyncResult(ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_CONNECTION_ERROR));
            } catch (EncoderFallbackException e) {
                Log.e(TAG, e);
                return(new SyncResult(ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_REMOTE_PATH_ENCODING, e));
            } catch (IOException e) {
                Log.e(TAG, e);
                return(new SyncResult(ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_CONNECTION_ERROR, e));

            // access the destination file
            FileInfo f = new FileInfo(localPath);

            // create the stream to write in the file. We use a new try/catch block to differentiate
            // between file and network io exceptions.
            FileStream fos = null;

            try {
                fos = new FileStream(f.FullName, System.IO.FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
            } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
                return(new SyncResult(ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_FILE_WRITE_ERROR, e));

            // the buffer to read the data
            byte[] data = new byte[SYNC_DATA_MAX];
            using ( fos ) {
                // loop to get data until we're done.
                while (true)
                    // check if we're canceled
                    if (monitor.IsCanceled)
                        return(new SyncResult(ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_CANCELED));

                    // if we're done, we stop the loop
                    if (CheckResult(pullResult, DONE.GetBytes( )))
                    if (CheckResult(pullResult, DATA.GetBytes( )) == false)
                        // hmm there's an error
                        return(new SyncResult(ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_CONNECTION_ERROR));
                    int length = pullResult.Swap32bitFromArray(4);
                    if (length > SYNC_DATA_MAX)
                        // buffer overrun!
                        // error and exit
                        return(new SyncResult(ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_BUFFER_OVERRUN));

                    try {
                        // now read the length we received
                        AdbHelper.Instance.Read(Channel, data, length, timeOut);

                        // get the header for the next packet.
                        AdbHelper.Instance.Read(Channel, pullResult, -1, timeOut);
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        Log.e(TAG, e);
                        return(new SyncResult(ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_CONNECTION_ERROR, e));
                    // write the content in the file
                    try {
                        fos.Write(data, 0, length);
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        return(new SyncResult(ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_FILE_WRITE_ERROR, e));


                try {
                    fos.Flush( );
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    Log.e(TAG, e);
                    return(new SyncResult(ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_FILE_WRITE_ERROR, e));
            return(new SyncResult(ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_OK));
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Push a single file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="local">the local file to push</param>
        /// <param name="remotePath">the remote file (length max is 1024)</param>
        /// <param name="monitor">the monitor. The monitor must be started already.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// a SyncResult object with a code and an optional message.
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">monitor;Monitor cannot be null</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Throws if monitor is null</exception>
        private SyncResult DoPushFile(string local, string remotePath, ISyncProgressMonitor monitor)
            if (monitor == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("monitor", "Monitor cannot be null");

            FileStream fs = null;

            byte[] msg;

            int timeOut = DdmPreferences.Timeout;

            Log.d(TAG, "Remote File: {0}", remotePath);
            try {
                byte[] remotePathContent = remotePath.GetBytes(AdbHelper.DEFAULT_ENCODING);

                if (remotePathContent.Length > REMOTE_PATH_MAX_LENGTH)
                    return(new SyncResult(ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_REMOTE_PATH_LENGTH));

                // this shouldn't happen but still...
                if (!File.Exists(local))
                    return(new SyncResult(ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_NO_LOCAL_FILE));

                // create the stream to read the file
                fs = new FileStream(local, System.IO.FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);

                // create the header for the action
                msg = CreateSendFileRequest(SEND.GetBytes( ), remotePathContent, (FileMode)0644);
            } catch (EncoderFallbackException e) {
                return(new SyncResult(ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_REMOTE_PATH_ENCODING, e));
            } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
                return(new SyncResult(ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_FILE_READ_ERROR, e));

            // and send it. We use a custom try/catch block to make the difference between
            // file and network IO exceptions.
            try {
                AdbHelper.Instance.Write(Channel, msg, -1, timeOut);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                return(new SyncResult(ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_CONNECTION_ERROR, e));

            // create the buffer used to read.
            // we read max SYNC_DATA_MAX, but we need 2 4 bytes at the beginning.
            if (DataBuffer == null)
                DataBuffer = new byte[SYNC_DATA_MAX + 8];
            byte[] bDATA = DATA.GetBytes( );
            Array.Copy(bDATA, 0, DataBuffer, 0, bDATA.Length);

            // look while there is something to read
            while (true)
                // check if we're canceled
                if (monitor.IsCanceled)
                    return(new SyncResult(ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_CANCELED));

                // read up to SYNC_DATA_MAX
                int readCount = 0;
                try {
                    readCount = fs.Read(DataBuffer, 8, SYNC_DATA_MAX);
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    return(new SyncResult(ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_FILE_READ_ERROR, e));

                if (readCount == 0)
                    // we reached the end of the file

                // now send the data to the device
                // first write the amount read
                readCount.Swap32bitsToArray(DataBuffer, 4);

