public void Save(ISuspeciousItem record) { UploadBlobHttpTriggerFunc. if (record.ItemType == ItemType.Domain) { } if (record.ItemType == ItemType.Domain) { } }
//private const string STORAGE_KEY = "XeOy+4HJfX0654tURCv+BC7HLvEO5CN9kH1bWpZrAunYrACg2K6EJ09b0txMWUOtdjnZAnIC1lLUwhRh/Ryn3A=="; public static async Task <bool> CreateLogFileAsync(ISuspeciousItem record) { HttpResponseMessage PostResult = new HttpResponseMessage(); PostResult.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest; string content = string.Empty; Thread.Sleep(1000); using var client = new HttpClient(); var sendInfo = new { suspeciousItemName = record.ItemName, suspeciousItemDescription = record.ItemDescription }; var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(sendInfo); var data = new StringContent(json, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); PostResult = await client.PostAsync(AZURE_SERVER_URI, data); content = await PostResult.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); Console.WriteLine(PostResult.StatusCode + " " + content); return(PostResult.IsSuccessStatusCode); }
public bool PopulateSuspeciousItem(ISuspeciousItem item) { try { //_pool.WaitOne(); if (item is DomainItem) { PopulateDomainItem(item as DomainItem, eventReset); } if (item is HashItem) { PopulateHashItem(item as HashItem, eventReset); } eventReset.WaitOne(); //_pool.WaitOne(); return(true); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception($"PopulateSuspeciousItem failed due to the below issue:\n{e.InnerException}"); } }