Esempio n. 1
        public async Task Subscribe(ISupportManagerApi api, Interaction interaction, Configuration configuration, User user, UserDbContext db)
            var opt = (SubscriptionLevel)await interaction.ReadOption(
                "What forwarding changes do you want to receive?",
                Enum.GetValues(typeof(SubscriptionLevel)).Cast <SubscriptionLevel>(), level =>
                switch (level)
                case SubscriptionLevel.None: return("None");

                case SubscriptionLevel.ToMe: return("Only when forwarding to me");

                case SubscriptionLevel.FromOrToMe:
                    return("When forwarding to me, or previously was forwarded to me");

                case SubscriptionLevel.All: return("Any change");

                    throw new ArgumentException();
            }, level => (int)level);

            var uri = new Uri(configuration.HostUri, $"/{user.UserId}");
            await api.Subscribe(uri.ToString());

            user.SubscriptionLevel = opt;
            await db.SaveChangesAsync();

            await interaction.Write("Subscription level changed");
Esempio n. 2
        public async Task GetStatus(Interaction interaction, ISupportManagerApi api)
            var status = await api.GetTeamStatus(await interaction.ReadTeam("For which *team* do you want to view the status?"));

            var scheduled = status.ScheduledForward == null
                ? "Nothing scheduled"
                : FormatRegistration(status.ScheduledForward);
            await interaction.Write($"Current status:\n{FormatRegistration(status.CurrentForward)}\n\n{scheduled}");
Esempio n. 3
        public async Task GetSchedule(Interaction interaction, ISupportManagerApi api)
            var schedule = await api.GetTeamSchedule(await interaction.ReadTeam("For which *team* do you want to view the schedule?"));

            var reply = schedule.Any()
                ? string.Join("\n\n", schedule.Select(FormatRegistration))
                : "Nothing scheduled";
            await interaction.Write(reply);
Esempio n. 4
        public async Task Forward(ISupportManagerApi api, Interaction interaction)
            var teamId = await interaction.ReadTeam("For which *team* do you want to forward?");

            var phoneNumberId = await interaction.ReadPhoneNumber("*Who* do you want to forward to?", teamId);

            await api.SetForward(new SetForward { PhoneNumberId = phoneNumberId, TeamId = teamId });

            await interaction.Write("Queued redirect, please allow up to a minute for the status to update.");
Esempio n. 5
        public async Task Delete(ISupportManagerApi api, Interaction interaction)
            var teamId = await interaction.ReadTeam("For which *team* do you want to delete an entry?");

            var forwards = await api.GetTeamSchedule(teamId);

            var id = await interaction.ReadOption("Which entry do you want to delete?",
                                                  forwards.OrderBy(fwd => fwd.When), fwd => $"{fwd.When.ToHumanReadable()} {fwd.User.DisplayName}",
                                                  fwd => fwd.Id);

            var selected = forwards.Single(x => x.Id == id);

            await api.DeleteForward(id);

            await interaction.Write(
                $"Deleted schedule entry *{selected.When.ToHumanReadable()}* {selected.User.DisplayName}.");
Esempio n. 6
        public async Task Schedule(ISupportManagerApi api, Interaction interaction)
            var teamId = await interaction.ReadTeam("For which *team* do you want to schedule?");

            var date = await interaction.ReadDate("Which *day* do you want to schedule?");

            var minTime   = date.Equals(DateTime.Today) ? DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.Nullable() : null;
            var timeOfDay = await interaction.ReadTime("What *time* do you want to schedule?", minTime);

            var phoneNumberId = await interaction.ReadPhoneNumber("*Who* do you want to forward to?", teamId);

            await api.ScheduleForward(new ScheduleForward
                PhoneNumberId = phoneNumberId,
                TeamId        = teamId,
                When          = DateTime.SpecifyKind(date.Add(timeOfDay), DateTimeKind.Local)

            await interaction.Write("Forward scheduled!");
        public async Task <ISupportManagerApi> GetApi(string apiKey = null)
            if (api != null)

            if (apiKey == null)
                await RequireUser();

                apiKey = user.ApiKey;

            var httpClient =
                new HttpClient(new AuthenticatedHttpClientHandler(apiKey))
                BaseAddress = Configuration.SupportManagerUri

            api = RestService.For <ISupportManagerApi>(httpClient);