                // now write it
                try {
                    AdbHelper.Instance.Write(Channel, DataBuffer, readCount + 8, timeOut);
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    return(new SyncResult(ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_CONNECTION_ERROR, e));

                // and advance the monitor
            // close the local file
            try {
                fs.Close( );
            } catch (IOException e) {
                return(new SyncResult(ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_FILE_READ_ERROR, e));

            try {
                // create the DONE message
                long time = DateTime.Now.CurrentTimeMillis( ) / 1000;
                msg = CreateRequest(DONE, (int)time);

                // and send it.
                AdbHelper.Instance.Write(Channel, msg, -1, timeOut);

                // read the result, in a byte array containing 2 ints
                // (id, size)
                byte[] result = new byte[8];
                AdbHelper.Instance.Read(Channel, result, -1 /* full length */, timeOut);

                if (!CheckResult(result, OKAY.GetBytes( )))
                    if (CheckResult(result, FAIL.GetBytes( )))
                        // read some error message...
                        int len = result.Swap32bitFromArray(4);

                        AdbHelper.Instance.Read(Channel, DataBuffer, len, timeOut);

                        // output the result?
                        String message = DataBuffer.GetString(0, len);
                        Log.e("ddms", "transfer error: " + message);
                        return(new SyncResult(ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_UNKNOWN_ERROR, message));

                    return(new SyncResult(ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_UNKNOWN_ERROR));
            } catch (IOException e) {
                return(new SyncResult(ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_CONNECTION_ERROR, e));

            // files pushed have no permissions...
            // lets check if we can get to the file...
            if (this.Device.FileSystem.Exists(remotePath))
                this.Device.FileSystem.Chmod(remotePath, "0666");
            return(new SyncResult(ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_OK));
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Push a single file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="local">the local file to push</param>
        /// <param name="remotePath">the remote file (length max is 1024)</param>
        /// <param name="monitor">the monitor. The monitor must be started already.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// a SyncResult object with a code and an optional message.
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">monitor;Monitor cannot be null</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Throws if monitor is null</exception>
        private SyncResult DoPushFile( string local, string remotePath, ISyncProgressMonitor monitor )
            if ( monitor == null ) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException ( "monitor", "Monitor cannot be null" );

            FileStream fs = null;
            byte[] msg;

            int timeOut = DdmPreferences.Timeout;
            Console.WriteLine ( "Remote File: {0}", remotePath );
            try {
                byte[] remotePathContent = remotePath.GetBytes ( AdbHelper.DEFAULT_ENCODING );

                if ( remotePathContent.Length > REMOTE_PATH_MAX_LENGTH ) {
                    return new SyncResult ( ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_REMOTE_PATH_LENGTH );

                // this shouldn't happen but still...
                if ( !File.Exists ( local ) ) {
                    return new SyncResult ( ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_NO_LOCAL_FILE );

                // create the stream to read the file
                fs = new FileStream ( local, System.IO.FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read );

                // create the header for the action
                msg = CreateSendFileRequest ( SEND.GetBytes ( ), remotePathContent, (FileMode)0644 );
            } catch ( EncoderFallbackException e ) {
                return new SyncResult ( ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_REMOTE_PATH_ENCODING, e );
            } catch ( FileNotFoundException e ) {
                return new SyncResult ( ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_FILE_READ_ERROR, e );

            // and send it. We use a custom try/catch block to make the difference between
            // file and network IO exceptions.
            try {
                AdbHelper.Instance.Write ( Channel, msg, -1, timeOut );
            } catch ( IOException e ) {
                return new SyncResult ( ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_CONNECTION_ERROR, e );

            // create the buffer used to read.
            // we read max SYNC_DATA_MAX, but we need 2 4 bytes at the beginning.
            if ( DataBuffer == null ) {
                DataBuffer = new byte[SYNC_DATA_MAX + 8];
            byte[] bDATA = DATA.GetBytes ( );
            Array.Copy ( bDATA, 0, DataBuffer, 0, bDATA.Length );

            // look while there is something to read
            while ( true ) {
                // check if we're canceled
                if ( monitor.IsCanceled ) {
                    return new SyncResult ( ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_CANCELED );

                // read up to SYNC_DATA_MAX
                int readCount = 0;
                try {
                    readCount = fs.Read ( DataBuffer, 8, SYNC_DATA_MAX );
                } catch ( IOException e ) {
                    return new SyncResult ( ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_FILE_READ_ERROR, e );

                if ( readCount == 0 ) {
                    // we reached the end of the file

                // now send the data to the device
                // first write the amount read
                readCount.Swap32bitsToArray(DataBuffer, 4);

                // now write it
                try {
                    AdbHelper.Instance.Write ( Channel, DataBuffer, readCount + 8, timeOut );
                } catch ( IOException e ) {
                    return new SyncResult ( ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_CONNECTION_ERROR, e );

                // and advance the monitor
                monitor.Advance ( readCount );
            // close the local file
            try {
                fs.Close ( );
            } catch ( IOException e ) {
                return new SyncResult ( ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_FILE_READ_ERROR, e );

            try {
                // create the DONE message
                long time = DateTime.Now.CurrentTimeMillis ( ) / 1000;
                msg = CreateRequest ( DONE, (int)time );

                // and send it.
                AdbHelper.Instance.Write ( Channel, msg, -1, timeOut );

                // read the result, in a byte array containing 2 ints
                // (id, size)
                byte[] result = new byte[8];
                AdbHelper.Instance.Read ( Channel, result, -1 /* full length */, timeOut );

                if ( !CheckResult ( result, OKAY.GetBytes ( ) ) ) {
                    if ( CheckResult ( result, FAIL.GetBytes ( ) ) ) {
                        // read some error message...
                        int len = result.Swap32bitFromArray ( 4 );

                        AdbHelper.Instance.Read ( Channel, DataBuffer, len, timeOut );

                        // output the result?
                        String message = DataBuffer.GetString ( 0, len );
                        Log.e ( "ddms", "transfer error: " + message );
                        return new SyncResult ( ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_UNKNOWN_ERROR, message );

                    return new SyncResult ( ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_UNKNOWN_ERROR );
            } catch ( IOException e ) {
                return new SyncResult ( ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_CONNECTION_ERROR, e );

            // files pushed have no permissions...
            // lets check if we can get to the file...
            if(this.Device.FileSystem.Exists(remotePath)) {
                this.Device.FileSystem.Chmod(remotePath, "0666");
            return new SyncResult ( ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_OK );
Esempio n. 6
        private SyncResult DoPush( IEnumerable<FileSystemInfo> files, string remotePath, ISyncProgressMonitor monitor )
            if ( monitor == null ) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException ( "monitor", "Monitor cannot be null" );

            // check if we're canceled
            if ( monitor.IsCanceled ) {
                return new SyncResult ( ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_CANCELED );

            foreach ( FileSystemInfo f in files ) {
                // check if we're canceled
                if ( monitor.IsCanceled ) {
                    return new SyncResult ( ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_CANCELED );
                // append the name of the directory/file to the remote path
                String dest = LinuxPath.Combine ( remotePath, f.Name );
                if ( f.Exists ) {
                    if ( f.IsDirectory ( ) ) {
                        DirectoryInfo fsiDir = f as DirectoryInfo;
                        monitor.StartSubTask ( f.FullName, dest );
                        SyncResult result = DoPush ( fsiDir.GetFileSystemInfos ( ), dest, monitor );

                        if ( result.Code != ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_OK ) {
                            return result;

                        monitor.Advance ( 1 );
                    } else if ( f.IsFile ( ) ) {
                        monitor.StartSubTask ( f.FullName, dest );
                        SyncResult result = DoPushFile ( f.FullName, dest, monitor );
                        if ( result.Code != ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_OK ) {
                            return result;

            return new SyncResult ( ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_OK );
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Pulls a remote file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="remotePath">the remote file (length max is 1024)</param>
        /// <param name="localPath">the local destination</param>
        /// <param name="monitor">the monitor. The monitor must be started already.</param>
        /// <returns>a SyncResult object with a code and an optional message.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Throws if monitor is null</exception>
        private SyncResult DoPullFile( string remotePath, string localPath, ISyncProgressMonitor monitor )
            if ( monitor == null ) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException ( "monitor", "Monitor cannot be null" );

            byte[] msg = null;
            byte[] pullResult = new byte[8];

            int timeOut = DdmPreferences.Timeout;

            try {
                byte[] remotePathContent = remotePath.GetBytes ( AdbHelper.DEFAULT_ENCODING );

                if ( remotePathContent.Length > REMOTE_PATH_MAX_LENGTH ) {
                    return new SyncResult ( ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_REMOTE_PATH_LENGTH );

                // create the full request message
                msg = CreateFileRequest ( RECV.GetBytes ( ), remotePathContent );

                // and send it.
                AdbHelper.Instance.Write ( Channel, msg, -1, timeOut );

                // read the result, in a byte array containing 2 ints
                // (id, size)
                AdbHelper.Instance.Read ( Channel, pullResult, -1, timeOut );

                // check we have the proper data back
                if ( CheckResult ( pullResult, DATA.GetBytes ( ) ) == false &&
                                CheckResult ( pullResult, DONE.GetBytes ( ) ) == false ) {
                    return new SyncResult ( ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_CONNECTION_ERROR );
            } catch ( EncoderFallbackException e ) {
                Console.WriteLine ( e );
                return new SyncResult ( ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_REMOTE_PATH_ENCODING, e );
            } catch ( IOException e ) {
                Console.WriteLine ( e );
                return new SyncResult ( ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_CONNECTION_ERROR, e );

            // access the destination file
            FileInfo f = new FileInfo ( localPath );

            // create the stream to write in the file. We use a new try/catch block to differentiate
            // between file and network io exceptions.
            FileStream fos = null;
            try {
                fos = new FileStream ( f.FullName,System.IO.FileMode.Create,FileAccess.Write );
            } catch ( FileNotFoundException e ) {
                return new SyncResult ( ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_FILE_WRITE_ERROR, e );

            // the buffer to read the data
            byte[] data = new byte[SYNC_DATA_MAX];
            using ( fos ) {
                // loop to get data until we're done.
                while ( true ) {
                    // check if we're canceled
                    if ( monitor.IsCanceled ) {
                        return new SyncResult ( ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_CANCELED );

                    // if we're done, we stop the loop
                    if ( CheckResult ( pullResult, DONE.GetBytes ( ) ) ) {
                    if ( CheckResult ( pullResult, DATA.GetBytes ( ) ) == false ) {
                        // hmm there's an error
                        return new SyncResult ( ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_CONNECTION_ERROR );
                    int length = pullResult.Swap32bitFromArray ( 4 );
                    if ( length > SYNC_DATA_MAX ) {
                        // buffer overrun!
                        // error and exit
                        return new SyncResult ( ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_BUFFER_OVERRUN );

                    try {
                        // now read the length we received
                        AdbHelper.Instance.Read ( Channel, data, length, timeOut );

                        // get the header for the next packet.
                        AdbHelper.Instance.Read ( Channel, pullResult, -1, timeOut );
                    } catch ( IOException e ) {
                        Console.WriteLine ( e );
                        return new SyncResult ( ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_CONNECTION_ERROR, e );
                    // write the content in the file
                    try {
                        fos.Write ( data, 0, length );
                    } catch ( IOException e ) {
                        return new SyncResult ( ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_FILE_WRITE_ERROR, e );

                    monitor.Advance ( length );

                try {
                    fos.Flush ( );
                } catch ( IOException e ) {
                    Console.WriteLine ( e );
                    return new SyncResult ( ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_FILE_WRITE_ERROR, e );
            return new SyncResult ( ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_OK );
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entries"></param>
        /// <param name="localPath"></param>
        /// <param name="fls"></param>
        /// <param name="monitor"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException">Throws if unable to create a file or folder</exception>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the ISyncProgressMonitor is null</exception>
        private SyncResult DoPull( IEnumerable<FileEntry> entries, string localPath, FileListingService fileListingService, ISyncProgressMonitor monitor )
            if ( monitor == null ) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException ( "monitor", "Monitor cannot be null" );

            // check if we're cancelled
            if ( monitor.IsCanceled ) {

                return new SyncResult ( ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_CANCELED );

            // check if we need to create the local directory
            DirectoryInfo localDir = new DirectoryInfo ( localPath );
            if ( !localDir.Exists ) {
                localDir.Create ( );

            foreach ( FileEntry e in entries ) {
                // check if we're canceled
                if ( monitor.IsCanceled ) {
                    return new SyncResult ( ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_CANCELED );

                // the destination item (folder or file)

                String dest = Path.Combine ( localPath, e.Name );

                // get type (we only pull directory and files for now)
                FileListingService.FileTypes type = e.Type;
                if ( type == FileListingService.FileTypes.Directory ) {
                    monitor.StartSubTask ( e.FullPath, dest );
                    // then recursively call the content. Since we did a ls command
                    // to get the number of files, we can use the cache
                    FileEntry[] children = fileListingService.GetChildren ( e, true, null );
                    SyncResult result = DoPull ( children, dest, fileListingService, monitor );
                    if ( result.Code != ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_OK ) {
                        return result;
                    monitor.Advance ( 1 );
                } else if ( type == FileListingService.FileTypes.File ) {
                    monitor.StartSubTask ( e.FullPath, dest );
                    SyncResult result = DoPullFile ( e.FullPath, dest, monitor );
                    if ( result.Code != ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_OK ) {
                        return result;
                } else if ( type == FileListingService.FileTypes.Link ) {
                    monitor.StartSubTask ( e.FullPath, dest );
                    SyncResult result = DoPullFile ( e.FullResolvedPath, dest, monitor );
                    if ( result.Code != ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_OK ) {
                        return result;
                } else {
                    Log.d ( "ddms-sync", String.Format ( "unknown type to transfer: {0}", type ) );

            return new SyncResult ( ErrorCodeHelper.RESULT_OK );